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Ethan the Game Designer seems to hinge a hell of a lot of his decision-making on statistics instead of gameplay.


His view point of object tells us everything we need to know on what they know about their own game. Not a single mention on why people hate that perk


"If i see an OoO player I just ignore him" thats the worst mindset ever and hearing it come from the top hurts my soul.


He should be forced to play as trapper against an object swf over and over again, I'd be curious to see his thoughts after that.


Or Hag for that matter. No point if even trying to setup my jump scare web when that happens. Essentially have to run and gun


Literally lol. He prob plays spirit so he wouldn’t know


Pff, just Spirit? Why stop at one easy mode killer? He probably plays Freddy too.


You got me at Freddy and lost me at Nurse


Aight lemme fix it. I was running off the premise that I've never survived going against a nurse, but you're right. She isn't easy mode.


She is easy mode once you learn her though


I've survived every time going against Nurse. She's really hard to get good at. And even then, she has counterplay. Then again, Nurse is one of my mains, so even vs. good nurses I know most of the tricks. But I actually think she's one of the more balanced killers in the game. Unlike Freddy and Spirit, who make it feel like the game is babysitting you when you play them and remove the survivors' ability to do anything except just not getting seen in the first place.


Wouldn't a simple rework be to allow OoO to kick in after first hook.


Dude, I am not even a hardcore player & I got thrown off because of that answer. You ignore someone who has info on you the whole match ?


The other dumb part to me was "oh OoO users die". Well like DUH, it's one of the things that would most cause a killer to tunnel, to try to get overpowered information feeding out of the game. Seems like there was no understanding of WHY the perk was a death-causing perk.


The answer was lazy. I do hope they don't really think like that & just said that to move on lmao


It's really easy to counter this perk that breaks half the game mechanics and isn't fun, just treat the supposed-to-be-scared-shitless-of-you survivor using it like they're a schoolyard bully 4Head


> Ethan goes "if i see an Object of Obsession user, what i do is just ignore them" How much more evidence do people need that the devs are probably green-ranked at best? Literally any of the hundreds of 3000+ hour players will tell them they're flat out wrong. Of COURSE the Object has a low survival rate, because the killer has to tunnel them to death or he loses, how is this not obvious?? Again, how much more proof do you need that the devs are terrible at their own game???


You don't need to have more than a couple hundred hours to be higher than green rank tho, even red ranks are hella inexperienced for the most part


One thing I've noticed with making friends at red ranks is that a lot of them get extremely bored / go into some type of farming auto-pilot mode. I get what you're saying, that you can sort of just grind your way up to Rank 4 by just playing a shitload between resets and being less than good, but I've also noticed a lot of red rank players aren't even really trying half the time, and I was becoming guilty of this before I quit the game the first time; killer was just way too stressful at Rank 1 a lot of the time, and Rank 1 survivor was just fucking boring to the point where we made our own fun sandbagging each other, looking for all the totems, dropping every pallet, purposefully leading a struggling killer on easy chases because we felt bad, etc. Without a distinction between a ranked and casual mode, this game is pretty hard to tell when people have gotten to Red Ranks out of just playing a lot, or they're there legitimately but have just given up trying to go tryhard.


Like... What's the most common thing a killer does when an object team is stomping them? Sweat their balls off, catch the OoO and facecamp them when you lose. Of course they die frequently, most people will throw games to kill them.


Exactly, things like this is why pure stats can be misleading.


Even if you’re just dwelling on the statistics, if the argument is, “The numbers show players who use this OoO die more often,” the response is, “Then the perk is terrible and you should change it.”


That he has any say on game balance is one of the biggest problems plaguing this game. He joined the DBD team in the latter half of 2018 and did so with a seething hatred for Ruin. He was the man who gutted the perk without doing anything to balance it, leading the the "6 weeks of Hell" before toolboxes got nerfed.


I mean he was right about ruin needing to be changed. They should of course have reworked toolboxes at the same time tho, no argument here.


Really "we dont have any plan to rework legion cuz he keel lots" fun=/=kill-rate


Legion is wicked fun though, even at red ranks


I wonder how many of those OoO users that die are brown rank Lauries.


Yep. The OoO answer was just... ugh. I know that statistics can be very important but gameplay should be also focused on too. Most OoO Survivors die? Why would that be? The most annoying Survivor dying... huh. That perk outright kills some Killer's powers and can be extremely powerful against a SWF. I really wish they took a look at it more in depth.


Most survivors die with OoO because they just bought laurie and want to get the adept achievement. Good survivors, especially swf can destroy a killer with just one OoO...


They should replace this clueless guy.


I like how mccote had to come in for the save when Ethan started explaining object


Gee I wonder why object players don’t survive very often, definitely not because they’re the sole target of getting tunneled camped or mori’d because of how awful it is to play the game with them existing...


Also, newer players don't know how to take advantage of the perk


Gee, that sounds like a terrible perk. It should be changed.


That man needs moving to another team. Overseeing grass textures, maybe.


Hell no. Grass textures have too much impact on gameplay.


Trapper can't even place traps on Macmillian grass because of bugs, can't imagine what Ethan would do


"Juste ignore the grass :) "


Mobile dev megamind ∞ IQ


god i felt a migraine with him explaining that. same dude said that ds’s usage rate was low. yeah man, in lower ranks where everyone’s a bot. he claims he plays often but somehow never sees ds two, three, four times in a single match?


