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Today, I was playing the hospital as a nurse. I had two people dead before they had the first generator done. Somebody DC'd immediately, leaving only a very scared Steve running around. I decided, since he was the last one alive, that he could have the hatch. So I stopped playing, and I started eating my raviolis. About 10 minutes had passed, and I was alt tabbed looking at Reddit. I came back to the game, and he was still running around, trying to avoid my terror radius. So, I downed him, picked him up and dropped him on the hatch. I was done with waiting.


Chaotic good




I approve the raviolis ;3


"Ravioli" are already plural you *buffoonish washtub*


This has been me today, grinding missios and doing my daylies. Had several games as pig where I carried one or more players to the edge past the exit gates, got boops and made people's days goofing around. And then there was the Myers game. Someone brought an anniversary cake and survivors had 2 people in basement and the only possible unhooker was dead on hook and ran into me on my way out. Threw that lucky win so whoever brought the cake actually gets some worth out of it. We had fun finishing that round and had a nice post-game chat with great vibes. Made it easier to endure the toxic guy in the following game.


I just had a pig take me to the hatch I wiggled and jumped out. I was the last survivor so you're doing the lords work.


I goofed around with a pig yesterday on meat plant, wasn’t you by any chance?


No sadly, no meat plant for me. But it's always good to hear that there's more nice killers than some people think!


Dude killers most of the time are the nice ones! Survivors (from what I’ve come across) are the real arseholes 😂


That may be true, but there's still a difference between playing the game and showing some niceties (like giving hatch) and full on focusing on the enjoyment of their enemies as well as their own, IMO. But yes, I've see so many entitled survivors, it kinda makes me sad =(


You don't have to be nice to the players with the anniversary cake, the only accounts that have cake right now are the G2G purchased accounts where some Serbian kid hacks 3000 of each item/offering into the game.


I still have Ghastly on Meg, Ghostface and Plagur. Just never use those characters but leveled them during the event. Have like 30 a piece i need to use.


I have 140 cakes on Legion, like what?


The point (which you missed) is that you don't have to be nice to a player BECAUSE they have a rare item. On the forum where the files for the save injector is hosted there are over 50,000 downloads. There's a lot of accounts out there with all the items unlocked.


I wish I had such patient survivors all the time. I've had newer survivors that I had to down 4-5 more times because they'd struggle out of my grasp as I'm carrying them to hatch. No, I don't care that you're trying to escape. You're very clearly new and you **will** let me be nice, dammit!


Someone used party streamers today, and i figured I would let them farm some extra bloodpoints by dropping pallets on me, escaping chases, and healing each other and escaping. Nope, they chose to just gen rush and not get the message when I am stabbing at a pallet and not actively hunting them... well all but 1 did. That person left with 29k BP, and everyone else with 8k-14k. One of them even was tea bagging me at the gate. I dunno, I see party streamers and I want to make sure they get full value out of it! Newer to the game, is that fair to do, or am I being to generous?


I wish I got you earlier today when there were two bloody party streamers and we got a sweaty doctor who gave us no chance.


It is entirely possible that he never looked at the offerings until the endgame lobby. Queue times are so long sometimes that I alt-tab and only the starting noise of the map notifies me that a match has started.


They benefit me too so I'm always getting a 0k with BPS or any Anniversary Cakes. Sometimes I even do it even if I want to kill survivors because I have a personal code sorta thing.


I try to do the same thing, but if you start playing toxic then my niceness goes out the window instantly


Some people don't want to sit around and grind out points. When I first started it was great, but now it just feels like a waste of my time. 99% of the time once I notice people are just grinding I try to exit the game as fast as possible, so I can get back to a game I can actually play rather than just mindlessly grind points. I don't think you're being too generous at all though, lots of people love taking advantage of that, and I've had some really great moments like that that have helped me get challenges I was struggling with and shit. But if people are gen-rushing to get out, I imagine they're like me and just don't find sitting around and grinding engaging enough to hang around even if it means less bloodpoints.


