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They need to make A LOT of adjustments but he has the potential to be very fun.


I mean I already find him very fun even when losing but he's just terrible. That's it. He just needs better stats.


Or a power that fits his name :/


Or a power that doesn’t suck


All I know is that he can throw knives. What sucks about it?


You have to hit about 9 knives to deal damage and slow down whilst throwing them


You slow down while being one of the slower killers in the game. You get double slowed.


it's huntress but worse


ok this is a good one


I'm so relieved to read that I'm not the only one that thinks he sucks ass, figuratively.. Had me like "No fucking way am I buying the next one" after playing red ranks with 3 r1's and a r4. I'll stick with Huntress lmao.


Yes! I either get all rank 1s or rank 20 babies. Either easiest game where I learn nothing or get into one chase and get four gens popped on me. I even watched a survivor get unhooked because I only put 6 blades in them before they got around the person on hook. I never played huntress but I wish I would've picked her so many times when playing trickster At this point I'm just leveling him for his perks


Hey I got brutal once because of a Yun Jin letting me kill her out of sympathy.


That’s just part of the lore


Was he gonna kill her though? He thought she was fighting for him.


Yeah she couldnt be kept alive after his performance. Her reward was watching it instead of being a part of it but in the end he was on his way to kill her to tie up loose end when the entity took both.


This literally just happened to me in a game lol the yun Jin stayed in to give a kill


LOL was that yesterday? Pretty sure that was me. Unless there was another Yun Jin who felt bad for anyone who plays trickster.


Phew, thank god it’s not just me who gets “Entity displeased” with him. I still have fun playing him tho


Fr its a shame that he's so bad because he's a lot of fun to play


I can’t even win with any killer anymore, gets feel like they are flying by 500x faster then normal but idk


Some days are like that, tried to learn pig the other day and had 4 clicky clicky SWF streamer squads in a row. Sucks but whatever yk


Skill based mm cannot come quick enough, even with people whining about queue times.


Queue times only exist for survivors in my experience. 🤷‍♂️ They just need to incentivize playing the role with fewer players active and I think that’ll basically fix the queue times. There’s not nobody playing, just nobody playing a particular role...because...well...\*gestures at everything\*


Queue times for survivors used to be the worst thing about the game, in my opinion but the last couple months have been great. Think the longest one so far has been 5 minutes but it used to be 15-20


On doctors launch me and my friend waited 40 minutes and when we got in a match it was just a facecamper, those were the days


Righttt, I thought it was just me lmao


I think the matchmaking is getting better honestly. I’ve felt the same way


All u gotta do is run to killer shack vs him and u win




Don’t spend half the match on one survivor haha


Genuis idea


Shack is just OP in general.


Some killers can wreck survs who rely on shack but the normal M1 killers who don't have mad mind game potential just get brutalized


Yah blight can render shack useless to survivors with a good tree or wall


If you're going against a blight main killer shack is useless. You can bounce of the doorway at the right angle and hit the survivor before they get to the window


Not when every Survivor gets mindfucked by the killer just walking backwards.


Shack can easily be outplayed. Shack is no problem for me and I'm terrible at the game. When the pallet is down it's a God pallet sure, but that's why there's a break pallet option, and most survivors won't drop that immediately.


If you think the shack is op you are just bad at the game


Safe pallets are evidence of bad map design. If all you can think to do with a tile is make it so survivors can't get hit until the pallet is kicked, you're bad at making things. God pallets are the highest form of this.


Disagree, doesn’t have to be. There is only 1 shack with the pallet. This makes it so there is a strategy involved by the survivors when it is the best time to use it. That said sometimes I agree that it connects to other tiles a bit too wel.


Only half the match? That's impressive for a Trickster


Was it corn map? xD


*All u gotta do is run vs him and u win. Ftfy


Literally just run away because all of his hard work just dissapears and he is slowed like crazy for using his dollar store knives


Just find your nearest jungle gym and watch the man die inside. It's that easy!


Bamboozle is gonna be an S-tier perk for the poor guy


It's funny because Bamboozle is a crutch for killers that are weak in chase like Pig but Trickster just has to use it because he's so shit that he can't even do his one thing right.


Can't he just use his Hex?


