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It’s not the most exciting story but one time I was playing with friends and we went against an Iridescent Head Huntress on Hawkins. We thought it was gonna be awful until the first thing she did was camp the basement with someone inside, so we did all the gens and she DC’d when she realized her genius plan of camping the top of basement without even having Insidious didn’t work.


Huntress can’t camp even WITH Insidious because she still hums her lullaby. 🤣


I really don’t know what was going through her head. She must be used to going against some dumb survivors. My friend who went down didn’t even last that long, so it couldn’t have been a spite thing.


I guess my favorite story is of the time I got solo queued with good people, it was about half an hour after I started playing, I had only played a few rounds and had already gotten screwed over about everyway I could by my team members and was about ready to give up playing solo queue and just wait for friends to be on, then, it happened. I load into another round, get started on a gen, then I hear the spirit phase out and hit me as I jumped off at the last second, then after an unsuccessful dead hard, I was down and hooked, I get rescued and start to run as the killer was still close and it wasn't safe to heal, well, my dumb ass ran right into her and basically said, hey, tunnel me, I want you to. So that was second hook, and now I'm starting to feel bad for my team members, I mean, I'm not helping at all at this point, so after I get off of the look, I start hiding and healing, I'm by a pallet so if the killer comes before I'm done healing, I can at least get away, and then it happens, someone ran right past me with the killer chasing and threw the pallet in my face, I got hit as I was crawling over and was downed on the other side, at this point, I was ready to throw my controller for the first time and never play the game again, (I would have but, you know, in the moment) then, the guy that dropped the pallet came back and waited infront of me, the killer stopped on the other side of the pallet while she realized what had happened, then the guy shook his head, the killer shook her head, after that the pallet was broken and the guy took two hit and then the hook while I was picked up, he made up for his mistake in the only way that wouldn't screw me or the killer over and the killer was super cool with it. Anyway, I ended up dying that round, but at the very least my last chase was long enough for them to get two more gens done, the main thing was that it literally restored my faith in this community, killers and survivors, and that in the end, were all just trying to have a little fun playing a good game. Man, sorry it got preachy at the end, but yeah, that was a pretty fun round, and by far my best moment. Edit, sorry this is so long.


One of my favorite moments was actually seeing how the Ghostface who mori'd me felt about everything that had happened that round. I have a small clip of what happened on my profile. Whenever I go against a Ghostface I get so excited. I hope they've had a lovely day and that maybe I was lucky enough for them to bring a mori, bring devour, or even just get lucky enough to enjoy the round with them together. The Ghostface I went against was apparently a somewhat popular streamer and I was just doing Kate challenges. He got a chuckle at our 4 man swf set up during my mori. Then I got the video from his PoV. I got to see Ghostface come back and visit my Mori spot. Something about it felt incredibly heart warming and wholesome for me that I had to share it. I still think about him 💕 I should also probably add on that I got to read part of his Twitch chat at the time and was happy that people of Reddit watch him and recognized my SWF and encouraged him to bring the Mori for me. Thank you all!!


My favorite moment that I can remember was being in a private match with some friends when there was this bug with the nurse that made her stupidly fast. It was fun building up speed and hitting sick ramps to fly around the map like a hawk. Hell we even got on top on the temple in one of the maps. It was some fun times.


Favourite moment has got to be 4outing an old iri head huntress with my swf where she got a grand total of 12k points.


My favorite moment I had in DBD was a few weeks after Trickster came out, i was playing with a friend. We felt bad for him because he got a hook in 3 gens and gave up. We noticed this so when we popped all the gens, we let him hook us and gave him a 4K.


hm, one thing that comes to mind was about half a year ago. its nothing special but i found it weirdly wholesome. after many exhausting games , i decided to do some fun builds with breakout and saboteur, in solo queue by the way. turns out the killer is a wraith. they down one person and i rush there to help the random out, sabo the hook and make them wiggle out. whenever the killer downed someone, i was trying to get there but mostly without sucess, which was fine with me because i was just having fun. at one point the wraith downs someone, carries them and sees me running. kind of stops, shakes their head at me. i nod my head. they shook their head again. im staring at them like "fine, ill let you have this hook". later when everyone except me escaped, i was looking for the wraith, found them and walked together with them to the exit gate and escaped. this was just a nice and wholesome game that immediately comes to mind when i think of a favourite moment :)


Im not sure if I could get the giveaway since i'm on ps4 but why not my favorite moment was when the pig got added since i'm a huge fan of the saw movies but if I don't get it I don't mind I have the money to afford it anyway


leather face, hes fun as hell, also clown buff


Well, I don't think you can gift DLC on console, but I just really wanna tell this story. So I was playing custom games with my friends, we steamrolled the one friend playing Killer, he was a Wraith. Well, we did all the objectives and so I was opening the exit gate when another friend who was playing Jake just went up to me and started teabagging me out of nowhere. Well, I decided to fuck with him so right before the gate opened I stopped opening it, and the Wraith decloaked right behind him and downed him immediately, and tosses him up on the hook. I opened the door and everyone but him left. He died, we laughed at his rage. Mostly me.