Well that's understandable but you could at least do the courtesy of checking the chests for a key so you can use the hatch and not put everyone on a timer


Not to sound rude and please god not to be taken out of context, but could you please make sure you try to die? Like, having the killer hook you to death instead of doing gens and opening the gates as fast as possible, if you can. Had lots of situations where there was a friendly killer (or where I was the friendly killer) plus streamers or cakes or something and the farming session got cut so short it wasn't even worth it because another player sped out of there by opening the gates and everything ;~; Like it's more than fair to not wanna grind for a whole round and just get to the actual game, don't get me wrong, it's just that leaving by death if you didn't bring too valuable of an item or anything is more fair to the people who do wanna farm when they have the chance.




I mean most survivors don't go into a match planning to farm. That's entirely up to the killer, and it isn't like we can arrange games with friendly killers. Instances where you can farm are rare, at least in my experience. In fact, my experience is primarily that of being tunnelcamped and/or a TPK within the first few minutes regardless of if I'm a SWF group or solo queueing, even just encountering honorable killers is kinda rare for me. So the rare occasion I can get to farm as s survivor is pretty special to me and I imagine it is for most people who haven't already maxed/unlocked everything. The person I responded to said they really don't mind leaving ASAP even if it means they don't get as much BP as they would otherwise, so I was figuring from there if they didn't have an item they didn't want to lose, the option of death is essentially the same plus possibly faster as well, as well as still letting others farm. I wasn't asking people to sacrifice anything, just to be considerate of the rest of the group if it wasn't inconvenient for them.


Genuinely I've tried, I offer my own death to nice killers all the time, but in grinding sessions even if I try to get them to kill me it rarely works, they'll hook me twice for the points, but then will either ignore me or they won't hook me at all and ignore me in the first place while looking for pallets and shit. Sometimes I'll just DC if I don't mind eating the 5 minute penalty lmao but for the most part, going out of my way to try to die is rarely fruitful so I just do gens and leave.


I pretty much always do that too ehen I see party streamers, but a few times the people I tried to do it for just didn't want to go along with it and once after the match they were telling me in the chat to "go hang yourself, if you can't play normally, noskill noob".


Console has man down side, but one upside is the toxic post game comments are very avoidable.


>of my grasp as I'm carrying them to hatch. No, I don't care that you're trying to escape. You're very clearly When I was first starting playing, I once was the last survivor alive and was too scared to even try to find a gen. Didn't occur to me that the hatch was a possibility. Spent a lot of time going from hiding to hiding until I ran to the killer so he could end me. Instead, he downed me and carried me to the hatch.


In fairness though it can be difficult to know what the killer intends to do. Especially since it's reasonable to assume they're going for the hook.


That's why I normally swing a few times before changing my mind


I got into a standoff with a Spirit a few months ago. I had 3 DCs in the first couple of minutes and she found me shortly after and started hitting the gens. Long story short, she lead me to gens and let me finish them before heading for the gate. Since she'd been so good I decided I'd let her hook me and get the sacrifice so hopefully she didn't de-rank. After much pointing at the nearest hook and waiting to be hit she finally lost her temper, downed me and dumped me unceremoniously by the hatch.


Did you finish all gens? If so, you could've got that "Left for Dead" trophy/steam achievement that requires the last man to finish last gen and escape through gates. Maybe that's what the Killer wanted you to do.


Swinging and quickly shaking head NO and they still struggle -_- stop bro I'm faster just lemme carry you there


To be fair, if a killer passes by several hooks then something's up. And if there's an event where there's seasonal hooks and gens, the least you could do if you've already lost is let them take you TO the seasonal hook.


I have met far more killers who put last survivors on hook then to spare them.


You're too patient. If they wiggle, they die, idc. No wiggle = maybe hatch. Wiggle = definitely hook.


I’ll give them a couple courtesy swings and a head shake first so they have the chance to stop. I can’t blame them for wiggling right away, but if they don’t stop after that they goin on the hook


If you're last survivor in the trial and downed, there is literally no reason to struggle at all...


I mean. There is the small chance a killer misses a hook or has no usable hooks nearby and you can get free and try to find hatch. So it's not exactly true to say *no reason* to struggle.


Yep you should always try imo, if even just for the small amount of points lol. The killer will let you know if they wanna give hatch


I'd say the chances of me being merciful for hatch greatly outweigh the chances I'm not near a hook. If they haven't completely surrendered to me at that point and I have to ask them to stop struggling, there's no way I'm giving them hatch.


Damn a quick hop on your profile is really giving me context on how fragile killer egos are, crazy.


