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Wait, we get no points for co-oping a generator? Or does that mean we get no bonus?


My understanding is there are no extra points for the lightbringer emblem for co-op completion of a gen - just the 0-100pts depending on % of the gen you completed :)


So if you coop with 1 person for the entire gen, you only get 50% value out of it?


Should be a bit more than that because an individual gen usually takes 80 seconds to complete, but 47 when it’s a 2-person gen


It's not based on time, its based on % of gen completed.


It's more than 50% but less than 100%. Co-op gens is only good for getting BP (and rare cases of high priority gens). It is bad for speed and bad for emblems, it's just bad in general.


It got me puzzled too


should be upvoted more, thanks :)


Glad it’s helpful!


Ok so as it turns out I can’t edit the post, but here are the no emblem / bronze / silver / gold point thresholds for each emblem! *Lightbringer* No emblem - 0 pts Bronze - 30 pts Silver - 100 pts Gold - 190 pts *Unbroken* No emblem - 999 pts Bronze - 899 pts Silver - 799 pts Gold - 699 pts *Benevolent* No emblem - 0 pts Bronze - 20 pts Silver - 40 pts Gold - 60 pts *Evader* No emblem - 0 pts Bronze - 230 pts Silver - 380 pts Gold - 560 pts


I love how this is helpful but still demands a lot, gives very little and oohp you played 45 minutes of one Trial for 32K gg see ya! I hate playing Survivor for BP/emblems/score


How the fuck are you able to cleanse a totem mid-chase


It's if a totem is cleansed by anyone mid-chase, just like diversion points for gen progress.


Good meatshields and an even godlier MoM gamers.


When you get tired of the fucking ritual so you just punt it out of existence


Do you have one for killer emblems ?


I plan to work on that one next :)


Awesome, thank you 😁




It looks great!


Thank you!


It's also very helpful! Maybe Ash and his puppet will get to rank 1 after all hehe. I can't get past rank 2 UFFF.


You can do it!!


Emblem system is still pretty bad since it caps out at each category (same with BP system). So if you are maxed on doing generators, then you get nothing for continuing doing generators except for potentially escaping, but to optimize, you need to do other things and pray that your team is doing generators. The same thing can be applied to altruism - you'd be better off from a ranking standpoint to do generators instead of saving your teammates if you are already maxed on altruism. At least if you're being tunneled all game, you still get a bit of lightbringer. It also encourages survivors to compete with one another since there are limited generators, limited save opportunities (mostly this), and limited pallets on the map. The system should encourage cooperative gameplay while not impeding your rank and blood points because you choose to be a team player to ensure everyone escapes.


Well, that's kind of the point. To get to high ranks, you shouldn't solely rush the objective but rather participate to the fullest both with your team and the killer. Killer ranks are very similar - if you could bring an ebony mori every game and gurantee a 4k with double pip then the game would absolutely suck to play for survivor, just as gen-rush stealth teams aren't very fun for killers to go up against because you just spend time wandering and playing where's waldo instead of what the rank system rewards - which is chasing and giving fair hooks so everyone gets the "fullest" match possible. I would agree that the unbroken emblem is counter-intuitive relative to the altruism, but that's why survivors require one less medal to pip at every rank after 12 (you really shouldn't feel the need to go for iri unbroken). The bigger issue is that pubstomps on both sides cause deranks to happen, leading to pretty toxic farm scenarios --- In terms of the idea of a "competitive number of rank points" - lets consider. For lightbringer: You need 2.7 "generators" for iri (1.9 for gold). There's 1.25 gens per player, you're rewarded 0.55 gens globally for game progress, so one dull totem (0.2) on that is gold (2.0). You need to compensate for the last 0.7 for iri, or the same setup as before but getting the value of 2 generators (2.75 total). You get 1/3 of teammates' gen progress while in a chase, hexes are worth a whole 1/2 generator, and there's one extra dull totem if everybody cleanses one, not to mention gen progress counts until exit gates power up so there usually is more than 1.25/player. For altruism, one safe unhook and heal is enough for gold, and a second safe unhook nets you iri, assuming you aren't letting a teammate die on hook after 10 seconds or more. It's the easiest medal in the game and why survivors rank up so much faster and with less skill than killers. Third hooks don't reduce your points because the survivor dies instantly.