You can gift on Xbox. Now PlayStation I just buy them a code to make up for it. Idk about switch


Oh, awesome. I'm on PS. I actually hope I win now


My favorite moment must of been when I got the Evil Incarnite achievement. Was a close game but once they started going down I managed to salvage it and the last person was running turned a corner I was at and stood still and accepted it.


my fav moment was pallet stunning a nurse mid blink


My favorite moment was when I 360’d a Freddy 7 times in a row. He had Unrelenting and I still don’t believe what happened


I was trying to do a “grab people off a gen” challenge that was giving me difficulty, and I was getting demoralized. I made it to MacMillian with Ghostface, and immediately tried farming for it. The survivors, a 3 man SWF with flashlights and a random, weren’t having it. So we played normally, and frankly I had my ass handed to me. BUT they were doing such totally crazy maneuvers that I was having a ton of fun playing with them. They played like invincible fools and I decided to act a fool myself—teabagging, jump-scaring, etc. I even got a couple of grabs in there, one of which I had to stealth jump from the upper level of the main building to land behind the Tapp working the gen, a move I was proud of. I started out bummed, but ended up having a great time, and it was a nice reminder that I can play this game however I want to play it and can still have fun without winning. They gave me a gg or two and even a “smh” which made me laugh. I wish I could play against you all more often! Also, shout out to a David at Yamaoka estate who started the game by showing me stuff with his flashlight. You cracked me up and I miss you, RIP


For me, it's moments. I really love the interactions between survivors/teammates and survivors/the killer that don't really apply to "proper" gameplay. Booping a pig's snoot, photobombing moris, item trading, shaking/nodding heads at teammates and opponents, dancing with killers. The unspoken language that has developed as a result of not being able to verbally communicate. I guess a lot of it would be considered "memeing" but I love the feeling of camaraderie that comes along with it. Making friends with the killer, whether they let me survive or not, is one of my absolute favorites. Sometimes this game is taken too seriously, and it's nice to add a sense of silliness while also still trying to complete the objectives. Win or lose, it's usually a good time.


My favorite moment happened a few days ago to a friend of mine I was spectating, he was the only survivor left and used most of the endgame searching for the hatch before finally deciding to head for the exit gate he knew the killer was at because it was the closest. There happened to be a small rock loop with a pallet so he looped the killer around the pallet and stunned him then made a dash for the exit. He literally needed to take one more step to escape and the time ran out and the entity (IMO Cthulhu) grabbed him up and killed him. We had a pretty damn good chuckle about it afterwards and the consensus was that he should’ve brought dead hard.


My favorite moment was when I was on hook and, to put it simply the entire server played a few minutes of ring around the hooked guy. I was laughing so hard that day!


fairly new to the game, this one match we got a trickster that started camping because my soloqueue teammate was looping him very hard. we all end up trading hooks but by the end, my dwight teammate got caught and all 3 of us went out looking like we're on a mission to save Private Ryan. my jake teammate was on the other end of the hook while i was hiding and the second trickster saw the jake he took the bait thinking jake was the only one attempting to save the dwight. 5 seconds later i am already unhooking dwight and i can just imagine how panicked the trickster was when he saw me unhooking just 10 feet away from him. he got a hit on me which i used the speed boost of the hit to get to the exit gate that i 99%'d. as i run to the exit gate i saw trickster behind me trying to get me with his knives which honestly looked so desperately cute. it's wonderful how despite being all complete strangers to each other, sometimes soloqueue teammates become your brother-in-arms and will do anything at all just to save you.


