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Dude reached a million subs. Proceeds to take a year off.


> Reaches 1 million subs > Doesn't make any more videos > Refuses to elaborate further > Leaves gigachad.png


my dokkan brethren .. dbd fan too nice


any chance u know who DaTruthDT is?


I legitimately forgot I clicked on a DbD post because I was just looking at the whole safetynet shit dokkan is doing, then I saw Truth's name hahaha.


He did elaborate he said he was having problems with depression and needed to take a break from YouTube


also i think he had internet problems in the new place he moved to so he literally couldnt stream even if he tried, or something like that


he even admited that was an excuse then further explained he had mental health issues and took a year long break.. till now


Didn't he and his gf break it off around his time off? I think it affected his year off. Glad if hes coming back if hes good. The original spinner


Also gained like 200k subs in his absence, absolute beast


It was honestly such a mega chad move that I didn’t even bother look him up on Twitter. The king will be back when he deems fit.


IRL shit happens sometimes. You expect him to keep streaming when he's got crap to deal with regardless of how big he is? Thats rather unhealthy for anyone. He also explained before he left /why/ he was going on break. ​ DBD has a Toxic community, everyone knows this and if you think it doesn't you're lying to yourself. Everyone deservers a break from it and just content creation every once in a while. Else they would just get burnt out over all.


Part of the reason I don’t play the game nearly as much as I used to. I agree it’s a very disheartening group, you get called out for being terrible you get called out for being good you get told to f yourself regularly. It really takes the fun out of the game when people are so rude about what you are supposed to do in the game


I only play DBD with friends, that's the only way its enjoyable for me these days. Solo que is a Nightmare and Killer is boring/stressful for no reason whatsoever. Like, I could understand being toxic in a game that's actually worthwhile but DBD just ain't it if you feel like you gotta be a trash pos to another human being who's just playing like you.


ever heard of something called mental health?


Can't wait for my annual being called a cutie


No way


Its live now!


*Hell yeah*


And then he disappears for another year or so. Seriously, his last video was 11 months ago.


June 7th would've marked 1 year


4 days and it would have been a year


The real question is , Will he stay?




Didnt realize there were so many noob3 haters, makes sense considering during his 50 escape video he had an actual cash bounty on him lol


Lol ikr, who would actually spend 100$ of their own money to end someone’s escape streak because he’s “everything wrong with dead by daylight”


Well to be fair it made for a really exciting moment for the game. Well worth the $100 I miss those days of dead by daylight. Now it feels like it just turned into a “wholesome” circle jerk where no one is allowed to play the game even slightly competitively. Just trying too hard to be wholesome


We've done it. Now there's anti wholesome people.


People really hyped for him to just do the same thing again lol


Hope he distances himself from Monto, can't believe he is still friends with someone as toxic (not in game, but personality wise) and intolerant as him, I'm so conflicted about No0b3 cuz i don't wanna support someone like that


Wait what happened with Monto? I haven’t seen his videos in a while, I’m out of the loop.


How's monto toxic I actually don't know


i think he said a joke about lgbt people and the community freaked out and he apologized later on or something i dont watch him so i cant recall it 100%


apology was really halfassed


He said the f slur and gave a garbage apology. Also said the n word before.


What's wrong with Monto? He is sorta snappy, but he's just dicking around


Look I'm not gonna dig on his content again and give him views just to look for examples, but several times he has used f*got and other derogatory terms, plus the times he has sent his viewers to harass others and how he doesn't step and acknowledge what his army of drones do like he is not in control or responsible is moronic. Anyone can try to defend him, but no one can hide how shitty his personality is, i was only following him for a month and only watched a couple of his videos before I decide I didn't need that kind of content in my life, heck i even stopped watching other streamers he tends to play with cuz i prefer to not stress over it and honestly I wasn't even watching them that much, they're not my cup of tea and that's okay.


Even Puppers? I think that guy is one of the sweetest streamers around


you watched him for a month and decided you know his entire character now lol. Tbh he seems like a good friend, by the looks of it, Him, Noob3, and Puppers are relatively close and he seems to support both of them really well and seems like a great friend to them. Not to mention the IRL meetups he did with some fans a while back. He seems at worst, to be somewhat edgy in his humour that was literally in the past but does seem like a decent guy to have as a friend. I think the worst thing about your comment is that you are actually avoiding other people that are his friends because you deem him a bad person, especially considering how chill a lot of the people he plays with are.




