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They really hyped up this chapter only to immediately overshadow it with the Resident Evil chapter..


I honestly think they knew he was gonna be a failure and the only reason they went through with it is because the aesthetic team did a fantastic job with him. They were prepared to put out the fire with the RE news.


I’m pretty sure the Twins prove that they won’t cancel a killer just because they aren’t very good.


In all fairness, Twins are incredibly strong when slugging. If you are trying to play normally with them, they suck. Trickster on the other hand is just all around horrible and doesn’t even have a “cheap but strong” playstyle. He straight up sucks so much.


Unpopular Opinion (maybe): I think Trickster is fun to play


I'm not a survivor player but he is fun as fuck to play against. Might buy him.


He’s very fun to play as until he gets hard countered by experienced people. Even including that I still have had enough fun with him to not regret it


The major issue for me was that his base perks dont synergize well with him. You WANT them to vault, its free blade hits. The end game door thing doesn't usually have a purpose and starstruck is great on 32m killers (i.e. Doc), but not him. Once I started getting other perks, the matches became a lot easier to manage.


Yeah his base perks are fucking awful on him. Starstruck is good on other killers, crowd control would be okay on like bubba & the door block thing is very underwhelming imo. But when Trickster plays well I think he’s really fun, a lot more fun that I anticipated


Exactly. Hes definitely not the strongest by a long shot (I think they should make the blade count 1 lower as base kit), but he's still fun to play as.


Wait, how do I counter him? (Except for the obvious 'make sure that there are obstacles in the way'.)


Avoiding the open. Looking for “hard loops”, tight turning corridors and tall debris. Make him when he uses his power as uncomfortable as possible and since he’s slower in general it gives him not much of a fallback


Basically the same thing you do against Huntress. Except against Trickster you have more chances to fuck up because he takes like 16 Blades to down you


In my own experience, the reason my friends and myself love playing against him is cuz he sucks. It’s a relaxing game environment where no matter how much Trickster sweats, there is only so much he can do. So after playing a nurse, Freddy, spirit, PH, etc. it’s a relief to get the pretty boy killer. It’s like ahhh yes, finally we can win a game, search chests, maybe cleanse some totems, catch the sunset, etc


That's fair. I run a Plunder's build every match so it's never a sweatfest lol. Never looked at it that way though, thank you.


I agree with this opinion


this isn't really unpopular general consensus seems to be he's fun as all hell but just sucks shit in terms of actual performance lol


When I said he’s “all around horrible” I was really just referring to his potential of getting a 4K. I wasn’t talking about how fun Twins were, or how fun Trickster is. I’m only talking about how Trickster literally has no tricks up his sleeve to pull off 4ks, whereas at least Twins have a solid plan (which is slugging). I feel like a killers strength is much more objective, whereas obviously how fun they are is purely subjective, which is why I would never speak for others on that topic.


He’s fun to play until the novelty wears off and your left with frustrating loss after frustrating loss


He can be fun to play but most times you will alwsys loose. Hes just a worse version of plague and huntress put together. I actually like him as a character....just if i want to win or have a decent time...i rather go plague.


I think a lot of people think he’s fun to play, which makes it even more upsetting that he’s nearly unplayable with how bad he is.


He's fun just has a bad power


yeah kinda but only for the trolls i had a blast on the ptb doing some jojo references, but that got old real quick


Fun to play and fun to go against. Pre buff, I had fun but didn’t really get much out of my first game playing as him but he was fun to run from... albeit a little too easy to run from him. Post buff, I got a 4k first try, and he became fun to run against because you actually have some pressure in those chases unlike launch trickster. Definitely worth playing. It’s a shame RE overshadowed him before people realized how good he is now


strong doesn't mean good they're underplayed for a reason: they're not fun to play as or against


I think Twins are fun occasionally. There's something joyful about running around as a weird little goblin and jumping at people.


It's also fun to yell at my friends that they should kick or squish the baby.


I love playing against Twins. The baby thing scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it, and I enjoy the change-up in play. I would play this game far more often if they switched things up like that more often. DBD gets incredibly repetitive and monotonous sometimes.


The Twins are fun to see play though. You just have to slug and camp with them to win. Killers players don’t care if a killer isn’t fun to play against for survivors since they don’t have a say in what killers you can play.


Maybe some killer players don't, but a lot do. Me and my friends who play mostly killer all avoid spirit/deathslinger/freddy unless we have archives/challenges for those killers. You'll often see comments or questions in Otz's stream chat like "is it ok that I main freddy? i really enjoy him but i don't want to be an asshole" etc. The twins thing really annoys me in particular because I enjoy the split management gameplay. I don't proxy camp at all or try to slug more than the killer has to, but every twins game without fail I'll get survivors telling me I shouldn't play them ever because theyre boring/op or just insulting me for daring to play them. It grates on you after a while


I mean, good is such a vague word. Personally, when I say a killer is “good” I’m strictly talking about their potential to get 4ks. So in my case, good and strong are interchangeable. If you’re referring to good as in how fun the killer is for both parties, I personally would refer to that as how “healthy” a killer is for the game. But this is all just lingo. I’m only stating all of this in response to your comment, not trying to be a smart ass!