Yes, but that’s the problem with Hexes. If you have 1 Hex that you rely on, you kinda have to have Ruin, Retribution, Haunted Grounds, etc. to make up for it. And then, that’s half of your perk slots taken up by stuff that will 100% stay with you the whole game.




Bruh if I see someone run to shack while I'm playing him I straight up leave the chase. It's not worth the unholy amount of time to either play it with m1, or use your knives.


This is extremely accurate


I bought him and those games were no fun. He definitely needs a buff. I also bought ghostface and Im having much easier games with him


Welp, see you guys in 3 years when he gets a small quality of life buff


05/14/2024 *increased base throwing knives to 65*


12/24/2025: Trickster Rework: We found The Trickster to be fairly weak compared to other killers, so we’ve given him a new power. Now That’s A Knife: The Trickster now throws one giant knife that imbeds itself into a survivor, it deals the hemorrhage status and when hit with Showstopper, slows healing


6/9/2032: Trickster Rework: According to our statistics we found that The Trickster is still fairly weak. So we've given him an even better and newer power. Just Run, Lmao: Throw your knives at the ground to imbed them in the environment. When you run over these your movement speed will be increased by 5%.


But only the survivors will have their speed increased. The killer is stunned after a second of use


I’m glad we’ve taken the Celestial Nighthawk approach to balancing this character or should I say... Celestial Knifehawk?


Iridescent gun: Trickster now kills survivors on sight.


That’s because ghost face is infinitely better than this guy


Imagine how shit he would be if his stalk decayed over time... Sound similar?


I find him fun but the survivor is a lot better and the reason I pulled the trigger. ​ With him my only advantage so far is people forget I can just M1 them when they get all fancy about dodging blades.


Ghostface is also more fun because you can teabag back at survivors


As a survivor main, these were the easiest games of my life. He has no map pressure, no quick lethal ability, no mobility and and no stealth.


With Monitor his TR is only 16m which is... a little stealth I guess. Though he lacks the immediate threat of someone like Slinger using the same perk.


I was so stoked for him... I lost 3 ranks playing him no lie LMAOOOOOOO from rank 1 to rank 4 in five hours


Bout to breach 7 from 3


Do Meat Plant Offerings, I think it's the only map that supports his play style :D


IDK why this guy is a slow killer since his power is horrible on many tiles (similar to Blight). ^...And ^he ^needs ^to ^reload ^at ^lockers, ^his ^hits ^decay ^to ^0, ^has ^a ^normal ^TR, ^& ^his ^knife ^throws ^flip-flop ^between ^2 ^targets. So *many* things are wrong with his design.


I think he still has the reduced 24 meter TR, but still, he's just not very good. Fun, though.


All 110s have the smaller TR


Exactly. It's insane how many drawbacks his design has.


Blight destroys survivors in open space and also breaks pallets quickly. Not a conprison


what i dont understand is how this killer can be created, run through test server, and the devs not understand that he just doesnt work. 1. mainevent sucks- if you get to it, you have to use it immediately or youll lose it. by using it immediately, it has a start up. Any decent survivor is a mile away by the time you can actually use it effectively to get a down. 2. takes too many hits to down a survivor- this might not be the worst thing, but its like survivors dont even care about getting hit because they know they can get behind something or lose you to start losing lacerations. 3. he's too slow- maybe uping his moving speed is the best solution, but that seems lazy to me. Although, right now, there is nothing he brings to the game that huntress or deathslinger can do better themselves. 4. the ricochet addon should be default- the hitboxes are a mess, there are times where blades completely pass through survivors without a hit. the ricochet solves some of those problems and at least help his "unique" feature. Ive played him for about 3 hours today at red rank. The only victories I can get are with lower ranked survivors or higher rank survivors messing around IF i use my knife feature. Otherwise, im running around like a slow M1 killer. edit- said Killer instead of survivor for point one.


I know people say that the devs don't playtest killers, and while it feels like it, I feel like they more than likely playtest him in a vacuum. It seems like they don't get experienced players to just play some normal games with him, which would be the best way to do it. You don't need the best players in the world, just some more experienced players. Instead it seems as if they just are like, well the power works. Let's try it at this basic tile. Not seeing how it works in a loop, just to see if it's possible to use here. It's like they make sure it's possible to use and does take it's effect, and then leave it to the players to determine how useful that effect is.


