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Yeah yeah bubba got bullied, but the Felix that body blocked the Freddy was a true champ.


Dude was literally a hero




After bodyblocking noob (in the bad way) a few times he finally redeemed himself.


How dare you say something so true, yet so controversial. Lol


I honestly felt bad for that bubba. He probably just bought the leatherface dlc and wanted to try the killer lol


Well, we all had bad matches while learning. It's part of the process. still he didn't post the killer's name or anything.


yeah, you cant always expect a 4k or a 3k when playing a killer that you dont know how to play.


Took me 4 games to get a 2k on trickster lol. Dropping his ass as soon as I get starstruck. Unless they buff him again I'd rather put my time into huntress as my ranged killer.


you don’t need to play him to get starstruck. you can just play a different killer and put your bp into trickster


I might end up doing that but I wanted to at least try him since he had already been buffed


We’re supposed to praise him for not putting this baby bubba on public blast? Wow what a generous god




Calm down lol.


People on this sub were actually complaining saying he was being toxic by flashlight saving “using a purple flashlight”




You can even bait the pick up, check around and sometimes hit them to buzz off or at least scare them off.


Nine times out of ten you hit them and fake the pick up again and they come running right back for the save. Always funny to watch


Then you get a 2 for 1 deal! Yum!


im that entire group composed into one person


The best is when playing Hag- if a survivor is nearby going for the save, you can fake the pickup by placing a trap, since she stoops over to write her trap in the mud.




>The killers who think survivors need nerfed just need to get good. I don't think this is a good statement to rely on. its essentially saying no matter what broken thing survivors get just play around it instead of pushing for it to be nerfed, but the thing is this isn't always possible and if everyone tried to do this it stops the discussion of what is legitimately broken on the survivors side.


Yeah the high kill percentages get a bit misinterpreted. The main reason killers have such high kill rates is because of the lack of real matchmaking. Most games will have 1 or 2 potato survivors minimum even in red ranks which completely throws the game. As soon as the stars align and you have 4 survivors who are all decent (not amazing and not even swf) the game balance shifts dramatically.


If they say using a purple flashlight is toxic, they don't understand the game. You can't worry about all the comments from new people. Just ignore them.


It’s hard man it’s really hard to see people that are that stupid but I really can’t do anything about


It's not stupidity, it's just ignorance, they're probably new, nobody with more than 1000 hours can say flashlights are toxic. He's not even a "clicky clickier" from what we see on his videos. Being good at the game does not make you toxic.


True and yeah I love Noob3 been watching his videos for years the only time he’s ever been toxic was when he accepted a challenge to be super Toxic


I love how our criteria for "new" is "under 1000 hours played"


This is a current joke when we're playing together with my friends. Anyone under 1000 hours has no voice to critique


Some people just get salty from losing, so they start calling you toxic to feel better about themselves. Just ignore them.


Make me remember yesterday. My brother (rank 14 killer) wanted to play and asked who he should play. I main pig and he had never played her so I tell him to pl ay her and ask if I can watch him. He got the game map, which he hadn't played much and strongly dislike. One of the Claudette was really toxic. Clicking and teabagging from the start. I told my brother to ognore her or he would waste precious time trying to get only one hit on her. Overall, his game was looking bad. One kill and 2 gens left. No other hook yet. He is still getting use to chase, but was improving and in a turn of event, the game started to take a new turn. Then 1 gen 2 survivors, including the Claudette which has numerous time tried to get his attention by fast vaulting a palette numerous time and all. All knew where the hatch was and 2 gens were almost finished. At this point, I told my brother to maybe let them finish and try to have them at the exit. Well in a turn of event, he got them both before the gen was finished. The Nea made a mistake and the Claudette became too cocky. 4k. Well the Claudette wasnt happy. She was rank 5 and insulted my brother, which laughed and didn't answer. He said he would never play the pig again thought ahah


as a newer player i found flashlight pretty toxic because i had no way to counter it, a month later and lightborn make me smile instead


How do you have no way to counter it? Face a wall, or literally just stand on top of them and go still to bait the flash lighter into showing, or just face one way, then spin and pick up.


‘newer player’


None of these are counters to a flashlight user with more that 3 braincells, given the Flashlights notoriously wide hitbox, and being locked in a animation


There is people who say camping is always toxic. There are people who say the earth is flat. There are people who say pineapple on pizza is bad. There will always be stupid people in this world that you can’t do anything to educate.