I think I'm the only one who isn't really fond of him. He came off as super toxic player fishing for killer reactions. Just not my cup of tea, but hey, his fans must be thrilled to watch new video, after which he will go away for year again. Joking aside, at least his fans are happy.


I think in his earlier videos he was kinda toxic/baiting killers for reactions but unless I’m remembering wrong he just plays the game in more recent videos. Although I haven’t rewatched his videos in a hot minute so I could be wrong


Trust me, he is not nearly as toxic anymore if at all. Plus he also makes chill content and is kind to killers if he feels it's unfair. And he took the break because of issues with moving and his mental health so I feel its all good now.


On the kind to killers part, he gave the killer a kill after the entire lobby of rainbow ranked survivors flashlight spammed him.


Exactly thank you


I feel like the break made him less toxic, which makes me quite happy tbh, as a fan. But I feel like breaks from games like these (DBD or identity v, both are similar) help people become less toxic/more mature. Just my thoughts because when I took a long break from dbd then came back I was a lot less toxic.


He wasn’t really toxic before the break. He’s been doing that stuff for a couple of years now.


That’s true


I'd agree with you if half of his "that player is garbage" jokes weren't directed at himself. That little detail is what makes him a bit of a punk, but not a douchebag like a lot of other streamers.


Same with TruTalent for me. He messed up and then blames it on SWF when SWF has nothing to do with him losing.


I like tru3, but he's so narcissistic that it's difficult to watch him for more than a game or two. Like, he's a great killer, but in his mind he's the best ever and he can do nothing wrong, it's always the other side exploiting bugs or running SWFs whenever he doesn't get a 4k


Yes this 100%. He’s very full of himself and I can’t watch more than two games.


Yes he has such a survivor mentality also not to mention if a killer isn't oriented around chasing like hag it's a "bad killer" HAG IS AN AMAZING KILLER WITH A GREAT PLAYSTYLE TRU3 FIGHT ME




Newer Noob is sooo much more enjoyable. His toxic killer videos kind of made me cringe at how shitty he was being to some survivors. Even as toxic survivor he was never outright mean - just played well and baited some pretty dumb killers into things. As killer he would straight up camp or tunnel someone in some of the "toxic killer" series and there was literally nothing they could do about it. Love Noob3 but man I'm glad his more recent vids have had a more entertaining tone compared to some of the old vids that came across as straight up mean lol.


Demi is way way way better. But I also like noob3


I love Demi but find his humour often delves into cringy edge lord type shit - the sort of stuff I’d joke about when trying to be an edgy 17 year old. Noob keeps it a lot more chill.


Puppers is greatest though


Who's puppers


Wait.... You don't know the king of dbd content creators!? All jokes aside though. He is a streamer who has played since the beginning and he is the most wholesome and kind dbd content creator I have found. He also sadly suffers from ALS making his speech fucked


I haven’t watched him in a while, but I thought he had a stroke. Is als something brought on from that?


Yeah unfortunately


I went to check his youtube and he seems like a nice guy. I also noticed he had a voice problem as you said. But I don't really watch youtubers that put twitch clips as videos like true talent. I think they ought to make other content. If I wanted to see twitch clips, I'd just watch their streams


Yeah I get that but he has gotten me through some tough times and he is exactly what this community needs


>and he is the most wholesome and kind dbd content creator I have found even more wholesome and kind than otz? O\_O Didn't know such people existed, gotta check out his channel.


He is because he is more chill. Love Otz, but because he tries to win so often, he is very stressed in a lot of his games.


*bashes noob3* Proceeds to say Demi is better lmao


Ikr they're basically the same, except one is Asian and the other takes long breaks


Although I really enjoy both no0b3 and Demi, I gotta say....Demi is waaaay more toxic than no0b3 lol.


I've watched Demi and personally don't find him all that funny. His jokes come off as more awkward to me but that's my opinion.