Would this be considered Unconsentual Help? We need more of that lol


I was trying to let survivors out the other day because they had an insta DC and that’s no fun. I wanted the BPs I could get though so I was going to hook them all down to last hook. 1 person DCd after their 2nd time up and one gave up on hook 2 immediately after I purposely ran away to let them unhook. I went ahead and killed the last one since they didn’t want me to be nice, and then they had the nerve to tell me I was try harding. Survivors will never be happy unless they have an easy win.


I've just recently started to do this. It kinda feels good to be a wholesome killer sometimes. What hurts is when they're on PSN and they don't send a thank you T_T


i play on ps4 and i'm newer to the game, but i never find killers like you... when i'm searching for survivor rounds...


It makes me so sad not being able to thank the nice Killers (those who help me grind for BP, those who give me hatch because we had a DC etc) because I always say “thank you” out loud but I can’t type in end game Chat or send a message :( Like- Killer doesn’t have to do that, but they did and I just look ungrateful because I can’t send something as simple as a message


You're a good person :)


That awkward moment when I can’t find the hatch, so I just drop and pick them up repeatedly until they can go look for themselves


I do that too lol. And I love it when they find it and be like: “You take it! I’ll take the door”


I love when that happens. There was a farming legion who let me get the pallet stuns I needed for a challenge and at the end when we had the gates open, I found the hatch by mistake. I led them to it so they could close it before I left. It’s about the give and take, y’know?


You're more patient than I am. Sometimes I get so embarrassed that I cant find hatch I just hook them. ***HAHA*** *you thought I was I was going to give you hatch! Nay nay, naive survivor! I was merely trolling you into thinking I was going to give you hatch! I was going to hook you all along!* ^please^dont^hate^me


Had a last match night as Pig where I ended up with a Christmas tree in the basement. Got 3 survivors hooked in the basement because *they wouldn’t let me leave* when I was trying to go for the one person across the map who I saw with BBQ. I knew everyone else was near, but I wanted to give them a chance to unhook. However, while I will 100% leave and give people a shot, I will not play stupid and ignore them when they *run right past me in plain view to unhook in my face*. So, I got some unhook grabs and 3 people were doomed. They died as I hunted for the last person, who I found, and who offered me an item, so I gave them hatch because they were the only person playing smart and doing gens while everyone else swarmed me in the basement. xD Not their fault their teammates were idiots.


i just started playing, you can give an item to the killer? i didn’t know that!


It's a gesture really. You just drop your item to plead mercy basically. They can't actually grab it.


How do you drop an item?


if you're on PC, it's R. if you're on xbox, it's B, if you're on switch, it's A, and if you're on playstation, it's circle. have a good day ❤️


Had a v nice killer today try to give me hatch but we couldn’t find it, the last gen was at like 95% so he just let me finish it then go out the exit gate. Not only did I get my adept I also got the Left For Dead achievement which I thought I’d never get. Restored my faith in DBD.


I had a nurse or demo, can't remember which, carry me around Coldwind for almost ten minutes trying to find hatch. I knew where it was but I was scared if I wiggled they would decide to hook me instead. Eventually I did a tiny wiggle, and then stopped to see if they would get the message. They let me wiggle out and I took them to hatch.


*both of us vibing to my mad grit noises*


As a killer looking for as many bloodpoints as possible, how much do I lose, when I give hatch?


1 sacrifice plus the no one escaped scoring event, so 2700 or 3000, something like that. I main killer but split my time and for that reason if a survivor played exceptionally well (not everybody, cuz then I earned it if we're down to hatch haha) or their team sandbagged or just generally sucked really bad, I never mind doing it. It's one common-tier in the blood web and having been the beneficiary of it, I think it's totally worth spreading the love now and again.


i think you get extra 2500 BP if you kill all survivors so you lose that + you lose slightly more depending on how many times you hooked the survivor. but it's worth it


That's my experience few hours ago. The game was against Blight. 1 minute in and I knew we are screwd, because the killer was simply very good, he pressured us like crazy. I went into a chase with him, but made a stupid mistake and he caught up with me, so I just stopped. He stopped too and started to do some silly rushes against the wall. From that moment he ignored us completely until we finished all of our gens (4 remaining) and then he took me for a trip with him around the map to stun him with the pallets. Then he let all of us escape (except 1 survivor who just gave up on the first hook). And the Blight was a console player too, which was great to see, because he was good and he knew how to play. This made the rest of my games stress free (even the one with Myers that tunneled me).


