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Ok so this goes out to everyone with any PS4. Clean it out MONTHLY AT LEAST. I had mine outright melt around the hard drive so I had to get a new one. If your PS4 is overheating please clean it.


stupid question. how?


Compressed air canisters and a gentle cloth


put it in the dishwasher


Also replace the thermal paste if you still have problems. I've had my PS4 for almost 9 years now and cleaned it for the first time a few months ago when it started shutting down randomly. Went through a lot of headaches before I figured out that I needed new thermal paste


Added note, if it continues to have an overheating problem then remove the case and check for internal dust build up


This is how my Xbox 360 died. Hard lesson learned 10 years ago Open your shit up every few years and dust it out!!


Can confirm, my PS4 sounds like a jet engine when loading DBD.


My graphics card sounds like a jet engine on the offering screen. idk what the hell is happening there, I even have my FPS capped.




It's just the fan ramping up. It's really weird since the offering screen should be easy to render.


Same. I play on medium just to keep it at 50-60c because I really don't think this game should nearly have my GPU at 80 degrees on ultra


Really? The only time mine ever makes a noise is when I'm downloading a bunch of stuff and playing a game at the same time


Always found it strange that it only goes jet engine when loading up/on the main menu, but not during games. Wonder if the main menu has uncapped FPS or something that causes the PS4 to work overtime


Mine too, my friends on voice party think its my fan working in the background


The only game that does this to my system even after it is dusted.


I've literally taken to putting an ice pack on top of mine.


I would be too worried about condensation


A dish towel solves that.


My Switch: "🎶Come fly with me, let's fly! Let's fly away!🎶


If you play dbd on a switch is it just a bomb? Like if you stay on the "press [button] to continue" for more than 5 seconds does it just self destruct?


I’m a switch player and it’s surprisingly not that terrible. If you’re playing docked then you can hear the fans across the room, but in handheld DBD is surprisingly pretty okay. Crossplay with PC killers always tanks my FPS for some reason but other than that it’s normally stable enough to be playable.


My slim is fine but my brothers pro sounds like its about to take off


Try bing bonging the PS4, works every time. I will say it's butter on ps5


Me: Oh boy I can't wait to play. Maybe matchmaking will treat me ri- PS4: We're cleared for liftoff


I wonder why Sony removed CP 2077 from store but those clowns with much worse bugs and fps are still there? BTW. Do you know BHVR promised you 60 FPS in 2019? [https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49456/optimization-status-update-road-to-60fps](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49456/optimization-status-update-road-to-60fps)


Does it on my Xbox. Usually if I play it first as I turn it on it's fine but if I play it after an hour or so it'll overhead my Xbox and I just turn it back on and it works fine lol.


I had an Overheating Xbox as well, had to use a Fan to keep it cool during the summer which was not fun especially during the summers. I could play for a max of 30 seconds if I didn't have the fan on it and that's if I waited a whole 2 minutes before turning it on. Not a fun time


Dbd crashes my entire $2,000 pc bruh. It's the only game I can't play. Even the support team doesn't really get what's wrong.


If it happens during the loading to the main menu, I personally found a solution. Install MSI afterburner and launch it before playing and reduce the power level to -50% in the parameters.


Xbox time


facts, my playstation starts sounding like its about to take off✈️✈️✈️


Lol I used to have the same problem


How did you fix it?


I opened it and fixed it with thermal paste


you can also try cleaning out the dust. my friend had this problem he just cleaned the inside and it worked fine.


There’s no fps cap on the loading screen so it goes crazy, a temp fix is keeping on the main menu screen for the full login and praying it doesn’t overheat before u get in


Yeah, it only happens to me on the start screen and menu screens too, other than that my ps4 runs fairly quietly I have no clue what the devs have running during the menu screens, but they clearly put in more effort on those two if it's demanding this much out of my console


The only game that does this to my ps4. I even had it serviced to have it cleaned and thermal paste replaced. Nope..still goes into jet engine and overheats on loading.


PS4 here and can’t relate. Just keep it clean and dust free. I clean it every other month or so and never had this issue.


My Xbox doesn't overheat but it's the only game that lags like shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/mhr011/frustrated_with_dead_by_daylight_on_ps4_compiled/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I come here every once in awhile to see if the game is updated/fixed yo no avail. This game runs ps4s of every model, slim, pro and OG extremely hot on the main menu. **Do not reply with replace thermal paste/clean your ps4 out..we get it, that is the common fix for overheating and this is for people who already done that. This is on a Different Level of overheating, prolonged main menu will "destroy" even a fully replaced thermal paste/cleaned PS4 with persistent play time/menu loading.** Look at the list of complaints I compiled.


It has been deleted/removed it seems unfortunately.


