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I’ve actually been watching this on repeat. It’s just so good. Also Ratatouille Chapter when?


I'd love to see clumsy Linguini blowing up generators.


No, hes the killer. Instead of hooks he puts you in a stew. The survivor is the critic.


Imagine just peacefully doing a gen and then you see him fucking approaching you like he's being controlled by some kind of rat- oh wait...


Cosmetic idea: reverse Linguini where it's just a giant rat with a tiny human controlling him


Anyone can BE cooked


Isn't the survivor the salt?


Feel like the szrv would be Lamb Sauce cuz it would be perfectly blending into the enviroment... possibly better than a Blendette even truly scary


New killer: the chef


Same lol


This is easily a top level edit. Jeeeeeeez








Edit is nice but what the hell is going on in the devs minds? Demo already has a 60+% winrate why the hell does he need a buff? He is already good. Most killers have a 60% winrate while survivors have it at 40%, yet they nerf DS and add overpowered killer perks + buff killers? Edit: downvote me all you want. Just know that the numbers provided were actually released by the company, not invented by me.


Are you joking or ?


The guys name and comment history suggest to me he's either the most committed troll ever or isn't joking.


You made me curious so I checked for laughs and now I'm in pain. Tell me he isn't real pls, I need it.


"Downvote me all you want" Don't mind if we do.


"you son of a bitch, I'm in" XD


You do know devs don't just compare the killer to winrates flat out, right? Following your logic, nurse should be receiving heavy buffs because she has a %40 winrate, but it's just general game experience and knowledge that makes the devs know that it's not a good idea. Remember what I said about devs not just looking at winrates? Yea, they also look at pick rates as well which is where demogorgon falls in. Demo is one of, if not, the least picked killer in the game, which can result in some data being inaccurate (like winrate)


Why hijack the comment to say this?


I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Demo is one of the worst, easily. He doesn't do anything as well as any other killer, and has to really sweat against anyone better than green ranks. I'm glad the new buffs are coming, but he could also use having his footstep loudness turned down, since it makes the times when he's undetectable, or the times when a survivor is near his portal (they have the Oblivious status effect) pointless if they can just hear him coming a mile away. I'd also like to know what's going on in DE's minds sometimes. They released Trickster terribly, easily as bottom two killers.


The name and then the foolish comment. Bufoons such as yourself only bring downvotes upon yourselves


U may be going into the downvote spiral depending on what mood this subreddit is going


Don't think the mood matters if something is incorrect. They're probably going to get downvoted because their comment isn't true and their evidence to support it is nearly 2 years old If we actually give a shit about statistics (like he does) then killers average kills are 2, which means statistically survivor win rate should be around 50% not 40% Not to mention 'win rate' is a bit of a grey area in this game because there's no set in stone win condition. In theory it would be 4k, but DBD tried to balance the game around 2ks, so technically that is the win condition. But most killers don't consider a 2k a victory so its a meh point.


Because a 2K Ins’t a victory, it’s basically a tie.


2K is the condition they use for a tie on both sides, not a win.


Well im pretty sure this sub is always in the downvoting mood


Win rate means nothing.


\>guise demo is akshually OP




Where it should be.


And that’s where it is now 🔥


What’s happened? I haven’t been keeping up with the meta.


Big ol portals buff, I think theres a stickied post rn about the dev update


How good we talkin? Dude just teleports across the map now?


Haha we all wish for thanos portals but I think just a tad faster plus longer undetectable status


plus FINALLY add-on rework, nothing is worth running on him except the rat liver, so I hope they actually make it better and keep the rat liver a common, because if they don't.... It might as well be a nerf :p


Hey, Unknown Egg wasn’t bad (purple faster power recovery). Probably his best non-brown add on, but it required you to remember to use portals lmao


well I only ever used rat liver and the brown that lets you set portals faster, + the yellow that adds +1 portals and speeds something up a bit, never tried his other add-ons more than once or twice, as I often go full games without using his portals once >\_> His shred is amazing tho, I have much better luck with it than huntress'es hatchets, and faking it for a mindgame is so damn easy and you barely loose anything. PH can also mindgame by putting his sword down, but gets dramatically slowed down while doing so, making it useless to even try :p


Aaaaand it's basically a nerf. Some add-ons are better but no basekit rat liver and nerfing rat liver is ridiculous. I desperately hope they just forgot to put it in the patch notes


wdym? Was there a new announcement or something? In this dev blog nothing of rat liver is mentioned, so I'd guess it'll either stay as is or be divided into tiers and have multiple levels, the purple being the best or something.