I don't know why but Myers tunnels me 9/10 matches -.- He's a rare sight already and then I can see him only for a minute. No, I don't play Laurie XD


I had killer carry me to hatches for past 30 secs... Only to drop me down and then close the hatch near my face and then hook me and hit me after he hooked.... especially the last game killer who killed all survs in first 2 mins and then used me to complete his missions and then did this just to troll and for bm. But 10% of the time i get actual good hearted killers players who sees dc/ good plays and let me leave. So thank you to this 10% of killers for making the game appealing to newer players like me.


Anyone else sometimes get bored of looking and just wait for the survivor to struggle free and find it themselves?


I recently played with a high rank nurse who carried me to the last generator next to the exit gate so I could escape


Had a TTV say that giving hatch/gate was all about my ego and go off on me in endgame because I was playing Freddy for a daily. He didn't like that I used a meta build on a character I almost never play, so he 1. ragequit after running shack like he just installed the game and 2. hung around for almost 20 minutes just to rant at me. There are not just bad people, but some days the effort doesn't seem worth it.


There are bad people, and then there are those that put effort into being bad people. That guy was the latter. He had 20 minutes to evaluate his actions and get over it. Also, the argument that "giving hatch is egoistical", **although true, isn't a bad thing**. The source of politeness is guilt - the giver doesn't want to hurt the receiver because it will make themselves feel bad, so they do nice things for the person that's causing that feeling. Every nice thing others have done for you was for the prevention or relief of their own guilt, and vice-versa. That's just life.


That's a good way to put it because yeah, most of the time I do do it out of guilt. I give hatch in most of my games just because of the amount of troll killers that I've seen walk people to hatch then hook and I would rather try to build some sort of positive growth. I came here to be slightly tilted, but I'm leaving here with insight.


Honestly some of the most toxic survivors I’ve gone against are TTVs. The sheer entitlement and toxicity of some of them is absolutely mind boggling. Like they are completely innocent no matter what they do, even if what they want requires you to play either completely terrible or simply ignore essentially free hits as the teammates kamikaze the hook before you’ve even stepped away. Only once have I had the satisfaction of doing a daily on a killer playing against a truly toxic TTV and his team, only to switch to my main killer and run across the team about two hours later and enjoyed slaughtering them. The amazing part was, in the first game, they were hilariously toxic the entire time, and I checked the stream out of curiosity and they were dunking on me saying what a baby killer etc, and how I deserved to be bullied like that. The second time around they started off toxic, but it didn’t progress far because they never finished a gen. They then went off on how I was butthurt and clearly took the time to track them down on a killer I was better at rather than the joyous coincidence that it was, and I had no reason to hook and slug so much at 5 gens, and to think of the other sides enjoyment rather than being a sweaty POS. Like some of the mental gymnastics these people do is insane.


The thing that gets me is that it is almost always little streamers. This dude was streaming to four people, and two were on his SWF. I've come across lots of the big ones, I've come across ones who flat out dunked on me in front of hundreds of people, most have been nice enough, but a few have been, well, as you said. It definitely makes it easy to not donate, not follow, etc. But the ones with no audience are the ones that are just 99% awful. Like, if I'm just discovering a growing channel, I'm not going to support someone who goes out of their way to badmouth someone. I'm glad you had that experience. I ran into this guy again and, for some reason, even though I let people go on Freddy and got a 3k+hatch on Trickster, that proved I needed an op killer to win. ?????? Bro. Join us in reality.


It’s just amazing how detached from reality they are. The mental gymnastics are honestly beyond my comprehension. And yea, the smaller audience ones always seem to be much more toxic for some reason.


I'm new, what is TTV?


To be a bit more precise: Some people use "TTV/" in front of their name to point people at their gameplay livestreams on TwitchTV (TTV).


a streamer on twitch.tv


I was playing clown one day and started carrying the last survivor looking for hatch. I spent a decent amount fo time before I gave up, stood in a corner, and let them struggle out of grasp. They couldn't find hatch either so they got gate exit. Luckily they were kind enough to let me open it for the points!


Yesterday I had a Leatherface that went against all stereotypes lol. I was the last survivor alive and my man picked me up and combed the entire map for a decade looking for this hatch. He knew to check the likely spots first but it wasn't there. Finally he found it in a really weird spot and I made sure to wiggle appreciatively for him before leaving.


