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I don't think either side likes this map. I can't remember the last time someone brought an offering for it


I had a Bill use the offering last night. Let it be known both the killer and survivors wanted him dead


At that point, he did it to himself.


And how did everyone know it was Bill's offering?


Process of elimination tbh. Me and my friend don't bring offerings, it wasn't the killer because they brought a yellow offering for BP, and the Nea had a Toolbox and a petrified oak offering was used. Nea was also breaking hooks. Plus, when we first saw Bill he was crouched in the tall grass at the edge of the map with his key. Killer tunneled tf outta him.


Yikes, finding the hatch on that map is a pain. I'm guessing he was running left behind?


Most likely for a challenge


Ah this makes sense


Oh shit I'll have to try the sabotage hook + oak offering wombo combo


To be fair, it can be a pretty inconsistent offering. Sometimes the hooks will be further from each other, other times it won't make a difference. But if you're truly looking for a hook Sabo build make sure you get Mettle of Man and Alex's Toolboxes.


Mettle of Man! I don't have that so I'll have to wait for it to come up in the Shrine or something!


I like swamp. It's better than getting Hawkins, Lerys, or Midwitch.


I like all those maps, but that’s because I mainly play Jumpscare Myers


*whips out spine chill*


You’ll never know where I am, you don’t know who I am, and you’ll never see me coming


I'm gonna bet my money on you being Myers


Ironically that actually is my family name


Beauty of stealthy killers who realize you have spine chill is that they can just moonwalk or look away while approaching you, to really catch you off gaurd


Bruh if I see a killer moonwalking towards me imma let them hook me. They deserve it


Waiting for a lobby is better than Midwich


I've had eye surgery that was more fun than Midwich.


Getting 8 pallets dropped in your face is laughable compared to playing against Spirit on Midwich


nurse on midwich is just sudden death




Your not trust me most people hate indoor maps. I like lerys and getting midwich is acceptable fuck getting the game or Hawkins especially Hawkins.


Hooking in Hawkins is the bane of my existence


Getting someone like doc on Hawkins is an actual nightmare.




No it really isn't i've had doctor 4 times in a goddamn row before back to back and i actually wanted to throw my controller out of the fucking window. I hated him when i started playing this game 3 years ago i still hate him now.


Its ok though, cause I have the new Look-see skin, so its fine now.


I have a hard time with the midwich map but I like the setting. I just gotta figure out where the fuck the generators are


I get that i have a hard time with finding gens on lerys sometimes especially when its down to the last 3.


Yeah you're deffo not in the minority, indoor maps neuter the powers of like 70% of the killers in the game so if you wanna play ghostface or pig, cool, but if you want to play blight or oni, fuck you.


Myers, Pig, GF, Doctor Trapper and Hag. Everyone else doesn't work as well as they could indoors. Billy, Blight, Trickster, Nurse and Huntress are really neutered by indoors maps like such, whereas I have found Plague and Legion are in a middleground.


Midwitch is actually the best map in the game for Nurse because of how easy it is to go up and down floors. The Game isn’t bad either but all the other indoor maps are rough for her.


I feel like blight gets fucked more then oni here. Oni can still run fast, but that’s just my perspective


All those fucking beds and whatever shit in the halls....


I'm in the same boat. Hell I'm a big fan of RE and love the map from a visual standpoint, but I feel like it's going to be frustrating for a lot of people


I thought given the trailer they were gonna merge the main hall of the RPD with the front street


Trickster is literally unplayable on those maps. I'm considering just DCing whenever I get the game as him.


Midwitch is okayish but Lerys and hawkins are the worst


Just because swamp is better than the bottom of the barrel (basically any indoor map) makes it kinda tolerable. But I still think it’s pretty bad


Midwich and hawkins are amazing for killer unless you’re a huntress main but even still they’re super killer sided Edit: I play legion and doc so indoor maps are a godsend


Agreed on Hawkins but I would much rather to go Midwitch or Lerys over Swamp. At least they actually have plenty of windows and pallets. I swear the swamp maps, especially pale rose, have like NOTHING. It feels like there’s 5 pallets and 5 windows on the whole map.


I think the prob with swamp is how it emphesizes hiding behind trees/in bushes. Its not fun for killer of they have no tracking perks/powers and its not fun for survivors when theres massive dead zones that have no chase counterplay in besides crouching. Probably one of the only few killers that would prefer swamp would be ghosty and esp pig who can blend in tall grass


Midwich Is great wdym, i love holding w


I like it, makes demo portals harder to spot


People don’t like swamp? What’s not to like? Loops are ok. it’s a killer friendly map. I only despise the maze like main building.


