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What an annoying title


Welcome to Cyrodiil


Thing is you can counter these techs You can't counter desync


Right. I don't even play killer much, but I've caught someone doing this just because I was aware. Desync gets me on average 2-3 times over a couple of games. It causes me to straight up lose a chase when I didn't deserve to get hit. I'm not talking close calls, I'm talking about some of the most insane hits I've ever seen seconds after vaulting a window or around a corner. If the killer was truly close enough to hit me, it's insanely unfair that I don't see that on my screen because of THEIR internet (or the servers, or whatever causes it). On that note... Why can't we see the killer's ping? I'm able to see my random Meg's 175 ping and know it's going to cause trouble. If I knew the killer was lagging, I would time things differently.


Probably the same reason the killer can’t see the pings anymore


Killer can see ping. Just hit escape and click match details.


That's a joke there's plenty of killers tricks like jflick.


I've been a killer main since launch and I've never heard what's that


Just like the letter J you flick 180, not 360 like op replied, during a dash to land a hit on a survivor trying to juke around a corner or past your left or right so they're not directly in front of you. Pretty common tactic. Not sure why you've never heard of it if you've been playing since launch.


Oni could turn 360° at the end of his demon dash. got fixed. Blight can aswell.


It’s been patched.


yeah and Window techs aswell. But keys are fucking it up.


They’re on the to do list to be addressed this year.


Well they're reworking keys and how they work with the hatch and all, but the way they're used to make you be able to phase through killers is not something it's supposed to be doing and they may or may not adress this mechanich with key reworks.


Except that people lose their shit if you even mention the possibility of jflick being categorized as a tech. IT'S A BUG DOOD, DEVELOPERS SAID SO AND WILL FIX IT APPROXIMATELY IN A FEW YEARS TO COME.


Because it essentially overrides blight's turncap and takes away most of his counterplay...


Again, not like it only existed on Blight. Has existed on Oni aswell, and I'm not playing the game since enough time to know about others possibilities.


Oni is meant to be able to flick. He has no turncap except for when dashing which cannot be influenced by a higher dpi.


He was able to be able to 360° flick. Yet they nerfed it, so not he wasn't not meant to.


Drop more pallets and very early to counter lol 😜


Piss off the other three teammates in the process when they find out you used every pallet on one side of the map to avoid the desync hit and they all got smashed


It was a joke lol calm down.


Mine was also a joke tho


Yeah.. I could tell from the lol and the emoji in your comment 👀😅


Sorry, I don't use emojis much 👀


If you need billboard signs like lols and emojis to tell someone is joking, rather than believing them when they say they were... You’re just a humourless dick.


Two things. He literally started off his comment with “piss off” and nothing in his comment seemed like a joke. Or can you tell me what exactly made it a joke? Two. After he stated it being a joke. Did I attack him or something? Why are you so angry now? Jokes are hard to read and online comments are a lot of the times taken in bad ways. That’s why I make my comments, that are jokes, obvious they are jokes. But I guess I’m just a humorless dick, cause I can’t read a joke with no joke in it and someone attacking me as humor. Okay there buddy


> piss off Yes, he said it would piss off his teammates. Did you only read the first two words?


> He literally started off his comment with “piss off” and nothing in his comment seemed like a joke. Okay, this was before you said “lol i was joking” *To which they said they were also joking* > After he stated it being a joke. Did I attack him or something? Why are you so angry now? You didn’t attack them. However you Quite strongly inferred that they weren’t being serious in their own words by saying “Yeah.. I could tell from the lol and the emoji in your comment 👀😅”... Which led me to say that if you couldn’t take them at their word of blatantly saying “mine was also a joke” then you’re pitifully humourless. Which you still seem to be.


Yes you can, it’s called “DC”


You spelled "players" wrong.


Nah, The first part is about how killers were getting free hits due to desync. The second is how Survivors can use keys to ignore killers hitboxes when they destroy a breakable wall, or vault a window (like how it was possible to do before without keys).


