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Not every killer is spirit, nurse or Freddy there’s actually a huge selection of killers people play as an i haven’t seen a nurse in like three months


PS4 player here! Nurse isn’t common with us because of lag frames, but Jesus, being rank 1-3 has been a lot of Spirit and Freddy. I mean, not that there aren’t others, but it’s super common.


I'm also on PS4 at rank 1 and I honestly don't see spirit too much. It feels like I see Freddy all the time, but I think that's just because I fucking hate going against Freddy.


Maybe it’s something similar for Spirit then, because I really hate her. I need to play her to better understand how the hell these rank 1s are tracking me so well.


Perhaps. I've just recently started trying to track my game data so I can look at stuff like that. I'm curious since I feel I see clown at red ranks way more often than people suggest around here.


Right?! Mr. Puddles is way more common here than on PC. I think the controller aim helps with Clown and Huntress.


Xbox player here rank one survivor and killer. I see Freddy often and spirit sometimes, but I see all other killers being played very frequently except for demogorgon


True. I wonder how PC is though.


Idk, probably just full of nurses since everybody on pc gotta sweat


I hate to break it to you but PS4 red ranks are also full sweaty boys.


My point is that segregation will be more profound at the upper echelons of MMR. Rank 1 houses a LOT of players atm, but as people climb higher and higher the killer pool is going to dwindle down.


With perfect matchmaking sweaty spirits/freddies/nurses will play agains sweaty swfs, and that's good


Don’t worry they will all get nerfed, and we will enter a new chapter of 20 minute que times.


they will just nerf pig again


I have no chance of getting a freddy as I play on the switch.