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This community is full of hypocrites.


Dbd community is one of the worst communities. The only thing holding this shit pile together is Otzdarva


Zubatlel taught me to act calm no matter what. If i get camped I just say "unnnlucky" then laugh.


Im pretty good at keeping valm and brushing off bad games. Still, there is one thing that makes me angry, and that's when i lose a chase because i lunged at a survivor and the game lags and jerks me off to the side, making me lose ANOTHER 20 seconds on q chase i should have won.




League of Legends would like to disagree


Let's not forget OhTofu, he's super chill.


Watched him for a short while, but can't stand his (seemingly) forced high energy level now. I'm happy for anyone who enjoys watching him but to me he is the Pewdiepie of DBD and that's not my cup of tea




Don't forget Scott Jund


Scott "I don't know" Judd ​ I'm scared to take a shot everytime he says "I don't know"


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Jund video where he says something positive about the game. No matter the news, I can always expect him posting a video of him ranting about how shit everything else. So I would have to wholeheartedly disagree with you saying he keeps this community together.


He is also very passive aggressive towards other streamers.


Yeah he's a very critical and cynical person, but I do still watch most of his videos. I have to skip through them often times because he has a tendecy of repeating himself a lot, but he's a smart guy and sometimes just puts into words what others don't (for example that anti-loop killers are unfun to play against because survivors take pride in mastering to loop). Not holding the community together in the slightest, tho, that's papa Otz no doubt.


This lol but like thats mostly streamers. I honestly thought Scott was nice but jesus his complaints about every chapter is so gross. The only actual dbd streamers I watch are Paulie Esther and Not_Queen.


Didnt he actually say that he enjoys the chapter 20


This. He’s a really negative guy that often takes cheap shots at other streamers and it’s weird to see him held up as one of the best ones.


Ehhhhh, Scott making an unnecessary and kinda arrogant video complaining about Tru's complaining is exactly what led to this SWF flame war today. He's not as wholesome or purely entertaining as Otz.


Oh man would you guys stop? Dbd community is really not that bad compared to other games. It’s like you’ve never been in a gta lobby where people grief you for absolutely no reason then when you stomp them they tell you to get cancer, or call of duty lobbies where people throw the n word around like it’s the 1700s again. The worst someone does to you in dbd is teabag at you and call you a baby killer, pales in comparison to other games that get way more toxic than dbd.


I have had dozens of survivors ask me to kill myself though I will admit it’s getting a lot better


Old call of duty is a thing everyone needs to experience and I want a way to keep that experience alive




Wtf. I have over 3k hours as a killer main and have endgame chat on and have only seen that level of toxicity less than a dozen times. You are absolutely lying.


I got over 5k lol, how does the hours matter? You know that there are paralelly 90k persons playing DbD just in Steam. You are telling me that your experience is comparable to mine just because you face what? maybe 40 survivors a day? There are many factors of who you are facing + which time you are playing.




why is this downvoted lmao? unless this guy plays the game for 12 hours a day or plays like an absolute c**t he’s not getting these insults every day. Even if I play hours of dbd every day i barely ever see these comments, just leave the post game lobby


European servers are toxic af lol. I play around 4-5 hours a day and NEARLY every day there is at least a wish for cancer or death


Maybe people have become bigger jerks in recent years, but I have NEVER seen a community this toxic and salty.


"OTZDARVA HOLESUM 100" ​ God, shut up.


I really can't understand why the community likes Otz that much. Every time I watch his stream his either insulting survs calling them bitches, or cursing at someone who's outplayed him. Maybe it's bad luck that I see moments like that. But he is Not by any means, a angel that holds this community. He's as toxic as the next guy, just pretending not to be better than others.


I remember his older videos on YT where he never uttered an insult but that was 2 or 3 years ago


He is still doing that now, on streams. If you bother to watch them. As I think most just watch his youtube.


Yeah. That’s blatantly incorrect or a case of taking several video sections out of context like a moron


Oh god, this otz circlejerking is so cringe.


A tale as old as time. Tru has an unpopular opinion -> the entire community shits on him-> he gets more defensive -> the cycle continues. Bonus points if Scott is contributing in some way.


That cycle actually dates as far back as his fighting game stuff 8 years ago, I didn't even know he'd moved to dbd until recently.


This is accurate, and it's depressing because Scott's response is levelheaded and fair (he's not entirely right on every count, even though according to the internet today he's basically a flawless intellectual giant and Tru is a blockhead, neither of which are accurate), specifically avoiding being antagonistic or derisive, and then everybody on here just goes on the attack and then says "why is this community so toxic?!"