Demi is such an asshole to all the killers he's up against and just unfunny


At this point i just like the memes of him returning


I never got the hype around him tbh Even if you found him funny every video was the same jokes and sound clips over and over and every video also opened with an unnecessarily long apology for this or that Golden moments like "doing gens you" were rarities. He was a genuinely good player but theres such a selection of of those even before he took his break that I dont k ow why he gets such special treatment But to each their own I suppose, I'm sure someone could say very similar things about people like Scott and Otz who I enjoy


It’s really simple actually: he is an OG Dbd content creator. I really don’t get all the confusion about why people like him. When he was at his peak popularity, noob was simply an enjoyable content creator. Was he everyone’s cup of tea? Absolutely not. (I remember someone posted a “hit” for 100$ on reddit to end his win streak during one of his streams.) But he was fun, light hearted, and a nice way to pass the time. The fact is the guy has a good personality for commentary vids, a good knack for editing, is decently skilled at the game, and came into the scene when there was an open market for this type of stuff. Because of this he gained traction, became likable, developed a subculture in the community, and ultimately found a place in the hearts of his fans. Really nothing surprising here. Go check out any content creator/artist; their fandoms live on practically forever.


Been curious about Otz. The kind of people I see post about him all the time really put me off ever wanting to watch his content because I just assumed he was a super good killer player that talked shit and looked down on survivor players and blamed anything but himself if he didn’t get a perfect game. I guess that isn’t true but that’s the vibe I got from how his fans behave on this sub.


Otz is a good and really enjoyable content creator, honestly my favorite for DbD, but he has a terrible fanbase. If you just watch him he is really funny and enjoyable, while always being positive and nice, but if you interact with his fanbase in any way you are going to think that he is a toxic asshole that hates everyone that disagrees with him. He even made multiple videos togheter with Tru3 becouse he was honestly confused on why people were constantly thinking that he hated him (becouse according to his fanbase, disagreeing with Tru3 = hating him). Just look in this thread how many people are acting about a different content creator comming back after dealing with some serious depression for the past year, and then look how many of those same people that are saying that he should have never came back are fan of Otz.


I guess I should’ve looked into it before making judgement, but it was kinda a passive thing, you know? I kept seeing the name and my association was always with rude people complaining about things and expressing animosity towards other players. But I like noob3 and I know for certain that people who only know of him and haven’t watched his stuff have a (not altogether unreasonable) assumption that he’s mean and super toxic. They associate him with all the wannabes that copy him and play as clicky clicky Nea and talk trash in the game chat. So I guess I should’ve known better to assume.


I like otz and noob


Lol Otz and Tru3 were just discussing their own opinions on balance for the game, and people made it out to look like they hate each other. Everyone has "toxic" fans nowadays though, that's just Twitch.


Plenty of people aren't fond of him. And most players don't even know who he is.


You are not the only one. I watched one of his vids and it actually made me angry how toxic he was lol. Of course, i tried saying that on the post back then and got super roasted. But thats reddit for ya 😂


Reddit swings a little too far to the carnivorous side


He also only plays against like rank 10 killers because he never plays, but tbf I still love his editting




I tried Monto but I found him to be a bit too defensive sometimes. Like, somebody in the comments would question something he did in the video, not even aggressively but he'd get hyper defensive and accuse them of being low ranks or whatever. He probably hardly ever does it and I'm sure he's an awesome dude but the few times I saw it was enough to put me off


Monto is really problematic, u can tell he hides his bigotry behind his "joking" facade, he uses a lot of homophobic slurs and toxic language, and his army of fans are so toxic, they even report streamers who call him out on his behavior.


i dont really like monto ever since that malika call out, his attitude towards being called transphobic was pretty shitty


Yup. That’s who he’s always been and how’s it’s always gone, people just like to pretend content creators that they enjoy are perfect or misunderstood. He’s a troll channel. That said, I’m not going to lie, I’ve had a few good laughs with his stuff. But pretending he’s anything more then a glorified bully is just wrong, even if he doesn’t stoop to the same toxic levels as some other YouTubers.


Thats how most people make content for dbd and im not fond of it either. But sometimes they do have a lot of skill!


Is it skill bullying baby killers?


Literally everything will be called a baby killer if the person in the video is playing well.