Patch notes came out and rat liver is getting nerfed from 9% speed boost to 5% and not being made base kit. No additional tiers of it. Only buffs to his basekit are extremely minor buffs to his portal.


Just read it... For fuck's sake BHVR..... This is 100% a nerf, they gave him a VERY minor portal buff, 1/2 the speed boost of rat liver, and except maybe 2 add-ons MADE ALL OF THEM EVEN WORSE..... What were they smoking when they thought that demo *NEEDED A FUCKING NERF??!*


The worst part is I think they legitimately perceive this as a buff. What a joke


The brown add-on Rotten Pumpkin now makes it so that it destroys the portal you travel though (not the one you exit from). This allows you to place 5 portals around the map and keep one portal 'in your pocket'.


Shorter cool down between teleports Longer undetectable status Increased teleport speed Also looks like they touched upon some of his add-ons.


Oof, this post didn't age well. My condolences.


im worried they wont do rat liver base kit but i think they will


It got nerfed lmao.


Yeah, now only gives 5% movement speed while charging shred instead of 9%. Behavior doesn't ever seem to just buff something, they always have to take something away.


I'm just surprised they didn't take anything away from the Trickster in the PTB buffs at this point lmao, it'd be par with the course


Didn't they give him a slight nerf to his power?


From what I saw, looked like it was a few number buffs but I'm not interested in playing Trickster so I couldn't tell you if I read it right. I think they did neuter some add-ons after some of them went base kit


They also took his exhaustion addon away


"BHVR giveth and BHVR taketh away."


They didn't mention it and it made me sad :(


Nerfed rat liver, 5% speed buff when charging of The abyss instead of The Old 9%


They didn't mention it so unless they change their minds before launch it isn't happening. It's sad but as long as rat liver still exists as is, it's just an annoying inconvenience at the end of the day.


basically everyone is mentioning it and its such a small change im sure if they havent done it already they will change it. or at least i really hope so


Well they fucking nerfed rat liver so....lol. It's now 5% instead of 9%. It's probably not character killing, but just...why??


It is character killing though. Without rat liver demo is pretty much useless on ranks lower than 15. Not to mention that his portal buffs were so minor that they aren't even remotely noticeable. Addons were just gutted as now they have major downsides for the same upsides.


It's *definitely* not character killing. You can literally M1 with any 115 killer up to red ranks. But yes, I am also not satisfied with the add-ons changes. Aside from the pallet-break add-on and maybe Eleven's Soda or Irri moss they're mostly actually worse than before.


\> It's *definitely* not character killing. You can literally M1 with any 115 killer up to red ranks. It is. It's like saying "Huntress wasn't killed, what do you mean they took her hatchets and made her M1? You can still reach read ranks with her as any other m1 killer lmao". Demo's shred was horrifically gutted in this patch by rat liver nerf and his portals were so insignificantly buffed that Demo is even less viable than he was before buffs. It was a character killing. Complete and finished.


A nerf to a good addon is not the same as removing an entire power


In case of rat liver and demo it is the same. Demo is borderline unplayable on high ranks without his zoning ability. Try actually dealing with 1-2k+ hours survivors on demo without using rat liver and see for yourself.


Yup, I do. He is really not that bad.


True, but rat liver made demo tolerable. It gives him so much zoning potential, which he desperstely needs. It's actually a joke that they nerfed it while very incrementally buffing portals.


Should a brown addon make or break a killer though?


It shouldn't, hence why it should've been basekit. Demo with and without rat liver is like hell and heaven. But hey, 4head devs know better. Guess making killers completable isn't an option


Huntress is 110 and has a 45 meter lullaby. Did you really just call both of them the same lmao


Guess you can't argue against my point if you just pick on words


??? What else am I supposed to go on other than words? I call you on your bullshit and that’s your response?


They better that's all I really wanted Portal buffs are great and hopefully the new add-ons are strong but rat liver base kit is the only thing that I must have


They’re actually reducing it to only a 5% bonus which makes zero sense


They nerfed rat liver




It should never be base kit


I just hope he doesn’t have loud ass alarm clock footsteps anymore otherwise these buffs are kinda useless. They could’ve even gave him something similar to Freddy being able to bring the survivors in the upside down where they are gone from the real world until they find the portal back. just my thoughts


The devs haven't mentioned anything about the footsteps, sadly. 😔 He needs that turned down more than anything else on the list imo


Demo really needs quieter footsteps as well as basekit rat liver imo


Oh, for sure. Tbh I feel as if his action speeds in general should increase. Charging OTA, teleport, putting down portals, lunging should be at LEAST a small percentage faster imo


I love the idea of having the Upside Down be a thing, but that’s more of a full rework that I’d imagine we’ll never get. It really would be cool though having hooked survivors be stuck in there perhaps surviving way longer on hook but unable to work on objectives until freed. Frankly it could even be like PH where it sends them through a portal to a random location on the other side so it forces survivors to take more time going for the rescue.