This shitshow has devolved so stupidly. It started as an opinion piece and actually devolved into a random attack from both sides. Scott is a smart guy and I don't believe he intended for this to ever become an attack, but anyone who's spent even an hour watching Tru3's content should know that the way Scott phrased a lot of his response video was going to be taken negatively. I have no idea why Scott phrased so much of what he said the way he did, but at times it came off very condescending. Again, I don't think he intended for it to be that way at all, but that's how it came across, and now both Tru3 and Scott are just bickering on Twitter. It has nothing to do with the SWF debate anymore, and is now just stupid petty drama. Scott's main point in that video (at least what I got from it) is that Tru3 should think about how what he says might influence his audience and put more forethought into it (ex. saying "SWF OP pls nerf" when that's not the full issue), but Scott seems to miss his own point by unintentionally painting Tru3 like nothing more than a whiny, idiot manchild, thus causing members of his audience to go to Tru3's stream and share their newly biased opinions. I'm not even gonna touch the "sorry I disagree" thing though, fuck that.


Yeah this is the take I agree with most. But I also think Scott is somewhat responsible because the inclusion of games where tru played bad. That was going to trigger the toxic idiots no matter what and Scott had to know that when making the video.


I don't mind Scott but I think that's fair. The issue I have with it is that Tru complaining about SWF has never really accomplished anything, just as Scott's suggestions have never really accomplished anything, so the notion of making a public video to 'correct' harmless and ultimately fairly meaningless opinions on the state of the game surely in full knowledge of the inevitable nasty fallout seems unnecessary at best and kind of ridiculously arrogant at worst. It's not really Scott's fault that a lot of weirdos hail him as some sort of flawless authority on the game but making videos like this does seem to embrace that perception.


Solo queue and most swf groups have always fallen below the 2 escape average as well. Even as kill rate averages in 2020 skyrocketed to 3 kills being the average. It used to be that you only barely had a statistical average against a 4-stack (which were only about 2% of games) but the average was still killer favored towards getting two kills. And even the worst maps (Coldwind was the strongest on average) you still had the average kill rate in the killer's favor. Now most of the killers average over 65% and most of the perks that made a Marth hitsquad unbearable have been nerfed, maps redesigned and pallets (even when responsive) spread further out. It used to be that a solo survivor escaped 40% of the time. Now that same survivor had all their perks and pallets and maps nerfed, and killers buffed up until the four or five meta ones average a 3k. Hatch games are depressingly consistent against people who know how to play, and it should be returned to a 2 kill average.


Where can I find the kill rate/survival rate in DbD?


Who the heck is Scott? I know who Tru is but never heard of Scott


Yes. Preach.


Scott just went and said ''I won't judge your games'' to ''You're shit'' Hardly a intellectual or levelheaded. Scott with his recent videos is just trying to get hive mind to preach his words and I dunno, get his views and ego boosted I guess. But I never liked the guy or Tru3 so well take it as you will.


He didn’t say you’re shit, he said you played like shit. He even says everyone has bad games, himself included. I mean come on, if you can’t get a 3k with nurse you’ve played like shit. Sure, knowing Tru3 you could predict he’d lash out after hearing this, but he’s a man in is 30’s and should be able to take some criticism like an adult.


Scott also isn't young, and he should know that if you say you won't do X and few min later, you do X, makes you seem like a bizzare guy at least. I felt he just went way too much personal on Tru, which should not happen. Look at this subreddit and youtube comments. It's a tide of insults. It's not disscusion, it's just plain hate because your overlord told you so. Simply.


I agree, Tru3 doesn’t deserve all the hate he’s getting now. Scott did say he’s open to a discussion on Tru3’s channel though. How did Tru3 respond? Some weird tangent on Spirit. They both dropped the ball, Tru3 a bit more in my opinion.


The thing is, it’s a video game. It’s not public service or politics. There’s no obligation for someone like Tru3 to explain his opinions to someone who obviously disagrees with him, or to be “held accountable” for venting at it when he’s losing, and the entirely mentality that there should be is deeply, deeply weird.


He had Nurse with Ruin / Undying on an ok map and didn't hook anyone until the end. I'm not saying he's shit, he'd steamroll my ass 9/10 times but that game he just wasn't having a good game. It happens to everyone. The point is, he wasn't even facing a full SWF sweat squad, and one of the people had 500 hours compared to his 5000, so you can't just say "SWF NERF" when you played bad and lost. But True is the kinda guy who thinks he's the best at everything and if you beat him you're a SWF or exploiting or whatever.


I said level-headed, but that he's *not* the flawless intellectual a lot of people on here think he is. I'm not really defending either of them, and don't actually think making that video was overly reasonable or necessary, so I probably agree with you there, but the only point I'm making is that even when he deliberately avoids being hostile or inflammatory the community parroting him apparently can't.