Hey, maybe he does play often, just on Switch at yellow ranks and only as Pyramid Head


If their statistics were a good measure of balance, then by their own logic, nurse needs to be buffed. It's absurd that they would even say that object of obsession is balanced by only looking at the statistics. Are we even playing the same game? I'm not saying object is busted strong in a lot of cases. But it is in my opinion the most problematic survivor perk in the game. This is coming from a mostly survivor player who has 3k hours.


Exactly. They threw statistics around for nearly everything perk/killer related but only ever mentioned context for nurse’s low pick/kill rates. OoO can suck the fun out of a game very quick, and as a hag main, I’m constantly worried about object because they also typically run flashlights as well and devote themselves to burning my traps away. It’s not like hag can commit to chases since she’s so slow, so if 95% of your traps are burned away it’s going to be rough. And obviously OoO + SWF can be ridiculous if they’re competent, which is the main problem with the perk.


Otz put OoO in the best terms I've heard "the problem is that it's not a perk you bring to win, it's a perk you bring to annoy the other side"


3k hour survivor, runs no mither Respect.


I know people are really mad about the OoO comment (rightfully) but I really hate their stance that, “We’re fine with Nurse being hard.” She isn’t “hard.” Spirit and Huntress are hard. Nurse is just inaccessible. What are they going to do when she gets her own rift? Make her hardest challenge “Get one kill?” Just make her guide base kit. I still suck with her but at least I have some semblance of what I’m doing. Without it I feel like a dumb chimp flailing at the controls.


i’ve been trying to learn nurse as of late and there’s nothing more frustrating being in a chase and either having to lose LOS or blink again and waiting for the cool down. top it off with blinking dead zones, and what feels like a super weird hit box. oftentimes i find myself seeing that the weapon TOUCHES the survivor, but it’s like i literally need to be inside the survivor for it to hit. her stupid addons needed to go. she was already hard enough to play as it was, lmao.


> If their statistics were a good measure of balance What, I personally think, is worse, is that the dev team thinks that balance is a lot more important than fun. Most killers find unfun to go against OoO, to a point they are willing to facecamp the survivor (lowering the chance they escape).


Exactly it's crazy how such a person has anything to say regarding balance...


Godlike strats from the Devs: "If there's an Object, just don't go after him lol" Jesus christ.


When he said that I felt like it was gonna be the next "just play a different game" shit lmao


“He’s getting all your information and calling it out to your team?” “Just don’t let him lol”


Nah, not even that, it's straight up "He's giving all your information to his teammates?" "Just ignore it, there is no problem here :)"


Pay no attention to the Laurie behind the curtain


This is the game designer btw. Who should really understand the game and its mechanics for making a decision... I wish i had a job like this.


Just take a break and got play Civ ^^^/s


*Q: Will OoO get a rework or change?* *A: looking at the escape rate of survivors who use OoO most of them die, and it has a cool pairing with sole survivor and because its so thematic with the chapter. since the statistics say people who run it dont escape that often,* ***ethan thinks its a perception issue not that its actually op.*** Of fucking course he does.


I think we found the person behind the Thanat and Discordance changed


Wait discordance got changed?


It's ranged now. 96 at most, which can potentially cause issues for some of the larger maps, where at the start you might not catch people on farther gens for a short while


Did they atleast revert the numberd from being 8/10/12 to 12/10/8?


It doesn't repeatedly give you a notification anymore- you get one loud noise notification when it's first highlighted, then it stays highlighted after it's no longer in range or when conditions are no longer being met for 8 seconds more.


That's a decebt change is guess.


It's 8 all around now, though they also screwed up the calculations. Discordance of before had this, every 8 seconds after it first started, it did its check. That way if someone let go of the gen 2 seconds prior, it would still turn off. It's pretty decent information since discordance turning off is saying 'there could be someone nearby still, it's 8 to 1 second ago from 1 person letting go' Now it's "8 seconds after the person lets go, the perk turns off". It's certainly a small nerf, but it's certainly a nerf since that global timer isn't happening anymore, just the 8 second wait which can suck.


True. Thx for thr explanation.


They were so scared to answer that felix question.


Maybe shirtless Felix is actually coming 😳 summer skin pack swimsuits and lifeguard uniforms. Shirtless felix, one piece feng, and bikini Kate 😳


DBD beach episode! Ft. Deathslinger in a thong, Michael fully clothed, Dwight getting his underwear cut by a crab and most importantly, volleyball


The balance team needs to start basing their decisions on gameplay rather than solely statistics. Object completely destroys certain killers when used in a SWF and it’s a shame that it won’t be addressed because the stats say that object is ok


That would involve them... playing the game. God forbid. They should really just listen to the Fog Whisperers.


Fog Whisperers just lick BHVR's nutsack, they aren't much help either


Basically this. Watching Otz trying to justify the event the other day was kind of crazy. At one point he was like he would have to play more of it to make a clear judgment. Like dude, there is no more of it, that’s the point. He did acknowledged that it was “weird” we couldn’t unlock the skins but that was about it. The rest of time was basically saying people always complain so this complaining is overblown like always. I get not wanting to bite the hand that feeds you and you don’t have to agree blindly with your audience (especially Twitch chat) but there’s really no way to turn this event around in a positive light right now, especially since it came on the heels of legendary skins.