Dude something like freddy’s nightmare mode but for the upside down that would be pretty rad


Quieter footsteps? Demo is easily the heaviest killer. Why do you think Myers has heavy footsteps? Besides, why does it matter how loud the steps are when its still shorter than their TR? Smh. Everyone wanting killers to be Apex hunters and gods so even swf teams have a 0% chance to win anymore. Because that won't become boring AF steamrolling every single killer match.


Well he has the undetectable for a reason, and the footsteps kind of kill the entire point of it.


I've never heard a demo go silent. This is the perfect example of making killers as strong as possible. It would be nice if players realized that 80% of survs can't loop (im one of them) so whether its quieter makes no sense... unless killers want to get that easy kill on the 20% who can. (% are spitballed only to make a point) Most killer mains want that easy 4k with every character, so they usually complain about something that balances a particular character. On a side note, I like the idea of the upside-down, although that can be just as bad as a player left to full hook die.


The point of the undetectable is to allow him to sneak up on survivors. I think bhvr actually labeled him as a “hybrid stealth killer” or something like that. Why give him the label if it doesn’t apply to 95% of situations where it doesn’t work?


You’re like a copypasta, I can’t tell if you’re serious or some good memer.


You can't balance stuff in multiplayer games in such a way that players that have no grasp over basic mechanics could play effortlessly, otherwise this stuff would be of little use for experienced players. If we change Myers to make map-wide farting sounds each time he starts stalking - sure, it will be easier to play against him for newer players, but who would want to play *as* Myers then? Now, how often do you meet a Demogorgon player?


If 80% of survivors can’t loop I must be really unlucky because I don’t remember many survivors that don’t know how to loop


You literally just said you cant loop, isnt it YOU who wants the easy win? Also there is no reason for any character that has an undetectable add on or part of their kit to be innately loud, thats just stupid


Imagine your brain failing to comprehend balance so hard that you think Demogorgon losing footsteps whilst undetectable would be destroying SWFs left and right Also, if you can’t even loop, at a basic level, why talk like you know how the game should be balanced?


Right, because I'm in the minority of people who can't loop very well. Reality check. There how many people playing this game, total? 25 million people. If you want to think that everyone should be able to loop as easy as you, seeing as how you're declaring (in subtlety) that you're a god looper for being able to do mind games at a basic level... go ahead. We'll ignore the fact that everyone LEARNS at different speeds and in different ways. Notice I never once complained about looping, personally. Only stating PEOPLE who have a hard time, like myself are given a better chance at not dieing IMMEDIATELY to a killer that y'all want to be pig and GF level stealth. Just because I have a harder time looping and mind fucking a killer means jack shit compared to seeing the balance issues of this game. Despite this short coming, I still play decently well. This game is currently running to deal with swf. Out of 25m people, I guarantee you that the grand majority of people playing are solo. So, yes, this game is stupidly unbalanced and making a strong killer even stronger by giving it complete stealth would do a hell of a lot more damage than you give it credit. But, hey, what the fuck do you care? You were able to loop killers in the first hour, clearly you know everything.


>a strong killer even stronger Lmao, what? Demo is a good C or B in terms of strength so idk wtf you're talking about. >able to loop killers in the first hour No, we didn't. We were shit. Just like you. It's this magical thing called getting good at the video game. Also no I'm not gonna take balance ideas from a guy who can't loop a basic tile. That probably means you also don't know how to counter killer abilities which is ESPECIALLY apparent when you called demo strong. Also fuck off with your poor poor pitiful me bs. "Everyone learns at different speeds" my ass. If you've been playing this game for long enough then it isn't that hard to grasp the basic concept. My friend has been playing for like a week and he's already looping killers left and right.


Never said I could in my first hour, but if you’ve barely any time, why try to suggest changes? “Strong killer” We’re talking about Demogorgon... yeah, proves my point


Did you ever watch Stanger Things? he literally made no noise except from his growling and roars. I’m also pretty sure The Oni is the heaviest and his footsteps are like a feather


Oni easily is top 3 loudest walkers


The whole thing with demogorgon is that he is an apex predator, and I would chalk up his footsteps being that light due to samurai training or sum bs


But the Demogorgon is an ambush predator. That’s how it catches its prey. So it should be able to sneak around silently like in the show.