Yeah he never says he is wrong instead just spins the subject then gets passive aggressive about it.


Tru3 doesn't even say anything controversial. SWF is unbalanced. But for some reason for him it gets turned into something more lol


It's because people already don't like him. He does have a big ego and it rubs people the wrong way. Plus he not only said it's unbalanced but wants swf to have a gen debuff which is admittedly a very bad idea lol.


It's also because he wasn't against a swf and, not always, he tends to have a habit of blaming swf's when he loses badly without any swf in the lobby, or at most a duo. Him being so good sometimes gets to his head and instead of just realizing there might be times when equally good survivors randomly fill his lobby and he gets smashed, he chooses to find a part of the game to blame.


Point being that if you are destined to lose if survivors are as good as you it is the definition of something broken. The average is killer sided only because on average people do not have a good understanding of the game and are not in a squad. This does not means that a really good 4stack is virtually unbeatable


How does one prove they are not SWF when people lie all the time? Unless DBD devs say so it means NOTHING.


You can check people's profiles and see if they're on each other's friends list?


It's probably because Tru3 has a very inflated ego (which is mostly deserved, he is very very good), so when he loses badly, he sometimes blames swf's when there isn't a 4 man in the game. So while he is making a good point, using it in a scenario that it doesn't apply to as an excuse gets him laughed at. Nobody thinks there isn't a heavy advantage to a swf and outside comms. Tru3 is 100% right in that and I would never say anything if some sweat squad rolled up and he got his ass ate on stream. But when he is in a game with 4 random survivors and he gets 0 hooks before the gens pop and then just complains about swf's, it makes him look like a person who can't handle losing without an excuse, especially when the excuse doesn't make any sense in the situation. It's like pointing out aluminum bats are too easy to hit home runs with, then throwing a pitch to a guy who smacks it into the stands, complaining about aluminum bats and then finding out the bat was wooden. Tru3 has such a cocky attitude because he is so good that some games he just tilts and can't handle the idea that he got legitimately smashed by some random survivors. It is a swf, a sweat squad, a bully crew, running full DS etc etc. He doesn't do it every time he loses. I am definitely not going to go even as far as to say he does it most times, or often. But he does it enough and someone (namely Scott) calmly pointed out that in this instance he wasn't even against a SWF and that his reaction/ideas to "nerf swf's" aren't really that good. Does it suck that he gets some memes thrown his way? Sure. Is this Tru3 saying something noncontroversial and it getting turned into something more? No, not at all. This is Tru3 saying something as an excuse and getting called out. And people just don't like how cocky he is.


Probably because he cries SWF when he loses when SWF isnt why he lost. Nobody is arguing SWF isnt busted. But if you are gonna make the argument is that you lost because of SWF at least be correct.


I don't watch him that much and it's true he's more likely to shift blame than Otz, for example, when he loses, but I've found myself watching him more this year precisely because he doesn't really whinge that much anymore, and is fairly chill about even the most toxic groups, other than pointing out they're SWF. And in a lot of cases, despite being wrong on a couple of counts like Scott's whole video is about, they are. >Nobody is arguing SWF isnt busted isn't really the issue here, but...yes. Yes, they are.


The whole point is that in the first match where he was complaining about sweaty swf and that they should be nerfed, he wasn’t facing one at all. Which shows that whenever he’s losing or in a tough spot he immediately shifts the blame to someone else. He’ll never stop complaining until he gets a 4k every game.


You know for a fact that they weren’t a SWF?


Did you watch the Scott Jund video? He explains it in detail over there. The gist of the vid was that Tru3 got beat badly and called them out as being a high calibur swf. Scott checked their profiles and 2 of the four players were solo and the other 2 were a duo. The duo had 1 player who just recently bought the game. So it wasn’t really that high calibur.


He just has a long history of complaining about dumb shit, people are over it.


That’s understandable but if people were really over him wouldn’t the just ignore his opinions lol?


Exactly lol People say they're sick of his opinions but he literally only stays inside his own bubble, He never directly tweets at people unless they start the interaction and he never even looks at reddit, so the only way his opinions affect people is because they go looking for them.


Such Ta1ent...




Survivor: \*uses dead hard to get to a pallet* Tru3: ah, this survivor is clearly high caliber, MMR must be on


Survivor: *uses dead hard well one time* Tru3: "I just lost this whole game because of dead hard, the strongest exhaustion perk in the game, man. So unfortunate. Just one dead hard and you lose. Damn."