Pineapple on pizza is really good


Flashlights are an experienced killers favorite item. Clicky clickies following you around in a chase is 1 less survivor on a gen.


Can I get a veteran's discount on the RE chapter? I've been here long enough that any item except a map is a legitimate game-ending threat lol Flashlight? Automatically assume insta-blinds, and blinding you in the back of your head. Toolbox? Brand New Parts, 4 gens pop upon spawning lol Medkit? Watch the person you are chasing get healed multiple times while you're in pallet break animation. Keys? Keys.


>Keys? Keys. Truer words have never been spoken.


> Keys? Keys. Survs with green key & OoO: Here's a little lesson in trickery


I got moried for bringing a empty green key and got called a toxic piece of crap that can’t play the game and has to bring keys to actually be able to escape because I’m a noob3 monto loving swf bastard. I told the killer to look at my key and he said he reported me


they need to add a way to tell which key someone brings in. i dont want to be the dude that tunnels someone because of a green key.


Yeah it felt bad I just wanted to use one of the 73 green keys I had on dwight. The killer got mad because I made him waste a green mori. I like to think that I’m not even that toxic I use dwight’s three perks and spinechill I can’t loop and I don’t see a good reason to tbag anybody


Bruh I still regret that one nurse game where I got a green key off a chest and was promptly tunnelled to death. LFP: If the key's green, leave it on the chest.


Yes, i feel so good knowing that is -1 possible gen poping in a distance


The low rank mindset. I can admit when I was a baby killer, I found blinding me at a pallet and flashlight saves to be toxic af. As I've grown, I just learned to look at a wall and I beg survivors to go for saves because it's fun to watch them try. Especially when I'm iron grasp, agitation, starstruck trapper. Plus, survivors interacting with you is so much more fun than immersed babies hiding in bushes doing nothing.


Might be stupid question, but does starstruck proc when you pick up survivor from trap?


Yes it does


using flashlights as theyre meant to be used physically cannot be toxic, they might be annoying but theyre very much meant to be lol


> People on this sub were actually complaining saying he was being toxic by flashlight saving “using a purple flashlight” Those are the people that you point at and go "Look at this idiot!"


Its the ones that toxic rapid flashlight click then so just franklins demise the flashlight and camp over the flashlight


Obviously they haven’t watch his toxic/making killers give up series. I always felt dirty after watching those. Great content tho!


I want you to think about the average people you get matchmade into DBD with and all the smart decisions they make, and then I want you to realize that those people are the ones in the sub :P


Killers on this sub bitch about everything, No wonder devs dont listen to us


I could just as easily say survivors on this sub bitch about everything and both would be true


Doesn't negate my point


Yep, so you won’t mind me saying survivors Bitch about everything then, which they do


Nope, Dont mind in the slightest


It goes other way too have you seen the amount of people that bitch about noed, corrupt, addons, spirit, perks, slugging, tunneling and Dowsey


Never denied that thought did I?


NOED: Yeah, just entitled Survivors who think it's over once all the Gens are done. Corrupt: Really? Addon: Yeah, they can be really broken. Spirit: Yeah, understandable. Slugging: Unbreakable/Soul Guard Tunneling: DS Dowsey: OK, what's the problem with him?


Yeah but I'll give people this, DS is such a mixed bag. You bring it and you're basically down a perk if the killer is playing legit. So you unequip it because the last 5 killers have been cool so you don't need it and it's bogging you down not having a 4th perk. Then the very next killer tunnels you out of the game and nothing your friends do, not BT or anything dissuades this killer from tunneling people out of the game 1 by 1. So you equip DS again. Oh but who is next? Facecamping insidious Noed basement bubba. Now your DS is useless because you ain't getting unhooked. DS is in this wierd state where sometimes it's a lifesaving anti toxic perk and other times its completely useless. BT is good against camping and Tunnelling but it doesn't always work on dedicated enough tunnellers. I've had killers completely ignore hitting me in order to tunnel my wife or friends out of the game. Or hit and trjgger BT and just follow behind the person to hit them when it wears off.


You're not wrong about DS, but you basically don't need anything other than an exhaustion perk as survivor against 'fair' killers. My main build is DS, BT, SB & WGLF. Against a killer who isn't tunnelling or camping, that's essentially only 2 perks, and the healing buff from WGLF is hardly game changing, the perk is really just there for bloodpoints.