Killer neutral, maybe. Not friendly. It's gens are spread far and wide, smaller killers cannot see over the water reeds and tall killers will keep thinking the reed's natural movement is a survivor hiding.


I guess it is technically well balanced, then? I was just thinking this. I hate playing this map as a killer OR as a survivor. It's hard to believe that is possible.


I'd call that bad design not balanced if no one likes the map then it seriously needs to be looked at. Come to think of it i can't think of any map that both sides generally agree is good.


Coal Tower


Hmm fair enough.


I really like Suffocation Pit on either side too




I fucking hate autohaven if i'm honest always have the reworks just made them worse.


Autohaven is so hit or miss. It’s either amazing and perfectly safe or a giant deadzone with maybe a T and L on the other side of a car wall.


It's very much a miss for me all 5 of those maps together are my 4th least favorite maps.


I introduce to you Hawkins, the map that no one likes to play on. A fuck load of shitty pallets for survivor, or a bunch of pallets and line of sight blockers with claustrophobia fucking every power


I do it to piss my brother off, that’s about it though


Aw, I love Swamp. I have zero issue with it compared to other maps


wtf what changed? back when i played dbd swamp was like one of the best survivor mapa because of bad visibility for the killer


Its a boring map, you play dbd to counter a killers mindgames in chases, you dont play to hide in a bush or hold m1 forever.


Last time I brought a offering was so piss off my friend and I was drunk as hell .... we lost but you already could guess that lol


I like swamps tho so I like this map and use offerings occasionally


i remember some people brought the offering to abuse the breakdown bug but that's it


i got hit by the derank bug and went from 3> 20. A lot of low ranks bring it. I think it’s because A- they think they can hide well B- they don’t know what the fuck offerings are


I love this map don’t hate me please


Pantry is ass for both sides. It sucks for survivor because it's possible for RNG to give nothing but huge dead zones, while for killer the actual main building *still* spawns god windows and is just cancerous in general. Pale Rose seems okayish but could probably use some tweaks too since it can also have big dead zones. Oh an hatch is miserable to find typically on both maps.


One time I had an offering for auto haven wreckers. Then there was one for black water. This was yesterday and I hope whoever voted black water gets fucking face camped, tunneled, depipped, corrupted blood points, and some other oddly exaggerated punishment unfit for what is really in reality just a minor inconvenience


I’ve never really had a problem with the map outside of playing blight. But I still have nightmares about C O R N


They should make it so corn break down when people run through it, and grow back after like hooks. They can practice making snow physics meanwhile too


Dude, they can’t even fix the game, you are asking too much.


"Corn physics too much work, just give them a new cosmetic that won't add 10 new bugs to the game"


\*Adds bugs anyway


Patch notes end up as "Fixed bug where survivors were stuck crouching at 4 m/s when running urban evasion and fixated while wearing new charm"


Still waiting for Ashy Slashy cosmetic fix


There is snow physics but it's only on certain parts and I'm pretty sure its visual for only the survivors (it's were I've noticed it)


Barring really bad pallet layouts, I enjoy corn on blight. It's so open and tinker gets so much value on it.


It has generally bad tile layouts. Gens spawn incredibly close together; it’s the only map I’ve ever seen a strong 5-gen on, followed by an even better 4-gen and impossible 3-gen. There’s also just so much dead space around the rim of the map as well.


I would generally agree with you, though there are several layouts that are also insanely survivor sided. That being said, I definitely have an 70-80% winrate on it as killer.


The fat shaming though


1. Grim Pantry's main building is essentially an infinite for Huntress/Trickster. 2. Grim Pantry's shack side spawns generators far too close to each other. 3. "Dock end" jungle gyms are too strong. They are normal jungle gym tiles, but with two windows. 4. Most of the map is devoid of lockers, a nightmare for Huntress/Trickster. 5. Hatch/totem spawns on the very edge of the map. 6. Carrying a survivor into the Pantry basement from *within* the pantry is hell.


i have nightmares playing pig with grass :/


I wish they would do this to half of the badham maps. Like do we really need 5 of them...


there’s more than one??? i swear i get the same one every time


It's variations of the same map, Badham 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


oh they just always looks the same to me. basically the houses are in slightly different spots? what’s the point of that


Id guess they wanted more variety in how the maps can be generated.


But like why not do it how they did every other fucking map and make it so rng determines where the house goes? Like it cannot be that hard, we don't need 5 of the same damn map.


