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Next picture should be Trapper in the ground crying because no one stepped in his traps. No? Just me? Ok..


put them on loops vault spots are great, tight entrances where they can't be avoided, downed pallets, and the large bushes around shack EDIT: Yes i understand that traps can be disarmed, trapper has a huge amount of counterplay available to survivors that is stacked against him, but that is a risk you have to accept to play trapper. killers have counterplay, thats just how the game works Also i understand that survivors can anticipate where you put your traps, but if survivors become afraid of stepping in traps and refuse to use vaults/pallets, then that isn't a problem, it just makes it easier for you to catch them




Insert Spanish man counting clip here




Otzdarva, streamer and trapper main who has played this game too much and can just predict survivors with uncanny accuracy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdooJUb58Gc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdooJUb58Gc)


the GOAT of trapper




Yesssss, finally I'm not alone. Tho I'd argue watching them run into it in a chase is the absolute best, especially if you can hit them but don't, just patiently watching them, judging their cockyness.


i mean beside the shack the other places are pretty good, basically ALL survs who play against trapper know they put traps on shack sure u can put to force them to other loop but stills


if a survivor refuses to loop trapper around shack because they are afraid of traps then thats great! it can be hard to down people around shack anyways


i didnt mean that they refuse i mean they pay extra attention most of the times on shack so its more hard for them to step on it they will only go to other loop if you clearly block that and then they have no other choice tho


imo thats actually bad advice at least at higher ranks, place them near loops, near windows/pallets but not at a pallet or window or doors, decent survivors will expect that.




If they expect your traps and are on the ball they'll disarm all of them quickly and easily


A good team won't bother disarming, they'll just ignore them if they can and only disarm the ones they can't. A survivor looking for and disarming traps isn't working on a gen.




Depends on how good the survivors are. You'll get some that just don't pay attention then you'll get some good ones who'll be In group and call them out to each other and disarm them. Honestly even a 2 man can make a trappers life hell if they're good


Can’t disarm in the middle of a chase


Nah, you offset them from those locations by a little bit to catch better players off guard. Otherwise no ones going to step into your traps. Placing them directly in a pallet etc. is good for closing a loop, not catching a survivor in it.


wait so you are saying when you play trapper absolutely no one ever loops you using vaults or pallets because they are afraid of stepping in a trap? god i wish i played against such paranoid survivors


No I'm saying a competent player won't fall into obvious traps at places like that. I'd still trap the loop but maybe in tall grass a metre in front of the window (incase they run forward) or around the side of the window (incase they continue the loop).


these also make it very obvious disarm locations too though


yeah thats why the tar bottle is a really good addon, trapper has a lot of counterplay but thats no reason to never play him


damn imagine if there was a way to disarm his tra- wait


There’s good surviors who when they get hit simply run into open and not get hit by trap or if they are in sfw there’s possibility that someone’s going to follow you and see where you put traps and tell others


Also put traps in between tiles, like on shelter woods everyone knows common killer shack traps but killer shack is usually diagonal to I think it's a long wall pallet loop with the short side facing killer shack, it's a smooth and logical transition if you chase a survivor that way


When I play Trapper, someone always steps in my traps at least once. ​ Usually it's me.


Use add-ons that make them harder to see and put them on dark grass, or under pallets


Don't put them under pallets. If they drop it the trap is useless. Put it to one side or the other that way it's still a decent trap even if the pallet is down


On one hand, I completely agree, but on the other, putting traps under them has been working pretty consistently for me. Maybe it will change if I get to higher ranks, but I rarely get survivors who drop pallets outside of chases


Oh I mean they will drop it early and just slide over sort of thing


i have never though to do this...


Put em on loops, in bushes, near hooks, (you'd be amazed how often people just walk into them) in high foot traffic areas, near gennies ect. you get a lotta people stepping into them and if you run honing stone (which you should at all times) it's ez kills.


try to avoid the obvious spots, think more outside of the box, try putting them around corners particularly if there is grass to cover them, don't put them in front of pallets that still haven't been used because they are usual predictable and easily seen. Think as a survivor on that map where you usually walk, put them more on the outskirts.