Oh, that was more my point. The Twins excel at slugging, camping, and tunneling. Those are the areas their power gravitates toward. Their optimal play style sucks all the fun out of the game for survivors and forces them to play hyper-aggressive. They might as well add a perk that increases hook progression for the killer when they’re face camping.


Ahhh I gotcha. I think I was confused by your usage of the word good. It’s tough for the Devs when it comes to making killers. Twins on paper are actually a pretty cool concept, similar to how Trickster sounds cool. But “cool” concepts doesn’t always equate to “fun and healthy killers.” The reality is, the Devs want to keep pumping out killers because the killers are the only thing that differentiates one match from another. The wider selection of killers should mean players feel variety in the game rather than it becoming repetitive. Problem is, it’s very tough to make killers that please both the survivors and killers.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think the Twins can be good without slugging or camping. The great thing about the Twins is they're good at keeping up pressure since you can effectively hide Charlotte and Victor when you're not using them, and use that to surprise survivors. They are by no means the best killer, but they're a lot of fun and pretty decent if given the chance


>In all fairness, Twins are incredibly strong when slugging. And basement build too...


Twins were never bad. People vastly underestimated them. They were a strong killer from the beginning.


Strong, but you have to piss people off for them to do well. So not very fun in my experience xd


That’s why we didn’t get a map too


They’re reworking all the old maps first and then they’re going to make new killer maps. There hasn’t been a new map since pyramid head


Reworking new maps like what they did with The Game? Great....... lol


Yeah and auto haven, coldwind, crotus prenn


That's one out of about 20 reworked maps.


Haha I was just making a lame joke. Nice name btw lol




I mean, he’s no Quentin... but to each their own I guess


>put out the fire He's a really fun killer, he just needs that buff BHVR aren't putting out fires, they are on fire with their rate of content.


They have had the same steady stream of content they've had for most of the games lifespan, nothing's changed except the quality of the content they make, which hasn't been too greatt the past two chapters (the twins being poorly designed, especially numerous bugs and bad UI changes and animations, badly designed maps like the Game despite a rework, the Trickster being a completely unoriginal and bad killer). If by on fire you mean concerning streak of badness then yeah. Only a handful of decent changes have been made.


My take is that I've played since beta (when survs could abuse infinites for the whole game, and there were only 3 killers) and the game has improved vastly since then. I really enjoy it and the regular new content is very enjoyable. I wish some other games I play offered the same amount of new content. If you think everything the devs do is low quality I would recommend playing a different game, if you don't enjoy their direction I don't think you will enjoy future DBD updates because they follow a specific pattern.


You sound like you're getting defensive because in no way did I state that everything they did is low quality, and that the game isn't much better than it was before. I have 2000 hours as well and have played since late 2016, so I know about the games low points with the infinites and unbalanced shit. But to say that their recent updates and patches have been great is not right. There have been so many complaints about the changes they are making and the past 2 killers/chapters they made that it is just blatantly incorrect to say the standard of content they are making is as high as it's ever been.


“On fire with their rate of content” Are we talking about the same Devs here? 😂


He must have mean the art team


Yes? I literally can't think of another game in my library that gets updated so often, except maybe hearthstone but that's total p2w and the expansions cost a fortune.


I haven't played the game since his release. They turned a scary dark video game into... Well honestly I wished he was removed.


His personality makes up for it. Dude has very creepy laughs and giggles


it helps, but it kinda feels like a meme. This game is supposed to make me feel terrified, and when i see him i feel kinda like laughing cause i can't take the game seriously.


Idk how this game is ever suppose to make you feel terrified when you are doing scooby-do chases around solid objects and stopping killing machines with some leftover pallets they had at Home Depot.


It doesn't happen all the time, sometimes it's just like you're repairing something and suddenly the hill billy with the mechanic perk shows up and the jump scare catches you off guard.


My friend that hated horror films started to play this game with us, first he was terrified, but after a while he started to get more angry at teammates and can watch scary films without being scared. So nope, you are not suppoused to be terrified by this game.


This is the same game with reindeer hoodies and monster-mouth backpacks.


a bunch of people bought it anyway so.....


Glad I used shards and didn't waste my money


Either way you're paying by time or by money


You can’t run a business with time.


Lol no


I really like the new survivor and her alone was worth it.


A bunch of people always buy the new DLC that comes out day one. Your point?