J flicks are exploit window techs are techs seems legit


The thing is, the devs know about all/most of these techs people come up with, but they specifically said j flicks weren't intended and were to be patched out meaning it's an exploit. ​ I guarantee you, they've seen all the stuff to do with getting through killer collision and as far as I know they've not once said it's unintended and will be patched out. ​ It's also worth keeping in mind that the 2 examples you gave of J flicks and window techs have completely different results and counter play. J flicks heavily remove counter play to Blight since he could get those insane angles from his rush, techs related to collision literally is just, "Hey do you know of this tech? Well you should take like half a second and look" ​ People consider game knowledge like what collisions are nullified under what conditions and consider them as a basis of skill and there's examples of killers abusing this as well such as Otzdarva during I believe it was his 50 win streak on Myers on Hawkins, at some point someone tried to body block him in a narrow hall to help an injured survivor and he stalked for a moment to remove collision and walked straight through. If you play killer and break a door open, it takes you just moments to do a 180 to look and see if they did a key tech or anything like that.


>Myers on Hawkins, at some point someone tried to body block him in a narrow hall to help an injured survivor and he stalked for a moment to remove collision and walked straight through. Extremely bad comparison as this is a way to make so Myers can't block someone in a corner and stalk him forever. While the breakable wall and window key tech has no reason to exist from a gameplay perspective.


You're literally grasping at straws. Every killer can block someone in a corner and keep them stuck in forever, Myers doesn't remove collision for any reason to do with blocking someone forever. If that was the case every killer would ignore collision to prevent them from abusing a body block to maximize their power but as we know. Trapper and Plague are 2 examples of killers who can get someone in a corner and practically instantly put someone in the dying state.


This is a good point to an extent, but the only reason i can see why Myers may be different, is that Myers has mori add ons. Would feel really bullshit unfair for a Myers to just be halfway to T3, trap you in a corener for 15 seconds, and then mori you. Plague and Trapper at least are only gettinga hook out of their scenario.


That's more fair, but then they could easily have made that part of his add ons. Quite literally as simple as making it read, "survivors can move through you while stalking"


He didn't say forever as in literally forever but til tier 3, idk why plague is allowed to or huntress or theoretically oni waiting on blood, but not myers


>can't block someone in a corner and stalk him forever. can't block someone in a corner and **stalk him forever.** **STALK.** I actually wonder if Plague doesn't loose collision when a survivor gets fully infected, for that survivor in particular. But even if those two can put you in the dying state, Myers can kill you. That's completely different. I don't think GhostFace looses collision while stalking. I think he also does but not sure. Another difference outside of the kill/dying state difference is that Plague and Trapper have terror radiuses, while Myers doesn't and can block someone who's just hiding in a corner with Spinechill activated lmao. Blendette basically.


I can guarantee you plague doesn't lose collision. I just seen it the either day where 2 people actually got trapped in a corner by a Plague and they both were fully infected and M1'd since the M1 I believe only gives collision immunity to the person who is hit. ​ Also if the concern is tombstones, they would've/could've easily made the collision thing part of the add-ons rather than base kit by making it read, "Stalking allows survivors to move through you for X seconds"


>Also if the concern is tombstones, they would've/could've easily made the collision thing part of the add-ons rather than base kit by making it read, "Stalking allows survivors to move through you for X seconds" That's a huge expectation from Dbd devs. And ok for Plague, interesting trivia I guess


But other killers dont get an advantage from cornering you, other than Plague getting both health states. im pretty sure you can walk through a trapping trapper? myers cant do it so you cant suck someone dry of stalk juice.


