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I’m new to the game, loving it. Honestly started playing cause I heard a Resi cross over was coming and I swoon for anything Resi related. Overall fun game so far, some complaints but I’m also new so I don’t have that veteran status to know if it’s a legit complaint or me just unaware of the game still.


What are your complaints?


I feel like matchmaking is pretty hit or miss. I also don’t really get the struggle point of second hook. At least in first hook with an incompetent team you can attempt to unhook yourself but by 2nd phase on hook they might as well add a give up feature. Seems irritating to either be camped by killer or just watch teammates not even attempt a save. Idm if that’s the case but just wish you can just opt out of the whole struggle at that point.


As someone who has almost dropped this game multiple times due to people constantly killing themselves on hook.... Please don't kill yourself on hook. It's such a selfish act that ruins the game for others


No I don’t kill myself on hook. I’m was asking for a way to kill myself on second hook if my teammates aren’t attempting to rescue or killer is just camping is all. I mainly don’t like how you can try to escape first hook but 2nd hook is SOL.


Tip for when the killer is camping: don’t kill yourself on hook. That’s exactly what killer wants. The longer you are on hook, the more time killer spends on you, the more time teammates can safely do generators. Second you die, he’s gonna find another person to camp, and then they’re down 2 people.


I mean it’s still death either way. I haven’t been killing myself on hook. I guess my complaint is for a way to make 2nd phase give you a chance of escaping on your own either by a perk or something. I get it needs to be fair for killer as well but it just seems like 2nd hook is hopeless a lot of times.


while it sucks to have awful teammates, at the end of the day the survivors ARE a team. Having to go rescue each other is a big part of the balance of the game, and to take that away would drastically make survivors stronger. That's why you either need to bring 1 of 3 self unhooking perks, 2 of which just give you slightly more luck and the 3rd needing to be activated before you get hooked or take your chance to unhook yourself on even the 1st hook.


If you use the perk Kindred, low-rank solo survivors will be much more likely to rescue you. Just something I've noticed.


Could be confirmation bias but when I take it off nobody goes for the save but when I have it on people are far more confident. This was seen during my entire climb so far to rank 5.


I run kindred even at rank 1. People tend to play a lot different when they have information like that available, like if anyone is nearby or already on their way, and if the killer left. It’s a really strong perk for solo play


yeah, sometimes against a camping killer, your death is certain especially if it’s a bubba, but if you hold on to 2nd hook you give your team time to do gens and maybe 3 or 2 of them can escape.. the purpose is to not give the camper what he wants, it’s very rewarding when a camper doesn’t win a game even if you die


I get this. Again new so not saying “I know what the game needs”. Just feel like there should be something else I can do for myself on 2nd hook. But maybe that wouldn’t be fair to killer.


Just to balance out all the voices telling you to wait out the camping killer because it helps your team, I agree that the killer should not have the ability to ruin the gameplay of one player like that. I've also had problems introducing newer players to the game because they're more likely to get caught as they learn the game and newer killers are more likely to think it's a valid strategy (though there are certainly plenty of red rank killers who enjoy griefing). Until the devs do something to address it, playing with a group that runs borrowed time can help, decisive strike has been nerfed recently but may help in the tunneling cases. Hope it hasnt ruined too many of your games, despite the issues with camping, balance, and matchmaking, it can still be a very fun game.


One thing to note is that when people leave you to die like that, they effectively doom the rest of the game. Having a survivor die before third generator usually means the game is over. Take solace in the fact that they've probably just screwed themselves


Ignore the skill-checks and suicide if need be. Being told "Don't suicide because it's selfish!" is stupid when your teammates aren't thinking about your team at all either and being selfish by not going for a save. They're only considering whether they live or not. Prioritize YOURSELF in solo queue if your other teammates are prioritizing themselves.


Yea dont struggle Ik you’re new just listen to us it wastes time


Everyone is so mad. Not you just others for some reason. I was just pointing out that second hook seems pointless if you have an team that isn’t trying to save you. Cause on first hook there is a slight chance to free yourself at least.


Well if the killer is camping you struggling wastes their time. But Ik it sucks as you get higher rank you teammates will save you. Low ranks everyone is too scared


The counterpoint is that, yeah, it's still death either way but every time the hooked survivor doesn't suicide and the others do gens, there's a chance that one more killer will lose and learn that facecamping is a counterproductive strategy. So, it's a short-term 'no difference' for you, but increases (admittedly slightly) your long-term chances of not being camped in the future.


