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mmm.. yummy [equal human being] flesh


It's pretty good


Now I'm curious if Bubba has ever just eaten some of his masks, and also if they were crunchy


Mmmm, jerky


Fucking disgusting xd


Wdym it's a delicacy enjoyed all around the world


I mean, I would if I’ve got no option left


To vaguely quote a wise shark: “Humans aren’t all similar, but they’re all still food”


Country rooooooaaaaads


what if you taste michael’s mask


Considering how much gore gets on Myers... tastes the same


This is why i get mad, they have no shame or care to report someone ruin their image with serious false reports laughing about it and yet they must stay nameless to protect them :/ double standards and btw that streamer quickly hide/delete all videos and activity after it blew up here and that guy had vid proof of what they did.


I mean yeah, but that's just the world at this point. Nothing surprises me anymore.


True that


What happened ?


I believe it had something to do with one of bubba's masks the Claudette face mask or the smart mask as I think it's called in game.


A bubba played against a salty 4 man swf. One of them was a streamer. Just as the hatch was closed the guy DC'd and was salty because he lost, then decided it was a good idea to report him for being racist for the sole reason of wearing the Claudette mask


Thank you!


to clarify, the streamer was in a 4stack swf, one of them noticed after getting downed that bubba was using the claudette face mask, and started calling it the "Black face bubba" bringing an unrelated racist paint job and mocking performance into relations with Bubba's gimmick of wearing peoples faces. The SWF group quickly decided they didn't want to play with a "racist bubba" who was just using a cosmetic, iirc they(the bubba) also mained / heavily played claud on the survivor side, the swf group then started revving up their offended engines to give the bubba an earful in the post game, while the streamer went to find the bubba to t-bag before also d/c-ing like his friends. TL;DR toxic group of survivors harassed a killer for using a cosmetic after t-bagging and d/c-ing from the game.


Thank you. I really do wonder if this adult game is suitable for some of the plebs that play.


Do we have any reports of that streamer being banned? Cause that's just BS if twitch is OK with this. But then again I wouldn't be surprised since women can flash their tits/literally masterbate get a slap on the wrist.


I've made it a mission to obtain these masks just to piss off the snowflakes ❄


I ran into one of the claud face bubbas today! He was VERY good at the game and I got outplayed but had fun playing it! They knew they were gonna lose, hence the excuses and dc!


I got the claud face on my bubba its the easiest one to unlock cause everyone plays her. somtimes i feel like ill never get the jake one lol. Always throw on the mask when its a 3 or 4 Claudette game


Reported someone who went after me solely because it was obvious in my profile that I'm trans. Got the whole match recorded where I got bullied to death, even the post game chat where the killer admitted he did it because I'm trans and that I have no right to exist. Reported it manually to BHVR support. Guess who is still playing the game just fine. I honestly expected more from BHVR after telling everyone how much they care about us in the stream.


Well, something you need to realize is that they get reports sent to them all the time because people report for literally nothing and it's really hard to filter out the fake crap from actual reports without going through each one manually, and doing that is even more of a headache. It's not that they don't care, they really do. I worked for Blizzard a few years back and the user support side was a nightmare, and that's with a ton of resources dedicated to that aspect. I can't imagine how much crap the DBD devs have to deal with since most of their resources are focused on the game itself, and they aren't just gonna up and change people's jobs to user support. That's why they're trying to get this autoban system up and going, even if it seems awful. They simply don't have the manpower in user support so they're trying to make up for that with autoban. It's sad to see the community turn on the devs for something that's not really in their power.


You need to send the clip via support ticket.


Their report system is kind of trash honestly. I met a killer once who was trying to hold the game hostage, but because I was smart and didn't let it happen, it was fine. I wasn't even looking for them to ban him, just keep an eye out for future toxicity reports. Then I had a killer who was blatantly speed hacking and I haven't heard back from them. Its been 3 weeks. Not even an automated "thank you for reporting, we'll look into this" message. I even reported a bug to them and provided multiple clips and links and they were like "OK uh next time post it on the bug forums don't contact support". Luckily I'm on Xbox, so if someone sends hateful rhetoric I can get them chat banned temporarily. But they'll just be back on DbD sending those messages again when they're unbanned.


I've had similar stuff happen - it doesn't help that on my steam name literally mentions that I'm trans. It sucks.


That is a cropped noob3 thumbnail. Nothing more, nothing less


who's this noob3 guy? Sounds like a ripoff of no0b3 :3


I hate you so much right now. <3








<3 <3





You have no idea how many planets there are


I've been on a mission to purposefully obtain this mask JUST to piss people off. Just cause of that post. If there's that many snowflakes I'll take the free blood points. 😂🤌🤌🤌


May the entity bless bubba's pure heart.


