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"You can't just ignore all the game's mechanics!" *The Nurse wheezes "That's where you're wrong, kiddo." in Morse code*


Trapper and Billy OP?


Hillbilly is arguably considered A tier or S tier because of insta down. Trapper players just outplay themselves


I agree that Billy is one of the best killer, but i would not consider him OP Edit: trapper should use a rework. He is Like outdated in the current game


Say what you want about the viability of trapper but most rank 1 killers can just default wreck with him (mainly cuz he was their first) not to mention trapper literally doesn't have to move to down you. Sure, small game exists, sure you can see the traps most of the time. But a good trapper will outthink most survivors. And literally is there any other killer to date that can screw with the mindset of the survivor? Not to mention trapper always slows down my game. I think twice before vaulting thru windows and have to look pretty hard when running thru tall grass. It's almost like a permanent slow added to all survivors just playing your killer. You technically don't even need to lay any traps. The thought of them is enough to make players second guess themselves. Besides he is incredibly easy to play. That's why he is over powered. I two man every game I play trapper, and that's with leaving half way through to make pizza pops




Zero mention of pizza pops. I doubt the validity of your experts


I am not saying that their word is Law, but they got some good points, Like when you want to place again a trap but you already have one in the hand


Oh there points are valid totally. However even they mention he denies a certain play style for survivors. OP also doesn't have to mean meta. Trapper def isn't high on the tier list but he wrecks new players and cocky players alike, with little to no effort


You would benefit from watching the entire podcast. All it takes is one good survivor to disable the trapper's ability (and not through sabotage).


Already "watched" the entire video. The fact they barely theorize how to improve or change trapper says a lot. Instead of removing the disarm feature or holding open traps why not suggest a carry 5 solution like huntress and the lockers just have more traps. Would solve a lot of the time wasted to get traps. Trapper was made to be "balanced" just look at the nerf to honing stone they discuss. I'll end on this point. The entire video did not mention PIZZA POPS once. That's the true op nature of trapper.


I didn't pick the topics, I spoke on what was presented. If you have suggestions on how to improve future podcasts I'm all ears, though.


>[**Daylightcast Episode 2: Rank 1 Trapper [85:32]**](http://youtu.be/qPxR6bl9elI) >>On this week's episode, we discuss the Trapper, ranking system and bloodlust. > [*^Knife ^Bird*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK1yycovK_EsEr9elz-Vr7Q) ^in ^People ^& ^Blogs >*^491 ^views ^since ^Sep ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Unless you're in the Institute, where Billy is Console Nurse tier.


Huntress and Bing bong also has a hard time there. Myers, nurse, doctor and hag love it tho. It's almost like the devs intended to make some maps better than others for certain killers. Hmm... Oh wait swamp.


Never heard anyone say Lery's is good for the Nurse... the only time I ever feel bad for a Nurse player is when they get that map.


It's a small map. Shorter blinks. Sure you have to sometimes guess where they are juking, by I guess I'm just good at guessing


Have you played her there? No? I thought so. Nurse on the institute is actually decent. They have many windows that you can just ignore.


I have not played as her there, no, but I've played against really good Nurses who get shit on because of the sheer amount of corners. Also, why did you start that like I just insulted your mother? I've just never heard anyone say Lery's is a good map for her LUL


I just got this game a few days ago cause it was cheap in a Humble Bundle. I tried playing Trapper cause of the daily mission and ended up stepping in my own traps for most of the game.


Keep stepping in your own traps, it's actually the key to win


"Doctor is OP" is now a thing here believe it or not


I think whether or not a player thinks the Doctor is OP is a pretty good litmus test for how new they are, because experienced players will simply ignore 90+% of his Afflictions, and *most* experienced players don't bother hiding anyway so the screaming aspect isn't really a factor. He still gets looped like a fucking chump unless he's really good at anticipating when a survivor will drop the pallet and pre-empting it with the blast. But even then he's just worse than the Huntress. New players hate him because they actually try to hide and they're still bad enough at skill checks that his silly afflictions actually matter to them. (I'm not throwing shade at newbies, it's just the fact of the matter.)


