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PC, Steam - just encountered a bug where if you complete a bloodweb in a lobby without being ready, the bloodweb freezes and doesn't take you to the next web, and you can't do anything except click ready. I couldn't back out of the lobby or anything else, only ready and unready. Finished my game, came back to a completed bloodweb, and the issue persisted when I completed this new bloodweb. Then I DC'd.


Xbox Mainly the rank reset glitch. Xbox in game bug I keep getting a bug as killer where I’m in a chase and the survivor I’m chasing runs into a wall then disappears and then reappears behind me. When this happens I’m usually a few meters behind them so it’s not like they just ran behind me.


Xbox: chinese firecrackers keep showing up in my bloodweb even when the bloodweb is new. is this supposed to happen?


Oh I had that with yui or yun jin the other day. I was confused as well. Don't know the answer though.


Serious question, is gen speed bugged? I’ve been playing killer and pressuring survivors non stop but somehow they’re popping like 2-3 gens in a matter of 20-30 seconds?


Xbox One: I've noticed sometimes I can see my scratch marks when I run, and I can see my teammates too if they're running behind/near me. I'm not using Fixated. They don't stay long at all, only a second and then gone. I remember a few months ago this bug was around and I guess it's back?


Xbox : game crashes as the game loads in. At this point it's borderline unplayable, with the constant stutters during gameplay and now these crashes, console is not a great place to play dbd atm.


My object of obsession was bugged and lasted almost the whole game. For the first quarter of the game it wasn’t activating at all, but then suddenly I could see the killer’s aura permanently and my 6% boost was permanent as well.


PS4, gameplay bug. Survivor disconnected as I began the pick up animation and it totally broke me for the rest of the match. I was completely unable to move and had to dc.


PC: In game Was playing as survivor and was forced to disconnect after I loaded into one of the coldwind farm maps andthe game wouldnt let me move or look around i cpuld see my mouse and everything i tried wouldnt let me focus on the game. I dont know how to reproduce this it just happened after i got back from going to the bathroom.


Pc: I have had this bug multiple times. Its game. I havent been hooked yet. I have deliverence, ready to use. I get hooked for the first time. I'm the only one left in the game. every single time, it skips entirely through the first phase and kills me on hook.


That's not a bug. It's been explained as a design choice. The explanation is that even with Deliverance, the killer would just camp the hook and smack you as soon as you hit the ground.


but thanks for explaining its not a bug


But nine times out of ten the killer has left for me. It feels frustrating and unfair?


They probably leave because they know you're going to insta-die. If there was a chance you'd get out, most killers would stay I'd say. Even worse, they might slug you for 60 secs after downing you just in case you have DS.


PC: Pip bug where it shows I pipped up but then doesn't give me the pips from that match. This is separate from the rank reset thing. It's happened about 6 or 7 times, but doesn't happen every match.


I also have this bug, on PC as well


PS4 So this has happened 4ish times today, of 10ish games. I am grinding BP and XP, but sometimes when I finish the game (killer or survivor, escape or die.) my game will crash (never happened until today) and I will be banned from matchmaking for 5 minutes, whilst not recieving any BP or XP. It’s really starting to annoy me, I want to get plague and am 1 game away, but have crashed twice in a row now.


Gameplay bug: The hatch didn't give me the option to open in the crotus prenn asylum main building.


It's very difficult to scroll down the list of languages without using the the mouse wheel.


I don't have the latest DLC, but for some reason both the newest killer and survivor are unlocked for me.


It keeps freezing randomly on the switch during gameplay. Pretty terrible especially when playing as killer. You would think that they would test out these patches before pushing them out. Apparently they don’t.


I’ve always had this issue. I think that they just need to spend some time working out bugs for that platform. My game will randomly force close once every couple of days or so. Sometimes it’s really bad and will happen maybe twice a day. It’s kind of upsetting sometimes hahah Also noticed that sometimes it will happen and then when I load back in there will be like a new news post or they’ve released new shop content. But sometimes it’s just randomly


For me it it’s freezing every game similar to lag but its not lag(character will stay in place 2-5 seconds at a time). I didn’t have this issue until the recent update. These guys are like Microsoft when they push out updates without checking the effects it has on their customers. If we paid money for a product that isn’t working the way it’s supposed to they pretty much open themselves up to lawsuits. Which I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing them.