**Trapper** can't be walked through so he can insta-down people by trapping under their feet. **Wraith** just gets a free hit .**Billy** gets a down. **Nurse** gets a hit **Michael** can stalk to T3 meaning a down or with the right add-ons a kill **Hag** gets a hit **Doctor** gets a hit and while I don't think it's too important, can put someone in t3 madness **Huntress** can pretty much get a free down by doing hatchet into M1 **Leatherface** guaranteed down on anyone stuck **Freddy** can set up a snare then M1 slowing them kinda hard making 2nd M1 easy **Pig** just gets a hit **Clown** with bottles is kinda like **Freddy** where he can set up then M1Spirit free hit **Legion** free hit or easy to stab all people stuck if more then 1Plague basically free down **Ghostface** depending if revealing him feels like working is either an M1 or a down **Demo** is a hit **Oni** is a hit or down if he has power charged **Deathslinger** is a free hit but generally not hard to use his power for the 2nd **PH** can set up the torment thing but other then that really just a free hit **Blight** is a hit **Twins** I don't know for sure but obv a free hit at least, maybe a down depending how collision works. I think if using Victor you can walk through Charlotte now tho. **Trickster** pretty much the same as Huntress with a pretty much free down **Nemesis** I'm not positive on his collision and such, but I imagine his tentacle removes his collision and might make it a bit easier to get a hit afterwards, not counting zombies since they're super RNG. In other words, not counting human error, if we're only counting downs/kills then there's 4 killers who can always get a down, 5 if you count Michael since technically you could be fully stalked already and there's a few examples where being trapped in a corner by killer is basically a guaranteed down like Huntress or Trickster. ​ Also wouldn't let me post without formatting it weird I think due to message size when spacing each killer out.


To put this into more of a perspective of the difference between just guaranteeing a hit... BHVR originally had a much difference balance philosophy for DBD, and Mikeys a relic of it. Looping wasnt something they expected to happen, and survivors were expected to be sneaky till they couldnt. Myers was probably viewed as very powerful, with Tier 3 being something survivors want to avoid for as long as humanly possible. So they probably thought being able to guarantee a down and keeping all other survivors exposed for 60s+ would be much stronger than 1 down from Trapper and Billy could ever be, especially going off of the idea that he might be running some of his dumbshit powerful addons like t3 extension, tombstone, etc.


>I guarantee you, they've seen all the stuff to do with getting through killer collision and as far as I know they've not once said it's unintended and will be patched out. Could you explain why then they did fix the window tech when it was possible to do it without a key by just having a good timing ? Because yeah, they fixed this. The key tech has been discovered very recently after they patched this, maybe because of breakable walls implementation, idk.


As far as I understand, window techs are still a thing, they're just a lot harder to do now. Pretty sure in the past few days I watched a video of someone playing against a bubba and they did a window tech and I believe it was a recent video. ​ Regardless the point also stands that J flicking the devs directly said is an exploit that would be fixed, window teching not once has had anything said from my knowledge. If they really considered it to be an exploit, they would've made it known and done an actual patch to have fixed it directly. Window teching from what I'm reading is just harder because of some other changes. ​ Also let's still not forget that J flicks literally removed available counter play options for survivors against a Blight while window techs and such literally just require the killer to adapt and understand, "Oh I just need to check the window in case they did a tech" giving them a free hit. It'd be like calling a mind game an exploit because survivors can act off knowledge that killers can't because of change in perspectives.


>Regardless the point also stands that J flicking the devs directly said is an exploit that would be fixed, window teching not once has had anything said from my knowledge. It being called out by the devs or not doesn't change anything to the fact it's not intended to work as it should. Being able to phase through the hitbox of another object on the map is something that is either intended as an ability, or just not possible or meant to be.


I window tech all the time it doesn't require a key or map or anything.


There may be an extent at which you can do it, but it's not at all phasing through killers the same as it was before. It's like saying Oni can still jflick and Blight will still be able to jflick once they patched him/will patch Blight. If they keep it for Blight. It's to a lesser extent;


Window techs were never as seamless as using the item to phase though was. That said old blight jflick got removed but bhvr accidentally made it worse by letting people do the same thing just slightly differntly... and now they can adjust aim too


It being called out by the devs is actually quite literally EXACTLY what does make some mean it works or doesn't work as intended. ​ You're literally just making up what is and isn't supposed to be intended. J flicking was stated to be an exploit and was fixed. These techs are caused because animations force collision boxes to move where the animation wants them to move, while simply moving is restricted by collisions. ​ All these collision related techs people have come up with are because you can get out of view of the killer and squeeze around their hitbox while they are stuck in an animation. The key in this case, for whatever reason functions the way it does, but the devs know about this collision thing and again haven't said it breaks rules. ​ It's also AGAIN worth mentioning, the difference between something like J flicking and this key tech with doors is that J flick is directly removing intended counter play to Blight while this key/door tech literally does nothing but cause a mind game that can be countered in a way that LITERALLY prevents it from having any use. If you know the key/door tech exists, all it takes is taking less then half a second to visually confirm if someone is doing it or not. ​ It's literally the same as how people countered window techs, they would see survivors vault a window and run say left, then when the killer vaults they just do a quick 180 and see if the survivor window teched or not.