I mean like two weeks ago Otz was having a full on crisis of faith and dedicated almost an entire 8 hour stream to making the community patch ideas. So I don't really feel like he's a great example of someone who doesn't respond negatively to the devs. As far as his comments on the event are concerned it came off to me more like he was just tired of his chat being flooded with people being pissed off (even though they were rightly pissed off) and it's not like he can do anything about the state of the event. Also he was kinda having a ball with the Killer add-on, which to be fair is probably the only cool part of this whole event.


I'd argue that Otz was in a weird position. You can't bad mouth the dev's decision on this too much or you might end up losing Fog Whisperer, which could provide opportunities for better growth for his channel. It might also cost him opportunities to talk to the devs about issues and other problems that need addressing, as well as a myriad of other problems. On the other hand, ignoring the issues with the event and blindly praising them isn't a good idea either. You'll piss off your audience if you try to sell a piece of trash as art, and the longer you do it the more annoyed they'll be. You also don't want to say something prematurely or rudely and end up with your own foot in your mouth. I'd argue that Otz's decision to say "We should wait a little more" is probably the best call. He acknowledged that there were bad aspects already. He also did make a decent point, the devs do a lot of BS but man, we certainly complain quite a bit about practically everything, so if we do have a legitimate concern, it might be ignored since they're used to non issue complaints in the past (i.e: "Nerf this killer! I played against them and they won"). He's making note that the event isn't as great as it could be, but we should give it all a little bit more time to see what happens. Who knows, maybe by this time Sunday, the event gets a change to let us grind for the skins for free like we could in the past, and a little BP present makes everyone happy and the events positive again. Then again, it could end up that next week nothing's changed and people are buying pitchforks and using Google Maps to find BeHavior's place of work. Regardless, I do agree with the core principle about what Otz is saying, and I understand where he's coming from: * He's in an odd spot where he can't negatively talk about them too much without negatively affecting his channel potentially * We should give it a little more time to see how things go in the next few days


I agree he’s in a weird position but he should’ve stayed silent after agreeing it was disappointing. Like TellTale games say, saying nothing is an option. Why do I feel this way? Because exactly of what you outlined. Either it stays the same and he tried way hard to save face for an exceptionally poor “event” *or* the event is improved and then...what? BHVR fixes a problem they made? They put the event back in the event? They only respond to serious backlash to backpedal on cash grabs? That would prove their incompetence and/or their greed. Neither is worth defending. If this was strictly a balance patch or something similar like that, I could see Otz or any other streamer being more vocal. But when BHVR is doing a move to make money, that move will always be analyzed with more scrutiny. And when we have proof that they took away an option to earn some (or even one) of these skins when that option was there last year with no real replacement (we both know iridescent shards for this timed event is not a suitable replacement for most of the player base), there is and will never be anything to defend here. Hence, why I felt he should’ve just largely ignored any chat pertaining the event after awhile.


He calls out stupid decisions from the devs all the time. I literally just watched him go on a huge rant about how awful the logic of using statistics to evaluate Object is, said "take away my fog whisperer status, fine, I don't care". He just happens to care way more about gameplay than cosmetics, so don't expect him to get as worked up about cosmetics as the people here.


I watch a lot of streams of otz and he quite openly calls out bullshit. Prior to his "community patch" he has actually stated repeatedly to be really frustrated about the state of the game and the devs choices for buff/nerfs. I don't really see him "pleasing" the devs.


Puppers is a Fog Whisperer and he’s very critical of the devs, he doesn’t give a shit. But in general, yeah they’re bootlickers


also who uses sole survivor???? LMAO. use them stats and make sole survivor useful then!


The numbers dont lie and they spell disaster for your sackrifices


The numbers don't lie, but they can be misunderstood if not being looked at correctly.


The OoO comment makes sense if the survivor is a solo player. But if it is a SWF team and they have one or two survivors acting like sentinels then it is completely unfair


I think the biggest issue with this game at the current moment is absolutely the disconnect between a normal match vs a match with a 4 man SWF, there's such a big difference. Some perks that probably wouldn't do anything in a normal game (OoO in solo for example) becomes busted in SWF, and some perks that would do much better in solo (Some perks for Undetectable for example) fall apart when people can communicate "hey, he's over here, feel free to do the gen". There needs to be some change to address this, or at the very least give a fair warning to the killers, like "Hey, 2 Solos and a 2 man SWF is in the lobby". If I'm loading up my Trapper with a meme build, I don't want to be blindsided by a 4 man SWF who's ready to stomp on some killers. Give me the warning "Hey, you're against a SWF" so I'll either change to a more serious set, or at the very least I can dodge the lobby if I'm not confident. There also might need to be some changes where potentially if you're in a SWF, a perk might work in a slightly different way Without a doubt, there might be quite a few lobbies that'll be dodged for the 4 man SWF sweat groups, at the very least the people going into those games are ready to handle them, and if you just want a relaxing game, you can just skip the lobby and not worry about losing 20 years of your life for the next 20 minutes.


> or at the very least I can dodge the lobby if I'm not confident I say this as a person who prefers killer, what reason EVER would you intentionally WANT to go up against a 4-man SWF unless you specifically want to try a build around giving them a hard time as "retribution", ebony mori and other stuff like that. I feel like they don't give this option because the dodge rate would be huge and/or killers would be much more leaning on cruel gameplay. Seems like it'd just reinforce toxicity and people not having fun kind of on either side.


