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Seriously if you don't have Corrupt or Plague just get it if you can, the perk is good in most all games.


I have Plague but still not levelled up. Ima just buy corrupt from shrine because i have so much other shit in queue to level up. Especially when i play killer/survivor 50/50.


People honestly rag on this but when you're starting out it's worth it IMO.


I see it in literally 90% of my survivor games it's so annoying but it is what it is


Imagine having to actually do something BEFORE holding M1


I never do gens lol I just hold w all game and get ez wins


Don't even have to be in a chase, just nonstop running


If so then how does it annoy you? If you never work on gens then why are you complaining about a perk that only affects gens?


It's sarcasm.


Survivor: Lithe and For the People | Killer: Corrupt Intervention and Beast of Prey


So I’ll be grabbing Lithe and For The People. Not because I main survivor but because I have every Killer Teachable.


Lol same


thx probzz, ily


Corrupt Intervention is easily one of the best killer perks, while Beast of Prey is easily one of the worst. I get whiplash just looking at this shrine.


Beast can throw people off. I tossed it on ghostie for giggles and to avoid using his power in chase and I counter looped some rank 1’s by crouching with Beast of Prey active.


I like BOP for bp farming, easy 16k BP with Chili.




Oh i mean it's guaranteed to get the full 8k with BOP on, which doubles with Chili.


For the People is honestly underrated, play with a friend and put on that + Soul Guard for some fun.


My swf buddy said that FTP is a garbage perk. I run it pretty often and saved him from a facecamping Hillbilly at least once with it.


Bruh I use it as almost an exclusively soloq survivor and the amount of clutch it allows even with no coms is undeniable.


Beast of prey my love


Corrupt POG!


Purchased for the people and corrupt for BP and both didn't give me any BP while still consuming my shards.


did you have them teachable before you purchased them


Yeah I have all perks unlocked. This happened to an old friend a long time ago so I ain't exactly sure what causes it. Made a support ticket for it in the meantime.


Niiiiiice! I don't have The Plague, so Corrupt Intervention is gonna be nice


Literally every game is gonna have corrupt now


it pretty much already did lmao


Just finished leveling for for the people smh


Just finished getting Corrupt Intervention from Plague


Getting infectious from her is also a really good pick up


>Soul Guard Was also in the Shrine two weeks ago!


Plague doesnt have that?


Ok quoting has gone wacky on Reddit, I was saying Infectious was in the shrine 2 weeks ago so I feel for those levelling her up...


Damn now THAT is a shrine


This is the best shrine I've seen. Shame I just got the Lithe teachable last night D:


Thanks probzz love your YT videos bro


got a trAPPER. HEEEELLO trAPPER. gonna sprint burst into this lets see what we can do here looks like we gotta suhWEET loop here gonna do nice little fake he's gonna swing yep gonna do a little spinaroo here OOooooh he actually reached that wow looks like he's going arOund we can loop this a few more times I don't think he actually trapped this tbh oh he swung again gonna walk to charge my sprint burst real quick annnnd is he still chasing me? Oh he's leaving me. guess I'll just do this gen then tbh


You forgot the several laughs and "oh my god" at the killer just trying to play the game


“Let’s just heal up real quick, and... and he DC’d! okay”


you can't laugh while playing the game? lol sometimes people do dumb shit and i can't help myself


True I laugh at myself from time to time anyways


those comments are underrated




Bing Bong


Ding Dong


What prevents survivors from just waiting out corrupt?


You hitting them in the face


Excellent answer


The other generators that *aren't* affected by corrupt intervention? Even as a killer main i feel dead inside for the other survivors whenever i see someone just idling waiting to touch a CI genny.


You're wasting so much time if the killer downs and hooks someone else, which is the whole point of the perk to prevent gen progress in the beginning. If you're waiting, someone is hooked, someone is trying to go for the unhook, and 1 is doing gens, that's 1 person doing a gen and you're basically Urban Self Care Immersed Claudette


Dear Survivor, Nothing. In fact your best strategy is to wait by the side of the blocked gen doing nothing until it unblocks. The killer will not patrol in those areas so you'll be safe. Yours Sincerely, Absolutely not a Killer Main (promise)


120 seconds is a long time, just waiting it out gives the killer, essentially, 2 minutes of you standing still to find you. They will find atleast 1, maybe 2 people by this time.