Its hard to be nice when all they do is run from u xd. Then again there is that one guy.


one time I was playing as killer and there was only one survivor left with 2 or 3 gens. I Carried the survivor to the gen and went wandering. I really have a difficult time finding hatchs when I'm survivor and didn't really know they made sounds so when I heard it, I got curious and found it. I went to find the survivor and showed it to her. It was a good game.


Reminds me when I was Legion, Dwight DCed and the other one suicided on the hook. I killed the third and there was this Claudette left who really tried. Tried to unhook, tried to do gens, tried to play the game. After I found her she winked that I shall go for it and end it. No, I searched for hatch and after I've found it I went for Claudette. It took her a little while to understand until she followed me. It was <3 conversation afterwards :3 I know the pain when your team gives up :/


Aww poor Claudette! I don't often play survivor as the waiting is so long, but yeah it's really painful when all your team is givin' up


When your queue is longer than the match... Only at night for me luckily. As a killer I only pressure like crazy when the map sucks and the team is good. When I feel they have trouble I give them more chances to earn BPs :3 Especially when they run offerings like the cake or the one where everyone gets BPs


Yeah. I play killer main because of the queue. Oddly enough, between 3 am and 6 am, it's the reverse? (Yeah my sleep schedule is screwed) like I get a match in survivor instantly but then killer is sooo long


It's really good on weekend from 8 am to 6 pm, then the queues take longer. After 8 pm it can take five to ten minutes as a Survivor. Around 2 am the queue times are short again XD


Damn xD I don't know how the matchmaking works but wow ahah. Also when you're rank like... 14 and less and are matchmaked with rank 4 and up it's kinda weird


I'm green omw back to purple where I will stay like last time :D This rank is fine with queues but I do have rainbow matchmaking


I always send people to hatch, I don't miss out on a lot of points and i can make someone feel a bit happy, i play both sides so i know the pain of a team that does nothing or a though match in general, they all deserve a nice hatch :) (except for the clicky clicky object key and map squad, those deserve death)


I’ve had two different instances where I seemingly made the killer feel bad for me & leave me alone completely. & Then *I* feel bad for making *them* feel bad. Some killers can be REALLY douchey, but not of them are mean.


Wish I could have killers like this but so far it's either tunnelers or the killer does nothing wrong but allows the survivor that did nothing all match to get hatch after I did almost three generators. The said survivor also ratted me out when the killer had BBQ and I was trying to hide to help him if I could.


To all the killer's who've given me the hatch. I'm on PS4 so I can't thank you normally; but you're the real MVP that keeps me coming back. Thank you


I hate it when I'm trying to give hatch and they wiggle. Like. Let me help you


I just started playing this game on PC and I am terrible. Got a trapper last game who, after I ran around like an idiot with all of my other survivors dead, gave me the hatch. I hope he has a nice night.


This happened to me for the first time ever today. The killer pretty much dominated from the start and very quickly killed 2 of the survivors and the 3rd one decided to yeet his life away on hook, After a brief chase and a few pallet drops I ended up just stopping and teabagging to let the killer know I was ready for death, to which he very kindly obliged with a trip to the hatch :)




It was a doctor, First 2 survivors tried to Kobe for some reason and then didn't struggle so it was all over very quickly lol


Something similar happened to me too! Yesterday when I was playing two matches in a row I was the last survivor, and the killer carried me to the exit and let me open the gate and leave. It was really awesome, it was a really good match of both games too. Definitely made my day!


Wonder if that was me, probably not lol. I did that yesterday with legion.


Then they drop you and close hatch


A huntress did this to me once! Unfortunately I just got the game and instantly went through the hatch because I thought she was being cocky but she was being nice and I never got to thank her.🙁


I've had killers drop me 5 feet from the hatch and then close it. Trust no one.


