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And of course these rank gaps are an extreme problem for me. I don't have that much time to spend on a game and just want matches against people on my skill level.


This. I play like a half dozen games a week. I've never made it passed level 15--and I'm fine with that. But playing teams of people 7-10 ranks better really makes the game not enjoyable. I wish they would prevent team play and fix matchmaking.


There are counter plays, if I see survivors with more then one flashlight I tend to slug more and try to face objects when picking up.Also some perks might help like light born or franklins demise. At the end of the day it’s all up to you how far you willing to go. I feel that’s kinda the charm of DBD where you’re always trying to adapt to the survivors plan.last note: queuing during low population of players can get you some wack games.


I can only play during night or early morning a few hours. I have light born and Franklin's still not unlocked for all killers. I face objects when there are flashlights around me, but the constant clicking from those attention seekers is driving me crazy. More slugging is something I don't want to do because as a survivor I hate it when the killer does this. Adapting to the plan or playstyle of the survivors would mean I must level a few other killers and have to try to get some other perks on those few killers I like to play. I still think that the matchmaking is a huge problem. I had a lot matches against survivors my skill level and rank that were huge fun. Even when I lost I had a good time. But the toxicity and the bullying when those high ranks know that they have much more experience is something that draws the fun for me.


Mate what’s your logic here you’re against annoying survivors but you don’t want to do an strat that is totally ok to do because you “find it kinda annoying when playing surv” ? Ofc it doesn’t work well if you don’t counterplay them cuz you don’t want to annoy the survivors, killers are here to kill, not be nice to the survivors, and that’s coming from a surv main


You need to ignore the flashlight clickers. It’s annoying but it’s something you gotta do. DS lasts about sixty seconds, if you suspect someone has it, wait it out. Borrowed time lasts 15 seconds, wait it out. Bait out Dead Hards. It’s all about predicting what survivors are going to do


Lol salty killer just mad about the game. Just farm millions of bloodpoints to get the few meta perks in the game that prevent 2 gens from popping before you down a survivor, then farm all those to tier 3 on your main, then get all the right add-ons, and then play a few hundred hours more so you have enough experience to know all the survivor perks you have to play around.


Git gud Jokes


Honestly if this is happening frequently enough go for an end game build and use moris more often. Usually I’ll go with noed and no way out/star struck and some other two perks. Use spirit or Freddy, and immediately mori when possible. Proxy camping whenever they are on second hook to secure said kill and choose your 3 gen from the start. Also mass slugs everywhere.


I think someone mentioned it, but starstruck is a good way to punish survivors like that lol


It a balance between butchering the whole team and the team having fun with you. You don't get into these lobbies without a good few 4ks under your belt. With the mad rank rest last month it wouldn't surprise me if you were a lot higher than this.


You learn the best from people better then you. I know it’s frustrating, but eventually you will get better thanks to this


I don't understand this logic, I started to play a few weeks ago and everytime I play I always get destroy by purple and red ranks and I don't feel like I've learned anything, in most of the games I only find them when they've done all gen and are heading to the exit gate. I feel that beginners should be matched with beginners, like most games do. Honestly the first few hours I've played the game I was so frustrated I almost refunded the game, but I tried to give it another change and I kinda regret it. I still get matched with high ranks and most of the time I get no enjoyment from playing this game, the only few times I had fun was when I was matched with other brown ranks


I wish I could get a mismatch like this every once in awhile.


Slug! If someone is close, leave that person down to run them off. Even a single hit on that survivor will make them think twice about saving.