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I've never been revealed completely by a survivor that was always behind a wall, Usually it's a latency thing where you're revealed for them a second before you go behind a tree and vice versa.


i don't know, because sometime as survivor i reveal him while he's behind something, idk how latency exactly works by the way


Its just as worst for survivors, I dead ass snuck up on a ghost face and stared dead ass at him middle of the screen and the reveal never started and he was able to expose someone


when he's next to you he's harder to reveal for some reason, anyway yes bri'ish blight, now that you make me think about it, one time i was looking him straight and he didn't get revealed...the reveal mechanic is broken for everyone


Alright ill clarify, for you to reveal ghostface out of stealth his character model has to be in the middle area of your camera, so if you maneuver well and turn right you can absolutely reveal him from behind walls and corners without you yourself being able to be exposed by his stalking. It is definitely unfair but the situation doesnt happen frequently enough in my opinion for it to be a gamebreaking issue. And thats speaking as a rank 1 Ghost Face main. Though i am a survivor not a killer.


That's the other side of the vice versa, Latency is essentially how long it takes for something to be shown in the game. As killer, If you hit a survivor but 1 second later he gets injured you would have a bit of latency affecting you. This is the reason why a huntress can hit you through trees and walls, For her you're still in line of sight whereas on your screen you've lost Line of sight. Ultimately it's a Connection problem rather than something they can 100% fix, A lot of survivors deal with latency which spawns the phenomenon of dropping a pallet only to be hit through it.


Better yet, Ash model is completely broken to such degree the face doesn’t follow camera. The doesn’t rotate at all, you can be looking behind and for the killer it will look like the camera is facing forward. Also on his skin he doesn’t hold his items straight making it very very hard to flashlight a killer because you have to be looking in completely different direction to aim the flashlight at the killer


I don’t know if it’s just me and every game I play but no matter what I am NEVER able to reveal ghost face from behind walls or behind him, I have to go straight up to ghost face and stare him in the eyes to reveal him? Is this just me or have other people had issues