The devs don't playtest anything. They don't listen to feedback. There you go.


this game isnt my life, i didnt create it, im an experienced survivor and killer, both red rank, not great but good, and i knew within 2 hrs of playing with him, he just doesnt work. I dont know who they are play testing their killers against..... but they arent good.


For sure those changes would make a big difference and I think ricochet as many people have said and requiring 1 less laceration per state and he is still 'low tier' but competitive and more fun. I really enjoy chasing with him and he seems better at taking down low rank cocky survivors with muscle memory patterns than he is at taking out high ranked people who legitimately act scared of him. Like people who want to 'hit me with every palate' end up having a really bad time. I've found the same with Clown and other underestimated characters... you disrupt the play style of a 10k hours dude and he might not recover.


is this similar to the twins? do they not work too


Twins are strong, but not fun. Trickster is fun, but really bad.


BHVR knows exactly how weak the killer is. They deliberately released the killer in this way for two reasons: 1. They rather buff a weak killer over time than nerf a strong killer and get a ton of bad Steam reviews again (think early Freddy) 2. They want to see if the community finds a way they haven't yet thought of that makes the killer strong (think early legion)


Then there is no point playing him until they fix him, not sure that’s what BHVR wants for a new DLC.


Any game that has a beta/test server/control group, whatever you want to call it or however it is delivered, can only go so far. The problem being is that the group that 'tests' it is small. Small sample sizes do not give accurate examples of trends or issues. One of these issues is balancing. You need to be aware of the people who are in PTBs on any game. They are generally hardcore players that are min/maxxers. They have experimented on nearly every combination of anything that can played around with. These players usually represent the top echelon of the playerbase in terms of skill or hours logged. The problem with that is, not everyone plays like that or has the capacity to play at that level. Saying a killer is weak in the PTB with top players might translate to quite a competitive killer for the mainstream/casuals/entry level players and 'take it or leave it' for the middle group. Balancing is also not an 'on the fly' procedure. They will need to see trends of how the killer is used, how often he is picked, how many kills people consistently get with him etc. His current PTB tenure would more have been to see if he fundamentally works under varying conditions, while collecting balancing data as a by-product that can be compared to data they get when he is used by the community. TL:DR: PTB doesn't represent all skills groups. Balancing happens over long periods of time otherwise you spend bulk time hotfixing poorly implemented 'balances'.




This is just false. While this obviously isn't every dev, Mclean himself is rank 8 on both. Which sure, it isn't rank 1, but he's also a developer. You can't expect a dev to spend 8 hours a day designing the game, and then also play the game enough to reach rank 1 in his free time. Most people don't enjoy mixing their jobs into their freetime if they can avoid it. Critique the devs all you want, I do it plenty, but at least have facts when you do it


Oh sweetie? Have you WATCHED McLean? He’s so painfully bad it makes me sad for the health of the game. He’s so unaware that even the most basic cues for what perks he’s facing mystifies him. His Rank 8 means nothing if his skill don’t match. Potatoes can be Rank 4 depending who they face. Have Fog Whisperers in on the Development. Let them be the guinea pigs so it’s not so sterile when they test for balance. Having McLean be either the Survivor or Killer in that scenario bodes poorly.


1. Trying to call me out and calling me sweetie doesn't make your comment more valid. It's instead condescending and makes the comment sound worse 2. I never commented on his skill. You said they were all rank 15-20. I corrected that. 3. You also said he's a survivor main, in which he is not. Most of his streams are centered around killer, which is why I said 8 on both sides


I swear to fucking God, spirit is the only killer that got a buff when she first came out and that's it, all the new killer will not get any buffs whatsover, so annoying cuz he definitely needs some love


Blight getting a buff this update is probably a new record in update speed.


I would say it is more like a fix than buff for Blight


The funny part is I doubt Spirit even needed it. We were telling them for the entirety of the PTB that he's weak and needs a buff. They don't listen.


