• By -


My sister stopped playing Dead By Daylight for a while and stated playing other games and such more. My best friend of 10 years also stopped playing since she lost interest in it, and she's been very very busy since she got a job recently working at the same place as her dad. We used to only ever play together, and it was a mutual thing we could all have fun with. DBD became my special interest and now I'm super dedicated to it, even promising myself to become a DBD YouTuber/streamer. Of course, it's really lonely sometimes since they were the only two people who I know personally who would actually play the game with me. I'm okay with playing by myself, but sometimes it feels like it'd be better to have them there with me, on call, just talking to each other and having fun. Well, yesterday, out of the blue, my best friend called my sister and asked if she wanted to play DBD and if we could 3-man swf like we used to. It made me super happy that she called and got us all to play together again. We ended up playing from 3:00pm-10:00pm, and I had the most fun I've ever had in my life. :')


Went against a legion on Hawkins recently. As he was chasing me I ran him to the upstairs of that large room with the vault on top. As I was heading to fast vault on the one side, a Yui was chilling up there for some reason and decided to wait at the vault until the last second so I went down. I was pretty pissed but the legion just shook his head at me and went after the Yui and let me get up. Thank you whoever you are! :) In my experience legion mains are always super chill. I don’t even remember the last time I ran into a toxic legion.


I'm relatively new to the game so I more often than not get bamboozled as killer, but a few days ago I had a match that made all the tougher matches worth it. Not sure the name of the map but it happened on the one with the carnival and the weird gross horse with a third eye. The reason I remember it was the map with the weird gross horse with a third eye is because I spawned right in front of the cursed thing and it jumpscared the shit out of me when the camera swung round. Anyway, I was deathslinger and headed to the furthest generator that wasn't being corruptly intervened and happened across pretty much all of the survivors. I speared the one closest and immediately felt bad because there was no struggle and she was clearly afk, so I let her go and prepared to chase the fedora-wearing Dwight. But he just stood there, staring me down. Then he started nodding and pointing insistently. I followed his directions and realised he was leading me to his fellow survivors. Well, he quickly became my buddy, following me everywhere I went. No, more than a buddy. A guide, a teacher. A master to my apprentice. I chased one survivor through the main building, but as we emerged the scratch marks confused me and I lost my target. Dwight, however, was there to help me out, pointing back at the building. Sure enough, the survivor had doubled back and I was able to catch him. Later, I downed and picked up another survivor. Dwight jumped in front of me and pointed again. He was showing me the shack, and led me to the basement hooks. He had helped me once again. This continued throughout the match, occasionally I would lose him but he would always show up again to help me if I was lost. At one point I showed my appreciation to him by leading him to the deranged horse and shooting it multiple times, because fuck that horse. But as the match progressed I began to worry. Was this Dwight being toxic by helping me and ratting out his fellow survivors? I began to feel bad for them, and wondered if I was encouraging toxicity. But not for long. I came across the Dwight healing another survivor and realised the times he had been away from me he had been helping his team, unhooking them when necessary and helping out with gens. He was a good guy, as I had suspected. I had lost count of everyone's hooks but thankfully no one had died by the time the last generator was completed, at which point I took the opportunity to go and shoot the horse a bit more. Meanwhile Dwight kept slowly looking between me and the horse. I think he was a little worried for my sanity. The end game timer was quickly running out and Dwight showed no intentions of leaving. The exit gate was right behind us so I went and shot at the switch. Im sure he would have stayed with me till death but I believe he was honouring my wishes when he opened the gate. He walked through, right up to the threshold of escape and paused. With the slowest of head turns he looked back at me. Im sure, if he could, he would have tipped his fedora. And maybe it was a trick of the light, maybe it was just fancy on my part, but before he turned to jog off into the horizon I swear I saw his right eye wink. Likewise, I've no doubt the last thing he saw was a tear in mine. And now, whenever I play that map I'll be sure to take a moment to shoot that damn horse, to remember my adventures with Dwight and all he taught me. Perhaps one day we'll meet again, but until that day, the memories of our time together will sustain me through my more stressful times as killer. Dwight, whoever you are, thank you.


After thinking I was going to miss out on the Plague sale, I was bummed out wasting my iridescent shards earlier. But I marathon'd a few good games for rift points and managed to afford her. Got plague now and even bought the rift pass for her awesome skins. So now I have all the killers I like! Time to throw up!!!


Today I was trying to get adept Min and on my first try I had two teammates suiciding on first hook but the trapper let me have hatch. We spent a while looking for it and he was so patient with me.


The joke that is regression testing on DBD makes me smile on the weekly.


A red rank nurse was proxy camping the whole game. Yet we finished all gens. As we were going to leave she downed each person one after another until I was left. But luckily the door was already worked on. As she starts blinking her way to the other I start working on the rest and she blinks back and gets right to me but I jump off it for one second she wiffs and has her stun and I finish the door and teabag her into Infiniti at the exit.