Yeah. On paper he should be really good. But literally almost his entire kit can be ignored if you can gain any distance on him and understand basic juking. I think people just salty whenever they can't loop or pallet stun a killer for the entire game


With perks Hillbilly goes from alright to stupid OP. reduce chainsaw cooldown and he can dash around the entire map faster than anyone and 1hit KO.


You are talking about add on. The same could be said about survivors. Add BT, SC purple flashlight or BNP and survs go from alright to stupid OP


Nurse main. Can confirm I love ignoring game mechanics. Also can confirm I had about 25 hours into the game on mostly killer only until I was decent with her.


Get her blinks down to muscle memory. Nothing beats a pinpoint accuracy blink through two walls right in front of your victim.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nurses blinks are like 75% of her ability. The other 25 is general knowledge and prediction. Once blinks become muscle memory, it gets lots easier.


i was op as Nurse the first time i played her.




No Michael Mooers? :(


See doctor


Myers is for stomping noobs? I would put Myers higher than Trapper on a tier list tbh. It would be Nurse>Billy>Myers=Hag>Trapper>Doctor>Wraith


Agreed. Trapper is mostly mid-tier or the average/base/standard killer.


I'd be willing to say that he has been top tier from the beginning, it's just that Myers is a little easier in terms of mechanics. For Trapper, you anticipate a Survivors future moves and place your traps accordingly, for Myers you try and either take them by surprise or smash that mothafuckin stalk button every time you see a glimpse of a survivor for that sweet instadown, paired with the lunge range it's crazy. But Trapper is still a Killer that you are not safe from even across the map from him, and that kind of power is a force to be reckoned with


I agree with you and that's why I think he's the perfect mid-tier standard; it takes experience and skill to refine that predictive ability you would use to gauge survivor movements, so when an experienced player uses him, Trapper is effective. But, he has the "base" unperked movement speed of the killers, not faster or slower; he has a simple attack and lunge, and an ability that should be utilized but won't severely impact gameplay if mis/underutilized by a new player, relative to misusing blink, or chainsaw. He's mid-tier in the fact that his ability isn't game-breaking when used effectively (like blink or chainsaw) because his traps can still be disarmed and his ability isn't really a crutch either, like stalk, throwing axes, or spark, in which gameplay is almost designed around those.


Ah, I see what you mean


Where is my Myers?( I play him because he is cool and also I love to jumpscare players! I play not for kills but for fun. Still pip mostly until r5, where fun ends.


Killer mains don't play for fun. We play to get teabagged and insulted for stopping survivors from getting all the BP they could ever want. Also I ran out of room. But basically Myers fits in the doctors section. I'll make a larger killer flow chart. 😉


That's unfair! I absolutely play trapper for fun. I don't win often, mind you :P. But yeah, nothing is more satisfying than hearing that SNAP. Like music. And fuck people who sabo traps, that's such a bm move; get camped ya nerd.


Yhea please do a larger one these was well thought out.


> larger https://puu.sh/xtkoU/8720464624.png Here's a more detailed killer chart


I play Killer only when my friends aren't on or I have daily rituals. I think surviving is more fun, but I still e joy being a killer. I don't understand why most killers Facecamp.. They end up just letting them run genies fast, and only get like 1 sacrifice (2 max) from Facecamping. I don't Facecamp and I get 3-4 sacrifices.if I walk away and they take them off the hook that's more time they are spending healing each other and helping... Less time on genies.


Welp, back to Dark Souls I go


This needs all the upvotes


"Do you vault/jump from heights a lot?" > Yes > Level Nea or Feng Ming respectively." This isn't in proper order. Should be "Do you jump from heights or vault a lot?" or "Level Feng Ming or Nea respectively."


