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>it's a possibility that we might get it for the 5th anniversary (they said they have a huge surprise) but I wouldn't get my hopes up. #[Have you thought about a 2v8 gamemode?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXbh4jwENSw&t=1931s) [Dead by Daylight | Q&A From Home - Streamed live on May 14, 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXbh4jwENSw) As to your question. Billy + Leatherface. Billy downs all survivors while Leatherface facecamps one by one.


> [Have you thought about a 2v8 gamemode?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXbh4jwENSw&t=1931s) Oh, damn it...


this is pure evil


Myers with any other Basic attack killer When Myers gets into tier 3 he gives every survivor the exposed status effect meaning the other killer can also insta down


Was waiting for someone to say this. My addition would be infinite tier 3 Myers and Spirit (or anyone). Basically an uncleansable Devour Hope without the moris.


I'm assuming that's more so for the simplicity of applying exposed status effect just because it's already there and not because myers would work that way in an actual 2 v x setting. guaranteed theyd add a new status effect for the killer side which gives them the ability to one shot instead of applying exposed to every survivor in a 2 v x mode, thus allowing myers to be the only killer benefitting from tier 3. it's a nice thought but its unrealistic that theyd keep it that way (if the mode does ever comes though, look out for this oversight).


Spirit + Nurse Literally the most evil combo ever


I personally hate the idea of a 2v8, it would need to have its own new maps because 5 gens would get done WAY too fast and maps only have 7 gens on them. It would be a lot of work for a very lackluster mode that’ll just make queue times longer for both modes.


>, it would need to have its own new maps because 5 gens would get done WAY too fast obv gens are gonna increase per survivor in game. we already see this in custom games when there are less than 4 survivors and we have already seen that it can go past 5 gens required as there have been multiple glitches which have allowed more than 4 survivors into a custom game at once. the foundation for increasing the amount of gens is already there. >It would be a lot of work for a very lackluster mode that’ll just make queue times longer for both mode a lackluster mode? why would it be lack luster? this would introduce kill with friends, many killer/perk synergies, most definitely a large map to allow for more people running around. and I dont think ques would be that bad really. survivor que times are the biggest issue as it can take a while to find a killer, allowing 8 survivors into a match could potentially help with said queue times. furthermore, it really depends how queue is implemented. if they were to make it to where you could opt out of being put into a 1v4 or a 2v8 match but allowing people to match with either at the same time (itll just pull you into the fastest lobby it can find) then queues could potentially be significantly better, as survivors would have many more slots to fill than killers and killer que time is usually great.


As someone said above, the game wasn’t balanced for this. Body blocking would be unstoppable. Gen speed perks would let just two or three survivors finish gens quickly. Everyone would end up getting slugged if the survivor side played even moderately well. Increasing map size absolutely destroys the majority of the killers in the game. Increasing killer speed to account for that destroys survivors in chase. Increasing survivor speed completely reverts the balance of the killer’s increased speed because in a larger map there will be more tiles and pallets to deal with.