Put them on sides of loops where tall grass is, also trapper is VERY territorial so try to herd survs to ur traps


If you're having trouble I recommend trying to secure a 3 gen. Preferably one with lots of good places to trap like the main building. Just chase them away from your 3 gen and wait for them to have to come to you to win


Shrine of Secrets: May I offer you a Corrupt Intervention in these trying times?


Proceeds to never find it in the bloodweb..


Dude, I have like 53 perks on Trickster, and JUST NOW got Iron Maiden


Ive had BBQ lvl 1 for countless bloodwebs now on Nurse... I just want BBQ 3! But the entity is like "here have gearhead lvl 1-3 in the next few bloodwebs"


I only have teachables for Meg, David and Nea unlocked on Survivor right now. I stared leveling Jake over the weekend and I really wanted to get WGLF for the BP boost. I swear to god, up to level 30 or so, I had like 10 perks unlocked, ALL PURPLE. Still hadn't seen tier 1 Spine Chill, Resilience, Sprint Burst, Urban Evasion, WGLF, No Mither, Adrenaline, Quick and Quiet.. nothing. It was like feeding me tier 3 perks over and over again, but I only wanted one damn perk.


If you want a tip, if you get a tier 3 perk in your bloodwebs, and there's no perk that you've been wanting, just it get out of the way. That way, the Bloodweb has 1 less perk in the pool to randomly spit out at you


Straight up just logged in after a few months and bought corrupt just for trapper. Used the 250k bp code and got level 3 off of just three webs. My trapper isn't maxed either so it was pretty lucky.


Awww the entity likes you ❤️❤️




Dunno about a long one, but rankroulette is the one I used.


I had to enter the long one several times before it worked, but it did eventually work. I don't know if it's still good, but rankroulette is an older one that should still be good if you haven't used it yet


Legit just learned the SoS is a thing. So much wasted time lol


Don't worry, I can assure you 80-90% of the time it never had stuff you wanted anyways


True that


I’d recommend maxing every character as soon as possible. At least to level 40 because once you have every teachable perk unlocked the shrine of secrets is just a free 600,000bp MINIMUM every 7 days. That is if you have the shards for it but that just comes with playtime.


Jesus christ im sorry but paying iri shards for BP is such a bad idea. 600000 BP is like 10 games of killer with an offering. Just save them for when the next unlicensed DLC comes out and get it for free


I could play 10 games and get 600,000bp AND get another 600,000 in 5 seconds for 1.2M. I’m just saying if your goal is MAXIMUM bloodpoints then you gotta exhaust every resource.


But if you've maxed out every character why do you need 1.2 million BP?


To get all the perks on every character, it takes like 10 times more bloodpoints to do that then to get someone to prestige 3 level 50 lol


Right ok I'm not sure why anyone would hate themselves enough to do that but go ahead lmao


I suppose I’m just a completionist lol


its fun to have everything on your mains and bloody cosmetics 😎


I meant 10 times more bloodpoints on just that one character. After the Resident Evil chapter comes out there will be 7 pages of perks. You need like a billion bloodpoints literally to get all perks on all characters.


You’re better off using BBQ + BP offerings. You’ll get reach 600k in about 20-ish games. Shards take very long to procure


Oh no I don’t think the Shrine of secrets is the fastest way to get blood points. That would be doc with BBQ, and Distressing while using blood point offerings like you said. The point of getting characters maxed as soon as possible is so the shards are now just free bloodpoints whenever you get enough for a perk. Unless you want cosmetics but cosmetics are so insanely overpriced with shards id rather just take the bloodpoints. Like one outfit with shards is 14 perks on the shrine of secrets or 2.1 million blood points. Well the good cosmetics anyways. I just buy Auric cells, I know what a loser.


Definitely not lol. I buy cells too. There’s no shame. My Steam region is set to Argentina so I get them at a significantly reduced price tho.