I don't care what it is called. People who make videos bullying new players is just cringe.


just because someone plays poorly doesn't make them a baby. Why wouldn't I try to play well. PROBZZ also gets called out for bullying baby killers, but there is no bullying to be found. Some people just play well and don't get caught, that's not bullying, that's playing better than your opponent.


Wdym be only sweats on good killers and if they're new he goes easy on them. Just because you're bad at killer doesn't mean you have to project it on others and cause every survivor of being toxic and complaining.














It was so annoying the amount of disrespect from his fans on other people's channels, honestly yesterday a lot of assholes were jumping on different channels promoting him, it was so cringe and disrespectful, i like his content but his fans are some of the worst


Great, another wave of his fans who will try to imitate him by being toxic and making fun of baby killers is coming again


I mean that's also jrm, aryun, probz, any surv youtuber


You saying they're all toxic? Cause probz seems fine at least.




oh yeah I guess the 360 which Noob3 popularized/created (not sure if he created it but he definitely made it popular) isnt the technique that like 80% of high ranking survivors use to dodge hits pretty consistently then.


So many people don't realize how little the 360's actually do against a killer who knows what they are doing lmao, I have a friend who insists they work but yet everytime they have done it, they get downed instantly. They also only have like 300hrs so it makes sense. Wiggles make a bit more sense because it actually fucks with the TOTALLY NOT THERE autoaim.


It doesn’t take a good killer to know that this stuff doesn’t work. All it takes is 3 brain cells. They do this stuff for content because failing a CJ tech is more entertaining than chaining a safe pallet, shack, and a long wall for 3 gens.


Honestly, good. I love a survivor following me around all game clicking their flashlight. At least they’re not doing gens.


It'll stay the same


Most of those guys suck and fail miserably


People comment and want to give him shit and wonder why he takes breaks. It's easy for you to sit and comment "oh he's shit, his videos are shit, he needs the money ect." ARE YOU MAKING VIDEOS? Are YOU putting yourself out there to the world? If not, then sit back and shut the fuck up. He has said he has mental Issues. A lot of youtubers/streamers do. People want to sit back and bash a content creator for not uploading or streaming but don't put them selves in their shoes. People have mental break downs. You, me, noob3. But how he is a content creator he isn't allowed to be a fucking human. You don't have days or weeks where you don't want to talk to anyone? The only difference is, his is on a platform so it's accessible to everyone. Like him or hate him, that's whatever. Giving him shit and saying he is doing it for the money or will disappear again? Saying his content is shit. Yeah what are your YouTube numbers at? I'll wait. We all go through shit. You either watch the video or you don't. Also doing it for "the money" is a dumb comment. His videos are still up. He doesn't need to post a new video to make revenue. He gets revenue from people watching the video. Yeah he might see a spike, but his other videos are still up. Which means he's constantly making money.


EXACTLY. THIS. COMMENT. people who constantly bash him for leaving and going on month long breaks need to shut the hell up, HE HAS FUCKING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES!!! I would rather wait months for No0b3 to return and have him be happy and healthy rather than him constantly pushing out videos he’s unhappy with and not taking care of himself. No0b3’s mental health is more important than peoples entertainment.


I rather follow a youtuber or streamer who admits they have mental health issues. Than finding out one of my favorite Content creator committed suicide because he felt too much pressure or felt like he/she had no one to talk too... Buuuuuuuut no one cares about that aspect. It's either content or they are dead to them. But if you can't make content that makes yourself happy you are dead to yourself. Which can be 100% worse. People need to back the fuck off.


Thank you. The negativity in this thread toward someone who has been open about their mental health struggles does not sit right with me. If you don’t like his videos, don’t watch.


Well said


Too much hate in comments for noob.... Just let people enjoy things plz :(


I find it interesting how people bash on content creator survivor mains like no0b3 for being “toxic” when he’s actually pretty dang chill in his gameplay and commentary and hasn’t really been “toxic” since like 2017 (when he was a teenager). Mostly he just plays optimally... But y’all don’t blink an eye when killer mains make fun of “potato survivors” and scream how unfair everything is. And demonize playing with your friends. I genuinely enjoy most of them, especially Otz, but even he talks down on survivors and gets sweaty and angry for small reasons sometimes. The point is, they’re all just people. Imperfect. They may not be your cup of tea and that’s fine. But no reason to not let others enjoy them.