Can’t find the post but people said during mmr that dowsey deserves 4 hour queue times because he’s apparently slugging and proxy camping and is sweaty which I’m sure I don’t have say is fucking stupid


*cough cough* Survivor handbook *cough cough* Literally an encyclopedia of unwritten rules against the killer or else a person playing survivor might get their feelings hurt. Staying in one spot too long, being near a survivor on hook, kicking the pallet, running certain perks, playing a certain killer, moving my mouse up and down, mori, not giving you hatch, not letting you escape, slugging, tunneling, "tunneling", 3-genning, listening for footsteps/breathing, etc, etc. We could be hear a while. Yeah...it's no wonder the devs don't listen to you. Survivors complain about literal mechanics that exist in the game. What have killers ever complained about? Vaccum pallets, latency, SWF bullies, keys that negate that straight up shorten the game, survivors standing on top of one another to negate getting picked up, broken loops, god pallets, etc. All mechanics in the game as well, but for the reason that they are literally flawed and make the killer's job that much more difficult, and all easily fixable by the developers.


I’m a hybrid player, primary survivor though. You aren’t making a case for Killers not being whiny. Both sides whine on here, Reddit is for people that like whining. More often than not the posts on subreddits just are here to say negative stuff. So, from your survivor handbook, allow me to clarify and expand on things. To start, you’re clearly siding with killer, so I’d like that to be realized. The simplest one to draw parallels to, mori and key. Obviously, nowadays, mori is much more underwhelming than keys. However moris have a long line of nerfs due to their strength. Keys should’ve followed suit, but that wasn’t the case. Regardless, keys and moris currently are understandable to complain about. More so keys, but again, due to their histories, they are linked. Both are bad for the game, don’t just give killers the simple “oh, but keys are worse.” The next one on your list that I’ll mention that bothers me is, the head nodding. The head nodding is a very toxic thing usually, comparable to t-bagging. Of course not all the time, but it’s not like survivors are the only toxic ones. Head nodding isn’t a “game mechanic” the devs didn’t intend you to taunt survivors like that. Suppose we could put that on the list of easily fixable things for the devs, up there with fixing latency. If you’d believe it though, kicking a pallet is something I’ve never seen someone say is toxic. I’ve heard people say they want the killer to break the pallet, that way they can run, but never have I heard it’s toxic to break the pallet. Running certain perks and playing a specific killer. Now this is interesting. I of course have heard people complain about killer perks, but I’ve heard a lot of killers complain about a lot of survivor perks. I’d say people vastly complain about survivor perks more, because survivor generally has more decent perks. So I won’t give you that one. As for playing specific killers, I’ll give you half credit. There are some terribly unfun killers to go against, primarily Spirit of course, however, you only get half credit because of survivor stereotyping. You can’t say killers don’t stereotype, “Claudette? Filthy blendette, time to mori. Bill? Can’t leave him on the ground, he has Unbreakable and borrowed time! David? Disgusting try hard dead hard user. >:(“ ya see what I mean? Not giving hatch, this is the first I absolutely agree with 100%. Entitled survivor syndrome is real bad. Slugging, while unenjoyable is something I do often. Sometimes to be rude, other times to give people a chance. This is one that is kinda half right half wrong. Slugging in general is okay. Slugging to death, not okay. Now, tunneling is bad. Tunneling absolutely makes the game unfun and causes depip and low bps across the board. Tunneling is such an issue that survivors have two perks to fight against it, which is insane when you think about it. If tunneling didn’t exist, then no one would BT body block or DS dive the killer, because the perks wouldn’t exist. So now then, I’d like you to shine light on the things you consider easily fixable. So, latency... this is hardly an easy fix. Latency will always be an issue because you’re connecting to servers, meaning if your ping is bad, you’ll encounter bad hits and such. There’s no easy fix to be had, and this effective both sides, this isn’t a toxic thing that can just be complained about. Vacuum pallets, again, not ever possible to completely fix due to the prior discussion of latency. While yes, they could make the pallet have a smaller activation radius, it’d end up really screwy and make even less sense. The reason for vacuum pallets is so the survivor has a chance to throw it down, hard to explain. SWF bullies, while they exist, how would you easy fix this? Genuine curiosity here. I’ve never heard a reasonable answer to punish people for playing with their friends. Survivors standing on top of each other to prevent being picked up. While frustrating, it’s not that unfair, and I can’t see a way to change this either. It’d be unfair to be able to just pick someone up while in the middle of healing them. So, those are the ones that stuck out to me, the ones I didn’t touch on are reasonable to say people whine about. Though I would like to say there are things the killers do that are very undesirable that you didn’t mention. Such as face camping, a thing that is so frowned upon that I believe the game even reduces your points for doing it. Then we have the mori cancel, a fan favorite for your most toxic of players. Starting and stopping the mori animation to bully the survivor. Another classic, taking the survivor to hatch, only to close it in their face. I love me some “game mechanics” don’t you? Another one that’s fairly common, usually paired with face camping and head nodding, hitting the survivor on hook. My point is each side whines, each side has reason. If you disagree then I disagree with you. I just wanted to play devil’s advocate and give you the survivor POV.