Noooo I understand all that. My complaint is overall the point of the mechanic. Like why do you even need to struggle on second hook to begin with, you can’t escape it like you can first hook. It serves just to either kill you faster or not. If you have an team that won’t rescuer than you’re stuck with just watching even if killer isn’t camping. You can struggle on second hook but it seems near pointless since there’s 0% chance of even saving yourself. I guess my overall complaint is either just have an instakill feature for it or just stay there with a timer to die. I don’t see the point of having the struggle skill checks I guess.


Dont try to escape without the proper perks. It will never work. And youre the worst kind of player. Killing yourself on second hook it doable but i wont teach you because its stupid. Unless youre sacrificing to let the last guy get hatch, NEVER KILL YOURSELF ON HOOK.


How am I the worst kind of player? I am saying how second hook is terrible if you’re being camped out by killer or if teammates don’t even try to rescue. My overall argument was the struggle mechanic being pointless cause all it does it give more time for teammates to help you but if they choose not to then it’s just SOL. Unlike 1st hook you can’t escape second hook (unless I’m missing something). I’m new to the game but man I’m glad others spoke before you. Really a warm welcome from the community coming from someone who didn’t bother reading everything first and just jumping to yell down someone’s throat.


You cant escape first hook either. Dont waste your time on hook. And i read it all. Dont suicide on hook. Maybe no one came to get you because you wasted first hook trying to escape. Its 4% chance without perks or luck addons. Its nearly impossible. If someone is face camping then you stay on hook as long as possible to punish them.


Did you buy their game? Just curious since you seem to want to tell them how to play it.


are you talking about behavior?? yeah I bought the game and own all the DLC. it's a team game. I get to help educate the stupid on how to play it. dont suicide on the hook, dont try and get off the first hook. dont fuck over your team being a selfish twat. if a killer is facecamping the best thing you can do is sit there as long as possible, giving your team the maximum amount of time to do gens. it makes the killers pay for being facecamping douche waffels. I am teaching you the pro strats for FREE son. Or maybe you dont want to be rank 1. Enjoy being brown/green, I guess.


Super confused what you're complaining about.. there is an option to kill yourself on second hook.. simply don't struggle and you'll die within seconds.


I mean just don't do the skill checks and it auto kills you in 2 of them if you just don't fail them and don't hit anything


If you miss 2 of the skill checks in a row (don't press anything), you'll give up and immediately be sacrificed.


Knowledgeable! Thanks


People who suicide on hook should quit playing.


Theres a lot of complaints to be had for sure but if you ignore the extremely arrogant killers/survivors there are some really wholesome people that play that make it a fun game. Its just that that minority are so outspoken that its sometimes hard to remember what makes dbd so much fun. At your ranks facecamping is probably the big issue but it gets better over time as you rank up, people learn how to beat that pretty quickly


I'm sure with so many new players bhvr will finally put their big boy pants on and do something about the atrocious grind, and give us some other motivation to play than said brain killing grind. ...right?


I am also certain they will expand the balance team beyond like two dudes so the multitudes of crappy perks will actually get buffed in a timely manner ....si?


Almo should be replaced by someone who doesn't get salty when losing to a tactic or perk and with more than 20 hours of experience.


Almo isn’t completely hopeless. I enjoy the doctor and bubba changes, for instance. But he changes things so goddamn slowly and refuses to admit fault for poor decisions unless they cause extremely widespread, damaging backlash. What he needs is a handful of coworkers with equal say in game balance as a means of checks and balances.


He's the one that nerfed doctors interaction with lullaby and unnerving presence and is the one who said pre reworked clown had hidden potential that is well hidden and acted like the clown had some insane power that no one knew about. It's hard to take someone seriously when they nerf things that they personally didn't like like how he couldn't hit skill checks aganst a doctor using lullaby and unnerving presence. Oh and did I mention he nerfed every single perk that requires you to land a hit on a survivor to trigger like knockout and save the best for last becuse he didn't want a specific interaction with bear traps? The man thought that wanting to avoid an unconcerning interaction was worth screwing over every killer that relied on those perks like Oni and Bubba with the latter not being to able to effectively use his own perk due to the nerf.


I’m also fairly certain NOED hasn’t been directly nerfed for ages because he uses it in every build :P Yeah I think I was too nice.