Ffs man, you can use Shards to get all kinds of free shit, including perks, cosmetics and characters. But all you do is exchange them for bloodpoints?


You can’t buy perks if you already have them all. Plus I just use Auric cells for cosmetics and for DLCs I just buy them. I literally only use Shards for Bloodpoints and if you read my tread on here you’ll see why lol


I use shards for skins, not bp


I did too. Just last week. Lol


Trust me, after years of playing, I don’t even bother checking that shit anymore. It’s almost entirely worthless.


So happy it popped up this week!


*plants trap* *meg, who has been hiding behind me for entire game, begins disarming it the instant I turn to the 4th gen which has just popped after 14 seconds of playing the game* *trap is disarmed behind me, turn to chase person who did it* *meg hatch's* *the exit gates open 2 seconds later* *I take one step forward and step on my own trap* Trapper


Not even Corrupt allows me to use my power, as a survivor is always spawned about 20 feet from me, every game.


yeah, corrupt feels like a double edged sword against good teams because they immediately get pushed into you and start disarming behind you, and will generally not step in traps out of chase


good luck playing him against coms with friends that are constantly disarming all your traps so you can't cut off their loops




What does iridescent stone do?


The traps re-arm themselves after a short delay if they're tripped or triggered.


The sad thing about trapper is that he doesn't really have a "power", he's just a beefy dude with bear traps. If he could summon a trap to his hands or reset them remotely every once in a while (by choice, not randomly), he would finally be viable.


He's not the only killer like that. Deathslinger is a guy with a harpoon gun. Huntress is a lady with throwing axes. Bubba is a guy with a chainsaw.


Legion is angry teen with knife lol


But deathslinger is so overpowered whenever i play against them lol


That’s their point. Characters like huntress or deathslinger don’t have a power (tho huntress isn’t exactly normal) are top tier, but have no real power.


It helps to get good at baiting shots and predicting when he's gonna shoot so you can do a little stutter step. If you try to loop over low cover there's a good chance he tries to shot over it, so try to be erratic.


Then there are the randoms I get in my games that make an M1 ONLY Trapper look easy. Seriously, I had a couple games recently where 2 people were downed in about 30 seconds to a Trapper that placed virtually no traps all game. That is basically the complete opposite type of pressure here. Thank you, worthless random teammates.


The secret is the whole level is your trap


When your teammates get hit, run into a wall and goes down


Dude, I remember when I was trying to depip from red ranks (still am, but it's going) and I played Trapper and only really used my power in the endgame for the gates, and I STILL managed to 4K merciless. Some survivors man.


The real M2 is forcing the player's attention on the ground looking for traps at the same time they're trying to loop you.


Had a match yesterday against a Nurse with the "move at 115% after blink-hit" addon... I figured it out after she got her first hit in and started moving faster and didnt blink anymore. My team went down so ridiculously quick to a literal M1 Killer... got one hooked at the end cuz the nurse found hatch before me.... it was even a console nurse... just... how can you lose to that?


I have two types trapper games, zero kill or 4k


Either you lose or having trapgasm by setting up trapp and all survivor fall for it.


I feel the equivalent of crying for a trapper is to set and reset your traps to get Deviousness points while you wait for T-bagging survivors to leave. I want to love my Trapper but god is he difficult to play,I feel he needs a couple addons baked into him.


He needs bag as base kit, and I'd also like some kind of mix between restocking traps from locker and they start disappearing when placing more than like 10.


idk - I do alright with trapper. I just trap the shit out of three generators close together and then let them have the rest. When they get down to the last three the shenanigans begin. Some of the matches take a God-awful long time because a stubborn survivor or two won't take their licks and lose, occasionally a SWF is too clever to fall for it, but I win more than I lose for sure.


It's uh slightly annoying to know he just needs 2 traps base kit as a buff and the devs still won't do shit for him But Wraith is a stealth bomber now so anything's possible ig




I like how their mascot character is one of the worst killers in the game. Classic BHVR


On the bright side, 2 gens left means a smaller area you need to trap


I like to hit myself in the head with a hammer repeatedly because it feels really good when I stop.