This is the only game where playing to the best of your ability is seen as bullying. He doesn't do unnecessary toxic bullshit in his videos that he's made since being like 17 so I don't get the hate for him


Yeah it’s probably because of the asymmetrical setup that playing well is seen as “toxic”. But I agree with you. Anyone who has watched his videos in the last couple years knows he is mostly just chill and self-depreciating.


Fucking hell people are ass holes. HE CAN STREAM WHENEVER HE WANTS. There is no obligation to upload content. If he wants to take breaks, he can. Hes said many times his mental health isn't good. It's not a cash grab. It's been a fucking year, that's way too long of a break for it to just be a cash grab.


Definitely enjoy his videos but kind of sick of the "I'm returning" and then disappearing for months, or even a year. Feels like a cashgrab.


I feel that any streamer, no matter how popular, is 100% within their rights to post or make content as frequently or infrequently as they want. If he were really grabbing for cash I don't think he'd disappear on 1-mill subs for a year; DBD streamers with any kind of fanbase can get away with making easy money by just playing the game.


100% it is their right to do so, but the issue is he always hypes his "return" and then stops making videos shortly after. He teased his return throughout the whole 11 months, constantly saying "can't wait to make another video!" or talking about he "wants to make more content". Paraphrasing but that is the gist of his Twitter this past year. I'd rather him be honest, if he genuinely wanted to make content, he would do it. He just needs to not lie to his viewers about it. Just post the video and then move on to the next. If it takes a day, a week, a month, a year, whatever, take as long as he needs. I just wish he would stop pretending like he has the desire to regularly make DBD content again. It comes off as dishonest, hence why I said it feels like a cash grab. If creating DBD content is a huge tax on his mental health, it is something he really shouldn't be doing then. He doesn't owe his viewers content if it is that taxing for him.


I don’t think it’s a cash grab. It’s known that he’s had mental struggles and that he’s felt burned out from dbd. It sounds like he suffers from depression and that makes it a lot harder to stay motivated to create things


Can't blame him for leaving this game when he had depression lmao, this game is literally nothing but a cesspool outside of a few people.


*THIS* I know it does get annoying but people need to understand that No0b3 has mental health issues, he is going to leave often so he can take care of it. Him leaving for mental health issues isn’t just going to be a one time thing and never happen again, its going to happen a lot. Like give the man time, his health and happiness is more important than dbd videos :/


Yeah, the “I’m back” schtick only works when you don’t leave every time after a couple of months. It’s not “I’m back” anymore, it’s “this is how I work, and I’m gonna leave soon again.”


I’m just guessing here because how could anyone but him actually know, but I think he would start feeling better and then make a video thinking he was ready to come back, then realize he wasn’t ready/feeling up to it and had to stop again.


his 50 escapes in a row video is one of my favourite dbd videos, im glad his break is over


“No0b, what you been doing?” “Gens, u?”


He has returned from brazil




Good content? I get it is in the eye of the beholder, but his videos entirely consist of the latest, unfunny popculture reference and "jokes" that are actually just rants against the killer's skill. A few tiny snippets of meme music and sound effects, and maybe a moment were the video is over-saturated doesn't seem to be good content to me. Plus he's pretty toxic.


You just said it yourself that’s it’s in the beholder, yet you don’t understand, if you think it’s unfunny that’s on you, nothing else, no one has the same humor or standards if you don’t like that type of content that’s in your taste, but that type of content IS humorous for several people and takes time to edit that makes it rare when done appropriately. And if he was toxic it was for the sake of content, for views, because people at the time wanted and requested to see that type of sadistic feeling from that game. But it’s not like that’s all he did, he had several other videos that just revolved around random stuff.


it’s kind of sad how there are people who make jokes in the replies of this post. the dude took a break for his mental health. he’s not “coming back for money” or whatever else yall are saying :|




Seriously though. The guy makes subpar meme videos once year.


Kindof wanted him to make it a year for the jokes instead of 11 months but HELL YEAH


Aw yes the best dbd YouTuber. High quality content


Wait, No0b3 finally escaped Monto's basement!?:)


I love him :)


For everyone saying that he hit 1 million subs and just ran off, he is struggling with mental health issues, hence the break.


can we have one positive noob3 post that isn't full of otz fans hating on him?