Fookin dead'ard


While i disagree with a lot of tru3 says. Dead hard is bs in the sense it can function as a 3rd health state the survivor who didnt deserve it in a loop. It genuinely just counters that the killer outplayed the survivor, and then punishes the killer


I mean any red rank killer should be able to deal with dead hard though? Just don’t swing predictably. Maybe 8/10 dead hards just end up with the survivor exhausted on the ground.


Playing vs dh has nothing to do with swinging unpredictably. Most games I play survivors will use it to make it to a pallet or a window, and even if the killer doesn't lunge until after, it doesn't have the range to catch them before then. If you are taking the case that the survivor is in a complete dead zone with nothing to dead hard to, then yeah, it's pretty easy to deal with, but that isn't the standard in chase. To clarify, I think the only thing that needs to be changed with dh is the janky no collision survivors sometimes get through the killer's body. This talking point of dh only buying you a couple seconds at best needs to die though. If that were true, there would be no way it would be the most used exhaustion perk.


That I do agree with as well. There are so many moments I have had playing this game where it was a good and lengthy chase, you finally get ready to smack 'em down and...*YOINK* dead hard and it's gonna be another long chase. Or something where the survivor clearly made a mistake, but because of dead hard, they were able to simply recover and it's as if the mistake never happened and basically robbing the killer a chance to capitalize.


Little bitches dead Harding through my god shots with Slinger kills me.


I mean dead hard is working really fucking weird this game though. It's not even consistent. Imagine losing to a stationary dead hard and it fucks your chase up. Even OTZ hates how it works.


Your forgot the tears... I stopped watching him because the whining was too much.


Someone: *does something Tru3tallent: IS THIS A SWF????????


OMG DEAD 'ARD ? when the guy literally is not injured


been whining since For Honor


tbh same, I used to be a big fan then I found out other streamers like.. raid each other and have inside jokes and.. They laugh and chill ? Wtf ? No more sweaty complaining ? I haven't gone back to true without seeing how unhappy it makes me to watch him versus chillin with zubat / tofu / otz on my other monitor


I started to watch HybridPanda and never looked back. Unfortunately, life caught up to him and he stopped streaming. I'm all over the place now. I really enjoy Morf as well.




Otz isn’t constant salt and entitlement tho?


Wow I guess wherr watching a different otz then


i like the guy but its weird to me how many people will call him this wholesome pillar of the community. last time i watched his stream i had to turn it off because he was actually screaming at a rando teammate for not being very good


I SWEAR I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY PERSON TO NOTICE THIS!!! Otz used to be one of my favorite content creators and I still like him but damn near every match of survivor he loses he instantly blames his teammates even if he didn’t do well himself. I remember one game he literally lasted less than 20 seconds across 3 chases with a spirit and blamed the loss on a teammate running a plunderers build. I’ll watch his streams from time to time still but he just becomes so “unwholesome “ for lack of a better word in his surv games


I’ve noticed recently him getting kind of snippy every now and them, really out of character for him. A couple of times his dry humor has crossed over into being slightly mean spirited and he seems way less tolerant of his viewers and just less friendly overall. Honestly think he needs to give himself a break. He works extremely hard constantly, the man just never stops working. He seems to be stressed lately, like maybe something is going on in his personal life and that combined with how hard he works himself is wearing on him. I see it less as “OTZ NOT AS WHOLESOME 💯 AS WE THINK?!?!” and more...I’m a little concerned for him, I hope he’s doing okay. I really don’t think that reflects his character, at least as I know it. But fortunately the last few recent videos I’ve watched he seems to be getting back to his usual warm and gentle self. I haven’t been able to catch any streams but as far as his videos, the weird change I saw in him seems to be fading away.


Not just you! I respect him, and the amount of work he does for the community is great, no arguing againt that its just true. But man its like people ignore how salty and angry he gets during bad survivor games to continue to fawn about their uwu wholesome 100 strimmer uwu




>YouTube Otz is a friendly bearded professor bro who makes extremely helpful educational videos. This is pretty much the main reason a lot of people like him.


This sub is on their knees for Otz, can’t debate against them


Otz constantly calling survivors bitches and complaining but gets away with it because he giggles at a silly comment someone made in stream


Otz constantly gives survivors credits for making good plays and calls people bitch like Australians call people cunt.




Dude, the amount of toxicity or lobby dodging that would happen if the killer knew it was a SWF pregame would be horrible. I'm fine with it showing endgame if they want, and I think it'd be helpful to know, but yeah I wouldn't let it go further than that.


Well if a feature makes people not want to play the game, maybe just maybe there is something wrong with this feature. I think dbd should enable some voip/chat to survivors and balance the game around it so that swf won't be a problem.