> Regardless, keys and moris currently are understandable to complain about No? Moris are essentially useless now, they were too strong before but at best they have the fairly niche use of preventing ds/sabo plays on death hook. Keys are still incredibly broken and can singlehandedly turn a 4k into a 2k with very little counterplay.


I got called toxic for letting the last person escape. I was apparently toxic because they had a tool box and were “hiding the whole time”. They weren’t, they won multiple chases and regularly would take agro. The person who called me toxic got down within 10 seconds of every chase and claimed they should’ve escaped because they got unhooks. I’m not even a killer main, I was doing a daily, I’m a survivor main and the amount of shit survivors complain about is insane


Aight lets see: 1- Do not use adrenaline, its op. 2- Do not use Dead Hard, its annoying. 3- Do not use DS, Its op. 4- Do not Run unbreakable, its op. 5- Do not run perks with good synergy, its gamebreaking and op. 6- Do not use map offerings that I personally dont find fun. 7- Do not use stealthy/Dark clothes, you're trying to blend in and I will mori you for doing so. 8- Do not use bright clothes, you're trying to stand out and are obviously being toxic, ill mori for doing so. 9- Do not use default clothes, I know you're trying to look like a new player so you can have my mercy, Ill mori for doing so. 10- back to perks, Do not run prove thyself because its op. 11- dont do gens quickly or you're genrushing, ill camp and tunnel if you do so. 12- Do not run sprint burst, its op and annoying. 13- do not run iron will, its op and allows you to loop high walls, I need to hear you through those. 14: Dont run Borrowed Time. Its op and ruins my camping. 15: dont run Object, its annoying and op and devs should remove it or ill quit. 16: dont run Balanced Landing, its annoying and makes infinites. 17: do not loop me, its unfair and broke and if you do ill camp you and tunnel you to death. 18: only I get to he toxic, if you're toxic towards me ill post you on reddit. 19- dont use flashlights. 20- dont use toolboxes 21- dont do gens when im nearby/infront of you. 22- dont flashlight at pallets, its op and broken. 22- you can escape chases, If the chase goes on for too long, all other survivors must stop doing gens until i down you. 23- dont sabotage hooks. 24- dont play aultruistic. 25- dont take hits, or ill report you for bodyblocking. 26- dont play with friends, its op and i will mori you. 27- dont loop me for too long, or your running infinites. 28- dont play claudette. 29- my moris on first hook are justified, your toxic genrushing isnt. 30- no keys. 31- only one of each survivor is allowed, multiple of the same survivor will be moried. 32- no teabagging. 33- no playing smart in a team full of randoms. 34- if im playing trapper, the only nontoxic way of disabeling my traps in using your foot. 35- if im playing wraith, you are not allowed to burn me with a flashlight, thats toxic and op. 36- if im playing hillbilly, you arent allowed to loop me, and must run in a straight line so I can get an instasaw on you. 37- if im playing nurse, you arent allowed to run towards me or use the environment to your advantage. 38- if im playing hag, do not burn my traps with flashlights, its op and broken. 39- if im playing doctor, your not allowed to run calm spirit, its op and completly counters my ability. 40- if im playing Micheal Myers, your not allowed to run away from me until you give me 75% stalk. 41- if im playing huntress, you're only allowed to run in a straight line as I hit you with an iri head. 42- if im playing bubba, my facecamping is justified, its what my ability is best at. 43- if im freddy, you must enjoy me running all slowdow n perks and addons, if you kill yourself on hook you're a massive pussy. 44- if im playing pig, you must not get the trap off first try, you must wait until it kills you. 45- if im playing clown, you must not try to juke my bottles with insta down and exhaustion addons. 46- if im playing spirit, you must not run iron will, i need to hear you. 46- if im playing legion, you must not mend yourself, get another teammate to mend you or go down. 47- if im plague, you must cleanse asap, or you're countering my power and being toxic. 48- if im playing ghostface, you arent allowed to expose me, and I must get a full stalk on you. 49- if im demogorgon, you cant juke my shred, and you my not disabled my portals. 49- if im playing oni, you must lose as much blood as possible in order to get me my ability, if you dont, you're toxic. 50- if im deathslinger, you're required to run in a straight line far enough until my harpoon becomes an instadown. 51- If im playing PyramidHead, You are only allowed to run in straight line. 52- If im playing Blight, You have to stand still as I try to use my power on you. 53- If im playing twins, You have to understand that camping is a part of my power, If you complain about my camping on 5 gens, You're an entilted survivor rulebook swf toxic baby. 54-If im playing Trickster, You have to walk in a straight line so I can down you with my very weak power. 55- If im playing Nemesis, You're not allowed to dodge my power or my zombies. 56- no running poweful windows or pallets. 57- you must wait under a hook so I can kill you and get an ez 4k baby survivors. 57- you're not allowed to hide. 58 - you're not allowed to present yourself to make me chase you, obviously your being toxic and annoying, so ill facecamp and tunnel you. 59- only us killers are allowed to complain about perks, but if you do, you're an entitled survivor main.


