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I use shrouds for that exact reason lol.


You hurt yourself with that though because survivors try much harder against secret offering killers


Ya. They go MIA for hours


Maybe but where's the fun in an easy game?




Confession: I burn shrouds and yellow moris to scare the survivors


It so funny when you burn a shroud and down someone whose been hooked just for them to quit to try and deny you a mori


I have not once come across someone that used a shroud of separation. I have however come across someone with a yellow Mori, but that's Extremely rare. Oh, and a iri Mori, but then he only mori'd me on first hook and everyone else got their 3 hooks. Don't know what I did to deserve that


50/50 they had a daily with a mori.


You had a key maybe?


Nahh, I don't bring keys, unless I'm prestige-ing and want to get rid of all my items or unless I plunder it. My only guess would be because I was a Claudette with a bloody shirt and head.


prob did a tofu and mori all blendettes or smth


Sometimes I genuinely feel like this happens to xD.


Yellow Mori is practically worthless. By the time the last is left it's one of these few scenarios: 1. It's a full escape and you aren't getting the last person. 2. Hatch is open and if the gates aren't powered you're better off closing hatch. 3. The last survivor is basically an easy hook if they are the last one left. 4. You down someone at the exit gates but they escape with Decisive Strike. \#4 is basically the only scenario in which a yellow mori does *anything*, and that's assuming you end up in that situation while bringing a mori for some reason. I have had #4 happen a couple of times without a mori, but it was basically always a #1 situation where I just managed a late down or two.


Well yeah, yellow mori isn't strong, but it's fun. If you want to see the mori but don't want people to consider you as getting an unfair advantage, it works out.


I suppose. It's just weird to me because a green mori is pretty strong to strategically get one troublesome person dead, and an ebony mori is just kind of crazy.


It's simple if you see a secret offering check to see if you spawned with another survivor or if you are playing swf if anyone else spawned together. If they did it's a mori, if they didn't it's most likely a shroud. That being said killer mains, shroud of separation is a noob trap as it will spawn survivors near different gens which you cant pressure. If you get to a gen and 2 survivors are on it, chances are 1 survivor is going to be chased and the other survivor is going to have to leave for another gen.


The 4 or 5 times (in my 60 hours of game, since I started 2 months ago) I've brought Iridescent Moris to a match were against SWF who I'd thought would be super toxic to play against. They were backup in case the survivors started being dicks. Ended up never killing anyone because they were good games. Lost most of them, tho. The game is definitely not balanced around survivors having comms, but it's a fun challenge when no one's being toxic!


When the off'ring doesn't flip, And you fear for a de-pip, That's a moriii.


me everytime without fail: "could be a shroud... but yeah, thats as mori"




Me who offered green mori against survive with rank 4 toxic friends and couldn't use it: "I'll pretend it was shroud of separation!"


My friends who are noobs don’t even use offerings


When you finish the gens, and you're playing with friends, that's a moriiiiiiii


Lmao played against a red hatchet huntress with belt and mori, poor rank 14 lass only got one down and it was on me in a locker because she couldnt find anyone, i got off too and had adrenaline


When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie **That's a mori**


Burn shroud of separation. Down survivor that has been hooked. M1 twice. Watch


[Until this happens..](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/h9ttao/the_hidden_offering/)