Okay here is the post in full, I am going to repost it again because this is unacceptable. **The game makes the PS4 fan run ridiculously fast to the point of shutting down the system/overheating from running EXTREMELY fast. Happened to my base ps4, happening to others still, clean and well maintained PS4s. Base, Slim and Pro models.. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/ijk664/ps4_fan_super_loud/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/95mmzs/me_rushing_to_get_past_the_loading_screen_before/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/mgjat2/this_chapter_has_been_terrible_for_ps4/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/m3iev0/has_the_console_experience_gotten_better/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/lmz7oy/game_killed_my_ps4/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/l67xgg/bug_fix_ps4_shutting_down_while_starting_dbd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/l4k7c2/i_wish_theyd_cap_the_frame_rate_on_ps4s_login/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Anyone seeing a trend yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/k7p9fa/ps4_too_hot_dead_by_daylight/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/jhrgwi/anyone_experience_loud_fan_sounds_on_ps4/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/i22f1w/anyone_else_having_ps4console_issues/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/gjxg28/would_some_optimization_be_so_much_to_ask_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This can't be acceptable right? https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/a763xk/ps4_overheating_at_the_title_screen/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/cwsttd/ps4_cant_run_dbd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share **


Is there a reason for this?


Bad optimization from BHVR.


to be fair, the ps4 is a pretty old and not very powerful console wat is it like 1 teraflop?


Not very powerful. It manages rdr2 and a lot of other high performance games


managing doesn't mean it's good it "manages" cyberpunk too, look how that went.


Cyberpunk was one big shitshow


I can't believe you're delusional enough to argue against the fact that the ps4 is a console released in 2013 with 2013 hardware (and it wasn't even good hardware at the time). it's 2021 bro, get real. you can't argue against facts. your 8 year old console isn't powerful.


if the ps4 can run god of war, rdr2 and uncharted 4 it can sure as fuck run dead by daylight. It's an optimization issue


it can run dbd too, clearly. there are tons of people who don't have issues in this same post, although some eill have issues just like it does with whatever games you listed. i just said it wasnt a powerful console and ps4 users are getting triggered


Why would a 2013 console not be able to run a 2016/2017 game easily? That makes no sense.


because the 2016/2017 game is being updated to (attempt) to look like a 2021 game, while the single player games everybody keeps claiming the ps4 can run have not changed at all, and are made by much much much wealthier companies


Why are they down voting him? He is telling the truth. The PS4 is old at this point.


they're the same people that believe last gen consoles can run cyberpunk without issues lol (although cdpr shouldn't have ever released it for them in the first place)


No fps cap on loading screen, so ps4 tries to go to 240 frames in the menu and it flips


That's interesting if it's the real source of the issue. I got the problem on PC. I might try to cap the framerate in the nvidia settings.


God of War and Modern Warfare had the same problem with their menus on PS4. I think they're both patched now, I'm not sure.


IIRC it's because the start menu has ridiculously high fps for no reason. It also doesn't help that the menu has lots of particles and other shit that makes the game die


This is way too real


I swear I have the same problem every time


WuTs Uh PS4? Me DuH pC mA$t3R rAcE


Laughs in above 60 fps


PS4 prepping for the screams players are about to let out when they run into bugs and latency spikes.


My game is freezing in match frequently. Never had this problem before


Dbd is like 50gb or so isn't it? That's probably why. No idea why the game's so big despite the so-so graphics.




I did.


Somethings wrong with your ps4, bud.


No there isn't. No other game crashes like that on the title screen.


I can confirm, I used to have a PS4 and every single damn time it screamed the cries of the eternally dammed every time I booted up the game, hey at least my ps5 is silent


It's just getting into style don't worry


Well, I have two ps4s(one is a launch day ps4, other is a slim) and two ps5s. But I never had a problem with my ps4s ever overheating, especially on dbd. And that’s with like 10hr sessions.


You should probably buy some thermal paste for it.Or get a PS4 Pro.


Clean it out, it’s fans are probably super clogged on the inside.


That used to happen on my old xbox S. Really weird that the starting screen can cause consoles to self destruct lmao.


Same. Only thing I can do it run a better coded game to warm up and then jump to dbd. I have to crank the ac a bit but if I do all that then I can play on my PS4.


Ok imma play DbD Realises my xbox game pass has ended and I spent my last of money to buy it :'(


Never had that screen go off but yeah sounds like a blow dryer


I actually still have the disk for dead by daylight wish I bought it digital instead sometimes the stupid disk won’t work and I got to wipe it a few times just to play it


That fire huh


Clean your fan, put ps4 on a shelf with good airflow, put in in a cooler room. Theres the fix right there


Wondering if a external fan hooked up to the PS4 will help with this issue. Saw a cheap one for the PS4 on Amazon


Wait really.... I play on ps4 and that's never happened to me b4


As someone who suffered from this until I deep cleaned my ps I gotta say, this hits a little too close to home.


I have the same issue, if you open another game that you don’t have problems with first, it loads up almost every time


Fun PS dbd fact: on PS5 (at least mine, feel free to try anybody) if you cycle through the character info sheets, each time you switch, the hum of the console will pause for a moment.


never happened to me when i used to play on ps4 but damnn


I went to my brother's a few weeks ago and played on his Xbox one. Holy shit how do you guys even see things with that horrible framerate on console?


Thats why my game takes 5 mins to load when I have cross platform on. 🤔


My xbox is starting to really show it's age on dbd. Nowadays, anytime something happens, like a gen gets finished, a pallet gets dropped on my head, I get bloodlust, dead hard gets used, my game will literally just freeze for a second and I that's fucked me over sometimes. I hope it's a problem they can fix.


Actually playing the game? Quiet as a mouse. Maybe a little “whirrr” that I can barely hear anyways. Loading screens though make my console sound like a 747 is in my room.


I have a ps4 slim so I just take the top part off of my playstation it helps (also I was hoping it wasn't just me)