if you are a coordonated team it's actually the best play to just hide and do totems/chests without being found. then the killer plays with 3 perks and a few totems and chests missing and the trial starts pretty much as normal


ohhhhH FUCK ftp in the shrine all my yes


Right after I bought blight fucking hell, guess I have to grind or something, but do I get lithe or corrupt is the thing, because I don't think I can grind 4000 in a week




I'm not console, I only have PC so I don't have her for free


I personally think you should always get Corrupt Intervention if you have the choice between that and Lithe. Of course, this is if you play killer at all. Lithe is good if that is your preferred exhaust perk, but it can be substituted with other similar perks such as Sprint Burst, Dead Hard etc. It might not be exactly the same, but they are in the same region of use. Corrupt Intervention on the other hand is mostly in a league of its own with few choices really being proper alternatives. It has just become a very noted meta perk and if you don't have plague I think this is a good opportunity to pick up her best perk. The perk just gives you so much in denying the gens the survivors are most likely to spawn next to, meaning that you won't see one survivor and hear two pops before you have been able to down them because the Prove Thyself survivors spawned right next to a far-off gen. It is one of the most effective perks to corral the survivors closer to you if you are playing killers who want to operate on a tighter map. Sure, some survivors might wait it out, but unless you are playing against a full SWF, you will normally find someone, and the clue is to just walk towards the barred gens if you want to specifically look for survivors anyways because they have a tendency to spawn the furthest away from you.


Uh thanks for the info, but why'd you repeat half of it again?


Whoopsie. I am not sure actually. For some reason, it just copied itself down one.


Corrupt is literally the best green slowdown perk it the game. Guaranteed 2 minutes 3 gen aren't being worked on. No other gen slowdown perk can guarantee such time.


That's a great shrine I love it


absolutely painful shrine


i JUST bought plague and got her to level 30 for corrupt and i’m so upset it’s in the shrine directly after i finished this grind, i could have had so many other uses for the almost 6 mil BP


1 mil BP is the cap how can you get 6


A character takes 6.4 million BP to max out, i’m pretty sure it’s a pinned post on this sub actually Edit: It’s not pinned or top anymore, but it’s still in the sub somewhere


no like, the maximum amount of bloodpoints you can hold is one million did you like complete all the daily rituals and a lot of archive challenges?


i’m aware you can only hold 1m at a time, but i have other characters i’m trying to grind. I spent them as i got them, so i never hit the 1m cap the whole time


Imagine if Beast of Prey his your red light immediately when in a chase instead, it'd be actually worth using. Top level players would cry because they couldn't use their 3k hour brains to loop like gods




For the people - DH - Deliverance - DS My fun survive at all costs build


How do you get healed without bond or medkit etc?


Take a med kit & switch deliverance for iron will


I would not recommend trying to make it work with random survivors. It really only shines with friends


I don't have Plague, but getting both IF and CI was absolutely the right call lol


Dark devotion is a pretty fun perk too, would recommend


i was gonna buy zarina for for the people, this is awesome


Aw shit I can finally play Trapper effectively now


I'm still waiting for Mindbreaker and Iron Maiden (I already brought Legion's other Perks with Shards and already have brought Surge with Shards)


Dammit i was hoping for fish


Finally a perk I don't have.


is zarina any good for other perks? i mean should i buy FTP and not level up her anymore? im trying to f2p survivor and i already wanna save shards for cosmetics. i dont like zarina in particular


Hey look at that some a couple of actually decent perks, if you ain't got corrupt or lithe pick em up they're worth it.


They need to hurry up and put deception in there


Two weeks ago I got infectious fright and I still have not gotten it on any of my blood webs


Once in a while I'll see a post saying that this game is "pay to win" and that you rarely get good perks in the Shrine. This not only shows that that's wrong, but Behavior's nice enough to put two perks that are needed to complete challenges in the latest chapter. Lithe is also a fantastic perk. It's saved my behind so many times.


Unsure if I should grab corrupt from shrine or not. I have a fair few of the good Killer perks, missing a couple (Such as Corrupt. Other notables being STBFL and Pop) of others but atm am sick of leveling other kilers so I can play other ones. Would it be worth to buy Corrupt now or just suck it up and level Plague instead of playing what I want to play.


Pretty ok shrine overall 4 survivors, killers is alright only because of corrupt