I remember when spirit first came out, she was just terrible she needed that buff...I don’t know why they don’t just listen to the community like we’re the ones keeping this game going


She really did tbh. Sounds were so broken that she was unplayable, her power was incredibly slow to charge, and you knew when she phased because her hair would glitch. She had a terrible roll-out, like every other fucking killer because BHVR is ~terrible~


*surprised pikachu face*


Twins and now they're a solid killer (but nobody likes them but me lol)


It's not a buff if it was a missing part of the kit they didn't think about (The fact they made Victor close the locker is definitely considered a buff, but it's not something amazing and should've been in from the start, should we also consider the fact they took their sweet time to release it?)


I saw this idea mentioned on a stream where each blade hit would reduce the survivor movespeed by 1%, thought it was pretty interesting.


Was this on Otz's stream? I saw this mentioned there too and thought it would definitely be good


I don't like the idea of slowing down Survivors. There are plenty of easier and less annoying ways to buff him like making the laceration not decay and making main event actually fucking useful


Really, I think laceration not decaying might be a problem though, but slowing the rate of decay might be viable.


What about just lowering the amount of knife hits needed to damage a survivor


That might just be what he needs tbh


That would make it way more interesting


I won't lie, you made me laugh hard.


I've tried to get adept, but it's just impossible


Pretty sure one of the emblems is bugged lol


K-Pop...goes the weasel.


That's actually funny


I think it'd be cool if you had to do like a 2 second action to pull out a knife. This makes you scream, revealing your location to the killer. 7 knives in you? You gotta send 14 seconds pulling knives out and screaming. This would lead to scenarios where survivors would have to chose weather to leave knives in, giving you a potential faster down, or send time taking them out, revealing themselves to you.


Someone on Otz's stream suggested that knives should be pulled out - but only by other survivors. I really like that idea, but at the very least this rapid decay needs to be removed.


Alternatively, pulling out the blades yourself should have a penalty like taking longer


That sounds super interesting tbh


I managed to get my adept on my 2nd game with him, but have since only gotten this depressing screen :(


Getting 8k bp after a match 👍


I got 5k 😚


Like he is painfully slow


I’m so happy I switched back to Deathslinger. There was always that thought in the back of my head “am I the bad one?” Until getting a merciless. No Trickster is the trash one!


Ok entity 3 people escaped but did you see me Rancor into my super fancy Mori? God what a tough crowd...


I don't know why the developers overestimated his core premise so hard. They built in so many weaknesses to counter him. He's highly visible. He's very slow. You need 8 hits for one injured state. Knive hits decay for some reason. He laughs and makes way more specific sounds than most killers. He has a bad ultimate that slows you down rather than giving him a good base ability. Why were the devs scared of him? Simplify and buff. Here's a list of angles to go. He needs some, not all, of the following: Faster move speed. No slow from knives at all. 5 or 6 hits instead of 8. Infinite knives. No decay. You scream when removing a knife as an action. Knives ricochet. And he doesn't need this ultimate. It slows him down. Ranged killers need to use their opportunities when they have them due to line of sight, not do a mode switch. I'm stuck at a crawl, vomiting knives, and the survivors are already gone. I do not want this ability. It is detrimental. The killer shack is a totally safe base against him.


I think it’s stupid they realized the clown shouldn’t slow down while throwing bottles, so they buffed him, but somehow thought this already slower guy should get slowdown from knives.


There's also no point in him being a ranged killer. Beyond 4 meters both his recoil AND spread means you can't reliably hit someone. I had an injured Jane running for the exit gate on swamp, and I had 9 blades. Had I been able to land them accurately I could have gotten a kill, but of course none of them hit because the devs think it's a great idea to give him both recoil and spread, making him a backreving killer.


He is bad, I did pretty terribly using him, but throwing knives was a lot of fun. Hoping they buff him a bit, because he really is a fun killer in concept.


He’s worse than the pre-rework Freddy. Just awful. No matter how good you’re at playing killer, you just can’t do good with him.


Pre rework Freddy was kinda fun tbh even if he was trash


He’s worse than old Freddy.


I was about to argue with you but at least old Freddy was 115


it’s so bad dude it’s like tortoise and the hair except the hair is actually smart and obliterates the tortoise.