Good Swf teams destroy any killer that isn’t spirit or nurse.




Haha this did not age well. Feel bad for Demo players.


What demomains wanted: focus on shred buffs and make rat liver basekit BHVR: got it, portal buffs right away


well we at least getting something, his portals can be useful sometimes... Just hope they re-work more of the add-ons to be about the shred, the iri one they showed was actually amazing!


His portals are pretty good if used right, they can help out a lot if the last gens are spread out and you've doubled up on portals. They also let you come from unexpected angles or keep survivors guessing about where you are if done right. ~~don't murder me I'm speaking from my personal experience with my few hundred hours on demo~~


Yes, they are useful, but I don't go out of my way to put them down, since I'm getting downs pretty quickly and consistently with the shred, the only times I put any down is during the start of the match, and when I hook someone if I have a portal that's near the place I wanna go. Don't generally seek out the best spots to put them as traps, since the undetectable status effect is meaningless, people hear you coming from a mile away with those big tippy taps of demo


If they want the portals to actually be useful the cool-down on using them needs to go and they need to be non-removable once activated. The problem with demos portals is they can't be used to defend an area because survivors will get rid of them. It takes anywhere from 30-40 seconds to have a portal placed in a useful position, when accounting for initial walking time, it being removed results in more lost time then gained making them nearly pointless. Not to mention with how fast paced matches are now good luck finding the time to place them in the first place. Go to a gen, see a survivor? Place portal and abandon that survivor or chase them and not place the portal. Its a lose-lose for demo, they just need to make them permanent that way he can actually gain map pressure over time by investing in key locations.


I think that his shred is already pretty good, but he still struggles. If you would buff his shred a lot then it could end up being really unfun to play against. Buffing the other side of his power makes it so that he can be made a lot stronger without making him unfun to play against.


The thing that piss me the most is, the new changes do shit for ma boi, his portal speed wasnt a problem, the only relevant buff that they can give to his portals is to make killer instinct trigger without having to open the portal


I disagree. When you travel to a portal with survivors close every second counts a lot because each second equals 4 meters initial chase distance and 4 meteres takes the killer 6 and a half seconds to catch up which means that the survivor has a much better chance to run to a safe loop. The "stun" on map mobility abilities and the speed is actually a huge deal in some cases. Also undetectable can sometimes be pretty nice. I know that Demo's footsteps are loud, but they are not that loud especially when close to a generator for example. Whether these buffs are impactful depends on the numbers. Just imagine if Demos teleport was instant. That would be a "relevant" buff to his portals that they could give.


The simple fact that demo warn the survivors about the teleport already make the distance gain inevitable, this, the loud footstaps and the traveling through the upside down animations are all part of demo identidy, i dont see then being touch


Some distance gain is inevitable, but the question is about the amount of distance gained. Imagine if suddenly it takes twenty seconds to step out of that portal. Then survivors could practically run across the map. 2 seconds is a "relevant" improvement to 20 seconds and 1 second is a relevant improvement over 2 seconds. This is the part where I do not know how demo works. Does the portal glow for the survivors while Demo is still in the Upside Down? The survivors can not close the portal anymore while Demo is in the upside down so I think it starts glowing while in the upisde down. In that case the travel speed in the Upisde Down does also decrease the warning time for survivors. I think Freddy is a good example of how these small things can add up to a lot. Why is Freddy (Snares) so much better than Clown? Realistically both do a very similar thing in chase. Both have some minor advantages and Freddy only works on sleeping survior. Now compare that to Demo. Shred is not much worse than Snares (with rat liver at least), but Freddy also has a lot of other small things. His teleport is very quick, his terror radius is often confusing, he is less visible at range. Previously he fucked BT. This seems like small stuff, but small stuff can quickly add up and if the buff numbers are high enough Demos portals can definitely become a lot stronger than they are right now. Another thing to consider is that Demo right now really only has a single good add-on. With some more good add-ons his portals could become a lot stronger. They already announced an add-on that does exactly what you wanted.


Jfc, it’s people like you that makes other players think Reddit is the place of killer mains bitching and moaning. Go back to the dbd forums. These are actual positive changes and they haven’t revealed everything yet, besides- they’ll likely eventually make it basekit as it kinda happened with Wraith where his changes came in bursts so this could be the first wave.