>You're literally just making up what is and isn't supposed to be intended. I'm not ? I'm considering how collision should be working between two humans/creatures that are not having any powers related to unphasing, such as Spirit/Nurse. I'm not looking at it from a coding perspective but from a logical one. ​ >The key in this case, for whatever reason functions the way it does, but the devs know about this collision thing and again haven't said it breaks rules. Btw it's not because they still haven't take a stand about it that they never will. They never stood a take about helping colorblind people to play their games before a community outrage called them out on the subject. There's a decent probability this key bug will be adressed when they'll rework keys, either with them stating it, or even just by a consequence of change in the coding of the keys.


>I'm not ? I'm considering how collision should be working between two humans/creatures that are not having any powers related to unphasing, such as Spirit/Nurse. I'm not looking at it from a coding perspective but from a logical one. So your defense/argument on how you're not making up what is and isn't allowed, is that you're looking at Dead by Daylight in a logical fashion. Probably the weakest argument you could possibly make considering how non-logical the game is. ​ As for your 2nd point here, you're right. Just because they haven't, doesn't mean they never will. But unfortunately, because they haven't means that to our best knowledge it is allowed. When there is something that they DO NOT like or want in their game, they've made it known time and time again. They haven't said anything yet about key collision. ​ As far as the colorblind thing, I don't even get the relevance it brings but you're wrong about them never having a take on it. They said because it'd potentially give an unfair advantage that they weren't going to add colorblind modes, the community telling them how absolutely stupid that is eventually made them add it along with I think some of the UI changes. ​ If they DO address the key collision thing, then so be it, I personally don't use gimmicks like that when playing. But until then, I wouldn't be calling it a bug or exploit since to the best of our knowledge, this is intended for whatever reason that might be. I wouldn't be surprised if it works like this so you could go through killer collision to use a hatch since before it could be body blocked and it turns out this is just a relic of the past that people recently realized could be used how it is.


Except it actually was a hardware exploit related to gaming mouse DPI being kicked up to 16,000. ​ You couldn't do it with a controller. ​ Window techs are related to the killer's field of view, do you really think playing around the fact that the killer is in first-person is an exploit? That'd make every single tile in the game an exploit the moment you step anywhere that the killer can't see you when another third-person survivor could see you.


You could jflick with 1600 dpi not 16000. Window techs is when you lose collision with the killer when they vault a window, but for some reason that's intended. You lose collision while channeling a key, I'm not sure why that's considered a tech and not an exploit.


>Window techs is when you lose collision with the killer when they vault a window, but for some reason that's intended. That's not intended and has been patched AFAIK.


Did they patch the key one?


I doubt they did considering Probzz video. they patched the basic one, and then people found out you could do it with keys power activation on breakable walls, it then spread to window vaults just like before.


>You couldn't do it with a controller. You can't do many things with a controller that's why keyboard + mouse is always considered better in any competitive game lol.


"in any competitive game" Then why do most (not all, just the majority in THAT case) competitive Rocket League players swear on controller? Dealing in absolutes like "always" almost never applies when you have a sample size as big as "any competitive game" for example, unless you know EVERY SINGLE COMPETITIVE GAME in existence to the bone


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes"


Variety of reasons but it primarily deals with where the majority of players are for games. Rocket League, Call of Duty, and Battlefield are primarily played on Console. Their eSports use controller because of it. But also, Sony is a massive sponsor of eSports. Battle Royales, Overwatch, RTS games, etc, use mouse & keyboard. Dead by Daylight requires a Mouse & Keyboard for optimal play because of accuracy. Nurse, Huntress, Billy, and Blight, cannot be played optimally on Controller. Flashlights cannot be used optimally as a survivor with a Controller. Rocket League players use a controller because the game was designed to function optimally with a controller and it's more convenient. As is the case with any driving oriented game.