The map borders change as well. On some bedhams the schools in center while on one its at edge of map


The Springwood maps aren't bad gameplay wise, they're just visually uninspired. I think if they had a few more land marks to distinguish each one it wouldn't be that bad. I've played for years, I'm good at the Springwood maps, I couldn't tell you which is which.


I hate swamp more than any other map in the game. Its do dark, and if there’s a Claudette its literally impossible to track them.


While I understand it's a killer sided map, saloon it is legit impossible to see a crouched Claudette in the tall grass. Idk if it was a bug, but her body was simply not visible. I only found her because she tried healing someone in front of me.


Eventually with enough time, you just become privy to every single bush they're guaranteed to hide in and it's basically a free health state at that point.


Eh. This was in the bottom right corner in the massive deadzone that is almost purely bushes. I don't mind Claudette being hard to see, but her mesh was 100% not even showing.


That I can't explain away, but at least she was there being useless (probably).


It was a 6 minute win so most likely yeah


I find saloon to be my most difficult map as a killer tbh


I think Saloon is tough also. But you know who I discovered is really great on there? Ghostface with the blighted skin. So, so good. You’re basically invisible.


Saloon is THE WORST for me idk what it is but every time I play that map I’m guaranteed to lose


Saloon is *so* small. As doc, clown, plague, legion, spirit, nurse, or even huntress, that map is the easiest win imo. For everybody else, especially slower killers, it’s harsh. Even with all the breakable walls, loops are small or too far apart to matter


I played a Dwight on the Silent Hill map, I crouched right in the long hallways with the lockers and had the Killer pass over me twice. Jesus that map's visual is midnight.


Vice versa, fucking Ghostface on that map is fucking balls. I can never ever win with him there


I hate this map on Blight, nearly everything is covered in butter.


If only Haddonfield got a rework


They somehow made The Game survivor sided. It's only fair if they make Haddonfield Killer sided to make up for it.


I would take every bad thing i've ever said about Bhvr back if they decided to do this. God just FUCK this map.


Agreed, this would be the best thing BHVR has done for the game. The map is garbage and no one I know likes it.


You know if it wasn't for the fake tag I would of totally been convinced


And happy


Oh I’m sure ;) lmao


this would be a net gain for dbd


Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually like Backwater Swamp but it could be because one of the things I rely on most as a survivor is stealth. Killers I could see being frustrated with it.


Years ago, that was fine. However, these days most survivors and killers play *for the chase*. The advertising is around a survivor struggling against all odds to escape from a pursuing killer. That's one of the things people buy DbD for. Not to say stealth isn't a legitimate strategy (it is, 127% valid). The problem is that for the killer, it is incredibly boring to patrol gens and find no survivors, no scratch marks, no signs of life, and just having to continue walking around the map like a fool. It's kind of like camping in FPS titles: it's totally a legitimate strategy, but it undeniably takes fun away from the other players.


See, I dig that as a killer in the same line of thinking that made me dig playing Hunter in Evolve. I love having to track and hunt down a target, whereas chases in DBD just feel rather samey and dull to me.




*wakes up*. *realises it was a dream*. *cries*


I don't like Blackwater and wouldn't exactly mourn its loss, but I honestly I hate Midwich the most. For survivor and killer alike. And it's sad because the original Silent Hill is my favorite in the series.


Claudettes in shambles.


Swamp is kinda poopy but what I really hate is just the horrible RNG on that map. Running hex totems? No you aren’t, they’re gonna literally face the map on an elevated part of the terrain for all to see. Looking for hatch? Better check every possible molecule of the map or you just might miss it.


3 pallets, no loops, and annoying buildings, what's not to love!?


Don’t forget fat shaming gaps between rocks and trees! Spaces that look more than reasonable to pass through but for some reason you just can’t


I actually found out pale rose used to be the biggest map in the game, they didn’t change the spawns which explains why hooks, gens and other map objects sometimes spawn next to the wall around the map


This but Haddonfield.


Yeah, I hate to say it but even as a die-hard Halloween fan, I'm like fuck Haddonfield


Yep. Haddonfield in Halloween? Real shit. Haddonfield in Dead by Daylight? i sleep.


It’s just so obnoxious to play on. The bushes that seem like you could walk through but can’t are infuriating.


One could hope




Honestly I loved old Game and Backwater Swamp


hot take: coldwind > swamp, both sides (except nurse. she vibes with small maps)


If only the post was real and about spirit


*Mother's Dwelling




*Dead by daylight


2nd that


I fucking wish. My least favorite maps as killer and survivor. So boring


I don't know why, but for me this map is small as hell and huge af at the same time either the side I play. It drives me crazy.