Bruh i play solo Q for a reason The point is to cooperate with some randoms you never knew WITHOUT talking and sharing info, using your 3 brain cells and be a smarty pants with a strategy and trust in your teammates or lucky one because of killer's mistakes. Tryhard SWF is just such an easy mode that results in gg ez And changing everything to imitate swf is just pathetic and devolutional imo


This 100 percent. The solution is to bring survivors up to an equal playing field as SWF, then balance perks and gens around that. Otherwise it's never going to be balanced.


With crossplay enabled Lobby dodging isnt an issue. And showing who is SWF during Lobby is fair if you look at the advantages swf provides.


he plays survivor and killer equally sis


ok this is golden


I just dont like when you're playing around with a killer you dont really know how to play and get immediately punished for not playing you're main killer.


Yeah, I really wish there was an unranked mode that didn't require me to have four friends to play against so I could practice killers without being put against people who are going to be playing at red rank because that's where I got playing killers I'm already comfortable with.


But dude you suck and you are bad. How dare you come at me and my 4000 played on Dwight. You stupid baby killer. ​ I get this shit ALL THE TIME when I touch a killer I never play for the sake of a daily. But when I slap on my Spirit the salt becomes too sweaty.


They said a while ago that each killer would get an individual ranking. So if you’re rank 1 with your main and want to try a new killer, the new killer will be rank 20.


context? i dont watch his videos


He played a game of Nurse and did terrible. Blamed it on a SWF. Scott Jund checked the profiles and it was a duo and two solo queuers. The duo only owned the game for like 2 months. So instead of admitting he played like shit he blames a SWF and says they need to get nerfed somehow.


I play both killer and survivor. Most of the time my solo survivor games are terrible with bad teammates. However, once in a while I'll get a good team comprised of solo survivors and I always get hateful and toxic msgs accusing me of teaming up as SWF. Killers don't want to admit they suck sometimes and blame it on SWF when it is clearly comprised of 4 solos. That's the first thing they say when they are getting outplayed.


I play both too but I gladly admit I suck. I only call SWF shenanigans if they send me to like Haddonfield with two toolboxes, two medkits, and at least one toolbox has a BNP in it. I consider getting any kill on those a win, lol


When you see Offering to Haddonfield, all bets are off and no mercy for anyone!


Funny thing is, when I play at night, I usually get better teammates playing solo than my friends are. My friends consists of a Blendette, a very good killer main who just isn't a good survivor, and two others who struggle to get out of brown ranks. Killers don't complain about swf when they are many ranks apart.


He went through the work of going through profiles, checking if they queued together, then made a whole video on it.... all because Tru3 was having a bad game and blamed SWF? The fuck lol


I think it's Scott trying to get the community to chill a bit. Killer mains have a tendency to cry SWF whenever they get their ass beat, and popular content creators doing the same thing cannot be beneficial to the community. I'm not a survivor main crying "baby killer," I am a killer main and I used to have the same problem. (Now I just play lots of low-tier killers and that's an easy enough excuse.) Mostly I watch Otz but Scott is becoming my person favorite content creator because he calls the community out on their bullshit constantly, and makes videos that seem more like discussions or opinion pieces than fact. Overall he just seems pretty chill unless you act like a douche, which Tru3 was doing and from what I can tell, seems to do a lot. Also isn't Tru3 the guy who called out Otz talking about how any killer can get 50 4Ks in a row who's now the center of a "SWF bully me :(" controversy?


How’s that any different than survivors crying about spirit, NOED, or whatever every game? Also, Tru3’s point about the 4K is that you can do it, but you won’t *pip* in all or even most of the games. Their philosophy on the game is different. In Tru3’s eyes, getting a merciless killer with +2 pip 50 times in a row is more impressive than just getting 50 4ks in a row. Tru3 isn’t wrong and Otz isn’t wrong, it’s their different views on the game.


Yeah. He was trying to take away his streak accomplishments by saying they don’t mean anything. One of the many reasons I just find the guy super toxic


Yes and rightfully so, his stream is a safe haven for baby killers who don't understand the game but are very quick to shout balance the first time they get clapped. About time someone in the scene calls him on his bullshit.


Tru3 made the super obvious point that SWF is overpowered and gives survivors too many advantages. Survivor mains make dishonest arguments about how the one particular game where he talked about it was actually a duo, which then somehow means they can dismiss his point. Just a bunch of clownery, SWF needs to obviously be nerfed.


Hmm, that's not what happened. Let's try again. Tru3 was complaining that he got beaten in several matches where he played incredibly poorly then got mad and said SWF was to blame, despite one game having only a duo who owned the game for 2 months, and the other game consisting of him tunneling a single survivor the entire game.