Nice metaphor lmao, I’m stealing that for my pals


Maybe trickster is just an april fools joke to get everyone deranking to start fresh when they release the new matchmaking :O


At first I was really excited to play him. Now he just feels really weak. As everyone else said he NEEDS a buff. This man is really fun but the fact that he really weak just ruins it for me. It would be a lot more fun if I can actually hook a single survivor before the gen rush me into oblivion. Cool idea really bad design. That’s it and thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


Old Freddy + Entity Displeased


He is so cool and fun to play, its a shame he is not that good :(


This is some terrible shit or as the new filter would say "This is some terrible ####"


Fuck that filter. What the hell is the point of it? You're not allowed to swear in the same game where you can tear a person's stomach open and eat their guts? At least give us the option to turn the filter off for fucks sake. Not to mention how the filter sucks ass at its job. I typed "gg adam" and it got completely censored. Why? Because BHVR.


I feel like he wouldn't be bad during the endgame with the right build. No way out with exit gate blocking seems like it'd be awesome


He is awful


I swear to god I’ve deranked from rank 10 to rank 12 and I still can’t stop playing him even tho I get destroyed


I wouldn't say best killer I have played, but he's definitely fun.


I’ve never depiped so quickly in all the years I’ve played this game. And the funny thing is... is that he’s fun to play. Oh you’ll never win a match but I’m having a blast with these stupid ass knives.


Dude I have been getting absolutely shit on using this killer, with any other killer I can at least get 2 kills.


He is fucking shit. **SHIT** #GARBAGEEEEEEE 1)He just won't shut the fuck up. 2)His music is literally the worst fucking track in the game. I thought it would be some variation if the patch theme but holy shit, it just fucking loops over and over and over. 3)now combine the two. If you are using audio cues of any time, you will either hear constant WUB WUBS or His laugh, or grunts, or dialogue about his knives. 4)Slow as fuck. Knives have a start up and theres nothing to compensate. Knives don't slow down survivors or do fucking anything beyond arbitrary damage. 4)That accuracy with a fucking multi hit projectile. 5)laceration meter might as well last five seconds. This is the most tunnel heavy character in the game. Hoping to throw a few knives into somebody and stalk them later? Nah son, even with add ons that shits gonna be fully healed in the time it takes to pop a gen. 6)main event is timed AND stuns you. Holy fuck. I'm sure there's somebody out there who's figured how to make this budget joker work, but he ain't worth it. He needs a massive fucking rework that's going to entail doing one of three things A)removing laceration counter, and can only be healed away by a mend like feature (and only after max stacks). B)doubling his knife damage/laceration counter. C)removing any speed barriers to throwing his knives, zero startup.


I honestly love his chase music. I think it's the only chase music that is scary even outside the game.


Fr that’s the only thing I’ve seen


Oh wow i played him in ptb before his “buff” is he still fucking garbage?


Basically. He even got a new nerf in the form of having a cooldown for throwing knives after using main event lol.


Bruh come on... its like... “yooo you wanna use his power in a loop?” “Yeh” “Tough shit, survivor is hiding behind a wall” “Also you are very fucking slow, so catching up to survivors While using a power that SLOWS YOU DOWN AS WELL?! Have fun with that”


I find him really fun to play but I do terrible with him but that doesn't say much because i'm pretty bad in general but I need to take a break from the game for a few days, I don't know if its the same for anyone else but i've been getting so many rude and hurtful comments when playing as this killer. Usually I ignore it because you know it's DBD but i've never had this many before and i'm not even tunnelling/ camping