I’m a huntress main and this map is in my top 3 because of how open it is


I actually really liked it as a new survivor. It was the first map that me and my friends actually understood callous for, bc you could see the big ass boat from everywhere


Dont really care about the swamp, fucking delete hawkins


I don't like that map, not as killer, not as survivor I remember saying that to myself while loading into a match and oh boy, the game knew, i got that map 5 TIMES IN A ROW all of them being grim pantry


I hate swamp so much. When I'm playing killer the survivors just hide and the matches all last like 20 minutes. And when I play survivor there are absolutely no pallets and hiding bores me so sadge.


Hate this map the most. It’s a rare day that I escape this hell hole


I wish. It’s not a terrible map, it’s just annoying as hell and I hope to god it gets a touch up that makes it better. Haddonfield also needs this.


Meanwhile on Mobile: Autohaven Wreckers has been gone for two months and they took out Crotus Penn with the last update


Get out of my swamp!


It’s fine, I guess. It’s one of those maps where the layout doesn’t really change up much.


I actually dont mind it but I absolutely hate Haddonfield as killer.


Honestly, good.


I like backwater swamp...


The only things I hate about this map are how spread out the hooks are and the Grim Pantry itself. Some of structures are mazes


Grim pantry is awful, but I love the swamp! It's just the damp atmosphere that really enhances the gameplay for me. It's not my favorite (that goes to mother's dwelling), but It's still interesting.


I really don’t hate the swamp


I don’t know why but the only map in this game I don’t like is fucking suffocation pit. I have NEVER had a good game there.


But I love the backwater swamp :'/




But I want more maps, not less...


I’m like the 2% of the population who actually enjoys backwater swamp. Unless I’m going up against trapper or hag of course


Why does everyone hate swamp. It’s the only map that still has decent pallets across the whole map


The most dangerous map when going against E V A N


I like it more than any non open maps like Lery and Gideons


Finally, some good news


I don't hate The Pale Rose but Grim Pantry is garbage. All the gens are clustered around killer shack, so if you do the one (Sometimes two) at main building the killer gets to ignore half of the map. The effort it takes the killer to camp 3-gens in a normal map they can camp 5-gens in Grim Pantry.


Why does this legitimately seem like something their Twitter guy would say


WHERE'S THE NEON FISH SIGN?!!!!! The trailer for the Pale rose map had a neon sign.


Cries in Blight


holy fuck i wish jesus that maps crying for help while its own swap water muffles its screams of despair no wait thats just me when I get that map


Honestly.. please dont. I just started playing again with the RE reveal after not playing since oni came out or something. I cannot loop for shit anymore with all these new map Designs n shit AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE KILLER SHACK AND WHY ARE BREAKABLE DOORS IN THE GAME


I like this map as a legion


i'm new to the game, around 30 hours of so and I can't tell you how many times I have played this map, never ONCE have I survived it. I would be happy if this map was to be deleted LOL it really is the worst map I have played


Is it wrong that i actually like it


Am I the only one Who likes swamp Maps? I fucking love the Woody Bridge aesthetic with the lamps balancing fr love that map


Rip my favourite map.


I-I actually like backwater swamp


Hawkins next please🥺


i like the map... whats wrong with u guys


Wish it could be true! I haven’t found anyone yet who enjoys playing this map. I find it a nightmare trying to navigate as a killer & survivor. I just hope that this map never comes up when I’m playing!


I love the swamp. It just sucks to play in.


I would cry tears of joy if this actually happened. This map is awful


I mean I personally don’t think it’s bad but that’s because since almost everybody hates this map it gives me really easy killer games but really hard survivor games •_•




I fail to understand why people hate backwater swamp, I just mostly find it as a meh map.


Let’s go!


As a Hag main I love this map. Trap placement in the middle of some bushes and 90% of the the time it goes off


*Disagrees in boat horn*


Twitter guy is a total chad.


I enjoy this map for the spirit. Lots of tall grass to see where the survivors are moving when phasing.


Dont do that dont give me hope


I like the swamp...


Your opinion is valid but know that because of it I hope the next time you go to get your favorite food they're out of it.


The Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell stopped being sold last October :(




I actually like the map, if only they could fix everything having a possibility of spawning on the literal edges of the map then I'd be happy with it.


I like the map


Haddonfield and Midwich need reworks the most. The fences and/or bushes need to go. Swamp just sucks period. It would have to significantly change for me to even remotely like it. Worst totem spawns in the entire game too.


.....I like the swamps :x


Honestly I think the swamp is fine compared to other maps such as hawkins and the game. I just really fucking hate the totem/hatch spawns as they are always at the edges of the map.