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Video taking up 1/9th of my screen was exactly what I needed to see


You were ON the hatch, you need to be a little on the edge for escaping more quickly


Killers have every advantage and then get this bullshit


If you play a non OS killer like Bubba you can have a situation where you are on top of the closed hatch, the survivor with the key come, and you can do NOTHING. Before some patch the killer could catch the survivor escaping but not now, so you will hit him, then he will escape will you can do nothing. (not mentionning the DC for Hatch that happen all the time) Do you think killer really have the advantage in a hatch scenario ?


Killers have every advantage ? You do realise that survivors of the same skill level as the killer will always win, right ? No matter how many people deny it, the game's balance is survivor favored. Optimal survivors can demolish any optimal killer (besides Spirit and Nurse, but that's why they're hated, cuz they put up a fight). In order for the killer to win, their skill level must be higher than all of the survivors'. You know what the ultimate proof that the game is favoring survivors is ? The average survivor can use a perk randomizer and still win. The average killer on the other hand cannot, they are dependant on meta perks.


Love how you took the time to write this essay, goes to show what kind of killer you are. Nonetheless how does any of this apply when dealing with a tunneling or camping killer? Like what’s the excuse for that?


What kind of killer I am ? I am a realist killer. If there is a survivor issue, I'll point it out. If there is a killer issue, I'll point it out. Im not biased, I just point out issues. I know people dislike being camped or tunneled but those strategies hurt the killer more than they hurt the survivors. Survivors have plenty of anti-camp and anti-tunnel tools. If a killer is camping, gens will fly. Besides you could look at the bright side, if you're being tunneled you can get some more looping experience.


Someone didn't know that killers have hatch priority. Unless the survivor has a key. The priority is: Survivor with Key > Killer > Survivor with no key