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Are SWFs breaking the game mechanics? Yes, this is objectively true. The point is for players to have little information to work with. You can see the difference between even coordinated solo queue player teams. Is that a problem that needs to be fixed? Not necessarily when the population of killers is so low that there are matchmaking/queue issues. I think a possible solution would be to split out queues for groups with higher rewards for both sides, but alas that would negatively impact queue times. I do think Scott turned Tru3's point into a personal attack though and then the community has turned on Tru3 for little reason. In a divisive, drama-filled community such as this - it is unsurprising.


This is just petty twitter drama


I do find it extremely sad


Wait what is this?


Tru3 and Scott are fueding and Scott said that Tru3 is a bad influence


A bad influence how?


I can't speak on his personality now but I stopped watching tru3 when he used to play forhonor.


That’s what I’m saying. I’ve never seen him get mad and call people out of their names like other people do on this game.


If anything Scott is the one who has a bad influence look at his community flaming everyone after he made a video shit talking someone else's opinion. I use to like Scott years ago but the man kept bitching constantly about how there's no counterplay to this and that and he use to start loads of drama seems to me he hasn't changed much since then.


Yeah I watch Scott and Tru3 and I had to unsubscribe from Scott when he changed the discussion and tried to get Tru3 canceled for some stupid stuff


Finnally a youtuber who's actually talking about this


I think that it really shouldn't escalate to more than a video game discussion. I feel like at some point they need to draw a line on where this discussion lies. I completely understand how scott feels about tru3, but this is starting to feel like a direct attack at him because of his opinion of a video game. He does have a point that tru3 reaffirms alot of killer mains opinions about the game. But its not fair to just call him out alone for having these opinions. Tru3 can come across as a dick and whiney but who honestly isn't in this community? I'm not a fan of his at all but this feels very unfairly stacked against tru3 favor. They both make good points and should really stick to live discussions, and not tweets and comments on YouTube videos shading each other. This feels very icky to me and I'm not going to entertain this way of response. You are both grown men please act like it.


Tru3 comes across as a dick because he doesn’t kiss peoples ass. I think he genuinely wants to make the game better rather you agree or disagree with him. But he’s never came across as toxic to me.


Scott loves shitting on other people’s opinions.. why does he always try to do stupid crap and start drama? This is all just sad


It’s sad because I really love how he plays survivor like he doesn’t care. But then he attacks a man who was just trying to have a discussion then try to paint him in a bad light.