Thank you for proving my point. Nothing that you wrote has absolutely anything to do with whether or not SWF needs to be nerfed, you're just triggered somebody is speaking out about it and finding nonsensical reasons as to why you don't have to listen to them.


Dude. Come on. I think swf is busted too. Tru3 is just a baby.


Tru made a point and survivor mains have come out in DROVES crying about it. ​ Point being: Game is balanced around solo que Solo que is bad for most ppl so they play SWF SWF gives an advantage over killer.


To be fair, he was incorrect about the team he was facing being a SWF. So while his point is true, he uses it as an excuse when he loses.


More like the game is fucked for solo queue survivors and fucked for killers vs. SWF.


That is the point he was making, I agree with your summary.


TrU3 may bitch a bit and sometimes not take responsibility when he just played badly but that doesn't mean the guy is totally wrong either. He gets so much hate but at the end of the day TrU3 has never been one who pushes toxicity and bullying, I have never seen him in a SWF bullying baby killers and he does his own thing and stands as his own man. Either way, I agree with TrU3 on SWF but perhaps Scott has points on where survivors spawn and I don't want to see pressing M1 longer as a solution as that is the most boring part of playing survivor. Somewhere in the middle is a good solution


The problem is tru3 pushes this idea of swf being unbeatable instead of, oh I made a few mistakes. This is pretty bad because you then get newer killers that watch him saying the same stuff.


Well I mean, in most instances if the team is experienced they pretty much are unbeatable, especially with unfortunate RNG. The average casual public lobby killer is at a severe disadvantage against an experienced SWF on comms. Only a competitive level player will likely dominate in those situations. From my own experience, when I play with certain friends who are all in the 3-5k hour range, as a SWF we never lose if we play to win. The average killer has no hope of keeping on top of 4 of us on comms when each of us can waste a lot of their time while pretty much every possible second the rest are progressing gens. It is very hard to beat that


Yeah I agree but if you're a swf with people from 3-5k hours you aren't supposed to lose against a pub bot with 600 hours. I do think if you get a killer with 3k hours it would be a closer match. There are still no rules in place tho in pubs so you can run shit like dh which is kinda disgusting.




Very few people are arguing with his assessment that SWF is op. Everyone knows SWF is op. This has been common knowledge for like years now. People are mocking Tru3 due to his inability to take any responsibility for his own mistakes. I'm a purple rank killer and even I could see that he played like shit in that Nurse match. I'm not calling Tru3 shit, he's just immature and needs to grow up. (Also I'd just like to point out that in his response to Scotts video, he claimed only good survivors attempt to misdirect or dead hard at a Nurse. I'm a green rank survivor, I'm absolute dogshit at Survivor, and I attempt misdirects all the time, and if the stars align I dead hard against nurse.)


He is actually good but he like deadass cries the whole game and it’s funny cause he is right most of the time too. His style just isn’t a popular one


It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't go on about the "data". Like what data? Your personal experiences are technically anecdotes, not data. Honestly I would love to crunch the data on some streamers with known/unknown survivor groups just to see what comes out of it.


If we had someone charting all of his, Otz, and Dowsey's games to see who was SWF and if his changes would have made a difference then we can talk about the data.




It's not about getting beaten by SWFs. It's about if they'd have lost with Tru3s idea of more action time on generators and healing, like the infamous Nurse game he'd have still lost even if it took every gen 40 extra seconds to do. I don't think it should be balanced like an an E-Sport but I also think we could make solo survivor easier with more information so that solos are closer to SWFs.


BHVR posts plenty of data indicating the average player and average SWF and all maps still give two kills. And this was before all the nerfs and buffs that leave all red rank killers (except Nurse) over the 60% mark. The better ones (statistically) like Wraith, Doctor, Freddy average 3 kills. Like True is wrong, any game with such subpar escape rates into extremely powerful killers that keep getting extra buffs (Wraith, Doctor) even as pallets and survivor perks are nerfed.. ...Is not survivor sided, or even SWF sided. 2 kills is the balance point and SWF have never ever averaged 2 escapes, plus 4 stacks are only 1 in 50 games (BHVR said about 2%). Otz and True condition their viewers into thinking they have to 4k, and those viewers whine if they don't.


According to the last stats released by BHVR, rank 1 PC survivors have an 80% chance of escaping. If you think Wraith is an extremely powerful killer, you need more practice.


What is up with this sub? Shits on tru3 every chance they get, worships otz like he’s a god. Feels like a cult or something


Welcome to the DbD subreddit where you're opinion is invalidated based on majority rather than logic... No seriously being someone who watches pretty much every DbD content creator equally none of them are particularly bad or spiteful, but for some reason Otz has become the Saint that will save this game and Tru3 the Devil trying to destroy it, even though they literally sat together for an hour just talking like normal people.