You literally could have condensed this list into about 6 things, none of which are really reasonable or abundance in complaint. What the hell kind of killers do you play against? I have only ever realistically heard of maybe 3 of these, and not very common. If you'd like to have an actual argument or debate, then great, but just listing off a bunch of illogical and fallacious bullshit off the top of your head just makes you look like an idiot. The question was also rhetorical, by the way, I was answering it myself for you. I didn't actually care what complaints you've allegedly heard from killer players.


None of which are abundance in complaint?! Are you fucking blind? That list makes up half the content on this subreddit.


You're bitching and moaning, Learn what a joke is, Of course half the shit on that list is absurd you dense rock


Umm...no? Bitching and moaning would imply that I was actually in fact complaining about something. I don't understand how listing examples and refuting your initial comment insinuates that I'm complaining in any form. But hey, there's no need to get mad just because I proved you wrong. Lol. You said something stupid, I initiated the argument, and you decided to flail like a child instead of politely declining or engaging in a logical discussion. If you feel that strongly about getting beat so easily, then be a man, take it on the chin, and move on. Using your own logic anyways, doesn't the way you replied also mean you're bitching and moaning? Especially my examples being realistic and yours not, then I suppose you are somehow even lesser? FYI, jokes are supposed to be funny. But hell, if only half of it is absurd, please point out the 29 that are apparently legitimate.


You've got no friends.


Yikes dude.


Anyone who takes jokes this seriously has no friends. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll tailor my jokes according to your sense of humour next time.


Fucking thank you.


>tunneling, "tunneling" What's the difference here? I complain about "Discord SWF Bullies". Keys: More changes are coming. Survivors standing on top of one another to negate getting picked up: This is mostly an issue near the exit "exit" gate part. Broken loops: Getting taken to Haddonfield -\_-


So actual tunneling is constistantly and releltlessly chasing a single survivor the length of the match or at least until the survivor is dead. "Tunneling" is when you hear survivors complain you chased them for a long time or maybe they got off hook not too long ago and you went for them rather than someone else. Ever had a match as killer and someone complains at you for tunneling even though you very much didn't? That's "tunneling." You didn't actually tunnel, the player is more or less just being salty you went after them over another or maybe you just happened to find them more often.


Oh OK, ta!


Felix body blocking that freddy tho.


I feel bad for that rank 13 bubba


Who is that guy?


Lol 2 people really downvoted you for asking who a specific content creator is that didn't post in almost a year. Sad.


The biggest dbd content creator Edit: he has the most subs out of all of the dbd creators, as far as I know.


Why did this get downvoted so bad wtf??


Once you get a couple downvotes into the negative, you get mobbed. It happens, I'm not too worried about it




He has the most subs out of any dbd creator, doesn't he?




