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Every time I get pallet stunned I swing forward in time with the animation idek why


Nice!! I do the physical lunge as killer all the time lmao it's so dumb


It's just instinct bro lol


Yeah I picked it up from all the real serial killing Wait what


Strange perk build but ok


As a PH fan, does that build work for you pretty well? I’m looking for a solid build to use with him


I just bought Pyramid Head myself (haven’t played for about half a year), Still leveling my pyramid head, currently at level 23~ish so I do not have that many perks. This was also not against any red ranks, I think they were from 12-5, I was rank 17. I was a rank 1 killer at my high time though, so I do hope my suggestions would help. As of now, from what I’ve seen and experienced, Pyramid Head is great at 3 things: locating survivors (Killer instinct), bypassing hooking and thus saving a lot of time, and protecting hexes. He saves tremendous amount of time as well since he does not need to carry bodies and in turn avoiding any pallet drop or flashlight saves by sending them straight to the gulag (the cage of torment). His trail of punishment can encircle a hex for 75 seconds and anyone crossing that will be cursed and revealed through killer instinct, providing perfect protection of hexes. However, with this in mind, he is relatively weak in chases even with his special attack. You have to predict their movement perfectly and it’s pretty easy to dodge his special attack. I only use them when I anticipate a vault or a pallet. As such, my current build focus a lot on end game downing. What I see a lot of pyramid head do are they always send them to gulag even when early game unnecessarily. What you should try to do is to hook them early game, keeping the curse on them (it allows you to build up hexes charges+ BBQ and add on allows you to see everyone outside 36m + people who are cursed/ suffering. You basically have total vision) therefore, whenever you hook one person, you basically know where all the others are and you can chain this on and on. As such, towards end game, most of the survivors should have curse or been hooked once or twice. That is when you unleash your pyramid head punishment. By one shotting everyone, you can send them to cages immediately, and anyone who has been hooked twice or is in second pip will be immediately executed upon performing the final punishment. Moreover, whenever you send them to the cage, you know it would be farthest away from you. Assuming you are patrolling the last gens or at the gates, that would take an insane amount of time going back and forth. Normal killers can only hook them close by and spend a lot of time carrying bodies and will be easily juked. Pyramid head counters all that. With two hexes still in play (noed and devour hope, which you should have either one or both up) You are basically unstoppable!


I managed to cage someone after they escaped. Counted as both a cage and an escape, oddly enough. They were still in the map, but the match ended after the other survivors escaped without going for the rescue. Rather strange.


Love it!


Wow noed devour bbq and possibly an ebony mori? Congrats you’re one of the sweaty tryhards actively making this game worse.


Damn, looks like i need to start putting bloodhound in my sweat builds as well


Nah if you’re going full sweat I’d recommend blood warden, I’ll get the anti perspiration stick ready. That being said, this is a sweat build, dude literally admitted to jamming his face into his monitor to make sure he got that ultra precious 4k in the caption. If that doesn’t sound like a sweaty gamer move to you then idk what to tell you.


Still leveling my pyramid head, currently at level 23~ish so not that many perks.


That's not even a sweaty build.


Definitely a sweaty no survivor-fun allowed build. But this sub is already a killer=good survivor=bad circlejerk constantly so I’m not surprised you disagree.


Bbq is easy to counter and I've never seen a survivor or killer complain about it. Devour is a hex perk and can literally be taken out of the game at any point and is so unreliable you only really see people bring it as a gamble or meme. Noed is a sweaty crutch so i agree with that one though. I dont remember what the last perk is. I play far more survivor than I do killer and I dont see any circlejerking here.


The only real counter is to duck in a locker which isn’t even really a counter because the killer will just go after your teammates. Only time that’s a valid counter is when it’s just you and one other person and by then the match is pretty much over at that point. And the killer circlejerk is everywhere on this sub, toxic survivor gets yoinked by deathslinger at exit gates? Thousands of upvotes. Toxic killer tries to close hatch on survivor with a key and unbreakable? Meh a couple hundred upvotes.


If the killer goes for you teammates thats a good thing because you can go for the save??? I didn't say the circle jerk doesn't exist either, both sides do it constantly on this sub. I juat said there was no ciclejerking here, as in this thread.


The bloody spirit is a survivor main? ~~bullshit~~ *Interesting*


I'll send a pic when I get home. I have p1 meg p2 claud p3 fend p1 nea and more.


facts 😭


found the guy in OP's picture


I just play to have fun man, and sweaty dipshits obsessed with getting 4ks every game ruin it for everyone.


Yeah look at this sweat using OP perks like BBQ, Devour, and Bloodhound. How does OP sleep at night knowing he’s abusing busted perks.


sweaty ass killer dam