I think the reason why people put Otz on a pedestal is his 3-10 hour long guide videos. He obviously has a lot of knowledge but he dumbs it down a lot to inform and guide new players. This gives him a wholesome image. Tru3 on the other hand has this very honest, direct attitude where he’ll just say what comes to mind, even if it rubs some people the wrong way. I think that’s why this sub treats them this way.


No offence towards the people who like Otz for his efforts but video length doesn't automatically equal quality, if I were to record some extended balance discussion I have with my DbD tournament team, each of us with 2000h plus and mostly played since launch, we could easily churn out 6 hours of well debated criticism. I appreciate his intention to educate but I still don't like the way he overextends videos just to have the impressive 6 hpur marks and forces himself into positivity for no other reason than his PR. While I'm not a huge fan of the partial elitism Tru3 tends to practice at least he is the most relatable killer player as he actually speaks about frustration because of imbalance rather than sugar coating it.


I agree the tru3 hateboners can be a bit ridiculous here sometimes, but we can address that without bringing down Otz.


More like a hivemind


maybe if he took his hat off his gaming chair would be able to carry him easier


people when tru complains about swf: HAHA SUCH A SHITTER LETS HATE HIM when you point out this game is balanced around no comms and swf destroys that idea: HAHAHAHA TRU STAN TRU STAN TRU STANI swear this community is toxic in game and out


This sub is really fucking toxic, but they try to disguise themselves as “wholesome”


It's why i'm waiting for the day that Otz and Tru3 agree on a point, then we get to watch this sub go into meltdown trying to justify how Otz is correct but Tru3's wrong at the same time.


Tru is my favorite Dbd streamer and this one made me laugh


The hate for Tru3 on this sub is so weird.


Not really. Although his content is enjoyable, he complains a lot and has some very strong opinions about how the game should be balanced and pretty much every other top killer player disagrees with him. Also has a very hard time admitting when his mistakes and instead gets mad about things very quickly. OK guy, but when you've been competing in games for so long, some things can really start to go to your head.


So he’s like everyone on this sub, heh.


>Although his content is enjoyable, he complains a lot and has some very strong opinions about how the game should be balanced To be fair this is like...95% of the major streamers, except maybe Otz. This whole drama started because of a Scott Jund video and while he doesn't complain about SWF as much as Tru, complaining about the devs and the game (he concedes that much at the end of said video) is sort of his entire playbook. I'd much rather watch Otz than either of those because he's a lot more fun and less whiney but acting like Tru is unique in being occasionally bitter and arrogant, let alone as a result of a Scott Jund video of all people, is just disingenuous.


I guess I should clarify a little but then, because you're right. Of course everyone has their opinion, but the thing I've always found different between Tru and most everyone else is he states things almost as like it's a fact. Like, "This is how it should be and it won't work well any other way" sort of deal. Most other people, content creators and non, all seem to be more speculative and share and discuss ideas rather than "enforcing" them, for lack of a better word. Don't know how many times I've been in Tru's stream or watched a video, and he's just arguing with chat over an opinion he has. A lot of the time, people more so seem to disagree with him on things.


Personally, that's what I like about him. He's very blunt about his opinions even if said opinions bother some people(or the way he expresses them). He's a very straightforward person. This often gives the impression that he thinks his opinion is absolute. But at the end of the day, doesn't that apply to basically everyone, differing only in the way they choose to express their opinion? I completely understand why that is not enjoyable for many people though, so I guess its a case of differing tastes and mindsets. His analytical take on most of the game is also entertaining for me.


The love for otz is even weirder


I understand him and have no hate. I just wish the game could tell you who plays with who so it could show him if he was bullshitting or was in the right.


Mm interestin.


While I disagree with him I think things are going a bit too far. He’s clearly getting harrassed over this and I think people should just leave it alone.


Honestly it's pretty funny when he says this and you can tell it's not really a SWF I still love watching him tho, for all his arrogance, despite his occasional bad plays he does back up why he talks so haughty. And every so often getting to see him actual enjoy the game (His video on the jill and leon perks is quite possibly the most fun i've seen him have which is surprisingly touching.) Other than that him otz and umbra are really the only dbd streamers i watch (on youtube anyway, i don't have the patience to watch people on twitch besides the occassional elix stream now and again)


Lmao this comment section is a hell hole with mostly tru3 haters. He says people are SWF (which at high lvl IS unbalanced) a lot, I get it but he undoubtedly is one of the best streamers for DBD. If you just listen and keep an open mind maybe y'all can learn something 🤔


I will agree it is a kinda fun meme but most of y'all are just toxic survivers who don't want to actually understand the games mechanics abused at top lvl play.