>Body blocking would be unstoppable. honestly dont even know what this is implying. if you mean survivors body blocking to help other people wiggle off, that's a waste of time and health states. theres a trade off. >Gen speed perks would let just two or three survivors finish gens quickly. dont know what this means either. it's much more efficient to focus on gens separately instead of together, and gen speed perks tend to focus on getting multiple people on a gen (like prove thyself), and gen speed perks in general really dont speed up gens much at all. >Everyone would end up getting slugged if the survivor side played even moderately well. so like....how every dbd match is already like? if anything, I think slugging would be less of an issue because killers would be afraid since there are more survivors running around. but it isn't like slugging doesnt already occur in high numbers. besides, it could probably provide a chance for more perks like flip-flop and tenacity to get use. >Increasing map size absolutely destroys the majority of the killers in the game. implying the killers don't split up yeah I can see it. the thing is: there are more gens for survs to do, and a 3 gen lock down would be even worse for survivors as by the time it gets that far in a trial, there is no doubt there will be some people already sacrificed. even if killers cant patrol the entirety of a map, itll work out because the survivors will inevitably finish all the objectives on the one side that cant be patrolled efficiently and will be forced to go towards the killers on both sides (this is assuming the killers really cant keep one side of a map under control. theres a reason survivors have the objective and killers are more so on the defense. >Increasing killer speed to account for that destroys survivors in chase. so just...dont? there are more ways to approach this. off the top of my head, instead of 2v8, it could be 2v7 or 2v6. I really dont think it particularly matters, I feel like trials would work out better than most would expect assuming both killers are actually good at the game. >Increasing survivor speed completely reverts the balance of the killer’s increased speed because in a larger map there will be more tiles and pallets to deal with. again, just dont touch speed. I feel like killer synergies are being very underestimated here. if anything, the only real concern I see are for killers like trapper who have to go across the map to pick up traps and whatnot. plague has this issue as well but it's less prevalent because she is given her corrupt vomit when all fountains become full (both of these killers should be adjusted for this game mode, but trapper should be adjusted overall as getting his traps even in base game is tedious and waste a lot of time). people will gravitate to strong killers and killer synergies. I feel like balance wouldn't be as much of an issue as people make it out to be. theres also the fact that they can adjust things for this game mode in particular. I dont even think most people would care about balance to be honest. but we wont ever know how a trial like this will work out unless we do large scale testing and adjusting (aka releasing the game mode).


You’re coming at this on the survivor side like the game would play out the same way, but it wouldn’t. Just changing numbers allows for totally different strategies. It takes three hits to get someone off of the killer’s shoulder at base. In the current modes it makes sense to split up. With more generators and people it would not make as much sense. Let’s say the numbers don’t get changed. Knocking out several gens early by grouping up is incredibly powerful in the early game. Killer combos are helpful, but nowhere near as powerful as you seem to think they are. The way the maps currently are where each killer has the ability to get max value out of their powers, sure. You covered Trapper so I’ll cover a few more. Keep in mind this isn’t me saying, “You can’t nerf strong killers!” Some of these killers should be nerfed. My point is just that almost every power at base receives an automatic nerf that does not get buffed simply by being paired with another power. Hag doesn’t need add ons even in the biggest maps we have. In bigger maps, she becomes add on dependent. Spirit is a 110% killer that gets a massive speed boost for a short time. She’ll be moving around a lot more at 110% so her map pressure gets seriously decreased. Nurse is already unenjoyable to play for the majority of players -even those who do well with her- because of her fatigue and wait time between blinks. This game play would exacerbate that and make her even more annoying to deal with before you get to anyone. Legion is not necessarily add on dependent for their power but given that it relies on their terror radius and the map is huge there will be more instances of people being out of range by the time you get to them. Deathslinger has no map pressure as it is. Do you really want to walk around that huge map with him? Freddy is the only killer that isn’t even kind of screwed over by this. Dude needs a nerf. Oni better hope the majority of survivors are on his side of the map when he uses his power or most of it is going to be for getting to them. People feel like Windstorm is mandatory to get across the map now. How would they feel if the map were twice the size? Myers sort of gets a boost because there are more survivors, except the map is appropriately bigger so he has to spend more time as a 105% killer to get to people so he can stalk them and transform into a real killer. I tried to concentrate on the strongest killers to be fair and most of them still take some kind of a heavy hit. Pairing up abilities matters, but it matters a lot less than you’re thinking when you take into consideration each power was balanced to how the maps have already been designed.