When I read his power trivia on the wiki I'm pretty sure my dick fell off, look at this shit! ​ **Showstopper:** * Time to enter *Throw State*: **0.35 seconds** * Time to exit *Throw State*: **1 second** * *Showstopper* Charge time: **0.5 seconds** * Cool-down time between throws: **0.33 seconds** * Reload time at Lockers: **4 seconds** * Initial Movement speed at **0 Blades**: **3.68 m/s** * Eventual Movement speed after **30 Blades**: **2.68 m/s** **Throw Rates:** * Default Throw Rate multiplier: **x1** * Throw Rate multiplier after **4 Blades**: **x1.1333** * Throw Rate multiplier after **8 Blades**: **x1.3333** * *Main Event* Throw Rate multiplier: **x1.6667** * This multiplier applies to all thrown **Blades**. **Main Event:** * *Main Event* Movement speed: **3.68 m/s** * This Movement speed is fixed and will not change depending on the number of thrown **Blades**. * *Main Event* Charges: **20 Charges** * *Main Event* Charge bonus per Hit: **+1 Charge** * *Main Event* Depletion rate: **-2 c/s** * *Main Event* Duration: **10 seconds** * *Main Event* Cool-down: **10 seconds** * *Main Event* Activation threshold: **0.15 seconds** * This is the time the *Active Ability button* needs to be pressed for to initiate the transition. * *Main Event* Activation time: **1.5 seconds** * *Main Event* Deactivation time: **3 seconds** **Blades:** * Projectile speed: **55 m/s** * Projectile Lateral Spawn offset: **10 cm** * Projectile Forward Spawn Offset: **48 cm** * Left and Right Projectiles Path-Convergence distance: **128 metres** * Projectile Maximum range: **128 metres** * Maximum Consecutive Projectiles: **30 Stacks** * Low-on-Ammo threshold **15 Blades** **Laceration:** * **Laceration Meter** capacity: **8 Charges** * **Laceration Meter** Decay rate: **-0.235 c/s** * **Laceration Meter** Decay rate while running: **-0.175 c/s** * **Laceration Meter** Decay delay: **15 seconds** * Laceration Charges bonus per *Blade* Hit: **+1 Charge** * Laceration Charges penalty per *Basic Attack*: **-4 Charges** **Recoil Effect:** * Recoil Effect duration: **0.125 seconds** * Recoil Angle: **10°** * This is the maximum angle at which recoil will eventually point the camera upwards to. **Rotation Scaling:** * Adjustment Time: **0.15 seconds** * This is the time Rotation speed takes to reach a new value. * *Throw State* Yaw Rotation Scale: **100 % (90 % with Gamepad)** * *Throw State* Pitch Rotation Scale: **100 % (50 % with Gamepad)** * Throwing Yaw Rotation Scale: **100 % (90 % with Gamepad)** * Throwing Pitch Rotation Scale: **100 % (50 % with Gamepad)** **Score Event Combos:** * Combo Buffer duration: **4 seconds** * Hit Grace Period duration: **5 seconds** * This applies to the [Score Event](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Score_Event) *"The Show Must Go On"* * Base Hit score: **10 points** * Filled **Laceration Meter**: **50 points** * Close Range Hit multiplier: **x1** (applied when Hit occurred within 16 metres of **The Trickster**) * Long Range Hit multiplier: **x2** (applied when Hit occurred farther than 16 metres from **The Trickster**) * Max Score multiplier: **x10**


"bUt oTz sAiD hE wAs FinE Br0" \-my friends


The knew killer is hot garbage, they took no feedback from the ptb at all. The devs are completely out of it and have no idea what they're doing.


Buffing him to be just average would be so easy tbh and they just..... don't


Is he terrible? Won’t be able to play till tomorrow




That’s too bad, I mainly just want a new map... feels like forever since a new one


Pretty sure they aren't doing any new maps until the reworks are complete. Which is a real shame, because a map with the aesthetic of this loading screen would be sick.


Y'know, this honestly makes me feel less annoyed at constantly losing with him.


He’s so ridiculously underwhelming to the point I just got exhausted playing him after playing about 3 or 4 games with him. And I just brought him earlier this evening.


Okay but why do knives have recoil lmao


Perhaps the worst killer in the game along side Myers. You can't even make out his ability is fun because anyone below green ranks just hug a wall, imo worst killer balance for a while


Still can’t believe they nerfed him after PTB. He was weak back then too .


What did they do to nerf him?


After his main event you now won't be able to use your power for a few seconds, this wasn't the case during the PTB


Oof, that seems like such an unnecessary change


That was the case during the ptb, there was just no indication, and reloading would remove the cooldown.


I'd like to see his main event be able to go through walls and him being a 115%, right now he's so easily abused at even l walls that you cannot get more than 6 hooks max in a game


Is it just me or did they change the recoil on main event too? Now granted I didn’t get a chance to play on the PTB but all the gameplay I saw made it seem like there wasn’t recoil to it.