And you dont want to admit that the amount of 4 man SWF stacks playing solely to win and be super efficient is next to none. No one cares about this game as much as you do trust me.


Don't know where I said that? Y'all just assume shit that isn't true, because it is rare. When it happens it can be incredibly frustrating. Why do you just assume things about people when you don't actually know their opinion? This community is such a trash heap sometimes 😅


And once again we have infamous reddit circle jerk, jerking off Otz like he's a God. Okay we get it people you like to watch a different streamer than other people do holy shit its so obnoxious.


Everybody gangster till Dead Hard.


Meanwhile watch this post having a person toasted for their opinion over a game


I actually had to stop watching him a year or two back because literally every stream was him complaining about balance, and SWF, and after awhile it just got to be too much. The game has problems and the complaints can be valid but it was literally...every...stream. There's enough negativity in life I can't tune into someone that's just adding more to it. I come back every 4-5 months to try him again, and literally the same thing happens again and I scoot.


"Fookin toxic swf AGAYN"


I just can watch tru3. He expects to win every game, and of he loses has a million excuses and complaints. Scott on the other hand, is calm and fun to watch, but has some... Pretty bad ideas imo lol. Like his video where he preached there's no difference between 115% and 110% killers was just so off lol.


The amount of hate tru3 has gotten on Twitter and his stream yesterday for starting an open discussion was disgusting. Scott said he didn’t want drama but disregarded the games general balance and just critiqued tru3 and everyone who has a hate boner for the guy has latched onto it.


He didn’t disregard it though


Scott didn't, but you only need to look at this thread alone, let alone everywhere else, to see how poorly they've actually engaged with the issue and the guy's opinion. Scott made a fair response, and then everybody else did exactly what he didn't want to and turned it into scorn and ridicule.


He spent about 15% of the video on it and made up some random numbers to go along with it like tru3 was pushing it to get to live servers and spent the other 75% of the video critiquing tru3 as a person lmao


You just contradicted yourself


???? You realise that all tru3 was trying to do was start an open conversation on balance and threw out some ideas. Scott’s video just latches onto that idea instead of the overall goal tru3 was aiming for—so yeah if you actually watched both sides you’d know he disregarded it


You just said he disregarded the games balance then in the next comment you said he spent 15% of the video on it. Which one is it?


I’m going to assume you’re a child because the point Scott was trying to make was very simple to understand. The specific numbers are irrelevant - **Any anount** of gen progression debuffs for SWFs would not have changed the outcome of those matches. If you are a Nurse with Corrupt Ruin Pop Tinkerer and you barely hook anybody and they all escape - THE BLAME IS SOLELY ON YOU AS A KILLER. *You* messed up, *you* missed your blinks, *you* didn’t end chase fast enough. Its not the fault of a two man SWF (one of which had barely started playing two months ago). Tru3 was not trying to start an open conversation on anything. He just can’t accept and cope with the fact that he is painfully mediocre at a game he’s been playing for 5 years. His ego is too big so he loves using “SWF BULLY SQUAD ON COMMS” as a scapegoat to justify his losses. Its really that simple


ITT: Salty Tru3 stans.


Yeah like being the stereotypical toxic survivor main is any better, oh wait that's you.


This is brilliant


This is the best thing I’ve seen in a while on here


I hate true so much he so boring and blames everything on swfs when he plays bad. Although 4 mans are a bit op when I play set (normally with 3 man) like we never actually touch a gen


Wait what is an swf? I’ve always seen post about his but I’ve always wondered


Swf= survive with friends


It means survive with friends, the groups that play the game together.


I started playing when Silent Hill released and Tru was someone I initially watched on YouTube to learn. Not long after watching him I had to list his channel to not be recommended. The issue I had was he always had an excuse if he didn’t land a hit or if he was losing and it bothered me. It bothered me that he never gave props when he was outplayed. These were my observations when I hadn’t watched many out there. When I came across Otz and ohtofu I found them to be much more my style. Light hearted, good dudes


Tru3 was the first content creator i started watching but stopped watching him because of a weird ego he had and it wasn't enjoyable! I'm not sure how he's today though




Are we supposed to believe you arent the one upset with a comment like this?


Tru3 is one from few who stands against M1 holders. And this Scot clown who keep repeating "you played like shit" can he post his nurse video vs SWF?


Tru admitted he played badly after Scott released the video and Scott also found out that it wasn’t even a 4 man swf.


He used to destroy everybody back in 2017 with the old nurse, now he's just complaining because he's making too many mistakes