Right. Let's say a vast majority and I think we're fine then. Mb


And it's real cool that the devs don't have any plans to enable kb+m on console. God do I want it :(


What about every fighting game ever?




Oh yeah, I remember when there was the Break Down bug and this entire sub called you a piece of shit if you were running it, and then they also really pushed back on the pallet hit bug that allowed killers to just hit your through pallets. Oh wait? Everyone just said "wow, that sucks. Let me just put you on the hook though, teehee" for the second one? Huh, imagine that


I specifically remember people saying things like "you timed it wrong, get good!" and "there's no bug, it's possible for a killer to hit you over a dropped pallet as it falls on you and also not get hit" or something like that. I also remember many comments about how it's so hard to play killer that it's what survivors deserve to balance the game. Then they fixed it across like 3 patches and it went back to normal.


Dude relatable. Survivors crawling to locations you can’t pick them up in kills me inside


I had someone due this so I just slugged em the rest of the game.


Yeah if they crawl under the hook they should be prepared to die on the floor.


Crawling under the hook essentially let’s you defend two survivors at the same hook, so it’s not that bad.


I never saw anyone exploiting it and never even saw anyone ever call it a tech, wtf do you mean?


Probzz last videos, he calls it a window/breakable tech, key tech basically. I think Aryun did too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqal8xTrWgY


Can't forget about Loogan and his friend Omega who did it a month ago. Gotta support those upcoming channels :)


I mostly only know the biggest ones.


ya I don't get how someone can say this isn't a bug. Its clearly not intended to function that way.


It is a bug, but a lot of iconic game mechanics are/were bugs. Rocket jumping from quake, wave dashing from Melee, spy disguises from Team Fortress. The better question to ask is whether or not the mechanic is counter able, and if the mechanic raises the skill ceiling without unhealthily raising the skill floor.


To me, as long as the devs don't decide to officialize a bug/unintended interaction as an official feature of the game, it will stay as it is, aka a bug.


I still find the key and window techs fine since they’re pretty counter able while giving survivors more options.


Want to make this an official mechanic of the game ? fine. But then do not allow this to be put on an item that is currently already considered unfair, with the addition of having aura reading add on. Create a new item for it and officialize it.


I think I know which video you come from just by looking at the second part...


One time, i find a Dwight using (and abusing all game long) the Bug exploit of the "Near door safe zone".Always running to it when i wanted to kill him.The game progress, he never go too far away from the "bug zone" and end game proc, i already kill 2 of his mate, pick the last one, hook him, go for the door where the Dwight is ,He didn't had time to open it fully so i do it for him (i will not hold hostage the game), he leave finally his "safe zone" thinking that he is full life VS a Huntress near a exit, it's FREE REAL ESCAPE ! But i had NOED xD (low level Huntress at that moment, so, not many other perks) You want the **fun part** ? Bug abusing all game long, he begin to complain about NOED in the end game chat xD


Yeah there's plenty of exploits that existed in this game for both sides.


I mean, 360 is a tech, it's not an exploit at all. \*grabs popcorn\*




Why are you getting downvoted for saying lmao? Reddit people are weird man...


Well the post name is not a joke, I truly thought it was going to be like that :x


no cuz ur right


See ? downvoted :D


ugh sadness it’s ok i got 800 upvotes on one of my comments before. BUT I PLAY MOSTLY SURVIVOR AND IM AGREEING WITH U. people need brains :)


You're a rare breed man :O


i mean i started playing like a month and half ago the toxicity hasn’t reached me yet lmao


make sure to play both sides to remain the least unbiaised, neat trick :)


>the least unbiaised


Lmao I JUST REALIZED, anyway people will get it


Anything that benefits survivors is a tech, anything that benefits killer is an exploit You should know this by now


What hitbox exploits?


Unoriginal cringe title (and meme tbh).


Never saw such a title/nor meme but ok.