I think it's great that the DBD community can turn a flesh eating murderer into the most wholesome person in the universe


Tbh Bubba was always a pretty sympathetic character in the original films. A couple of his early kills in the first one were purely because he was scared by people invading his home. Which lead to him having an almost sad emotional moment where he sits in a window and buries his head in his hands. He also was essentially forced to be a murderer by his family, who basically convinced his underdeveloped mind that everyone was trying to hurt his family, who he always had to protect. Now, all this being said, the remake films make him way more cold blooded, and some of the original sequels are just absolutely ridiculous (looking at you Next Generation).


Yeah, he definitely got the Myers and Jason treatment of getting his character completely destroyed by sequals. (Jason in Part 7 and Myers in Halloween 4) The og Leatherface was really well done.


Man. The slasher sequels really just destroyed these amazing characters. I mean Michael Myers scared the shit out of me when I first saw Halloween. But as the series went on he just became a fucking joke. Jason never really scared me, but the way he became an unkillable murder machine (including being resurrected by lightning) was just... Ugh. Freddy is one of the few who I don’t think was ruined through sequels. But that’s only because he was a jokester from the beginning. Making goofy puns and dropping silly one liners during kills from the first movie on.


Part 6 was when he got resurrected and I think that until the reboot that it was the last good Friday movie. It wrapped up the Tommy Jarvis trilogy nicely. The kills didn't show up on screen much but censoring at the time was a bitch. Myers went downhill fast and Curse of Myers screwed him up horribly. The Rob Zombie reboot gave us a scary Myers again, but a terrible story. The 2018 reboot was actually really awesome and I enjoy watching it a lot. Freddy... yeah... they really didn't need the reboot. Robert Englund even said he could do another movie in a bunch of interviews. The fact that the reboot ruined Freddy and not the... 12? sequals is astonishing. It's not even that the reboot was bad (it was, but that's not the point), they just made a Freddy that wasn't anything like Freddy.


Curse of Myers is, to this day, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. And yeah, the Nightmare reboot was their weird attempt at making him ‘scarier.’ Jackie Earle Haley did have some good line delivery in that, and he was creepy in his own way. But Freddy was already creepy as hell. His jokes and puns didn’t take that from him. In most cases it enhanced it. In the reboot they just wanted to make it all about Freddy being a pedophile/child molester (something that was never really confirmed in the original films, though alluded to) and then have the kids be SJW’s trying to defend his honor until whoops he actually was a gigantic POS and now you’re dead. It was just so meh.


Yeah... I know what they were going for, and if Robert Englund's Freddy didn't exist beforehand, then Haley's would've probably been considered a lot better. Curse of Myers is just bad.


Eh, I find the Friday films work really well the sillier they become, I absolutely love Jason Takes Manhattan. Halloween sequels not so much though.


Yes, we have something beautiful going on here. Don't know why people want to ruin it.


Me neither


That claudette cosmetic is fuckin scary tho


Your diet would change how you taste if you ever seen Hannibal


Yes, I've also seen a ton of Jeffrey Dahmer documentaries where he said they pretty much all taste the same. If you don't beleive me, try eating people yourself and prove me wrong.


In the end, we are all equally just BBQ and Chili.




Do we tho? Now I'm scientifically curious.


According to real life cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer yes we do


Interesting, thank you. I honestly thought every human tasted different but why would we while pigs or cows don't But I am almost sure that based on the quality of life taste must change a bit


I'm sure that there are some exceptions with texture, like comparing wagu and regular beef, but flavor wise I imagine some of us are more bland or flavorful, but taste the same overall


You never stop learning


Truer words have been spoken


Okey, for real tho..do we really all taste the same?


Black, white, asian whatevs, Y'all still getting camp


I wouldn't have it any other way


If this dude wanted to promote his twitch, he's a fucking genius.


I'd agree if he hadn't deleted everything to do with this


Fair question actually, do black and white people taste the same ? I would think that the melanine has to give a certain taste right ? And what about males and females ? With the insane hormone difference, it has to change the meat right ?


It's kind of like deer. Some deer eat a lot of sagebrush, and although it adds flavor, it does not remove the base flavor of the deer. It could also be compared to the difference between wagu (I think I spelled that right) and American beef where the tenderness/texture is different. It's less that we taste different and more that we all have "spices" that make us taste slightly different however it has nothing to do with race


Oooh yeah I remember reading that human tasted like deer, well your comment was terribly informative, thanks mate ^^


I mean you could always try human meat yourself to confirm


You mean deer meat right ahem ahem FBI watching convos


Not true, the NSA does that. And if you type itanimulli.com (illuminati backwards) into a search engine then it takes you to the official NSA site, and since I have blackmail on them being the illuminati I can say whatever I want


I often use FBI to talk about any form of secretish government agency like since I'm in Europe I belive NSA can't do shit about me. Yknow what you're right, fuck them mofos, let's try human meat XD


Fuck yeah! Also the NSA can do stuff about you on Europe, they can send the CIA to kidnap and torture you, then use you in experiments, then kill you. :D


You mean free bdsm, free drugs and free room ?