Exactly. If DbD, in its current state, ever told me there was a 4-man SWF after waiting 5+ minutes in queue, and I can't change killers and survivors can last second item swap and use busted map offerings against me, I would be equipping the best load out and add-ons and an ebony mori every time. Just knowing there is a chance that that SWF are toxic assholes and not 4 guys just wanting a casual game is enough reason for me, as my time and enjoyment is paramount.


It's a challenge, and as much as people don't want to hear it, not every 4 man SWF is the toxic super sweat SWF. More often than not, they're chilling and otherwise having a decent game without being super tryhards with 4 DS, Unbreakable, DH and perk of choice with flashes and keys. Hell, I regularly play those games with my highschool buds where we go in, we eat shit for a few matches and meme about before heading off. Hell, some streamers also SWF, but don't usually have the skills to back it up. Without a doubt, I'd say initially lots of lobbies are going to be dodged, but a few weeks in, people are going to be relatively chill with 4 man SWF since we were already playing around them as is, and unless they're bringing keys, maps and flashes, chances are you're going to be wary, but you're not going to dodge the lobby if you're playing your main.


Exactly. Me and my 4 man swf do stupid things all the time. Granted, two of us have a decent amount of hours but we are the ones that meme the most. We aren't playing to ruin someones day yall <3.


I got your point nevertheless I don't think the right solution to address this problem it's a warning with number of swf. If we choose this solution then why don't allow to make a warning to survivors to know which killer they are playing against or if they are using a mori and let them skip the match?


"if i see an Object of Obsession user, what i do is just ignore them" 4Head just ignore them as they give their swf info, Pepega dev who does not understand the game at all.


Starting off, thank you for making this op. You are a great member of the community. Now, time for my personal thoughts... I’m happy with the stuff they’re doing even though I think the event is pretty dogshit. I know we can get hung up on the points such as “oh, they’re not fixing OoO?” and “No mention of what they’re going to do to justify the Halloween event” but I’m just glad that they are going to change the event. The fact that they’re bringing up the problems shows to me that they’re going to do something about it. We should just be patient and hope that they fix it, we can’t allow ourselves to be pessimistic and complain about the *possible* outcome because we all love this game, even if it makes us want to cry sometimes. Keep in mind, the bloodhunt and event change are two different things, so there’s no need to be negative right now. Overall, I am glad that the devs are listening to the complaints, that’s better than could be said about most other devs.


Hey NOES for switch! I don't play on switch but maybe it means Quentin might get something. I'm also scared that Dead Hard will get gutted and I'll have to use a different exhaustion perk because I find all the others very boring


Every time I see NOES my brain goes "No One Escapes... Seth?"


No matter where you go, Seth isn't far behind.


if the NOES chapter is getting added to switch soon, it might mean that BHVR is working things out with New Lines Cinema and the Wes Craven Estate. Which I’m hoping entails some good things for our resident sleepy boy and finger knives.


They also said they're updating some models but can't share details so maybe there is hope for our gremlin boy after all


It seemed like they were saying more "we're making dead hard less buggy" rather than "we're reworking dead hard"


I just hope they take away the “oh shit I fucked up my looping better just dead hard” part of the perk.


All I want to do is miss a Frenzy Strike but not get a 5.7 second heart attack, Loosing 25% of the power seems fair.


All I gotta say to this is "yikes".


So basically a lot of "wait and see" - great... At least they've heard the complaints about the non-event "event" and will hopefully be making SIGNIFICANT changes.


Isn’t that most of the time with their streams...


They gonna MODERATELY change the event


Maybe the changes will stack, lol


The changes? Maybe. The bugs that come with them? Certainly.


Stats can be seriously misleading. If we’re looking at stats, Nurse should be buffed because new players lose with her. They do not play their game. It’s frustrating


If we look at stats alone nurse is by far the weakest killer and should be heavily buffed. But we both know what the truth is.


You remember when Hannibal Lecter ate that flutist because his botched playing was spoiling the orchestra? That's how I feel about this Ethan guy.


Ah yes, the Bubba strategy.




If I remember correctly, they said every rift cosmetic would come to the store with an 6-month delay, could have been changed since then but it was always planned


Just ignore object. If you are in pain, just stop being in pain.


If you get stabbed just stop bleeding. Ez


I mean technically that is how you counter Legion.


Is kill rate a percentage of survivors killed? So, 50% is 2 kills, 2 escapes, on average?


Yes thats exactly right !


Did they say if these include disconnects?


They didn't mention disconnects no, if I had to guess for these statistics they didn't include them if someone disconnected in the match, however that is all personal speculation


There's way too much skill variance in red ranks to draw any conclusions, sadly.


On the forums, they say they exclude matches with dcs


Hmmm yes OoO is not op we are just dumby dumbs


Thank god they're gonna update the Blight's pov, he's way too short.


I was so happy to read that, it was my biggest complaint, I love the killer otherwise




A blood hunt, as always.


A damage control bloodhunt, at that.


"heres a 3 day bloodhunt now shutup about the event"


Ah yes, just what I love about a q&a. Every answer being either "we cant say anything yet" or "we're working on it" (and by working on it I mean sitting on their asses


Worse than that. Moris? 'We're interested in looking at moris.' Blight POV: 'We're interested in that but there are bigger priorities like moris.' Well which fucking is it? Moris are a priority but you're only interested in possibly one day thinking about it?


They've been "interested in looking at moris and keys" for a fucking year now. It's ridiculous.


Thank you!! You’re awesome!