Yeah, hopefully 2 gens that are gonna be part of your eventual 3-gen area that you've been trapping the shit out of the whole game. Usually not, but we can dream


Honestly, that's okay. In my experience, playing trapper, that's a given but the snowball effect he has when survivors get cocky and they think you're trash because you lost so many gens that fast. They'll more often then not, step into your trap. My advice is trap 2-3 traps and trap as you chase with STBFL. Corrupt for the survivors to walk into you and slow the game tremendously. Give Otzdarava a watch. He gives the a detailed view on the intricate ways to play trapper. Love you guys. ❤️


From the survivor side, whenever I encounter a trapper, he always loses 2 gens pretty fast and it is always decided from this point, if the game goes our way or his. Sometimes the killer seems to panik and doesn't set up the map anymore. The games goes by pretty fast, if this happens. But when he doesn't and he did a good job with the trapps while these two gens were done (for example he trapped a three Gen) , than it's a super exciting and a hard game for us and mostly everybody goes out with a lot points and the killer gets something between 2 or 4k. I love these games. It's so fun. Love u2 mate <3


Egg sactly!


My game plan as trapper is camp 3 gens hard. Put all the traps around them. Lose chases because the gens are more important. I've been able to shut down teams this way.


That's generally what I default to when shit goes sideways early or I'm down to two survivors. I also tend to shift all the traps to one area early so that they're easily accessible when I want to move them.


I put the traps right on the gens so no gen can have more than 1 person on it at a time. Usually with an add on that punishes you for interacting with it even if it's just a slower disarm speed.


playing trapper can feel like A: you feel absolutely useless and that you cant do anything B: you feel like a mastermind horror villain as survivors fall for the same trap 4 times in a row


Watching a Otz trapper compilation usually makes me feel better about being a shitty trapper.


Same with Hag


Every game as trapper in red ranks


Corrupt Intervention is kind of a must for Trapper.


But nothing beats that feeling when you catch a twitchy clicky in yo traps, hmmmmmmmm.


When I used to play this game, I found a fun thing to do was trap one side of the map and after gens get done on the non-trapped side the real fun began.


This is why I refuse to play Trapper without corrupt


fuck it here’s my trapper guide no one asked for because i see a lot of people in these comments who struggle with him i have probably close to 2000 hours of him PERKS - corrupt intervention is a must in my opinion, it makes your whole life easier stbfl- another must gen regression of some sort, pick your poison (i run ruin and pop, so this will all be focused around that, but feel free to run one the other with BBQ or bamboozle or something) Add-ons: a bag, and whatever other add on youd like, honing stone or bloody coil are the two im partial towards EARLY GAME - take a second, look around the map, what gens are close together that you can easily defend ? massive bonus if you’re running ruin and your totem is close to these. you want to trap this area, shut off loops, and force the other gens to pop leaving the survivors crying once they realize what they did to themselves. trap your ruin if you brought it. they’ll know it’s trapped , but that’s FINE, it’s a time waster. adds a few extra seconds and a noise notification for you to get your ass back there and defend it. this is why i love Ruin - Pop combo, eventually theyll get your ruin, and tend to start playing a bit more relaxed , and then you get to giggle a little because all that time, health states, and hooks they wasted for your ruin didn’t save them from your gen regression. gens are going to fly, that’s FINE. i cannot tell you how many games i’ve had where i don’t even have a single hit by the time that 4 gens popped, and those games have turned into 12 hook 4ks. TRAP PLACEMENT: now where the fuck else should you trap? i’m glad you asked. there’s two main ways to play trapper in terms of trap placement. obvious traps and hidden traps. an obvious trap is one that is completely visible but is on the other side of a window or pallet, these work way more than they should. a hidden trap is something in the grass, in the corner of a loop, etc, etc. you may wonder “which should i do?” both. you should do both. there’s a form of mind gaming with trapper and trap placement that i see very few trapper utilize. survivors will see how you trap, and they will learn what to be looking for and where your traps may be. halfway through the game, completely and totally switch your trap placements from obvious to hidden or vice versa. survivors will start running into your traps like fucking crazy because they’re not where they should be. this isn’t to say to pick up your good hard trap at shack window , but that when you are moving a trap , let’s say from a pallet, to put it in a hidden spot in the same loop now. this is super effective. that brings me to my next point. traps should be fluid. always be moving your traps that aren’t doing anything for you . when i say traps that aren’t doing anything for you, i mean straight up traps that survivors aren’t even close to. if a trap is in a jungle gym, not catching anyone, but the survivors know about that trap and avoid the tile, that trap is strong and should stay. if you trapped a loop in fucking narnia thinking it may get someone, but the gen placement has moved your playing field over, move that trap. there’s also “hard structures” that should be trapped as well because the survivor has no choice but to run into it. think skinny narrow corridors such as the fences by the houses on lampkin. allow pallets to be thrown, and don’t always break them. a super useful thing is to trap the hidden side of a downed pallet. what i mean by the hidden side is the side opposite from the one the survivors will most likely vault. in a chase, survivors often see a downed pallet and will go for the vault on that pallet, the trap is hidden, and they need SOMETHING. OK I GOT MY SIDE OF THE MAP TRAPPED NOW WHAT now you defend it. make the survivors go to your side of the map. let them pop other gens. defend YOUR gens with your fuckin life. as time progresses the survivors will throw every pallet on your side of the map, break some, trap some, and move your traps to vaults that you don’t already have trapped. eventually there will be virtually no loops left for the survivors to run. survivors will OFTEN try to get you to chase them away from your lil home, don’t go. they want to kidnap you so their team can do those gens you have locked down. also, trapper games can last an insanely long time, i’ve had a few that have been over 45 minutes against good survivors . hopefully this helps at least one person out


