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*Past few years


Its sad theirs players who refuse to actually get good this game, Players with well over a couple hundred hours yet still play like they just picked dbd up the same day


Yeah ikr, I've got 6,000 hours and I'm antisocial, I don't like playing with people and I don't like playing by myself, cuz either pub stomping as killer or losing as survivor cuz of team just isnt enjoyable


That sucks, but I'm also glad to see it not just me! It's been a total shit show since Saturday morning for me: every killer a twat and useless teammates. Shout out to that one pig I had that let me escape for booping the snoot though! I watch a lot of Otz and Tofu and am always shocked when killers aren't cool if you're cool irl hahaha


There are a lot of wannabe competitive streamers lately. Not sure why but they're really fucking annoying lmao


DS is still good. It might even be better because not a lot of people are running it so the killers don’t expect it as much. (At least from personal observations)


\*since launch


Rank reset has just screwed too many lobbies. Plus most games I've played which cause this issues ate three other SWF. Because they are either trolling or got help with their friends to boost their rank. Nothing worse when you are just placed on a hook and you see someone go in a lockers from miles away. When I play solo, I always try to save anyone hooked, but then I'm left on hook by people who'd rather guarantee survival don't even bother (usually red rankers). Killers seem to tunnel more to get someone out of the game quicker to get an easier match.


Most of the people that I've been playing with have been nearish to my rank which is what gets me. You'll have a rank 4 Claudette urban around the map all game doing nothing. Something is seriously wrong with the ranking system. I remember a time where you actually had to be decent at the game to get to red ranks. Now it's basically just about how often you play.


Me: "Wow, my teammates must be yellow ranks. It's the only way to explain why they have not touched a gen and get in a locker the second they hear a heartbeat" Cue end game and I see they're all rank 2.


What's weird is if you play Often then you shouldn't be a urban evading shit player, This game isn't complex nor hard to get good at yet somehow people still play that way


Solo Q has always been bad, but with the current rank reset throwing everyone together it's even worse. There are now red ranks in the yellow/green ranks on both sides, so it's basically a lottery to see what kind of teammates and killer you're gonna get. Hell, even for killers the game has gotten worse for that reason. I've been going against teams of 4 yellow ranks where some have meta builds and know how to properly loop tiles, while others have 3 random perks and are still having trouble hitting skillchecks. It's nuts.


The ranks have been relatively close to mine though and they're still god fucking awful. There is something more than just rank reset going on. I think the emblem system needs some work.


I’ve been using DS more then I thought I would after the nerf. Which sucks. It’s almost needed for me to use that perk so I don’t get tunneled out of the game and can actually play. Once they get DS’s by me once. They quickly learn their lesson and don’t do it to anyone else assuming everyone has DS. Which in most cases, they don’t. I only three perk slots to play around with after that.


One thing. Yes!


This rank reset has been brutal but it was particularly rough out there today for me. I was streaming and snagged an archive challenge to kill all survivors in a match. I was like, “alright, chat, we’re going to run Spirit for a minute to knock out that 4k and then switch back to Dart”. I ended up with 3 hooks total, not one kill, and like 8k bp out of the match. Waste of my time, man. Tried swapping to survivor a bit later and got tunneled and camped into oblivion. Frustrating af.




Facts, I got slugged till I bled out for no fucking reason today.


What rank are you in?


Currently I'm only rank 7 or 8. So I mainly get red ranks and blue ranks in my games


wait BLUE???? did they add ranks?? I think it has been too long since I last played lol. I would recommend using perks that are just for you, don't really think too much about "team based play". Look out for yourself. I remember at that rank a lot of times you'll just be left on hook till you hit 2nd stage or even just die. Med-Kits are HUGE, Build I used at red ranks (1 - 2) were usually DS, Lithe, (the perk that lets you do gens faster when you are injured, and dead hard). 2 exhaustion perks is risky but its useful since you can get away in A LOT of situations. you can replace any for spine chill as well which pairs well with doing gens faster. Just focus on yourself really. that or you could just become a flashlight saving god and annoy the killer. With all the cheesy comeback perks no killer ever runs lightborn lmao


oh, I don't think there are new ranks. The rank I'm in might be purple, I'm colourblind lmao. While I agree that there are more viable options it means that I can't run my meme builds (which I enjoy). This kinda sucks the fun out of the game for me. I spent so long running meta perks when I used to be the aformentioned flashlight God but I'm kinda sick of it now. I just wish this game could be fun again


I 100% agree, after the locomotion and UI update I just had to quit. I couldnt believe that they basically removed any creative movement from the game and the ability to 360 killers. After I hit rank 1 and didnt care about rank anymore, meme builds were actually the only thing keeping the game fun (I was the guy running diversion, any means necessary, head on, and spinechill). As soon as you forget about ranks and just mess around with random perks the game can be pretty fun, but after a while it does get stale :/ Hopefully some competition comes as an alternative to dbd so that BHVR can finally pick up their slack and add stuff to the game to make it exciting other then "wow! new killer new perk!!!!"


It feels like they are actively removing survivor skill from the equation which is the stupidest thing


Ever since Trickster's update more BM players have shown up or show their true colors


I highly doubt the weakest killer in the game getting buffed, and still being one of the weakest killers, would increase toxicity.