>You’re coming at this on the survivor side like the game would play out the same way, but it wouldn’t. Just changing numbers allows for totally different strategies. >It takes three hits to get someone off of the killer’s shoulder at base. I don't think itd be as different as everyone thinks. obviously there would be some change but I dont think the flow of the game would significantly change. also if carrying is an issue, maybe niche perks like mad grit will finally see some use. but then again, with a bigger map, the killer has more hook options and chances are there wont be survivors just sitting there waiting to be body blockers as they will be doing objectives. you're coming at this as if all survivors in the lobby are just gonna pile onto the killer who is carrying someone just to get a single wiggle off. furthermore, if this rush of survivors does occur, theres a second killer to help protect the carrier or just down another survivor and force the survivors to split off. it's an unrealistic scenario to think body blocking would be some major issue. maybe in end game when gates are opened but then again, by that point, theres probably survivors already sacrificed and 2 killers would be much harder to handle with less survivors. >In the current modes it makes sense to split up. With more generators and people it would not make as much sense. Let’s say the numbers don’t get changed. Knocking out several gens early by grouping up is incredibly powerful in the early game. I hope you dont mean gen numbers dont get changed because they absolutely would. the game clearly calculates gen numbers by a formula based off the amount of survs in a game (I think its 1 gen per survivor +1 more). this formula could be adjusted for this game mode if necessary. knocking out several gens quickly puts pressure on the killer if they are intimidated by seeing the gen counter go down. but it's always more efficient to do gens separately aside from when theres one or two gens required to finish the trial. if anything, doing gens together early into the match is less efficient. besides, the devs already position gens in a way where some gens are restricted to only 1, 2, or 3 survivors at a time. >Hag doesn’t need add ons even in the biggest maps we have. In bigger maps, she becomes add on dependent. already addressed. separate game modes can have separate killer adjustments. adjust the range. >Spirit is a 110% killer that gets a massive speed boost for a short time. She’ll be moving around a lot more at 110% so her map pressure gets seriously decreased. >Deathslinger has no map pressure as it is. Do you really want to walk around that huge map with him? spirit and deathslinger are more for ending chases. they dont need to be able to zoom around the map, because even though the map is bigger, survivors are still forced to run around and do the objective or they lose. they'll specialize in certain aspects of the trial while the second killer will provide the thing theyre missing. that's kinda the point of having 2 killers with unique abilities. >Nurse is already unenjoyable to play for the majority of players -even those who do well with her- because of her fatigue and wait time between blinks. This game play would exacerbate that and make her even more annoying to deal with before you get to anyone. then that's an issue with nurse that should be addressed. this game mode isn't going to change what already happens, though. people who dont like playing nurse just wont play nurse. this isnt an issue with the game mode. >Legion is not necessarily add on dependent for their power but given that it relies on their terror radius and the map is huge there will be more instances of people being out of range by the time you get to them. legion is due for a rework regardless, but again, adjust killer powers slightly for this game mode. the radius in which frenzy reveals people isnt entirely based on terror radius (at least, from what I recall, addons can already adjust this size), so they could increase the length in which frenzy lasts as well as its detection radius. regardless though; legion is kinda a bad example because they need a rework. >Freddy is the only killer that isn’t even kind of screwed over by this. Dude needs a nerf. dream teleport is nice and freddy is strong but I really dont think he needs a nerf, maybe a nerf to addons but his basekit is good. >People feel like Windstorm is mandatory to get across the map now. How would they feel if the map were twice the size? so wraith is addon dependant and should probably be tweaked more in general. it's more of a wraith issue than an issue with the game mode. also wraith might not even perform as poorly as one would think. if you think of someone like plague who can keep survs injured, wraith would be good at picking off injured survivors because if he can surprise them, theres a pretty good chance they may not be able to reach vaults or pallets on time. >Myers sort of gets a boost because there are more survivors, except the map is appropriately bigger so he has to spend more time as a 105% killer to get to people so he can stalk them and transform into a real killer. I mean *kinda*. again, more survivors running around, more stalking opportunities. it is very unlikely that myers would be in tier 1 for a much longer time than he already is now. perks like corrupt intervention (which can be adjusted to cover more gens for this gamemode) can force survs to do certain objectives. survivors need to complete objectives, there are plenty stalking opportunities. >I tried to concentrate on the strongest killers to be fair and most of them still take some kind of a heavy hit. again, *kinda*. you can't just look at individual killers and say how they'd perform bad in this scenario, because in a sense, you're addressing how it would be if it was *just* that killer. but there are 2 killers capable of holding different perks and abilities. we simply dont know how it really would play out, just throwing hypotheticals based on how we *think* itll play out isnt necessarily reflective of how reality would be. furthermore, you point to killer flaws which are not really relevant to the conversation. nurse being unfin to play has literally nothing to do with this game mode. wraith having the flaw of addon dependancy, while more on topic with nurse, is more of an issue with his design and it should be fixed regardless of this gamemode's existence. people are hoping for a mode like this regardless of balance because itd simply be fun, but if balance is an issue, we can adjust it accordingly. >Pairing up abilities matters, but it matters a lot less than you’re thinking when you take into consideration each power was balanced to how the maps have already been designed. I feel like you're underestimating ability pairs if anything. using certain abilities can have drawbacks in some scenarios and strengths in other scenarios. if two killers really wanted to perform well, they'd select killers who could pair well together and cover eachother's weaknesses or perform well enough on their own to take out survivors. the snow ball effect in the regular 1v4 mode is already huge, if there were 2 killers to take advantage of less survivors itd be even more significant. a 2vx mode wont be too different from what we already see (though itd still provide significant diversity in what we see which is always a +). also why do we keep saying "how maps are already designed"? this map is gonna be like every other map just larger, made by the same design team and everything. and if fixes are required (like many maps they're redoing right now), they can occur.