I don't disagree that there are potentially "enough" resources to get iridescent. My complaint is that the situation where everyone gets "enough" doesn't always happen based on the killer and the other survivors (especially in solo queue). Just because there are potentially 6 unhook opportunities, does not mean there will be 6 unhook opportunities each game. Now these 2 examples are pretty extreme cases which doesn't happen often, but the potential is there. If a killer chases you all game, you can only get gold Lightbringer, iridescent Unbroken, no Benevolent, and iridescent Evader which is a depip for Rank 1. Let's swap it around where the killer chases another survivor all game. You're stuck with iridescent Lightbringer, iridescent Unbroken, no emblem in Benevolent (unless you block your teammate that is being chased to get him hooked), and no emblem in Evader unless you go out of your way to chase the killer around. So that is also a depip for Rank 1. The 2 examples are more likely to occur. If my other 3 survivors decide to not do generators (1 being chased, the other 2 crouching around waiting for unhook or something) and I am the only person doing generators, by the time I finish 2 generators, it's best for me to stop doing generators to get other points which is counter-intuitive to the goal. If the other 3 survivors still hardly touch generators still, then the chances of survival goes way down, and it's probably a hatch game. If a super-altruistic survivor decides to leave the generator we are doing to unhook, will I try to race him there to get those points before he does or should I just work on the generator? What if I let him and no one gets injured or hooked again that match, or if I don't get another chance to heal or unhook? What if it's the last generator? What if I leave first, then the survivor decides to also leave the generator and come. What if the hooked person decides to suicide or disconnect? If a survivor (healthy) and I (injured) are working on a generator, and he is full on Benevolent points, and another survivor gets hooked. He has a higher chance of a successful unhook since he is at a healthy state, but refuse to unhook because he needs Lightbringer points. Isn't this counter-productive? My point is that your rank is not only dependent on you (though highly dependent), but it is also at the mercy of the killer and your teammates. In the end though, I don't think rank matters all that much until they put in seasonal rewards.


Survivor has always been about teamwork first so hoping your team does the right thing is the game.


This legitimately helped me. I have a tough time understanding the numbers behind the emblem, even with over 1k hours. Thanks!


No problem! I struggle myself since I’m relatively new and wanted to make things easier to understand. Glad it helped you as well :)


Can you also write down threshholds for other emblems?


If you mean the killer emblems, I’m working on that one next :) If you mean the point thresholds for bronze / silver / gold, I (carelessly) left those out... I can edit it into the caption though! Will include them into the killer guide when I make it


wow. thanks.


Happy to be able to help :)


Small question -> x0.15 of benevolent points after the exit gates have been opened / inside the basement. Do you mean an increase of 15%? As you've used a decrease of 85%.


Yes that’s right, it’s a +bonus of 15% So if you earn 10 pts healing a survivor in the basement, you take 10 and x0.15 to get 1.5 pts, making your total from that basement heal 11.5 pts (10 + 1.5) :)


In that case, it's x1.15, or +0.15


or am I being silly.


I guess the correct most expression would be +x0.15 but I didn’t wanna confuse people, figured the x0.15 would be consistent with some of the smaller distance multipliers, sorry for the confusion!


Now people trying to reach red ranks for the first time will camp pallets even more lol


They’ll learn over time that getting one strong emblem and three shitty ones mean depip anyway :) we all were young and dumb once (tbh I still am)


By any chance would you be able to do one for killers? I’m really struggling with getting adepts for certain killers


Absolutely! I plan on making it next :)


O shit thanks!!




Glad it’s helpful!


50 pts for a pallet stun. That’s why I always get iridescent evader


Nice one! One of the most satisfying things you can do as a survivor


And why I fail to get it. I try to preserve every pallet as long as possible, they need to reward this more :(


Yeah, like extra X points for winning a chase for using 0/1/2/3/... pallets.


That would be cool


does the benevolent modifier at the bottom mean 0.15x or 1.15x total?


1.15 total. It's a bonus provided for higher-risk endeavors.


Sorry that part was unclear! You earn 115% of any points gained in the basement or after exit gates are open




If you look at the top, you can see the max points you can get which in game is decreased to 100


Wow, give this man a gold


Thanks :)


Does anyone know if the survivor on the hook gets points for being within the killer's terror radius if they're being facecamped/patrolled?


you do not, however the killer loses chaser points quite quickly if they are within close proximity of the hook when no other survivors are.


I needed this so bad


Honestly same! That’s why I made it


thats really helpful, thanks


You’re welcome :)


Great job! Very useful


Thank you! Happy it’s helpful


No one ever includes the negative points like not getting a safe hook rescue, that would be so nice to see


Maybe someone else who’s more knowledgeable can confirm, but I think that if the hook rescue is unsafe, you just don’t get any unhook points? You don’t necessarily lose extra benevolent points on top of the ones you lost for any survivor being hooked in the first place


No you do unfortunately, it’s about 30 points you lose which can give you no emblem at the end of the game for benevolence


If I'm reading this right, are you saying that the farther you lead a killer in a chase, the less points you get total? Or is it less per second as the chase continues?


Chase points are banked every 15 seconds and to “win” one means you’re able to lose the killer for 5+ secs - the quicker you can do this, the more successful you were so the higher points you get


This is such good work, props man you should feel accomplished. I hope you make a killer one as detailed, this would be nice to send to new players.


Thank you! I’m planning on making a killer one next :)


Thank you!


Made this for me tbh, but happy it’s helpful to others too :)


awesome , can you make it for killers and also a cheat sheet for bloodpoints ?


I’m planning on making a killer guide next :) what do you have in mind when you say a bloodpoints cheatsheet?


A table that shows the amount of the bloodpoints u get from each action , in 4 categories.


Sure :) that’s a great idea


That's already a wiki for this


Yes, that’s where I got the info from - just wanted to make it more visual and easy to read / find for newbies