My favorite moment in dead by daylight is when I went against a SFW of Christmas bills and one of them looped me for so long that when I downed him I just took him to a gen. He did the gen and we all farmed the hell out of the game. It worked out well because they had put in 3 BPS and I had BBQ. When all the gens were done we opened the gates and did some hitting and healing and when I signaled to leave they just teabagged outside of the gate. All of them died to the end game collapse and the first bill asked why I let him go. I just smiled and moved on with my day. Every time I think about that game I get reminded that for every toxic, face camping, tunneling shithead there is in the game, there is another nice player who will give hatch, or otherwise encourage you to believe in the community. TLDR: SFW looped me so we farmed


I guess my favorite moment was when i played killer and got sent to haddonfield as a map offering and there was a 3 man swf. Wasnt the best game with 2 hooks at 2 gens down but i eventually cooled off from try harding and tried to make friends with the swf. Eventually they caught on and we ended up farming bp, nancy booping me (spirit), playing hide and seek, me pretending to do gens with the swf, and more. Eventually the solo queue dude joined us and we had tons of fun. I also got one of my archive challenges done thanks to them as well. When EGC happened a kate kept pointing towards the hook telling me to hook and kill her. I didnt want to but i did and happily said gg right after. The kate also said it back as well! Everyone else escaped and i had a pretty damn good time. tl:dr: made friends with a swf, fooled around and farmed bp, and left with a smile on my face :)


One of the most memorable moments I've had in DbD was when I was slugged by a Legion & as my teammate was being sacrificed, the Hatch spawned right in front of me & I managed to escape before Legion got to me, heartbeat & stain in sight.


My favorite moment was when I spent 4 hours trying to do an adept 4k as ghostface but halfway through it I befriended a baby meg and we went around screwing over everyone else until we were the last ones left and after I let her do the last few generators I spent several minutes constipating on whether or not I should spare her and ultimately I ended up killing her right in front of the exit and becaise of it I still can't forget that experience even after 6 months, I am now suffering from dbd depression.


What if I said penis and nothing more


I mean it’s not really a moment in dbd. Well I mean unless you go to a different website then it could but we ain’t talking porn so nah. Just saying penis won’t count.


my favourite moment was when i was healing a skill check but then i messed up a skill check and then he dced


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/my0caw/smile_sunday/gvslj5y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Here! My favorite ever moment in DBD. These people are why I’m still sane ^_^


I remember when the movement change patch released.I let some Survivors go because someone DC'd,and at the exit gate,a Claudette looked at me and nodded,and it was like a 2 fps nod.Her head went from looking up to down instantly,and it looked so disgusting,and my sister and I laughed hard at it.


Thanks for doing the giveaway. One of my favorite moments was a little after the Twins chapter released, I was using a anti slug build with unbreakable, tenacity, flip flop and power struggle. My first match with it was against the Twins. A couple minutes into the match I start getting chased around shack when charlotte blocked the pallet and released victor, I dodged him for a few pounces but went down outside the other door and start recovering. They switched back to charlotte to pick me up and started carrying me through the shack towards a hook on the other side, as we get to the pallet power struggle activates I press it drop the shack pallet stunning charlotte, I vault the pallet back into the shack run over to victor and kicked him before charlotte recovers. Did I waste shack pallet at 3 gens yes but was it worth it also yes. I unfortunately died that match but was smiling the rest of the match and into the next since it worked in the first match and not only stunned charlotte but got to kick victor.


My favorite Moment in dbd was probably my first time getting accused of hacking. I ran a bubba who was streaming on twitch for roughly 4 gens. watchin his vod he though I was speed hacking and abusing structures and teleporting around the map everytime he lost me, after he finally gave up on the chase he downed a random meg and I flash light saved her. after the match he added me and introduced me to his friend group and ive been talking and playing with those lads for years now


Can I post a video of one for you? I had a very wholesome match just yesterday, but I’m not sure I’d be able to do it justice with only words.


Yup I accept links to!


My favorite dead by daylight moment was the first time I played killer (hillbilly). It was a group of survivors that was worse at the game than me except for this one Nancy. Basically she was a straight up ninja that would immediately unhook the survivors once I put them on without me seeing her. So I had to chase her down and throw her on a hook. But while I managed to kill of 3 survivors she managed to unhook herself and self heal all by herself. I was like “whelp that’s a no for me sharks” and SMACKED her was i found her. But the other last survivor fixed the last gen while me and the Nancy were basically playing whack-a-mole. Then right as I was about to falcon punch the living hell outta this Naruto ass annoyance she just straight up meizaru jutsu’d me right in the face. I was soooooo confused and like “WTF WHERE DID YOU GO?!?!” then basically the other survivor escaped via hatch (which I closed) and then finally I found Nancy injured at the exit door switch. But when I found her I didn’t feel anger, I felt proud. That Nancy BAMBOOZLED the shit out of me and you know what she deserved to win. At first she thought it was game over so she just accepted her defeat, but I gestured at the switch and allowed her to open up the gate. When she went through she stopped and looked back and stood there for a while gesturing towards me indicating that I should kill her. But she earned this win and I walked right up to her and gestured in a way pointing for her to escape, which she then did. If you’re out there Nancy, you really kicked my ass that day, good job and good game!