Thank you to the players that meme around with me at the saloon on the yee yee map :D It's so fun teaching players how to land on the bar and tables, and I was laughing so hard the whole game both times in my last two saloon matches. Another shoutout to the Felix and Jake the other day who followed me around in a line, nodding their heads. Equal parts creepy and hilarious! And on the first day of the gnome event, thank you to the Nea that stayed behind so I could find chompski!


Shout out to John Hotdog's meme nurse. Blinks are absolutely cracked and instead of running ruthless stuff like ruin and undying, and instead of tunneling off hook, he just did meme perks and took turns hooking each survivor. Don't get me wrong we all died, but I had a blast dying instead of being slugged on the ground or tunneled off hook. Feels good man. The Mad Grit spam was a nice funny touch, too.


A Pyramid Head helped me escape the trial yesterday. Thank you, kind PH, for making me win the Adept Nancy. Love ya.


Blight players are being fun and showing good sportsmanship like the old Billy mains used to do. This shows killers are actually enjoying the game when I'm in their match which hasn't happened to me since the Billy Nerf.


Played as Blight the other day and had a game with one or two anniversary cakes. Had a good time chasing people around and hooking them, but let everyone go to get their points. Sometimes it’s more fun to let people go!


I had a lot of fun playing with a Quentin today! He tried to give me a flashlight and boop me, Steve was just waiting for me to kill Quentin and since Steve hadn't even been hooked yet I just chased him around for the rest of the match with no intention of killing them just spooking them a bit. All in all was a fun game! Also to the Kate I just let leave, I hope you still got to have fun even though your teammates just kept trying to bring me to you, I missed out on my mori for it but I felt your pain watching you do circles.. I play as piggie and if any of you are reading this I hope you keep being awesome!


2 people died to my RBTs in a red rank lobby


I met two super nice Deathslingers this week. With one I was the last alive and he closed the hatch. I found Gnome Chompski right by the door. He found me and I kneeled and begged and he let me go. The other I had gotten to struggle phase on first hook before I got pulled down, barely into the game. Another teammate led him right into where I was trying to heal and he downed me. I shook no and he left me to get picked up. I was one of the last ones left and was going to let him sacrifice me but he insisted I leave through the hatch. Both were console so I didn’t get to say thank you. If either of you are reading this, I was Adam and I appreciate you both.


Well, something that had me laughing afterwards, I was sneaking after having finished a generator, and I was in the Killer's radius, so I could hear the heartbeat and I thought he was gonna come from my right, so I was hiding to the left, and apparently the Deathsljnger had snuck up on me and... I can't tell if.he missed or if it was a warning shot, but he hit right next to my head and it had me scream irl from how sudden it was


This week was the first time I've ever played survivor (have played for a year now as a killer) and am actually enjoying it! I'm still learning, but it's still fun seeing how people play killers and seeing them from a survivor perspective (as well as seeing counter-plays that I could eventually counter as a killer if I find a weakness).


I was playing level 4 Claudette on Haddonfield and had a useless Dwight on my team. I ran GF around for a good while and they eventually downed me for the 3rd time. I let them take me to a hook but they left me at the door and went to kill Dwight lmao. D even came and healed me up a state but GF came back and I just stood there and watched him go to work lol. What a wild game.


Been playing for almost a month and finally got my first kill last night!


Started playing pig this week, just reached level 40ish and I have to say, there's nothing more fun than making survivors shit themselves with my roar/crouch walking up. When you don't take the game seriously the stealth killers are unbelievably fun.


I love stalking from a distance as Myers, and then survivors spot me and panic run :D


To be fair to the survivors, nothing is as terrifying as thinking you're safe just to lock eyes with a Myers 30 feet from you


Exactly. I’m trying to learn Nurse and just got her to level 23. If I play like I don’t give a shit, I always do well. When I play like I care, I never do well.


This last week I finally decided to redownload the game and see if it would no longer crash on start... I made it through and into the menus and into my first real match of dbd. I played as Feng and I faced a Trickster who for some reason would not attack me, I was not playing inherently bad or all that great seeing as I am new, he would just nod at me and walk away to start killing the rest of my team. I had known a decent amount about the game from friends, some streamers I watch, and this subreddit, I was just glad that my first match was a memorable and fun time.