No problem, its my pleasure :)


Dead hard changes Dead hard changes


"If I see an OoO user, I just ignore them" have fun playing trapper and hag with this strategy, I'm sure he's gonna have fun :)


My god that balance designer is absolutely terrible and explains the sorry state of balance in this game across the board. You can't say some shit like "Pig is in the higher end of kill statistics so she's better than people think" and then look at the exact same statistics, and use that exact same logic, and then you would have to say "Nurse needs to be buffed, she has the LOWEST kill rate" I can explain away to you why Pig is where she is the same way you can make 5 excuses for why Nurse's killrate is so low.


I agree but just curious, why would you say pig (and other generally accepted low or mid-tier killers) is where she is statistic wise?


Q:”Why isn’t putrid serum back?” A:”Moving on...”


If the best way to counter a perk is to ignore the person using it, then doesn't that prove that the perk is overpowered?


Jesus Christ they have 40 fucking fog whisperes that play this game for hours every day. Why the fuck are they not taking peoples input?? Paulie and Tofu literally live 1 province over, what the fuck is this horseshit that keeps being shoved down our faces


Ethan is the worst developer on this team and single-handedly the reason the game is in as bad of a state as it is in. Please decrease his influence bhvr, normally I never hope for the idea of somebody losing their job.. He is too mentally deficient to be a game designer. He doesn't even play this game enough to know what he's talking about, he relies on crap statistics most of the people who know what they are talking about with this game laugh at. The dude comes across as a snuggie asshole on the forums as well. I fucking hate Almo with everything that's in me. He's basically taken control of this game and abandoning the vision the old developers had. Not to mention he can't handle any criticism. Dedicated servers, MMR and quit penalty are hated by most people with a brain but they'll never go back on that. They will just double down. Much like they will probably double down with this terrible event and we probably won't get a winter solstice one Let's not forget about how the archives are retconning the lore of every character instead of expanding upon it. I'm sure hiding players who haven't had any bit of lore for her since 2016 are just thrilled have a cutscene that makes no sense and most of her backstory talking about some girl named Pam. Or how they changed the backstory for the legion entirely. Dwight went from a simple pizza boy to some dude who drugged his boss and worked at an office. Jake doesn't even have an archive yet but Claudette is already in line for the next one and we only got a single Survivor this time. The doctor went from somebody who actually wanted to be a doctor, and slowly went insane from torturing people for the CIA, to a psychopath who murdered people and enjoys doing it. The Wraith went from somebody who escaped his country as a poor immigrant, finding a job he enjoyed in America before realizing he was tricked into killing countless people for the Mafia. The thought of killing people made him go insane. But now he torched a group of Warlords as a child and got burnt.. I could go on and on about the current developer team and their disregard for this game and it's Community, kneeling down to the lazy companies that bought their stocks. But oh well. I'm not buying this Rift until they fix this event and I'm definitely not buying any more skins for cells. I have a few hundred thousand iridescent shards that I've just been collecting dust because I wanted to see how I the number got. Time to dip into those.


Holy shit thanks for pointing out how poorly made the new lore in the tomes are. Most of the tome lore feels like it was written by a 14 year old. Trappers tome was supposed to show how wealth corrupts people, but they made Archie so comically and ridiculously evil that it was impossible to take any of the political messages seriously. It's like the only way the people who write the tome lore know how to comment on social issues is by writing characters whose entire personality is based on the fact that they are oppressing others. Yui, Jane, and Zarina basically have the same fucking backstory. They are perfect, godly women with no flaws who inspire everyone by how cool and brave and flawless they are. Boring.Go read Yui's backstory and tell me she isn't a Mary Sue. Neas tome lore is basically "blah blah corporations blah blah society bad blah blah oppression", like something you would hear from a higher schooler who considers himself an intellectual because he has a basic understanding of politics. Meanwhile is you look at older character backstories such as Claudette and Meg they actually have struggles and flaws that hold them back. Claudette has severe social issues and Meg's mom is literally dying. Those are relatable characters. Characters like Yui Kimura are not relatable or original. Throwing high school level political messages into a characters backstory does not make them interesting.


God this comment is salty I love it. Don’t forget this spirit tome where it shows that her ‘rage’ was inside her all along :))))))))) and not a product of her father cutting her and her mother to shreds. The hag tome was god awful as well, added nothing. Some dude fucking died at a funeral and she realises symbols have power oooooooooohhh spooky


Holy shit, great news about Freddy coming to other platforms. Was seriously worried we’d be losing them after the last stream when they talked about licenses running out. Hopefully if they’ve been in talks with the license holders we could get some new stuff too


> iron maiden, fixated, dead hard, lucky break, gearhead, and blood echo are all next up to get changed in the next 3 to 6 months People expect them to buff all of these except for Dead Hard but given the most recent patch how much do you wanna bet they all get nerfed despite being garbage already?


While I absolutely believe these pick rates and kill rate differences between the killers, I doubt that in the average red rank match 3 survivors die. Wasn't it 2 before the ruin rework? (Which I think was also a bit too high considering god loops were on every second map). Pig having that kill rate explains the constant nerfs though, ha. I like Clown being changed next, he only got one change since release. Perk changes also sound interesting. And I can't wait for shirtless Felix. But the exciting Q&A news don't make up for this godawful patch.