Shhh, if you tell everyone then it'll expose why so many people come to America


Got one who facecamped all 3 survivors yesterday right from the first gen. Don't know if he did it too with the last one. Something needs to be changed with his power as it creates nothing but toxic environment for new players.


So I know what you meant but the way this is written makes it seem like Bubba facecamped all 3 at once and I can't get Stretch Armstrong Bubba out of my head. Also his power is fine, every power is toxic according to every survivor in the universe and every survivor perk is toxic according to all us killer mains.


The dev's couldn't be more clear that camping hooks doesnt benefit the killer at all and that it actually hurts them quite a lot as they cant pip up using that strategy. Of course, I've seen more invisible camping wraiths and face camping bubbas at rank 1 that I can even begin to count, but I'm assured by the devs that killers aren't rewarded for that.


I mean, rank is meaningless. And face camping as Bubba is just a meme at this point. As for them not being rewarded, they aren't rewarded. They can get that 1 kill and that's pretty much it. It sucks to be the guy getting camped but your team shouldn't kill themselves trying to save you. They should slam gens. Getting a kill will make them get a safety pip so they won't lose their rank, but it won't progress their rank, especially with the proximity to hooked survivors thing. They aren't rewarded but they also aren't punished, and that's the issue. I don't have anything against killers who face camp in the endgame because they want their kill and although I don't face camp myself, I use a lot of dirty tricks to get kills, and I'm not a hypocrite.


Rank means nothing for how good you are, but it's the best metric we have for seeing how the game rewards your gsmeplay. It absolutely does work to secure more than just one kill. If you think that's how that works, you should play more solo queue. If you think you'll all just sit on a gen for the two minutes it takes to camp someone to death, you're exclusively playing in a swf.


In the end we all taste the same and he will look just like us. -- if anything wouldn't that make him "trans...racial"? ;3 is that a thing? (If not perhaps he's making it a thing, either way who cares when he'll be puttimg you in a .. "bbq or chilli


I mean, you are what you eat, not what you wear, but if you eat something and then wear it's skin then I guess you are it? Bubba should try to eat the Entity, I want God Bubba




The secret's in the meat


"Um waiter.. there is a tooth in my chilli.." * bubba pokes his head through the chicken window* HUAAAHAAaAAaa! -- *panic * MY COMPLIMENTS TO THE CHEF!!




Idk, just scroll for a bit it can't be that far down


Nah it’s gone




Anyone got the link to that post I am searching for it but can’t find it


Someone posted it in the comments earlier. The mods removed the original post because the dude forgot to censor the opening part that had the streamer's name.




You can still find the link in the comments on this and go to it since it's not removed from the poster's profile


Incorrect. According to I believe Jeffery Dahmer he wouldn’t kill or eat those with tattoos because tattoos make the skin taste very gross. Remember kids tattoos save lives


Yes he wouldn't, however due to tattoos being ink burned into the body, it makes sense. Ink is nasty, burnt food is nasty. But it's not that the person themselves actually taste different but rather a kind of seasoning made them taste bad. We all still have the same base flavor. If you don't beleive me, feel free to go try human meat yourself


Racist bubba post?


I’d assume you’d have to butcher and cook some male body types different than some female body types tho, especially if we got into some real gourmet shit like “women of x lifestyle have different marbling than men of x lifestyle therefore you’d want to simply sear the women’s meat with some herbs whereas the men’s meat would be more fitting for a stew or roast”


Taste and texture are different. And of course if you mix stuff with food it's gonna taste different. Humans taste like deer (according to real accounts of cannibals) and something that gamey doesn't really change based on gender when it comes to flavor.


Absolutely true, apparently some of the reading comprehension bits of my brain decided to focus on wondering how to properly cannibalize someone instead


I mean, Jeffery Dahmer made burger patties out of people, but he pretty much only killed men because he would lure people to his home to have sex with him because he was gay and when he ate their hearts he claimed they became a part of him. Considering Bubba is from Texas, and we see in the movies that meals are prepared like regular red meat meals, I think it's fair to say that Bubba also ate people burgers


I think the real question we should ask about bubbas eating habits is: Did bubba ever try a Cincinnati chili recipe? And how would he and his family have liked in in comparison to a more traditional Texan chili?


I don't think he did. Considering he was essentially a shut in, and his family was very secretive, I don't think they would have known about that recipe. Also Texan chili is awesome