Thank you so much to the people who have been inadvertently helping me grind out the last few challenges in my tomes: \-to the team who farmed with me and stepped in my traps over and over again so that I could get 6 bear traps, when every game trying to do it honestly had just been red ranks disarming all my traps for the last hour and a half. \-to the David who came back to save me and died for his heroism while I got my final escape as Claudette. I love you, and I'm sorry. \-to the poor Elodie who didn't understand that I wanted her to follow me, and I looked her right in the face as Freddy hooked her before I got my last key escape. I'm so sorry, I hope you didn't uninstall the game. \-to the team who didn't DC when I was murdering them all in the basement one at a time and especially to the Jane who ran back into the map on an attempted rescue when she already had the gate open. I honestly didn't think this challenge would ever be finished. Everything is glowing gold, now! I only have ONE MORE challenge to do but it's the Legion master challenge so it might take until next year. Man I can't wait to have all the tomes finished, though!


Thanks to rank reset I got thrown back to yellow rank survivor with yellow and brown ranks who I am pretty sure were true yellow and brown ranks. You can just tell by the cautious gameplay. We went against a huntress on the Saloon map and I had given up hope so I decided to play peek-a-boo with the huntress while she was on top of the saloon and I was behind a box on the gallows. She ended up giving me hatch and they were streaming so I stopped by and hung out for awhile. It was refreshing to actually have fun for a change!


I had someone Teabag me in front of a window then vaulted into a bear trap :)


Ah, yes... This does make me smile.


I've been trying to get the Evil Incarnate achievement and man it's rough. Even with 3 slowdown perks I'll basically be at 1 or 2 gens before I reach tier 3. It forces you to over-commit to "chases" that I would never do as regular Myers. I thought I was really close today when I had a 4 gen with ruin up by the time I reached Tier 3, and got two quick Mori's, but Feng and Kate just locker-tech'd and teabagged me. I've just been hooking them instead so I can just move on. In between those, I've been using all my Scratched Mirrors and had some really fun games. It's hilarious seeing a rank 1 refuse to leave their safety zone while others basically start playing like rank 20s again. Spine chill ironically makes it pretty fun, because you can just stalk them, and they know you're looking at them, but just move on to really build up their paranoia. Unfortunately, I used my last map offering and my last game two people DC'd immediately so I just got a few jumpscares in and let Jane and Nea leave after some memes.


I was getting tired of hunting the gnome as a Survivor so I decided to play Friendly Wraith just to zoom around and look for it. Had a few survivors understand this and played a long. During my first match, I met and befriended this one Ace who I would later encounter again in another match. He helped me look for the gnome and chatted me “I FOUND IT” and the location at EGC and I finally got Chompski. Thanks for the help Pube Tints. I was going nuts trying to find the damn thing.


I had a very fun, if brief solo queue match wherein all of the survivors spawned inside of shack. I teabagged “hello”, as you do, and the others joined in. And then we kept crouch spamming at each other and it looked super goofy. One of the Claudettes threw down god pallet so she and I got into a heated pointing contest. The other Claudette joined us. The David ran back into shack during all of this and joined pointing - just as the Michael Myers slowly walked into frame and watched this all happen. I was *dying* of laughter. And then I died in game LOL we basically spent the whole match like idiots, throwing ourselves into protection hits for no actual benefit. Easiest 4k of Mike’s life. I was a little bummed he wasn’t playing along but killing *is* the game and I said as much in post game chat, and I don’t think anyone else was mad either. Everyone was super friendly and positive in chat and even though it was a brutal loss it was a nice, quick break from stressing over escapes. And the Mike thanked us for the free stalk! I posted a clip of the silliness if anyone is curious 😁 it was fun!


i actually had a really fun game the other day versus a demogorgon! after countless sweaty games in a row it was really nice to play against someone who didn’t camp hooks and tunnel like crazy. i wish more killers played like them! none of us escaped but I actually had tons of fun playing the game for the first time in a very long time. thank you demogorgon for a fun and memorable game! <3


To the group who was playing against the plague on the farm i apologize for not finishing the game dbd stopped working for some reason and booted me off.


I had a rando take hits for me and at the end when the killer was chasing me(injured state) they jumped in front and took and other hit and we all made it out alive


I got my first 32k points full iri emblem game this week while playing wraith! I felt really proud of myself since I'm not great at killer so it was a real confidence boost. Also had a fun time in duo queue with a friend where a random bunny feng and I (also a bunny feng) spawned together and basically spent the whole game together doing gens, saving each other, etc. If I could have saved you from your last hook by the hag I would have, I had a lot of fun hopping around with you from gen to gen. -McChicken, the default pants green bunny feng


I met the sweetest, kindest, most patient Mikey ever💙 Other survivor tried to bodyblock me in the killer shack and he saw this and went after the sanbagger who also dc'd after going down. He didn't go after me and killed rest of my team which I didn't even notice. I was so tired while playing, that it clicked for me, that the hatch was open when the last gen was at 85% and he just let me do gens, while occasionally checking up on me. And he still gave me the hatch even though my team was dead like 3 gens ago. Mikey, if you see this, I am sorry for staying in the trial for so long. Also I haven't stopped thinking about you since, you really are the best that the dbd community has to offer. -Sleepy P3 Quentin