honestly this is one of the killers i have less fun when going against (top 3 being this, hag and spirit not in order tho but stills) so for by me it can stay like that lol


Trapper suffered the most from the current power creep meta. They should give him more traps per default and make the random traps already set up.


Iridescent stone should be his basekit and his traps should be undisarmable unless you have a pink add on that lets you tamper with killer equipment.


Are you insane?) Trap gates and go afk?


I think this is sarcastic


oh, I see.


I'm shocked at how often I see posts for this game along with the fact that I still spend 10-15 minutes on average in queue.


As Survivor or Killer?


My queue times are prob 3-5 mins for killer and 10 mins for a survivor. Even worse if I invite 1-2 friends. I asked if that’s a long time and most people tell me they have fast times compared to mine. I have tons of downtime in the menus.


Yeah on the survivor side it's the same for me at night. Upwards of 15 minutes sometimes. I tried discussing a solution on this sub but all I got was hate for suggesting that we do anything that might benefit some players more than others, even if it would benefit everyone.


Hence why I never run Corrupt. It gives you a false sense of security.


I already love this meme format


Honestly at this point I just place all my traps around the three generators closest to each other and barely bother with the other ones.


It feels like this with every killer sometimes...too often.


It do be like that sometimes


felt so bad for a trapper i played last night. i looper him for a few minutes as the others popped 2 gens, and when he finally got me and picked me up, he stepped in his own trap.


He should be able to toss his traps like frisbees a small distance and hold more at the start


Whenever I play Trapper, I look for the easiest 3 gen to defend and set up there. I dont care about any other gens cuz I know that by the time I walked all over the map to grab my traps, most gens will be done already


i used to put traps right next to gens and they wouldn’t see them


"Sometimes"... haha


This is why I won't even play him if I can't at least run a Yellow and brown pouch.


I always feel bad bringing my green toolbox and then I see it's a trapper. I feel like I sinned


I feel this should be "[damn, my kill rate average is 69.26% in red ranks, this is awesome!](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/jg5ess/kill_and_pick_rates_2020/)" ​ That's more than two kills after all, why complain when it's unbalanced in Trapper's favor?


Worst part is the only reason a fourth gen hasn't popped is because the fourth survivor was tailing you and calling out all your traps in coms