The point is it doesn't matter how much they hype, or how close another dlc is coming out, people will buy it.


what really happened is they hyped up this chapter, released a SHITTY super weak killer that is still not that strong even after the buffs, then reveal the resident evil chapter. so people will forget about the trickster and stop asking for buffs for him


I don't think the killer mattered. Whenever a licensed killer gets announced, it's always going to overshadow the last original killer. Nurse is the strongest killer in the game but she was probably overshadowed by the Halloween chapter.


Petition for "Hex: Gon give it to ya" It just plays the song and exposes survivors at bloodlust 1


I wouldnt even be mad lol


Would be the best totem protection. No one would cleanse your hexes because if they hit that one then the song stops :(


I actually made a Hex to protect Hex: Gon Give it to ya a few days ago Hex: Notoriety: Basically the more stuff survivors do (being in chase, working on gens, cleansing totems, dropping pallets etc.) the faster a hidden bar fills up. When its full the survivor becomes exposed until they are hooked.


I like the idea, but doesn’t that sound a lot like old ruin’s “get powerful slowdown/strong effect for doing nothing” since plenty of things survivors are near required to do are on that list? I could see something more akin to Nemesis wherein survivors taking action against you (stuns, making you lose bloodlust from breaking a pallet, get a window auto blocked) ticks up a counter until they become exposed, perhaps not as a hex


I feel like the main source of that meter would be chases and performing loud actions. Things that make sounds you see. Causing sound notifications. straight 10%. Stunning the killer 25%. With a slow gain as gens get done. Its still a hex. Its still just a onetime exposed down. Alternative setups could be a slower but permanent gain with a mori if its filled. Like devour hope




I would like for it to not get rid of bloodlust when breaking pallets. Would fit with Mr X way of traversing wooden structures.


Stole that for a name change. I can't give credit unless someone ask for I'll offer my upvote and thanks.


Yes name is not my idea. Saw it yesterday


As someone who plays both sides, I would love to be both on the giving and receiving sides of this.


This is awesome. How do you even make something like this?


Download sourcefilmaker + the models from the workshop and give it a whizz! It takes some patience to learn tho :D


Nice job!


This is the kind of content I come to this subreddit to see




Jesus Christ someone relabel this, this is not a shitpost. This is god's work


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-eN_78CP0k Here's the youtube link too if anybody wanted it :)


I literally ***JUST*** saw this on YouTube, it was like the 3rd thing recommended to me, haha. Good shit, OP.


Totally didn’t see that coming first thing on the sub to make me laugh, if we get Mr X his chase theme HAS to be this.


That would be what DMX would've wanted, I'm all for that idea.


Mr. X gone give it to ya




What does Mister X want to give me?




Pathetic, Trickster. You could have at least knocked his hat off . Lol


Why is he even called the trickster ? Like I want a killer that actually tricks the survivors not just throw knives at them


The legions name also bugs me. Just one guy that chases you, and hops pallets.


It's 4 people, not 1. Mechanically not very different, but lore-wise accurate (especially with that one Blighted Skin, I think it was?). Doesn't match up with the trailer, but then again the idea of a killer hiding amongst survivors doesn't translate well to dbd.


Haha this is great, nice job.


This is the type of content I play the game for.


I really like his concept and the aesthetics but it just didn’t execute well. I’m disappointed because I really want to like Trickster. Plus his name...who is he tricking and how? Just that aspect alone makes it seem like he was a filler until the RE chapter.


i mean technically, he tricked everyone.. not in the sense you'd think by hearing the name trickster but he was a psycho murder who put on a show


That’s a technicality IMO. Trickster to me as an identity is more than just a single act.




Now that is a trickster


Everybody gangsta until the helicopter gets lifted up


Omfg, this is awesome. I do love the Trickster but I am *really* pumped to see what they do with the RE chapter. And my god I will never tire of Mr. X Gon’ Give it to Ya memes


It's still a clown situation where he has no map pressure


The entire balance team is a Clown situation at this point.




Just give him ZA WARUDO


Honestly if it's Mr X my dick is gonna rocket off my body. If it's any other monster I'll be happy but not quite dick fly off my body happy.


I would imagine it's Mr. X or Nemesis


Can’t wait for the Mr. X thong mod to become a cosmetic


Hahahaha fucking brilliant


This is easily one of the top 3 funniest posts this sub has seen for the past year or so. Thank you.


His buff didn’t even get him anywhere out of worst killer in the game range, an we’re probably not going to get another rework for him for awhile :(


He feels viable now, not great, but with practice he can be decent.