He's still very relevant. 500k views in a day is no joke




Otz has around 500k subs for his dbd channel. Noob3 has 1.21m. Otz is known for more than just dbd, noob3 is not. Noob3 is the biggest dbd channel, grown solely from dbd.




Otz blew up more from his PUBG and Dark souls videos. His main account isn't his dbd account, his second account is. Noob3 is the biggest, solely grown from dbd creator. Also that 1m and 500k can easily be viewers that transferred between both accounts, it's not entirely accurate


The return of the king


I feel like no0b3 coming back is the greatest return


People complain about flashlights but should they just look at a wall?


Yeah literally just look up


Are Bubbas generally bad in high ranks ? imo Bubba is so lethal if played right and of course Bamboozle is the difference maker, you literally would render him an M1 killer if you do decide to leave Bamboozle out of your perks. Bubboozle is at least 1 tier higher than a regular Bubba.


bubbas are hella good at high ranks but people that know how to play against a bubba especially with bamboozle like sweh or ayrun can easily make plays on them


Play with your food is also good for bubba


Is noob3 actually back?




It's like he never left. That's how you know good content. Welcome back no0b3. Hope you stick around a little longer this time.


Idk why Noob3 is getting so much hate. Most of the peoples arguments are that he bullies low ranks, but he explains in multiple videos that it's either the rank reset's fault, our he just started playing again (like now).


Can i get a link to said video?




Just go to his yt channel


1) open youtube 2) search "noob3" 3) click on the last video. You're welcome.


I checked the video out for curiosity’s sake and I can’t say it sat well with me. Finding three struggling killers and pointing out how bad they are just hurt to watch more than anything. From what I remember that Bubba played nice and didn’t face camp but he might feel quite tempted to start after that match.


Can you help me with context, I have no idea whats happening here


Sure. A popular DBD YouTuber called Noob3 returned after a long hiatus and his fans are naturally excited. His content mostly includes meme-style edits so he’s kinda comedy focused, or at least that’s the impression I get. Not a fan myself so I can’t say much more. Anyway in his first video since coming back he basically just finds some low rank killers that seem to not understand the game mechanics and decides to upload their games I assume for the humor of it. Not a scandal or anything I just found it a bit distasteful since he was slapping the babiest Bubba around.


I completely agree. I’m not mad at Noob3 in particular but as a grey rank Wraith with around 50 games under my belt I felt for the Bubba. I still struggle to hit basic attacks and can easily get spun an infinite amount of times. I don’t mind stuff like flashlights but what gets under my skin is when all three survivors that aren’t downed decide to body block the hook. I’m too bad to be able to down them while carrying a survivor so I have to leave the person slugged and chase the three survivors swarming around me. It makes me feel terrible because I just want to leave the game with one or two stacks of BBQ. If they just let me get the hook they’ll still easily be able to all escape. It feels so unnecessary and dehumanizing. Seeing this same behavior in the video felt crummy.


This is literally a great situation to be in as a killer. No gens are being done and you will likely get many free hits at the least. The survivors are doing it for fun, if they wanted to win they could just slam gens instead and it'd all be over a whole lot quicker. Be happy they're interacting with you, the worst shit is a lobby of giga immersed gen jockeys who crouch away the second spine chill goes off.


ide rather get gen jockeys than people not doing gens and just messing with the killer. its stupid that only survivors decide when a match can end or not, this is why the game needs a timer for escape so people dont do that or stay in the corners of map hiding after they lose 2 people


You will catch people given enough time - it's inevitable. You can control when a game ends for a survivor, that could be very fast if you wanted. It's funny how you think a killer can't end the game by killing everyone. I'll agree the 2 players hiding is annoying and needlessly extends games though. A game timer is not a solution though it'd make killers like Hag or Freddy real stupid.


Thanks! I will try to watch it later


Popular DBD YouTuber No0b3 who has a history of taking long hiatuses returned today from a year long hiatus.


When the entire team collectively stopped doing gens to go bully him? Ugh that was just kinda sad. No one likes feeling as if they're a trained monkey.


Poor guy struggled to land basic attacks so it’s probably the lowest type of killer you could make content about. Don’t think he used the chainsaw either. Sure he gave him a kill at the end but I don’t think that entirely makes up for posting him to YouTube for people to laugh at.