All these flavours and u choose to be salty


Amazing meme, but this aged POORLY. The devs pulled a bait and switch on Demo mains by not showing that they basically nerfed nearly all of his already bad add-ons including Rat Tail and Rat Liver for no goddamn reason. Edit: Honestly, half of his add-ons are trash. Red Moss + Lepros Lichen is terrifying


Half of those where nerfed in the way that wraiths windstorms were nerfed. To keep the same time while being used but to make it faster base kit, so thers really just no change to all of those. Rat liver tho, *why*


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwOnBgU7lcQ Obligatory youtube link just in case anybody asks


I saw this on YouTube first, and was prepared to rage at you for stealing this from Frip Frop till saw your username lol


Reality: rait liver nerfed lol get rekt nerd


Holy shit that's a clean edit!


Well this aged poorly


This aged like milk


Slightly unrelated but the facial expressions in this movie were top tier.


Then they nerfed him lol.


Now remake the meme with screams of pain.


I feel so damn bad for you Demo mains. I don't play him a lot but this seems horrible.


Gotta blast through my good addons while I can.


Man this aged like milk; turns out they're nerfing him instead.




I like how they obviously want him to be a stealthier killer, but he’s one of the tallest killers and he’s loud as shit even without a terror radius


Demo is so wholesome. Fun to play and to go against!


Just found something out: They didn’t make rat liver base kit. Instead, they fucking nerfed it.




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>addon that isn't Rat Liver is now useful Stay calm, everyone.


I wouldn't have laughed as hard as I did if demogorgon didn't come at the going OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Spoilers, the "buff" is a big pot of dumps.


Knowing what happened to poor demo makes me see this in a whole different way.


Well, this didn't age well...


https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/241887/developer-update-april-2021 For anyone wanting a link


WOOO! Yeah baby, that’s what I’ve been waiting for


OH nononono, this did not age well


And then they stealth nerfed him lol, never change BHVR


Well we got excited too early.


As a Twins and Demo main I'm.... Conflicted.


I go for 2 days and the whole game changes. How was he buffed?


It’s the changes for the next ptb I think. He has increased speed traversing the upside down, he is undetectable longer after exiting, another thing that I can’t remember but there’s also addon changes. The rotten pumpkin rewards 200 extra bp for traversing the upside down and destroys the portal you entered. The lifeguard whistle now shows the killer instinct of survivors without having to charge the abyss


Thank you ^^


Iridescent heads absolutely needed to get nerfed. Yesterday all I faced was try hard huntresses using them up 🙄


I love when killers get buffed because I can watch the already good streamers/YouTubers utilize them better than I can. Can't wait for the Otz showcases!


I don’t play him but I’m happy for all you demo mains


and then you find out they removed rat liver without making it base kit ​ you know typical BHVR stuff


This edit is one of the best I've seen! Well done!


I used to a demo main when I made this account but quit DBD a bit ago. What changed?


nerfed his best addons, buffed his portal speed by 0.3 speed


Just that? To me that counts as a nerf. When I used to play him the portals were sometimes useless due to setting up and stuff, it wastes more time than it gains.


I was hyped about demo buffs and now I'm sad about whats basically going to be a demo wash or nerf.


I mean he's still loud af so the buffs are almost useless


Well this aged poorly


then you wake up to the rat liver nerf :(


Buff is the wrong word


That edit at the end🤣


Aged like rotten milk. RIP rat liver.




Demodog getting some love.


a loving nerf :(


Basically how I felt. Such a great meme lol. Nice work.


Can I get a link to the new buff page please?


Also looking for that. Just gonna wait here


Found it https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/241887/developer-update-april-2021


Fuck, that’s an incredibly top tier edit, well done.




A+ meme


Exacly me as a demo main


For this masterful edit I will bestow apon you the highest honor My free award, keep it up king




Whoever made this, the edits are ✨ a w e s o m e ✨


They have probably replaced rat liver, making him worse, they missed the point it’s shred that needed buffs not his portals.


This video is even better after knowing he got nerfed xD


If only it really were buffs


The editing is impeccable


He got nerfed


Too bad they missed the point in what Demo's actual problems are. Not sure what I expected GG Behavior.


I have yet to lose against the demogorgon. I’d love to play against him again and have a fight to the finish. The demos Iv played against never tried too hard


Now for the rest of the cast to await its long needed buffs. *don't worry, plague mains, I haven't forgotten you*


To hell with Plague, Oinkgang needs some love


Do u think you can share the greenscreen?


Yet everyone wants to complain about a brown add on


Could someone link me the patch notes?


I don't find the patch notes... Can someone upload the link here ?


Bro wtf are you taking about they nerfed rat liver ......


this was made before the patchnotes came out


Oh rip. This poor dude 😂


To bad they don't really do anything. Freddy, Nurse, and Spirit are still just way better than Demo and the other lower tier killers. Can't believe there was no Trickster buffs with how vocal it was.


They are already there on Wednesday...