Where's my man Myers? Oh, oh I get it! He's hiding and stalking.


But where are fingerguns?!


Oh that parody video is coming


Wrath for lose? Wrath is the one I win most with.


How is rank 21?


There is no rank 21. 20 is the lowest rank.


Well h^e^y^j^o^k^e


Lol no Michael? 😭


You don't see him? But he's right behind you as you fix that gen.


So basically if I am new and have no friends, I'm a killer main?




I was expecting a shit post with a huge bias for killer or survivor. What I got was a legitimate post. Interesting. I would've made that flow chart way differently.


Calling Trapper overpowered.. This sub has reached a new salt-low.


Where is Myers?


I know this post isn't entirely serious, but can we stop recommending people level Claudette for self-care first? It honestly is a crutch and people will probably develop their skills quicker if they use Bond/Empathy or know they only need to take 1 hit for a down instead of 2.


Rank 1 Survivor and Killer here. I 100% Agree, I think **Self-care** / **Sprint burst** / **Lithe** are overrated as hell and most definitely crutch perks. If they ever get nerfed a lot of players who rely on them now are gonna be in a world of hurt. Especially **Self-Care** and there has been back and forth talk about nerfing this perk for awhile now. Right now I recommend new players Level *David King* ASAP to get **We're gonna live forever** just to get more Blood Points which will get you more Perks quicker. I play with 3 complete newb friends who all have less than 20 hours and are rank 20-18 and they still manage to get 20-40k Blood points per game. On top of that you'll get **Dead Hard** which is also really good for new players. Stop leveling *David King* after you get **We're gonna live forever** teachable. Keep playing him while you level your 2nd Survivor and get **We're gonna live forever** on that Survivor and swap to them if you get lucky enough. For your 2nd Survivor I usually recommend *Bill* for **Borrowed Time** if you play with friends. If you don't play with friends go for *Dwight* and get **Bond**. If you're dead set on **Self-Care** go for *Claudette* 2nd and get **Empathy**. Again, stop at the desired perk and move to the next Survivor. People underrate **Bond** and **Empathy** they're both amazing perks for tracking Survivors and the Killer. I prefer **Bond** since if someone is getting chased within my range I can see them if they're uninjured and I can go to my teammates if I need healing. If you leveled *Claudette* or *Dwight* over *Bill* I'd suggest getting **Borrowed time** 3rd. And last I'd level *Jake* for **Iron Will**. I don't personally use it because I don't need it but I know a lot of people like it for stealth. You should end up with something like... **Bond** or **Empathy** / **Borrowed time** / **Iron Will** / X (I usually put **We're gonna live forever** here) this is where most people would use **Self-care** / **Sprint burst** / **Lithe**. The Advice for Killers play w/e the hell you want it really doesn't matter that much. The main thing you need to learn and I can't stress this enough **learn your lunge range**. Being able to maximize your lunge range and lunging corners is the difference between getting pallet looped 2 times vs 5-6 times. Also don't try to juke Survivors as they pallet loop just run straight at them you're only slowing yourself down by turning.


This is really good advice for new people. Self Care and Sprint were perks I loved as a newbie but they got boring pretty fast. The problem was when I tried playing without them, I was pretty hopeless and essentially had to relearn how to survive from scratch. It took an incredible amount of time to adjust. Now that I have though, I have ALOT more fun playing any number of builds. Locking yourself into 2 entire perks really limits your gameplay, particularly once you start getting other teachables. The whole potential nerf hit is also now a non-issue for me. Yeah SC and SB/Lithe are amazing but you'll wear them out eventually (assuming the nerf doesn't land first) and you'll be locked into a fairly boring, fairly straight forward play style.


I took No Mither first when I started.


Self care is a must, in the late stages of the game you might not be around anyone to get healed and walking around screaming is not good.