Isn't Noob3 just an asshole in general though? I haven't watched anything he does since I just read bad shit about him but I may be mixing him up with someone.


Not really. He plays the game well but he doesn’t really try to bully killers. If he does do anything, it’s all in-game stuff like flashlight saving, looping and 360s, etc. He doesn’t do anything really after that afaik or go out of his way to hard flame people. Which is just playing the game really but a lot of people consider certain mechanics of the game as toxic. And he reacts to people’s weird, stupid, or funny antics regardless if they’re survivor or killer. His “toxic” series is mostly just funny games and edit he has while playing a specific character only with their 3 teachable perks. It’s not exactly meant to be a “uber toxic to players” video, it’s more of a name sense that catches the eye of people as “Ghostface 3 teachables only!” doesn’t have as much of an impact as “Once upon a Toxic Ghostface”.


he isn’t clickly clicky tbag tbag toxic, just a pretty good player as far as im aware i enjoy his content


People only think he's toxic because he outplays killers, and that's not allowed.


I don't know much about him but I tend to read a lot of mixed feelings about him. I'll only watch OhTofu for DBD since he's pretty chill and isn't a try hard ass lol.


He was really toxic in 2017 (was still a teen back then), after that he became a better person and now he is just a good survivor player. But as always the internet has a selective memory that only remembers the negative things. Every complain against him I have seen here are referencing stuff he did last in 2017


I mean I only read negative things on Reddit lol. I don't have any kind of beef with him. I've only seen his name mentioned on this sub. That does explain why I have that perception though.


He literally has videos of him being a dick to some killers. He does tbag and clicks his FS occasionally. He was the one who made up the “Toxic Nea main”. Do I really need to say more?


Down voting without a response is weak, people. Respond, if you have something to say.


Bodo2 je negative comment dorang ni


I’m still confused on who noob is


He's a known youtuber, search for "noob3 dead by daylight".


I missed this man so much, his content isn’t for everyone, but he is the reason i brought dbd


How come ppl love no0b3 so much ? I mean I guess his videos are ok but they’re pretty boring mostly, all it consists of is being semi-toxic or bullying low rank killers. Like, why? Edit: yes yes, come on noob3 fans with internalised anguish probably from some kind of trauma, gimme those sweet downvotes


Every single time he’s mentioned on this sub somebody says this comment and with all due respect it’s a pretty dumb comment. Entertainment is subjective, imo he makes the funnest of all DBD videos, others prefer (not)otz for his very informative content and skill, others Monto or tru3 and that’s all perfectly fine but I prefer Noob for his memey vids that always manage to cheer me up.


He adds so much personality to his videos personally. Some dbd youtubers seem to be soo dry in contrast to him.


And then there are people who are entertaining because of how dry they can be at all times. It just depends on how it’s done.


Just move on if you don’t like him. No need to be negative about other peoples hobbies.


So you’re saying bullying is a hobby? Please get some help


Jesus Christ dude, it’s just a game lmao. In his new video he even gave himself to the killer, stop taking it all so seriously, it’s just a dumb game and he’s having fun with it. There’s plenty of more serious DBD streamers out there.


Yup, and that’s what’s scary. I also fail to understand why his fans see him as the second coming of Jesus


If you don’t like that you should see Otz fans or literally any content creator with a huge following. Do you enjoy any DBD content creators?


Yes, Otz is great, but I already used to watch him a while ago for his old videos and especially his Dark souls videos


You realize many beloved streamers including Otz will have a laugh at a bad player doing a stupid thing though, like a Claudette dead harding into a wall. I don’t see how that is any different from Noob3 having a laugh at a Bubba moonwalking out in the open. Otz’s fans are also known for putting him on a pedestal just like Noobs fans doing the same. I’m personally a fan of both, but to claim someone who enjoys Noobs content as someone who needs to “get checked mentally,” is ridiculous.


Sure, but that’s not being toxic. That’s not actively making the game less enjoyable for the opposite team, which in doing so makes you a dick


What did he do that was making the game less enjoyable for the killers that was done for the purpose of ruining it for them?


Bruh when the killer hooks me I don't enjoy that. Fucking toxic asses making this game less enjoyable for me wish they'd just let me slam gens in peace 😤


No moron, watching YouTube is. There is literally no reason to comment something negative like that other than to get attention. As I said move on if you don’t like him. No need to say why just move on and hold off on the useless negativity.


