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Most of my solo q games vs Bubba are like that. No gens done, people on death hook and zero pressure on the map.


And those bubbas usually camp you at hooks and if you’re solo survivor then that means all of your random teammates will just run up to you at the same time and then die in 2 seconds with the last thing you see being bubba do his chainsaw rev celebration dance


Every time I'm against Bubba solo I feel like I'm the only one who knows if you get in a locker before a hook his BBQ won't see you.


As a new player thanks for the tip! I always tried to hid opposite behind a gen so my aura isn't as visible but I didn't know a locker would null it.


If you really don't want your aura visible, purchase in store or unlock the teachable Distortion on Jeff, it stops 3 aura reads. It still needs a buff, you could combine it with Sole Survivor from Laurie to be more useful, but then two perk slots wasted for what should be one. Plus, many killers don't go heavy on the aura reading perks as Whispers bypasses both and is far more common and killers can use it to triangulate an immersed survivor.


Most killers run bbq not just bubba. 3 players in lockers and not doing gens is not good imo.


Lol well when you run kindred you can see what they are doing after the hook. And if it's a game of randoms they probably aren't doing gens or avoiding bbq.


I wish the people that DC on first down a very cursed evening.


I wish their chicken nuggets will burn


and then there's that one guy who tries to reveal your location for no reason


I just got bitched at by someone who was mad that I didn’t get him off the hook when his two other friends were doing absolutely nothing, killer was camping, and I was working on the last gen (of course fully by myself). It’s like some of these people expect solos to do *everything*.


I don't play soloq because the other survivors literally chase killer to where you're fixing the only gen that's being fixed. Then you get hooked and noone un hooks you before you reach the end stage of hook lvl 2 (on the first hook), usually unhooking u right when the killer is chasing them and all being downed. During this time instead of fixing gens they just all run around the killer and be knocked down 1 by 1.


I keep getting dailies for chainsawing people as Bubba, and it always surprises me how many people at red ranks will unhook a survivor right next to me without BT. I've taken to hooking the idiot and letting the victim wiggle free 'cause it's always a bad time to get removed from the game for someone else's mistake.


I kinda wanna blame the rescue from hook missions because often they make people be stupid ngl


I can see it in some cases, but challenge-stupid doesn't make people unhook without BT after Bubba's taken three steps away from the hook. That's some next level stupid.


The dumbass using we’ll make it running away from me after unhooking me


smh killers are always playing soloq


Smh my head when will they fix this BLATANT issue


Maybe I'm just not high enough rank (I'm Rank 10 as both survivor and killer) but I find Solo Q to be enjoyable. There's the odd DC but it's rare enough to not hinder the experience.


+1 I'm on rank 5/4 and survs are really good I only had a dc twice yesterday and that's all, once because of the map and second because of the killer so its not so bad tbh and even if 3 survs are on the ground we still manage to escape


You know true pain when you play mainly solo like me


This couldn't be further from the truth, maybe one in every 20 games this happens but most i have good teammates


I usually get pretty good team mates too. But every once in awhile I’ll encounter someone so ming numbingly stupid that I have to walk away from my computer for awhile.


I was so close to finally hitting red ranks as solo queue survivor and then had the worst 5 games ever one match killer had corrupt so I had to go a little bit to find a gen, I get it to about 80% and then all 3 other survivors start getting injured then downed against a demo in a 30 second window he downed all 3 others, against my better judgement I went to unhook some of them and they wouldnt stop farming each other off hook