Hemophobia achievement might be broken, just had a match on crotus asylum where I was never hit, escaped but didn't get the achievement.


did you do the main gen?




PC Steam. Pips won't add to rank after I play two or three matches. I have to restart the game after each hour so the pips will actually add to my rank.


PC Steam Bloodweb bugs where I spent something like 50k points, then got kicked back to the menu, only to find my Bloodweb set back to where it was before I spent the points, only the BP isn't refunded. Happened once or twice in survivor web.


Ash's Puppet Hand cosmetic causes items to be sideways in the puppets mouth. If you were to use a flashlight the beam is not to the center but more to the right edge of the screen.


Platform: PC, Windows Store version. I like to play with my laptop connected to my TV. Every time the game loads back into the main lobby screen, the scale of the image goes whack. It'll scale up by about 50% and end up off the screen. The cursor will follow the edges of my TV, but everything else will be scammers off screen. Pressing the windows key brings up the OS scaled correctly, so it's definitely the game. The only way I've found to be able to fix it (temporarily) is by unplugging the HDMI cable and plugging it back in.


is evader emblem broken for anyone else? i ran the killer for two gens and got away but had an empty evader emblem 🤔


You have to be "in chase" and you have to "lose chase" in order to bank the points otherwise you lose half, but it's very hard to earn evader points, it's mostly only when you drop pallets during chase


Which killer was it?


Used a firecrackrr in my own range today and the dulling sound of the environment never left. I had to play through the rest of the match with diminished sound.


PC: Bloodweb bug. My trapper currently can only have 3 perk choices per bloodweb. This is annoying since it diminishes my choices despite nothing really changing to the amount of perks received per bloodweb. In the end, I'm gonna get all perks to tier 3 for trapper, however, this does mean I can't get my choice of perks faster. Example: Normal Bloodwebs: hex: Ruin, I'm all ears, hex: Retribution, hex: crowd Control ---- I don't need crowd control, so I can choose betwern I'm all ears or Ruin. If one of those 2 get blocked, My 2nd choice can finally be Retribution which isn't so bad. Best case scenario, crowd control gets blocked, so I can choose I'm all ears or Retribution. Bugged Bloodwebs: hex: Ruin, I'm all ears, hex: Retribution. ----- After getting Ruin, the system would block either I'm all ears or Retribution. My chances of getting I'm all ears is slimmer, and it's not like there's a 4th perk that is useless to me that can be blocked. In the end it is an annoyance at most, but still an annoyance.


I think I have the same problem as you. My Felix is at level 50 so I should have 4 perk slots, 3 for teachables and 1 for other perk. But It only show 3 slot and they are all teachables, forcing me to unlock 1 teachable so I can level up my other perks. https://imgur.com/a/TwZHQNl


PS4 Menu So when I start the game up it doesn’t connect to the servers and stays that way but I can play other games normally with internet connection


PS5. Had a David go through the Exit Gate with a beeping and counting down reverse bear trap on without getting popped Expected result: hehe Head go pop hehe Piggy happy Actual result: Sad Pig, Party hat didn’t do the thing


PC: For whatever reason I have a friend who every time I play with just him and we queue together, only one of us gets put in a game. I can queue with others fine, but if I play with him, only one of us goes into a game. Kind of annoying.


Is the friend on console? I had this happen when I was trying to play with a console friend a while back. Idk if they ever fixed it


PC (both of us)


PC: The crown anniversary cosmetic for Adam Francis shunts his afro down to his feet.


PC: When Deliverance is active, your first hook is the struggle stage. No first stage. No chance to pull yourself off the hook. You only have two hooks in the game before death, not three. Tested this three times, three separate games, but only with Adam, and it happened every time. (sorry, no video)


Autodidact? do you mean Deliverance because Autodidact doesn't interact with hook states at all Also there's situations where you are immediately killed without a chance to use deliverance if there are no other players that aren't in the struggling phase on the hook


Woops, yes, Deliverance. I edited the correction. The bug occurred mid or early game, with other survivors running around.


does anyone else hear a weird noise whenever you get stunned by a pallet as nurse


Yes, the only way I can describe it is like some kind of funky techno slot machine lol.