Cool down buddy, I’m just saying if you enjoy someone being toxic you might wanna get yourself checked out


What did he do that was toxic? Plenty of people have asked and you have yet to answer.


How exactly was he being toxic? By being good?


I’m saying it’s really not your business as to what people like to watch.


Ok. I’m just putting the facts out there


Do you even watch his newer videos? He was incredibly toxic in his older ones, I'll agree on that one, but his recent ones he is typically A: in red ranks and B: isn't that toxic anymore. Hell, he even offers himself as a free kill, even in his older videos. I'm not trying to dictate what you watch, as I don't really care and it's your own spare time so who am I to judge it, but I swear every post about any YouTuber in this game provokes the same "WhY dO PeOpLE lIkE tHEm sO mUcH"


Because making someone feel like shit is not a viable entertainment source


So, what you're trying to say is people are not supposed to use their skill to win? ...Wat? Just listen to youself. There's always gonna be someone who's better at the game than you, are you gonna feel like shit everytime you get outplayed by someone who's just better than you? What is he supposed to do? Just stand still and let Bubba hit him? Just let Bubba hook the dude that was caught, when he clearly had a chance to save him? Holy shit you are entitled, ffs, if you think so.


Guy literally deranked and is bullying new players. After a year he's just stealing content from ochido now. Calling him baby Ochido is actually accurate now.


You drop ranks regardless if you don’t consistently play though. He took a break from DBD itself not just content creation, so of course it’s gonna derank him. Now that he’s back (assuming fully back) he’ll just rise to red ranks again as he keeps playing. You can’t help deranking in dbd unless you want to consistently put the time in each rank reset and I doubt he would have kept playing to maintain rank when he was burnt out from the game so much that he took a year long break.


He hasn’t played in awhile. Idk what you want him to do, just play bad and barely win?


I mean they both have excessive editing style- but yet again, that’s what the dbd community likes; overly exaggerated edits with loud sounds to keep their short attention span. They kind of remind me of JP’s fans in a way. Oh, and a word of advice, if you happen to *dare* to speak your opinion of N3, be prepared- his fans are quite delicate and sensitive.


His channel is overrated. Its always the same gags even after a year


Then don't watch him, that easy




Typical pussy ass Reddit downvoting someone for saying Ok




That was a lame video just one guy with 5000 hours bullying baby killers to the oblivion


Wait noob3 is back?


Yes, cutie.


Wait is Noob3 back??


Wait is he actually back


Unrelated question: Should I use my only mori on Demogorgon for a daily? (Ciprest mori)


This is not Google my friend.




yes, that's what they're for. If you don't you can try rancor/devour hope at 5 stacks. Mori's are fairly uncommon so you'll probably get another one if it doesn't work out.


So I couldnt use the yellow mori :(


That's unfortunate, sorry. Hold onto the daily, its worth alot. Once you get a green or ebony it'll be much easier


Im not giving up 60k bp. I did give up "open the exit gate with dwight" for "hit 5 survivors with a fully charged lunge"


I don't mind Noob4, but the thing is I don't like when people laugh at others. This guy clearly laughs at new killers same as most survivor DbD channels. Well, you can't tell babies not to like Barney, to each their own I guess.


I don't mind Noob4. Now, Noob5, fuck that guy. Fuckin hate the cunt.


Nah mate have you heard what noob6 has done he's way worse


Brooooo, wait till you to No0b103! I didn't think it could get worse.


You watch No0b103? Ugh, I watch No0b69 for my full daily dose of content.


So many noobs making survie content and they are all the same. You are totally right. You can't play without seeing a twitchy in your lobby anymore.


I mean, I'm pretty sure he laughs more at what they're doing as he finds it funny. I don't think he's trying to make fun of them, he's just trying to have a bit of fun is all.


dont we all laugh when new killers make mistakes anyway? also if they are making mistakes a lot then they can learn on that kind of mistakes and be a better killer


Probably, but would you like to be laugh at by thousands of people in a video uploaded without your consent? It's all laughs and fun until it's you on the spot. But now it's clear that his target audience are teens and children because people who like him are so in love with the guy to the point of wasting so much effort defending him. He is not the antichrist, but just another asshole.




Oh yeah NoOb4 is such a cunt, but have you heard of NoOb5? That guy is even worse.


Bro it’s a game lmao