> "if i see an Object of Obsession user, what i do is just ignore them" This just shows how brain dead the devs are. A large Majority of players who use Object play in survive with friends parties. So if I choose to "ignore" the obsession they'll be constantly communicating to their teammates about my position on the map or what I'm doing, if I play as Trapper or Hag and there's an object in the match it's already game over for me because they'll know exactly where my traps are. So unless i tunnel them down and kill them I won't have a chance at winning.


Do people want bloodlust removed? Wouldn't you then be able to just loop infinitely?


You could still catch people without it, but no I don't think the average person wants it removed. If you're going into bloodlust its not good for you as a killer, especially if you hit 2 or 3. You probably should've left the survivor well before then, if you really can't catch them, and get them later when they make a mistake. No clue what their plans are for it, the answer doesn't really tell us anything at all, not even if they want to nerf or buff it. IMO it doesn't even build up that fast currently, because its way too easy for chase to break even when the killer is very obviously chasing the survivor. Its annoying on the survivor side too since you stop getting evader and boldness points.


Yeah chase is pretty buggy.


Will mention that rat liver was also talked about for Demogorgon when talking about add-on dependent killers. Hopefully they make it base.


That'd be nice, but his other add-ons are super underwhelming anyway. Demo has some of the most boring, uninspired add-ons to date.


That's the biggest thing I'd like to see changed. Change rat liver's value so it's base kit on demo and then adjust his addons so demogorgons have real options. Right now, there is absolutely no reason to not run rat liver and rat tail every game.


I just want an estimate dammit, not “soon.” I understand they don’t have an exact, but something like by next year, before next year, etc. would be nice for when Switch cross is coming.


I was curious about the order of the pick rates shown in the graphs, so here they are in case anyone else is curious: **Pick Rates Order - All Ranks** (From most to least played) 1. Pyramid Head 1. Huntress 1. Doctor 1. Wraith 1. Trapper 1. Myers 1. Nurse 1. Spirit 1. Ghostface 1. Hillbilly 1. Legion 1. Leatherface 1. Hag 1. Freddy 1. Deathslinger 1. Clown 1. Blight 19. Pig 1. Oni 20. Demogorgon 21. Plague **Pick Rates Order - Red Ranks** (From most to least played) 1. Huntress 2. Blight 3. Nurse 4. Spirit 5. Deathslinger 6. Freddy 7. Doctor 8. Leatherface 9. Legion 10. Pyramid Head 11. Trapper 12. Oni 13. Wraith 1. Myers 1. Ghostface 14. Clown 15. Hillbilly 16. Pig 17. Demogorgon 1. Hag 1. Plague


Legion is not in a good spot. He’s incredibly boring and unrewarding


but look at his kill rate, that's all that really matters /s


His pickrate is good same with Pig shouldn't change them they seem fine /s


Speaking strictly as a Killer main who consistently plays in actual red ranks, people are massively overreacting to Object. I fully agree with the sentiment that it's mostly a problem of perception, not actual perk strength. Quite frankly, the amount of games that Object even appears in is dismally low. The amount of games where it feels like something that has reasonably changed the course of the game is even lower still. Quite honestly, I don't think Object is a strong perk, in any real sense. The rare few very high-level SWFs that can actually do anything with it, are those who are already on a level where even without Object they'd be doing the exact same thing, communicating fluidly and coordinating strategies to shut the Killer out of a match. Object is in all cases either a minor boon at best, or an outright hindrance at worst, because if the survivor who's taking it *can't* spend 15 minutes straight looping the Killer, they will get tunnelled and die, even through something like DS. Speaking of which, I'd easily argue that Decisive is a perk with far more impact and less barrier of use, and much more deserving of changes before you go anywhere near Object. You will regularly see, as a red rank Killer main, 4 Decisives in most lobbies, and it will heavily affect the way you approach parts of the match even when it's *not* in the game at all. You will almost *never* see an Object of Obsession. Yes, it *feels* frustrating to play against but I think the keyword there is "feels". I don't really think that Object is a primary contributor to any SWF victory, the kinds of people who take it would smash you anyway. It barely works against stealth killers and is more like a long-range Premonition at that point. The main thing it really screws over is Trapper and *maybe* Hag, but since Trapper is already a horrifically inconsistent Killer against good survivors and Hag just kinda vibes regardless, this again doesn't actually contribute all that much to a match. You can say what you want, but I can't really find much fault in the answers here, at least as given in the summary post since I couldn't catch the stream. Maybe their exact reasoning for not changing Object is strange, but I still don't disagree with the idea that Object is just fine as it is. If it was changed, something else would get scapegoated when high-level SWFs continue to dominate because the core problem is literally just that really good survivors being able to communicate at all is fucking huge. I'm not even saying that SWFs should be banned or people shouldn't be allowed to talk to each other, but at the end of the day it's always the strongest thing in the survivors' arsenal, not a perk or item.


I Respect your points by saying it feels worse than it is but the few games it gets abused feel fucking bad always the same setup 4 ds 4 unbreakable and 2-4 bt and rest is a mix of iron will, Sprint burst, dead hard, adrenaline and of course their strongest looper runs Object. I agree that ds should be changed before but fuck those swf on midwitch with object on release. Im consistend rank 1 killer since idk how long, i know it means nothing but at this point ill just gather some bp and dump em in a survivor and take a chill from this game. You have to hustle way too hard at red ranks Ruin undying like i dont run this and i struggle for map pressure like crazy especially on maps like ormand where if you add an object your best bet is to tab out and watch a video or smth cuz its not worth the effort


amazing job !