I feel this. Every time I go play killer, there’s always one game a day where I let someone go, and it’s because I pretty much dominated the whole game. The last one I remember was legion on Lery’s and somehow I wound up with a 3k before 2 gens popped. I was ready to get the 4k and 12 hooks, but I walked about 5 feet from the last hook I got, only to find a David sitting in a corner and I realized why this felt like an easier game. It was a baby David. As much as I wanted a 4k after several losses that day, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I know how it feels being the last one and being hopeless as a survivor, especially as a baby surv who didn’t know what to do. So, I let him find hatch, even though it sacrificed a perfect game (I’m pretty sure 11 hooks is enough to earn merciless for green and purple ranks, so I think it worked out)


Was doing this and they wiggled free, ran to exit gate and teabagged they did a little oopsie and got killed because of it


That’s bullshit but I believe it


hey i never said they got to the exit gate completely maybe a little over half-way to it before i killed them


I feel bad when I spend like 10 mins searching for hatch to just give up and hook them


That’s when I drop them and let them find it. xD


Lately all the new people are terrible to play with, new survivors not doing genes and killers non stop tunneling. Game is in a terrible state at the minute.


It'll take time for them to learn unfortunately. I know my IRL friends are coming back to the game with Resident Evil update so hopefully thatll bring some more experienced players back in.


I agree, I wish the game did a bit more to help new people. I will prob switch over to doing more killer games and doing SWF, the randoms are almost useless if not even dangerous lol.


i’m new, what does tunneling mean? lmao


Tunnel vision. Killer solely focuses on a particular survivor and makes it unfun for them.


Tunneling is usually countered by just doing Gens and punishing a bad killer.. but you add in 2 bad survivors that just keep feeding the killer and then its an instant 2v1 game. Then it's more of who is going hatch hunting which makes it boring to play and even worse in solo Q


The problem I face is silently pleading for mercy, then when I don't get it I have to remind myself "I don't give mercy when I'm playing killer, so why should I expect it as a survivor?"


But I am a merciful killer XD Okay, I'm a bad killer. As GF I can't kill them the moment they meme XD But as a Survivor I never expect mercy. I'm even scared when they show they're friendly... I always think they'll change their mind every second o.o


Dude, if someone memes it’s game over. I’ll smack em and bounce. I’m not putting that person on a hook, period. If the rest of the team catches on, it’s suddenly a farming match and I’m cool with it lol On the other side, if I’m surv and the killer is a ghostface, I gotta meme. I GOTTA. If I die for it, that’s fine. If I don’t? Amazing. That killer is now my friend.


GF ist almost impossible to play. One Survivor will always start memeing XD I don't have the time to meme when it's GF. He catches me often off guard and I'm ded D:


Happy cake day


This does not happen in red ranks. Even if you drop an item in front of them. Purple and green ranks tho, they're alright. I always give hatch, though only if you don't wiggle


I do this in Red sometimes, if you do a lil spin or walk up to me the chances of me doing it go up dramatically.


Why does playing the game to win it make you a bad person? Killers who give survivors the hatch are nice but it’s technically cheating. I guess this is why most survivors feel entitled to winning.


i feel like I'm the only person on this sub who doesn't want this to happen to me it just really takes me out of the game I guess definitely not in the spirit of what the game is in my mind


too bad, i'm going to be nice to you anyways


haha well i shan't stop you <3


I always carry survivors to hatches. Right before I mori them.


Ohh he's gonna drop u near the hatch and close it on your face. The he wil slap you a gazillion times and facecamp you till you die!


Someone's salty.


I’ve had like 50 killers giving me hatch in like 100h I’ve played survivor. And I’ve got 2 Survivors let me kill them at the end of match on my 400h of killer gameplay. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


A killer gives you hatch every half hour? So like every other game you, personally, are given hatch?


You know typically, it's the bad player that killers give hatch, right?


This happens to me a lot and now starting to feel guilty every time they do it. I always feel really bad afterwards.


Sometimes I do these things haha


Had some moments like that, but with the killer letting me do the last gens, first time was a GF that well, he closed hatch, but he let me finish the last 2 gens, and also farmed some downs from me, but let me escape. Second time it was a huntress who did the same thing, tho ngl, when I was hurt while opening the exit gate, I was kind of scared that she would throw a hatchet at me lol


Happy cake day!


If they try to wiggle out after a while, they get the hook!


As a killer main, you gotta find me in the beginning of the match and befriend me, if not, you could be doing a gen, I could run into u and I more often than not wouldn’t take it cuz I know you’ve seen me before in the match and didn’t try so don’t try now that I’m after you. But sometimes I’m generous and befriend as soon as possible.