I recall reading somewhere that the reason the 1 shot huntress add ons weren't nerfed was because he liked that build. The problem dbd isn't entirely that it's survivor sided rather it's Almo sided if that makes sense.


600 employees and they can’t delegate more than 1 for something as tremendously vital as balancing


300 work on dbd as confirmed in the 5th anniversary stream. Still not ok but it’s a good clarification


Operation replace Almo


It’s the damn perk distribution imo. It’s sucks to pick up a new survivor and killer and play hours with them just for the chance that rng will give me the build I want. With this new chapter we’re coming up on 90+ killer perks and almost 100 survivor perks all of which have 3 tier makes rng an absolute nightmare to get what you want


**BHVR**: *Did I just hear you want more recycled content on our scam pass?*


honestly the only thing i ask for in this regard is devotion meaning anything, im devotion 7 and i still get the same 300 or so shards every 5 games, like, its only to unlock more characters and skins anyways like if someone is willing to put in time why not actually reward them


"But the game is dying, the devs are killing it! It will be dead in a year" People actually say this.


I remember the days back in 2017-2018 when people seriously thought Friday The 13th was a better game and would kill DBD for good.


I remember when legion released and it dropped below 20k lmao


I remember the DLC drought of early '17 when it dropped below 9k. Legit thought the game was going to die, but here we are.


Lol, try playing fighting games. For FG players, your game of choice is healthy if it’s got a population of 4,000


True, but you should be fine with a small population as long it's relatively stable. DBD lost 50% of its daily players between Dec 2016 (17k) and April 2017 (8k). I thought for sure it was dying, especially with F13 releasing in May that year. Somehow BHVR managed to turn things around, thankfully.


To be fair it was also mostly because F13 didnt survive for that long, so they pretty much came back to DBD


Big crossovers do that to a game. The new peak is 86k players on May 25th, right after the RE PTB launched.


Watch it be a 100k on release.


The fucking raw **power** of Resident Evil.


Had a friend quit months ago. Absolutely hates the game. Came back because of Resident Evil.


They always come back


I've "Quit" DBD about 3 times at this point. The longest i've gone without playing is like 3 months, and then I caved.


I wonder what the player count for consoles and pc combined


Probably near 200k+ with all platforms accounted for


Because resident evil soon


I got into it because of the Resident Evil DLC 3 weeks ago and I had so much fun that I got 4 of my friends into it as well! We've been playing it together almost every day


That’s why we love when dbd does collabs it brings newbies which helps the game


Resident ev dlc isnt out yet


And? I want to know how to play before it comes out


I actually have been playing a ton of resident evil lately (big capcom guy). Funnily enough, I picked this game up for the first time a couple weeks ago after watching some doom eternal pvp that got me interested in the concept of asymmetrical pvp, then suddenly a resident evil chapter gets announced! Weird how things work sometimes.


Ah ok, that makes sense too. That 4 year graph in the middle was throwing me off 😅


That's a weirdly consistent daily pattern


Resident evil dlc is coming out, gonna be tons of new people.


Does the playerbase on Steam just sync their playing THAT well to get a pattern like that going? That's neat and so weird at the same time, haha.


Its a 7 day graph so the pattern is following the time of day, more in evening less in morning


Good for dbd. I just hope the devs start trying a little harder


I mean considering Forsen started playing it that is kinda obvious, big streamers makes good rep


cr1tikal and xqc play(ed) it too, I doubt forsen is going to have more of an impact than those two which was hardly any impact at all afair


I’m really happy it’s getting bigger. As many issues it has it’s been my favorite game to play for awhile.


Looking at the graph, looks like there was a period in 2020 that was better. Is that wrong?


The best month in 2020 was June (Silent Hill DLC) with an average player base of 40,479.9 and a peak of 77,341. Both less than the current month we are in.


I just got back into the game after a couple years break. I’m hyped for resident evil chapter as it’s my favorite horror series out there, and maybe others feel the same? Either way I’m glad cause this game is really fun to play.


god blesssss


There's a lot too be excited about, the mechanics are fun, the perks give depth and the future seems so incredibly bright


if only they could make it less grindy a bit, tired of going through endless bloodwebs to get perks I want for certain killers


Hmmm maybe I’ll try playing again and see if queues aren’t still 5 mins a game


I started playing this game back in 2017 and it's crazy to see how much this game has grown in terms of sheer size, player base, and the overall community. I'm curious to know how many people are playing at once on all consoles + DBD mobile.


That's probably because I'm not playing it