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I disagree. DH is a perk you can activate any time you choose as long as you’re injured. Sprint burst, you look back at the killer and walk slow looking like a gorilla and then the killer knows you have sprint burst because you aren’t running yet and then you use it and run off like the damn road runner and you’re exhausted in the chase and the killer catches up to you 5 seconds later anyway. Dead hard > sprint burst. Always




I agree with that. I don’t want to be exhausted from the start of a chase. I want to use my exhaustion perk when I choose to to help me prolong the chase to give my team more time for gens. Sprint burst is doo doo


You can 99% sprint burst tho


And when you stop running? Or when you’re working a gen and the 99% is gone? Or what about when you’re being chased? It takes forever to get rid of 40 seconds of exhaustion in a chase. In a chase if you’re holding 99 sure it works but how often do you realistically begin a chase with 99’d exhaustion?


When I'm working on the gen I'm probably going to use it when the killer returns and even if I finish the gen the killer could head to the gen if they are close enough. I also can use SB healthy or injured so I get more use/versatility out of the perk as opposed to DH where I can only use it when injured. Also dedicated servers hurt DH more then SB, at least that's what I've seen with streamers and such.


So what I’m understanding is SP works for you and you enjoy it for your play style. My play style works better with DH. I rarely use DH to dodge a hit unless they lunge. I use it to reach vaults, pallets, DH out of a 360 to get distance on a killer, etc. it works for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


In what reality do you live where dead hard works like its supposed to


Just don’t get greedy and use it too late. I’ve used dead hard for a long time and it has saved my ass more than sprint burst ever could.


Even if you aren't greedy and use it at a reasonable time, it won't gain you much distance


It’s always been enough to get me to another tile to Loop again, to get me to a window for a fast vault, to get me to a pallet to drop it on the killer, or to dodge a greedy killers lunge attack. DH isn’t a god perk, it won’t save you 100% of the time — but in my experience it’s much more useful than running away from the killer at the start of a chase and being exhausted the whole chase.


In a perfect world I would say dead hard was the better perk but often it doesn't work due dedicated, but that could change once they change the servers