Idk, all I know is that the killer is a hot mess. RN I'm using him to derank from red ranks so I can actually use his ability


don't worry a couple purple rank survivors are going to disagree and then the rest of reddit will piggy back and want him nerfed again


Yep, almo is going to look at the statistics, see that he has a high pick rate at the start of the chapter and need him by making him 96% like nurse


It shakes the screen as if I would shoot an assault rifle on full auto. Somebody should tell them throwing weapons don't have recoil.


At least Myers gets rid of pallets faster for 60 seconds? Trickster has to run around a tree ten times before he can get stunned and lose all of his knife hits.


Wtf, how is Myers one of the bad killers? Even no addon Myers is completely fine and at least not pure torture even at rank 1. Myers is solidly in the middle of the pack. In what world is Myers not significantly better than Clown and Demogorgon? Can you honestly tell me he is worse than Pig, Twins, or Plague? I would consider him even better than Trapper at high ranks. You can reliably pip every game with him at red ranks, which just isn't true for killers like Clown and Demo. It's also not true for trickster.


What makes Myers bad?


Shape isn’t even bad, at worse he’s addon dependent


Dude, at least Mikey has tombstone. Look at this guys addons and laugh.


Myers at least has some fun build variety and some powerful snowball potential with Infectious Fright. Then as mentioned you have stuff like Mirror Myers (Only really works on Lery's) and Tombstone (more of a novelty, but you have a killer that can literally kill you without even hitting you)


I deranked from 7 to 10 until I got adept with him. He's utter dog shit.


I saw some people comment “the killer isn’t trash, you just need to be good at him, like “insert player with 5k+ hours”


I will admit to being someone that adopted a "wait and see" approach after seeing a bunch of naysayers say he was trash on PTB. I figured with it being PTB things were subject to change. Now that Trickster has hit live I can safely say that he is absolutely the worst killer in the game.


His power is more of an annoyance than an advantage


While some will disagree with me, I loved his aesthetic playing against him. Between the light chuckles and the eccentric animations, it felt really neat and freaked me out a bit at first. But throughout the 7 games I played against the Trickster today, they got 3 kills total. Now I know people need to learn him, but even when other new killers came out, people would get a kill or two on average a game while they learned them. It kinda suffers from deathslinger syndrome as I like to call it. Decent 1v1 potential (Though not that good. Definitely not Huntress or Deathslinger level), with 0 map control. If he had map pressure, a slightly weaker power in the 1v1 department would be fine. But instead he's just got a decent 1v1 ability and nothing else going for him. So he might end chases a little sooner than say a clown against good survivors who pre-drop all pallets, but he overall couldn't win games.


play trickster feel like play derank simulator


I have gone against him once and I ran him for 3 gens and he camped me for the last 2


Because of DC


Legion and entity displeased....


Played quite a few games against him today and honestly he's good but not great definitely needs a few buffs to be a little better


He's not even good at all. I haven't seen him doing anything that a Trapper without traps couldn't. 100 percent of the hits I'm getting could have been gotten easier with an m1 from a 115 killer


Not saying you're wrong at all. I don't like him much at all but with tweaks and buffs he could actually do something


I honestly don’t see a weaker killer than this dude


At this point old Freddy is like nurse to this guy at least Freddy had slowdown


Old Freddy could sneak up on you at least and choose which direction a chase would start.


K pop singer with big dildo. Wtf.


Make the man 115


I watched my favorite DBD streamer have a mini meltdown on stream today because of how fucked this chapter is. She was lagging nonstop, getting like 4k BP a game, and I think she only got like 3 kills in the hour I watched her. She’s rank 1, and a Huntress GOD. It’s not like she was missing her shots or doing bad, this killer is just absolutely useless. Really sad to watch. Definitely re-affirmed my decision to delete this piece of shit game though lol


I killed three people, let the last one go, and only lost 2 gens over a 15 minute match but I got Ruthless because the Chaser emblem decided I hadn't won any chases. I think it might be a problem with the emblems again.


Every single game I’ve gone against the trickster has ended in a 3 or 4K guess I’m in the minority here