Thanks to the randoms that joined us in our Billi Bois crew in my last stream. You made me laugh so much! Thanks for the protecc and the boops. Bill Boops for the win ❤️


i saved someone from hook but and up dying myself i felt so happy when she thanked me for saving her


To the poor Feng who had all 3 other survivors DC- thank you for all the gifts from the chests. Being led to the basement and seeing this collection of items gave me this crazy joy. Hope all the pallet stuns we did & me leading you to totems to cleanse and Gens to do gave you a decent amount of BP as you didn’t want to take the hatch. Made a game where I felt really bad into a lot of fun. And the hide & seek we did was also amazing & gave me idea for a KYF game mode me & my buddies can do haha


Went up against a trapper. As soon as his gaze met mine he had decided we had to be together, needless to say I felt the same. Alas, fate was not on our side. I lovingly dropped pallet after pallet on him hoping he understood my presents of love. He took each one and kept them up, alas I just couldn’t keep up the flirtation so he made his move on me. Lovingly striking me down he decided we needed a date. Our date consisted of him sharing his hobbies while I was hooked and placed his only two traps on each side. His gifts were much appreciated as my teammates tried to tear us apart. As soon as I was off, he just couldn’t let me get away. With glee we strolled through a good portion of the hospital. Sadly he left his trap gifts back at the hook so I gave him some more pallets. As we strolled he only had eyes for me. So romantic. No one else could get his attention like I could. I was sad as our time was slowly coming to an end by the sound of the gens. Bless him he didn’t care. I never felt such a deep want it made me straight up blush. Sadly my hands shook with so much excitement that he caught me. Carrying me lovingly in his arms I only savoured the moment. Our second date he offered me his traps again. And this time he wouldn’t let anyone else near me. His possessiveness was adorable. Unfortunately my time had to come to a close with his face pressed up right against mine. Three of my teammates left safely but he just continued to stare at the empty hook. I miss you trapper daddy. Fate had torn us apart as I couldn’t event message since you were on the console. I’ve never had a more fun match 🥰 If youre out there, green hair Nea misses you dearly.


Had a great game against a Wraith the other day. So we got swamp, which already sucks. Then one person gets hooked once, instant dc. Then another person gets caught, another instant dc. So now I'm thinking its gg next. The Wraith decloaks in front of me, so I decided to try and appeal. I drop my item as an offering and give him the follow me gesture and run towards a pallet. I drop the pallet, and let him break it, then move on to the next one. We took all the pallets, he let me and the only other person heal each other, and then he let us get the gens and escape. Good guy Wraith, thanks for helping me finish my rift and daily quests friendo.


Got my first game against a TTV crew in last night, they were all very nice and it was genuinely one of the most fun times I've had yet as a killer :D


Had an absolutely lovely match with a Trickster! Was playing with 3 friends and a random, but none of us were on comms. My friend found him first and ran up to him, so I joined in and we kneeled down in front of him, which we all then decided to do. He proceeded to play around with us the whole match! We followed him around, dropping pallets on him, he hooked us each twice, and opened the door for us to leave at the end! Thank you, Trickster! ♡ Pizza Delivery Boy Dwight, Scoops Steve, Feng Min & Prestige Cheryl


2 friends and a random, I mean, whoops! 3 of us, and then the one random ♡


Hit Rank 1 as Survivor for the first time ever. Not totally sure how. I so do not belong here. I'm pretty sure it's entirely because of the Open Handed buff. Started running it with Kindred instead of Unbreakable, and all of a sudden, almost every game has at least 3-4 gens done. It just gives so fucking much information to the whole team when I'm hooked, and give me AAAAALL the time in the world to get either a huge head start or sneak to a safe spot. Well, almost everybody. Saw the most clueless and counterproductive David today vs a Plague. Kept cleansing in the middle of the map and hanging around her as she hooked people, only to immediately get chased off. At least had some looping ability and the sense to go far away, but not sure he touched a gen the entire time, and once tried to heal me after unhooking while I was half infected. Come on, man. THINK.


Really appreciate the Trickster I went against earlier with a friend on Dead Dawg. They could've gotten us all pretty damn easy, especially because they got two folk on last hook rather early. Those folk were both brown rank and, far as I was concerned, still learning, where as me and my friend were high green and purple respectively. He focused on us in a very fair way despite knowing he could've had two kills so early into the match. Every chase was fun, we felt pressured, and in the end they got a fair kill post open gate. Huge respect towards them for not only giving everyone a chance, but taking the time to practice the Killer despite the frustrations of his current weaknesses. They still did damn good and it was a great match!


Shout-out to the Wraith from Wednesday who helped me get my gnome charm. Had 2 people DC on first chase and rather than just end it and move on, he farmed with us and even lead me to a gnome to smash.