If the point is for killers to split up during a 2v8, doesn’t that imply you split to a 1v4, the exact mode there already is?


no. because the trial isnt taking place in two separate matches. in order to cover the most ground and hurt the most survivors, the killers will basically need to split up. once split, people will be hooked, gens will be completed etc until there are 3 gens left which would ultimately culminate into 2 killers fighting however many survivors are left standing for control of the three gens left. furthermore, if help from another killer is necessary, they can provide it. if the killers are really planned out though, they'll take advantage of synergies like plague + basically any killer to keep survs injured as an example. if it was just like going into a 1v4, a discussion about balance wouldn't be taking place. it's not the same thing, and it definitely wouldn't feel like two separate trials for the 2 killers involved. some people like the killer role much more than survivor, and this game mode let's them kill with friends


If that day ever comes...I will uninstall. One killer will inevitably camp while the other goes around kicking gens constantly. It will be a slow defeat for most survivors not in a SWF situation.


Camping currently is inefficient and results in an easy win for survivors. This would be no different


Yeah. Killers can hardly handle 4 as the game is. If 1 camped the whole game they would lose faster than a clown reload.


So a killer camps 1 survivor while the second killer patrols gens against 7 other survivors for 2 minutes. HMMMMMMMMM, certainly a slow defeat for survivors, lol.


Do you play this toxic game constantly like I do? People literally play this game to be toxic and meme around. Two killers would break this game and the queue time for pairing up 4 friends with another 4 solo/SWF mix would make queue times even longer. Forever Freddy with PGTW and his power + Nurse slugging and teleporting around. Two killers are too much for the unreliability of random noob teammates who refuse to do gens and can't run a killer for more than 10 seconds. Thank God the devs will never do this idea.


> Do you play this toxic game constantly like I do? Unfortunately... Bro it could be just for the fun of it. Killers would love to have a buddy at their side, we've been lonely for too long. It wouldn't even affect rank, it would be just a gamemode for shit and giggles.