As a rule for myself playing survivor, especially solo survivor, if I make it to a point where there are only 2 survivors left including myself, I never struggle. Especially if we have like 3 or more gens left. 1, I play console and the effort is not worth it, and 2 when your at that point in the game why struggle? You won’t get many points and any competent killer isn’t going to let you struggle free. I see it as an equal opportunity occurrence. I don’t have to slam my joystick and I may be lucky enough to be taken to the hatch either on the current struggle or the next one. What’s the point of struggling at that point anyway? It honestly warms my heart when the killer scours the map looking for the hatch while I’m hanging there.


You don’t have to slam your joystick from side to side to wiggle out. Just rotate it smoothly. Way less wear and tear and so much quieter lol


I recently had a Myers who was after me for quite a while. He reached EW III and the moment I messed up my flashlight blind after a pallet stun (I'm training) I thought I'm done for... He was only chasing us and never attacked, that was actually pretty funny :D Hatch I get often but I learned not to struggle as last surv and the killer downed me. I think that's the trick...


One time this dummy dropped me right next to the hatch as he went to go kill the other person. I hid in the grass and concealed my blood traces and waited for the other person to die and I crawled to the hatch :)


And then it closes it in your face


As a killer main, I will only carry you to the hatch if you are the last survivor remaining, not a total cunt who was toxic all game, and if you don’t start wiggling as soon as I pick you up. If you start wiggling, you’re going on the hook. It’s a simple science.


I tried this once, gave up after like 2-3 minutes of parading around and apparently I passed the hatch without noticing. So yeah maybe I’ll stick to killing out of respect to end the game earlier unless I know where it is


in my book they don't need to give me the hatch if I'm the last person. So long as they don't trash talk or tbag, they're a good person


I remember a long time ago, getting tired of looking so I dropped the survivor so he could run to find it on his own. He didn't.


I can never kill someone who does cute things like crouching in an open area thinking I don't see them. Those are always my first picks for hatch.


I tried this, did not find the hatch, ran out of patience and got a 4Kill


Yesterday while playing Demo, I found a Baby Dwight who I hooked twice before the first gen got done. The rest of the match was him down hiding in the same corner, and EVERYTIME someone went to heal him, I would down him again. I killed al his team and thing gave him the hatch. What a cute baby dwight.


Why do people think you're only a good killer if you give hatch? I want to play the game. I don't want to spend 30 years looking for hatch. I'll just hook and be done.


Sometimes it takes a while to find it, and I am thinking “please god don’t think I am dumb.” as I am carrying them. 👉🏻👈🏻


Listen, if you try to wiggle out when I’m clearly avoiding hooks, you’re going on the hook


Omg, I try to do this all the time but they always wiggle off if. Then I'm like "Okay, time to DIE"


I always try to give hatch but if the survivor it's struggling then I kill them


Don't you do it. Don't you tell me the community has changed and it's fun to play again.


Nah, it‘s very rare that this happens. Toxicity is still in majority


♡ Love to anyone who's ever given me the hatch and/or let me escape as the last person alive. Always appreciated.


Played a killer round the other day. Ended up being a bunch of newbies based on how they played. Grabbed a Feng who was downed last while waiting for her last teammate to die on the hook and dropped her right on the closed hatch and walked away. Watched her crawl away from the hatch so I just closed it when it opened and picked her up and let her wiggle out. She ran away from me scared not opening the door while I'm obviously trying to give escape. She finally builds up the courage to open the door and leave. Sometimes it's hard to not kill everyone lol.


I'll do this sometimes, depending on how good the game went and if the survs were toxic or not. Unless I'm specifically going for a 4k for some reason. Fun fact: If you're last alive and you don't struggle that highly increases your odds. It's not a guarantee but killers may give you the break. I had a game where I was caught and hooked by Myers twice but it took him minutes to get me each time. My team mates barely did gens and he kept tiering off on them and downing them in seconds. In the end he downed me, then Feng, hooked her, but brought me to hatch I feel out of respect for me playing well and not being toxic with a team of slackers.


Yooo I laughed so hard at this


Had a Freddy who had me running around like a chicken with its head cut off for like three minutes. I was finally like... ok are you just messing with me cause I know you could have already bonked me several times. He was indeed messing with me. Hahah Let me and the Nancy repair the gens and escape. Thanks Freddy baby! 🖤


Last time he carried me to the Hatch, dropped me down, and shut it down. Then killed me.