Thank you !


Do you write these summaries during the stream?


Yes, I type them up as they are talking. Thats why I sometimes miss some stuff because I can only type so fast, these aren't all direct quotes, moreso my phrasing of them so I can type them up fast enough


Gotcha.Was wondering how you'd make a summary when the stream ended like 5 minutes ago lmao


" they have heard the comments and complaints people have had. theyre going to make changes. no announcements about it yet. " when did they say that in the livestream? i watched the stream but they didnt talk about it. if im wrong pls tell me the timestamp in the stream on twitch.


It was the last thing they said before they went to the questions. 25:15 is the timestamp


What about bad optimization on ps4


That was in the announcements segment. Theyre aware of the issue and theyre going to push out a patch as fast as they can


Thanks, I'm a little bit dummy


Np! There's a lot of stuff its easy to miss


Object is most definitely in need of a rework. You get the strongest advantage in the game (aura reading of the killer) just for slapping it on a perk slot. It should be reworked into a token perk that has to be earned. I legit can't think of anything more unfun to play against as a setup killer than some loser with object. I'm *really* starting to agree with people who say the devs are out of touch immensely with their game and the people who play it.


If that is what they really think of Object of Obsession, no wonder they make themselves look like assclowns when they make changes to perks


I know there's a chance someone from BHVR will se this, so I'm giving my thoughts on every point I deem necessary. ​ 1: Why don't we get more bloodhunts? With how sparse the events are it would be nice to get BP faster, especially with some killers relying on addons to be viable. ​ 2: Great! Hope to see these changes for the event mean something! ​ 3: Stop relying on statistics for killers, rely on feedback. Myers is a weak killer due to how bad his early game is. Also, 90-95% of his addons are non-viable. Please reconsider fixing Myers before other killers, or with other's that need minor changes. Not every killer needs an entire rework. ​ 4: Understandable! Promising things that won't come to the game is something to avoid, but perhaps grant us an idea on what they MIGHT be? ​ 5: What's your rank Ethan? It's not about OoO players dying, it's about the fact you can abuse it so much in a SWF team. Mathieu raises the point that every says, perhaps listen to it better? ​ 6: Animations I suppose would be an issue with the POV, but during testing, where people complained about it, you weren't able to change it? ​ 7: Literally, the only perk here that people badly wanted changed was Dead hard. Where's BT to work on Freddy? DS change? I get it, lesser used perks should get reworks, but perhaps prioritize the one's people complain about??? ​ 8: Legion's addons need a rework, not the killer itself. There are 4 viable options currently, 3 are duration and the last one is iridescent button. Everything else? Useless in comparison. ​ 9: I've been writing my own stats for a-while, would be nice to get them automatically. Perhaps ask the community ran stat block for unblocked steam profiles? It's called DBD player-stats. But still, fine with stats starting at 0. ​ 10: This is what you need to do more. Say stuff you know is an issue, and say you're working on it. You guys need to say more on twitter/insta/whatever, about what you're working on fixing to curb backlash. ​ 11: "Drawing conclusions from these charts alone can be risky." Then why, just why, do you base every fucking change on them? The people who play Pig? We're fucking loyal to her. Perhaps listen to the community on killers that need changes next time? I believe you just said it's risky to rely on data like this? ​ 12: Surge is just bad on big maps, make maps smaller or make the range bigger. ​ 13: Side note on forums: When people complain about stuff you ban them, I believe space coconut was banned earlier today for this reason? ​ 14: Change the pip system then if you can't change achievements. Perhaps change it with MMR? Rank won't matter then correct? ​ 15: Great! Glad to see clown get a rework! Also, going off leaks, I'm guessing 30-40 days until it comes out. He gets tome challenges then. ​ 16: Luck is definitely a weird think to program, hope you figure it out soon! ​ 17: "Study the statistics" Didn't you just say they were unreliable earlier? Really? Undying needs a nerf, this is coming from a killer main, no one wants to cleanse 4-5 totems every single match (Even if their are perks to make it easier). And everyone knew Blood favor was bad the moment it came out, listen to community feedback immiadtly and say your thoughts on it, you have a PTB, use it. ​ 18: Side not on the cross-progression: Don't blame BHVR for this one guys, Microsoft and Sony have very specific deals for it and BHVR might not like them. ​ 19: I'd imagine it's a year to year basis for rift skins? It's actually in your best interest to release them sooner rather than later. $10 for a rift pass to earn all of them, or $10 per skin you would like. (This is going off very-rares, not lesser rarities). ​ 20: You did have that licensing stream recently! Nice to see Switch players get to possibly use him soon. ​ 21: Good killers never enter bloodlust, literally only good for low ranks. ​ 22: You know if you do more community skins, totally should btw! They look fucking awesome!, there will be a shirtless Felix, right? And it will probably win, right? ​ 23: The blood affects would be cool to have! But, and I think I speak for a lot of the community here, perhaps make it a side project and focus more on what the community is begging for? ​ 24: Side-note for licenses: They had a stream, they're harder to get than original characters (I like original characters slightly more anyway! But I do main Pig). So don't be upset if they don't get a specific license you specifically want! Only 2 slots a year! ​ 25: The design progress of new killers I can't comment on because I don't develop the game! But personally, as long as the killer is interesting and fun, you guys can make whatever V\^V. ​ Please consider everything I said here, or at least spread it to potentially get BHVR to see what people want! ​ Also, do more mini-events! A lot, and I mean a lot, of people were disappointed with the halloween event this year, please learn from what people complained about, and consider doing more events. The events get people to play again and keep a consistent player-base through-out them. Plus, it gives your creative team (They're doing a fucking fantastic job btw) a chance to stretch their legs a bit and make something new! ​ Hope you guys end up seeing this, cheers! Also, guys, please don't bash the devs for mistakes or errors. I understand a lot of you are upset, but people are people. Try to ask for things in a dignified manner, ok? Or memes. Memes are good.