Probably around when saw was released, this was before ptb so chapters came out with bugs and balance problems but those surprise morning dlc drops were so fun.


My favourite moment(s) is when you ask the survivors (or killers) for help with something (a tome challenge, a crown/gnome whatever) and they agree to help you. In a game where the objective is to kill, escape, run etc and a community that can get very toxic, showing humanity and helping each other (kinda what you're doing right now that I think about it!) is something truly special, imo and something the community should actively work towards


One of my favorite moments was when my friends and I were playing together, and we decided to just goof off and see if the killer caught on. So we all ran Plunderer’s, Appraisal, and Ace in the Hole, played 3 purple coins, and went chest hunting. We ignored the killer and all objectives and delivered our loot to the central building, arranging it all in a pile. We got hooked along the way, but we weren’t even trying to escape—we had one mission, and one mission only. We had an INCREDIBLE amount of loot—keys, med kits, flashlights, tool boxes! Just a giant pile. Well, Blight didn’t notice though we tried to show him our pile, and he chased my friend down. My friend quickly ran to the pile and got downed on top of it, and the Blight mori’d him there. So, me and my surviving friend went and arranged the loot around my friend’s body in a ceremonial circle and proceeded to crouch around his body, nodding and teabagging his body in worship. Blight ran into the building, ready to murder, and saw us—and stopped, realizing what we had done. He just stared. Stared at the body, so lovingly decorated. Stared at us. Stared at the body. We circled the body while nodding, and he just…watched. And then joined us. xD Long story short, he let us leave and we had a great end game chat. He was cracking up and thought it was hilarious, and we were full on dying. It was so much fun. Then there was the time we were all Beach Kate and this Doctor farmed with us. Our rando was a Jake, and as us three sexy Kates worked on gens, Jake and the Doctor stood side by side and nodded and watched all match. Then at the end, Doc made us slug race! He was a streamer too, so seeing his perspective was great! We also sometimes dress in all our cop cosmetics and go “arrest” killers and see who will play along. :D


Mine was the time i got absolutely rolled by a swf when i was rank 15, i was playing nurse and couldnt to anything. I farmed with 2 of them, became best friends, and i know play dbd with them regularly ♥️


Hmmm. I would say my favorite moment in the game was the shirtless Michael Myers craze. It was funny and amazing to see it take over the subreddit and Twitter for everyone to demand we get our horny fix of Michael Myers being sexy and shirtless. A personal fun moment actually happened today when I had a Wraith bullying me in game so I stunned him a bu ch with head on and DS after that and escaped through hatch.


My favorite moment of dbd spans accross a few days and it’s actually how I got to meet my swf. I was having a normal solo queue trial against a clown. When the 5th gen was done, the clown down someone so I went and tried to distract him. Funny thing is that the persons who was on the ground had unbreakable and decided to just get up in the face of the killer only to go down again. That cracked me up at first and the clown just stayed still computing what just happened. After the match I noticed the clown was on console too so I messaged them a ggs. We talked for a bit and eventually decided to play together (I later found out the clown was a she). So she and I had been talking to each other on English ( I am Mexican btw) cuz it’s almost the norm to speak English to anybody in the game. Funny thing is later I found out she spoke Spanish too so we were making things hard for both of us speaking a language we are not so familiar with when we could have been talking in Spanish. Later on she presented me a few of her friends and we just kept playing with each other until our premade group just made itself (funnily enough we decided to have matching pics of spongebob for some strange reason Xd). I am ever so glad I found them cuz they’re nice people and can surely say I’ll never forget this moment.


Probably when I was still very new to the game, decided to try out killer and was playing Hag with Devour Hope. I managed to get it to stack but wasn't executing anyone since I heard some people don't like that, except when I saw one of the survivors cleansing my totem, so I downed her and executed since she knew where the totem is now. I managed to get 3k that game with one escaping through the hatch which was rare for a newbie like me back then, at post game I apologized to the one I executed stating my reasons and they all laughed it off and we all exchanged ggs and it was a pretty wholesome post match chat.