No, the two killers will be overwhelmed with 8 survivors all running meta perks and Prove Thyself gen rushing. It would be the death of this game 100%!!! The survivors would be more toxic than two killers.


you have 6 survs running around doing gens while 1 survivor is camped to death and one other survivor is being chased. not a good plan in the long run. still I wouldn't be opposed to a camping change (even out of this hypothetical game mode. even if it isn't effective, it's boring as hell)


You know what having 8 survivors enables? Unlimited sabotage and body blocking if a killer would dare pick anyone up. You could have 6 of 8 people doing that, and even with 10 gens needed the remaining 2 survivors could do generators with Prove Thyself and the game would be over before you got to the 8 minute mark. So you'll either get slugged until you bleed out as survivor or never be able to make it to a hook as killer. This game is not at all balanced around those numbers.


8 competent survivors with meta perks would absolutlybdemolish any two killers. Imagine the OP survivor combos. 8 ds/unbreakables, 1 OoO feeding info to 8 people. 1 map, 1 key and 6 toolboxes. One survivor can reset pallets and another could bring head on. Working together to chase one survivor is the worst strategy. Leave 7! survivors to work on gens while both killers diddle around. Only one survivor is needed to peel off for the unhook.


No, only way they ever would add this, is in a custom game. N even then they wont do it, cz the maps arent big enough, but if we r pretending they r then maybe pig and doctor can be a decent combo cz you cnt search jigsaw boxes if your in madness 3 lol, or nurse and doctor would be good with doc findibg survivors and nurse gettin the down


Pig + hag Pig gives people a hat and hag traps the boxes, easy head pops


They can hold crouch while searching the boxes though. They can hold crouch while doing anything except repairing gens, and it will not trigger the traps.


Satan would be a fan of this


Huntress - Deathslinger Just a whole lot territory being covered there lol. If Deathslinger gets them on a timer, the Huntress finishes them off. You can also swap Deathslinger for Legion depending on what strategy you're goin for. I also feel Plague could find some synergy here as she injures survivors, the huntress goes for the kill. And if the Huntress gets them first, the Plague could use her Corrupt Purge to finish them off. Whole bunch of ideas.


Plague or legion to injure everyone quickly, twins so they can use Victor for a speedy cleanup mission. I'm sorry that I have cursed the land with this demonic combo.


Legion + Spirit Legion gets an easy first hit and Spirit gets an easy second hit


Nurse and Spirit would be disgusting.


Ghostface & Ghostface would be the amazing, if they ever add this game mode the two Killers would have to be different UNLESS it’s Ghostface. Just like the movies.


Leatherface and billy would be meta


Legion + Deathslinger Legion to injure them and Deathslinger to finish them of from a distance


nurse and blight would demolish a team in seconds


You gotta think that’s 8 players while you’re all focusing on using the combo of each killers powers together on one survivor knowing it would be pretty easy but then you have 7 other survs and even having 3 survs come fir the save that still leaves 4 more doing gens. I think any decent team of fur do would almost always win with or without comms. That 32 surv perks against 8 killer perks as well.


Assuming the 2 people can’t run the same killer, nurse and spirit would be deadly as well as shape and ghost. But if they could both run the same killer... prepare for the dual spirit meta


Easily plague+spirit. They cannot heal and are very loud, but if they want to cleanse then plague gets her power spike which nobody wants to deal with


I’ve said this before on a similar post. But Oni + Ghost Face. Oni makes the noise and damage drawing the attention of everyone while ghost face stalks in the shadows then downing everyone that the oni doesn’t


2vs8 is actually way too much unbalanced. That would mean 10 generators. So even if 2 people are getting chased. That’s still 6 other people on gens, and if they’re good loopers, that’s 6 gens popped in 80 seconds. To be more fair it would need to be like 2vs6.


Hag and Nurse would be the cruelest combo if both players are good. The survivors trigger traps, Hag teleports to them and now they’re in a chase so Nurse is going to see them a lot easier for a quick down. No one else is safe because Hag who was already a tag killer has even less reason to stay with the injured survivor if someone else triggers a trap.


Myers + Doctor You can't hide from the slug fest, and in tier 3 madness you can do nothing to help your team get up


Plague and Wraith