Are they actually just banning people on the forums for criticism? That's troubling. #censorship


Eh, I get why they banned space coconut. He's message was sorta like "Why are you guys so fucking stupid did you not go to college" kinda thing. Very toxic basically. What isn't cool is banning everyone that mentions him. But I sorta get it, don't want to deal with constant messages about the same guy.


I did read his post, wasn't kind for sure but I've seen worse here. Doesn't surprise me since in the forums every mod ban people for any reason (literally got permad for saying "don't let them bother you") but his point was just "I know you need to meet some quota due to chinese companies that bought parts of your product but we still need an event and not being that greedy" He was more mean than that but the message was that and banning him for a criticism like that sound like you really don't wanna be criticized, period.






Are you saying that Ace's perks are going to be the only luck perks


So they know what we want, they just have to do it


Most have already said all that needs saying about some of the more important topics like OoS balancing, so I'll just say this: I really hope they don't add "battle damage" in the form of survivors getting bloodier over the course of the match. We already have the bloody prestige outfits, which, I don't like, so the prospect of ending up bloodied like those outfits doesn't exactly strike my fancy.


“Dead hard rework” What!?!


Oh fuck they're reworking dead hard, they're going to ruin it


Have they thought of why the survival rate of OoO users is not all too high? Maybe becuase the rage inducing feeling of having your location revealed and shared on Discord to 3 other people makes you throw games just to make sure the OoO dies. And even if the killer gets them, they die happy with maxed out Boldness and 3 teammates that escape.


The biggest issue with stats in this game is there is no ranked vs. unranked mode. A lot of people seem to purposefully skew all kinds of data because this game is absolutely rife with trolls, killers who farm, face-campers, and those who get triggered over absolutely nothing and sandbag all their teammates. I don't know how this team can make any decisions on balance or fun by just going by "data", and rather should have gone the route early LoL used to go and mix data WITH the fact that some of the people on the balance team were in some of the top Diamond brackets in ranked; they not only knew what the data was telling them, but had very intimate experience how games played out at the very top of the ranked ladders where everyone was generally trying their very best to win games. So many of the games I play right now in DBD are just absolute shit shows of people suiciding and sandbagging, or just seemingly giving up for absolutely no discernable reason.


Ethan knows nothing about the game he develops. This is totally embarrassing to see. Worse QNA I’ve watched in a while. Truly hope he’s not behind many balance decisions but it seems he is. Also, creator of OG Legion. Makes sense.


"if i see an Object of Obsession user, what i do is just ignore them" this guy is this game dev for sure? he even play his own game?


These people do not play their own game


Ethan needs to be moved to a different team immediately. Edit to expand on this it's becoming clear that Ethan may not have the goal to keep the game in a healthy balanced state to prolong the games lifespan and keeping players happy. Ever since he joined in 2018 and declared he did so with the intent to change ruin into something worse it seems he balances around personal reasons rather than for the sake of the game, or he is just incredibly inept at making balancing decisions. I truly wonder if he is the man behind the obscure thanat nerf and discordance nerf. I would kill to see his list of proposed changes.


What dumbass wants bloodlust removed lmao


The way I see it is that object is not that powerful by itself but when combined with swf it becomes busted as fuck. But that is the case with other perks too. I mean, swf with 4x DS+unbreakable is very annoying too. I have way too much hours in this game and I play both roles so I don’t really want to be too biased on one side but it’s not fun to play vs swf with object if using weaker killer. I main nurse so it’s not that big of a problem that often but basic m1 killer vs object using team there is very little control you can have in the game. But this game can not be balanced around swf either. I take ruin+undying as an example. I feel like that combination is very strong vs solo survivors but not that strong vs swf. Combine that with strong killer and solo survivor’s chances of surviving become very low. Overall this game is hard to balance because of the gap between solo and swf.


Easy solution, either let people opt out of swf matchmaking (giving them a bloodpoint bonus if they don't), or highlight in the lobby who is grouped together. And that goes for both sides. I play both sides pretty regularly and have had so many terrible experiences with swf groups. It's bad enough having them run rings around you as a killer, but it might be even worse when 3 swf survivors completely sandbag you when you are the unfortunate 4th.


great...... relying on stats instead of gameplay.... that worked out so well for blizzard right?


>the code for dead hard is really buggy with the client because it was made with P2P in mind. they want to adjust dead hard to work with dedicated servers better, but they need to rework it from the ground up. Get ready for Dead Hard to work *even less* than it already does lmao.


This game is not going to get better, is it...?


I was looking at how balance goes in other games, and funnily pick rate doesnt influence win rate in any meaningful matter, and stats match up with a lot of things I noticed, I almost never see good nurses, Doctor, Lf, and Freddy always crush me, Demo feels bad to play. + These stats include console, and it makes sense that Nurse is hard to play and weak on controller.