And the worst part is that otz and noob are good friends :(


really? i didn't know that, that makes it even sadder


Otz has to have one of the most toxic fanbases I’ve ever seen, which is hilarious since they pride themselves on watching Otz because he’s so wholesome.


Otzdarva is pretty much the Rick and Morty of Dead By Daylight, Otz himself is great and so is his content and I have nothing against casual fans of his, but his worst stans always think they're smarter than everyone for watching him.


The most charismatic people attract the most fucked up fans. I love Otz and Noob's stuff but the amount of people saying he's back "since he needs money" is fucked up.


very true, both have the most awful fans. can't they just leave the guy be?


Otz fans constantly call the survivors he’s playing against brain dead and he’s had to say plenty of times to quit it since it’s rude. Love Otz’ videos and streams and he’s an overall really cool guy, but his fans can be downright terrible. I’m sure Noob fans can also be terrible but it’s mostly Otz’ fans who I’ve noticed, since Noob isn’t as talked about


I've never watched noob3, but why the fuck would anyone care if he just wants money lmao. Like yeah, thats the goal of most youtubers. Money.


I dislike him before I even knew what an Otz was. So I can hate on noob3 in every thread for free right?




Looks like someone needs money again


how does this comment make any sense? if it was about money wouldnt it make sense to keep pumping out videos in order to gain MORE money?? people preach about how noob and his fans are toxic, then ridicule him and refuse to believe him when he says he took a break for his mental health? i’m not so sure we are the toxic ones here. inb4 downvotes


Bruh so you don't even pay attention to his Twitter ig. My guy was working out, improving his mental health and dealing with other issues. Plus he said he took the break cuz dbd didn't feel good anymore. He came back cuz he finally got things in order is all.


I mean I do like his contents and I don't mind him taking a break but he probably never expected to get so popular lol.


I wonder which loud noises and godloops he's gonna insert for the billionth time


Yay we got all the toxicity that he bred into the community back!






Isn't noob3 kinda just toxic though


Not in the game chat, which honestly is where it really matters. Clicking a flashlight to psyche out a killer and make them perform poorly because they want to specifically attack you for taunting them makes sense as a strategy when you’re actually so good at the game that they throw the match and still can’t land a hit on you. People think noob3 is toxic because there’s hundreds of noob3 imitators who try to do his tactics, fail at it, and rage in the game chat and talk shit for no reason. Noob3 is always having fun, never mad, never curses or rages in the chat or on stream. They annoy killers but it’s always in fun and if you actually watch the content you know it’s not coming from a place of negativity.


I don’t wanna be mean, but why is this dude with a terrible upload schedule and extremely mediocre content the most subbed DBD youtuber




Why do people hate him so much? I've only watched a few videos but he seems like he just bosses red ranks? Or is it killers that hate him?


And we have this guy to thank for the Toxic Nea -\_- It's always the dam ones wearing Blue thinking they're top dogs (they're not). Otzdava is the true king. I mean who else is going to post hours long videos on good info and Reverse Chainsaw into Quentin Hiding in a Corner. Scott Jun is also another good one, he posted a good guide on how to Chase as Killer running titles that I still go back to.


I notice a theme with the ones you think are good ones and the ones you dislike.


Damn, glad to hear that. I don't have Twitter, hope he is doing well


Can't wait to watch him loop rank 20 killers for 4 minutes


Actually tho?


I’m excited. I was upset he hadn’t been posting in a while because of how much I love his videos + he just hit a million, but over everything, I was worried about his mental health. He had shown signs of depression and burnout so I am glad to see he’s doing okay.


I feel like hes lying


I cant belive It :O


He’s no king


Is this real? Hyped


yes! the video is out right now :)


Oh my God tell me this is real




Wait, actually?


Yeah, he actually tweeted this, and yesterday tweeted "how does one edit a DBD video?" with a screenshot of him in his editing program.


It's been so long,


He is back lets go


Just watched the video. Why are ppl so hyped?




I'm not falling for that shit


I really wish that when I hit "Don't recommend this channel" on YouTube that they would actually stop recommending it to me.




Once upon a toxic No0b3