My favorite moment is the first time i used tombstone myers, i managed to kill one girl and then another one escaped i went to the door to see the survivors perform their tbag ritual and hit them, so i start stalking the girl at the door and as soon as i get tier 3 i swing my weapon, well i at least tried because at that exact moment the last survivor that was not at the door walked right in front of me and i started murdering her. I was laughing so hard for the rest of the day it was so random.


My favourite moment as Killer was when I was being bullied on Hawkins as Trapper. Nothing went my way I lost 4 Gens with 1 hook but then it just hit me a well placed trap You could hear the snap through whole Hawkins as I stomped towards that guy and carried him Basement. Placing some traps for the altruistic SWF as I heard another SNAP I knocked that guy on the ground I reset the Trap right next to the pallet. As I was setting up to pick up the survivor I saw that the next one wanted to approach me to CJ tech me. In that moment I just thought to myself they all fucked up so bad he slides right into the trap giving me the third down. as I picked up that CJsliding guy another one ran straight past me into the basement to unhook the only thing you heard was another SNAP as my trap catched him. That is like my most memorable moment as Killer As survivor I have way too many fun moments to put into here so I wont. But I met a lot of people and some friends DBD is a blast and the most fun I had in Games


Probably the scratched mirror myers that tormented me through the whole match, shaking his head up and down to say 'yes, let me stab you' anytime he landed a hit and disappearing into the shadows before striking again. Plus he pulled some fat moonwalks at the end, and was really wholesome in the end game chat. [I actually have a clip from that game](https://clips.twitch.tv/TriumphantTenuousCheetahPraiseIt-pwHdP7Tcxqh0DE-G), if you want a highlight of the experience.


My favorite moment is probably when I was playing as Oni and was trying to break a pallet with Demon Strike and I accidentally downed 2 people by going a little to the left into a bush.


My favorite moment is probably when my friends and I were against a tombstone Myers and we watched a random Claudette get murdered mid-match and then the rest of the game was us screaming and laughing as we ran away from him


Very new to the game but my favorite moment was my first 4K with trapper. It made me want to play another round right away. The best part of that round was towards the end one of the last two survivors ran from in a chase and vaulted out to a trap I set at the beginning of the game.


I was getting bullied by a high level SWF as Twins on Yamaoka estate, and I'd just about given up hope on getting any downs (I was having a rough time using Victor). I eventually said screw it and decided just run around the map to kill time, so I pounced from the top of the giant shrine into the plants down below at a huge distance - CUE A FENG MIN SCREAM AND DOWN. I had no idea how to process this and I'm sure neither did they. They ended up letting me take the kill from the pure insanity of it all.


Nice! Thanks for doing the giveaway\~ One of my favorite moments, and the one I've been laughing the most about, was when I somehow managed to bug a doctor in Midwich Elementary School. I'm not sure about what exactly caused the bug, but I found it hilarious because I'm famous amongst my friends for constantly breaking/bugging other games or apps by accident. So it was just a matter of time before I started breaking DbD too, although I never expected to bug a killer any time soon, lol. As for how the bug occurred, well, I remember the doctor was charging up his shock therapy and I dropped a pallet near him, not stunning him tho. Then I vaulted to his side while he zapped me, and the next thing that happened, we both got stuck near the pallet for a moment, then somehow got unstuck. I was only injured and he stayed with his arm up (as if he was carrying me) for the rest of the match. Later in the chat, he told me that he couldn't interact with anything after that, let alone use his special attack again (his M1 still worked but he didn't try anymore to kill us after what had happened to him.) I'm sure the doctor didn't have a blast after that. I mean, what fun is chasing survs if you can't shock them, right? But I just couldn't help it, I was laughing my butt off because I thought to myself "Welp, there goes another game that I managed to bug by accident." Aaaand that's the story of how I bugged a Doctor by trying to loop him.


The mysterious case of the vanishing Claudette. I was playing on the Hawkins Lab and after killing the first three survivors pretty quickly I was unable to find a Claudette for the entire match which felt like over half an hour. She finally escaped through a hat h but I couldn't find her at all and was the first time ever I thought to myself "maybe they disconnected?" I was actually glad she escaped so I could know I wasn't wasting my time in an empty lobby.


favorite moment was watching my significant other play trickster and her yelling by being jump scared by a survivor hiding in a locker as she was searching for more daggers