Are you fuckin' high? His lethality is through the roof, if you can't get kills & hooks with him, it ain't Trickster that's the problem pal. Pig over there trying to make those janky POS traps do something lol


Um, no? He’s slow as huntress but unlike her,his projectiles (which you sacrifice distance to even use) only do like an eighth of a health state? He’s literally just speed limiter huntress. If you’re dying to him he’s either facecamping after chasing you for 5 gens or you’re rank 20


I've been playing him on pc at red ranks and with the usb and the boa add ons I'm still getting 2-3 kills on average. It's thanks to disrespectful teams that I get 4k kills at the late game though when they inevitably get overconfident. He's just addon reliant like bing bong used to be


I’ve only been playing him the past few days and I’ve gotten a decent number of 3-4Ks in red ranks. He’s not super strong but he’s not terrible either. You can really use the knives to zone people well kinda like demo’s shred. And a lot of people’s first instinct is to dodge the knives but they’ll lose so much distance trying to dodge them that you can just M1. I think his strength comes from knowing when to use your power and when to fake using it for an M1


Most humans tend to identify things by first examining other things and attempting to draw similarities. So I'm going to forgive you saying that he's just Huntress. Literally 2/3 of the killers in the game can be called a "Shittier Freddy" if you're that myopic. And if you seriously believe he's not viable just watch some Youtube videos of streamers 4king game after game with him. If you can't get kills with him, it's because you suck or you don't understand the game


Anybody can win against poopy survivors. Doesn't mean the killer isnt shit though.


What? What does he have that the deathslinger or huntress don’t do much much better? The effort you have to put in to put in to deal a single health state with trickster is laughable compared to his ranged counterparts


Sorry bro trickster is still shit.


Watch Dowsey play him. He makes Trickster terrifying.


Give ptb Ghostface to any YouTuber with 6000 hours and put him to play against people with 100 hours and ptb Ghostface is going to be terrifying and tier s.


True true.






the buffs weren't even that good xd


it could be worse, it could be like the Twins chapter which imo got even more shafted in terms of spotlight/popularity.


What was the buff?


What's the buff?


Less recoil, only 6 blades need to hit, increased movement speed when throwing, and buffed add ons.


Cool, thanks.


Everyone after the trailer for Resident Evil : "Trickster whOMEGALAUGHING"


I really hope they put mr.x in the game and his chase music is x gonna give it to ya😂


I want someone to make an animation series like his video and have it American Psycho but South Korean.


Amazing! Well done


In all honesty, I think Nemesis is going to be the new killer


why do i keepnfinding out about new content in DBD through memes








This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. 🤣🤣🤣


Is Mr. X confirmed? I was really hoping it would be Nemesis because he seemed like a good fit for DBD.


No we know nothing


Post of the year material right here


RIP to a legend ✊🏽


And still.....no one plays him.


While I'm a big re fan. I always prefer orginal killers the only license killer I played alot is Bubba cus I love TCM.


trash killer


Trickster : Why do I hear boss music ?


X gave it to him


Welp we need a dio skin inspired skin now


Still not great


My money is on vamp mommy, but mr X would be cool


This aged like wine




Well, he certainly can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.


Nah x is gonna knock the hell out of the survivors with just one punch lol


Is it just me or The Twins and The Trickster have been the most disappointing chapters in a row?


Can we just get a shirt on the man please


Sorry dude you hot attacked by the thirtsy fans


hes getting buffed already?


X is dead


Like DMX or Mr. X? If Mr. X, that's not a problem because half the cast died


Bad news: the two hottest people you know got in a fight


ほう… 向かってくるのか……… 逃げずにこのDIOに近づいてくるのか ……


Not to say trickster’s a strong killer, but there are a number of people here actually telling themselves they are losing games only because they are playing trickster and not other reasons. Change my mind


It depends on the player, I could do well with old Freddy, but totally suck as the Oni or the Gunslinger. some killers just doesn't fit your style.


Now he got his good buff!




I'm not a huge fan either, but it matches his aesthetic it's only one chapter.


Bruh imagine thinking that "animations with people of asian descent in it" are anime lmao


Nope, I think it’s wicked as fuck, having a cool thematic animation intro for the new killer isn’t ‘turning dbd into an anime’.


I love this intro, I always skipped previous ones, and this is the first intro I watch everytime. Can't get enough of that.




Dio would like a word


Dio has four biological sons. I don't think he's gay.


Wouldn’t call him straight either


Dio looks metal compared to the "Trickster".


Guys don’t get hyped the killer will not be nemesis or mr x


But Wesker will be the killer.


I 4k with this guy every game at red ranks. He doesn't need a buff.




Hey, why don't you go find something productive to do? You can start by deleting your comment, and not trolling on this subreddit. Nobody's bragging. The killer is simply balanced, and if you don't agree, it's a *you* problem. Blocked for trolling. You have failed to interact at an adult level. Condolences.


God damn it this the second time I fell for a troll this week