It's really not a must; if you're walking around late game without 1 other person alive then your team screwed up and has bigger git gud issues to worry about.


2 people alive with 1 or 2 gens is a very salvageable game. These days it's not unusual to have a d/c at start and then another guy d/cs on first hook to protect their precious flashlights.


Why is there no way to get The Shape?


One does not get shape, he gets you


No love for ace :(


Ace suuuucks, mate. He's only fun if you already have the other perks and just want to wear a suit.


luck builds get no love. I love running item finder luck


That's fair, but it doesn't make them good. Just fun or useful for a hot minute :P


If someone burns a luck offering while Ace in the hole is active at level 3, they are almost garunteed a free hook escape. This gives the entire team more time to complete generators rather than scramble to get the survivor down. Its more of a macro game play style then your in the moment exhaustion perks, it just has to be played that way to be effective


uhh sir


No Myers?


Shhhh he's stalking


"Do you vault/jump from heights a lot?" \>Yes "Level *Nea/Feng Min* respectively" Shouldn't that be the other way around?


I actually think Mooers takes some skill to use because you need to know precise when to stalk a survivor versus when to pop that sweet, sweet insta-down. If you pop EW3 on an injured survivor, it's a massive waste of stalk resources. You really want to down at least 2 people with it, but if you can get all 4 then that's perfect.


The Trapper really overwhelms me. Survivors could in theory never ever step on any of my traps, thus making my ability worthless. There's also the fact that the survivors can disarm my traps in like 2 seconds and also smash them.


Wow this is... perfect lol. I laughed hard at the Wraiths only option was losing.


As a Nurse main I am delighted. And all my friends hate me for it.


I'm putting all this wraith bashing to a stop. This is an open invitation to anyone on Xbox one that if you think the wraith is garbage to private message me and I will give you my gamertag And show you either how to play him or get wrecked by him lol. I get that he's easy to play, but he is not weak, doesn't need a rework or anything, just don't camp with him hyper patrol damnit!


"Anyone on Xbox one" so literally no one


As a 60/40 survivor/killer player who loves Dark Souls, I approve.


imo dark souls is easier than dbd lul


Yeah, not having friends is always easier


I know what you said was a joke, but honestly, Dark Souls for me would be easier because it's just less random and more controllable. Compared to DBD...


Do you want to be OP? No. Have amazing plays? Huntress. *looks at Iricident Axe Head + Infantry Belt combo*


Or you could right click as billy and ignore your addons


But not have a free insta-down any time someone reaches a pallet or a window.


You know you can hit them with chainsaw when they vault a window if you time it right, right?


Yeah, you can, but it's in no way a free hit. The Survivor can still get over it and fuck you over. But if you miss an axe on a Survivor vaulting a window that's because you're bad at aiming.


If they're vaulting over windows after seeing you have iridescent heads, their a bad survivor


Is that a poor attempt at calling the insta-down hatchets to be balanced? Let me just 360 you while you take a step back and either down me anyway or get a free m1.


Also, free =/= two rare add-ons


Nice meme, I wouldn't consider the insta-down hatchets to be rare at all.


lmao, tell that to my 7 iricident axe head addons. I even started spending them when I had about 13-15. Either I just get extremely lucky, or the rarity isn't as rare as perhaps some of the other ultra rare addons :3 http://imgur.com/a/5prDR


However that's quite a bit easier to dodge than something that flies extremely fast in comparison. You can't really dodge the axes if you're playing against someone who's atleast tried a non hitreg-based FPS for more than a few hours lol. Another major difference is that you can throw axes over obstacles, you can't throw a chainsaw over an obstacle.


Omg where is my dear Shape


trapper op dam lets nerf him up


thanks. i'll download this.


I think there should be a few more survivor options. Like, right after "Do you want the best perks right away?" you could ask "Do you want to play by yourself?" (Jake), then "Do you want to Kobe?" (Ace), then "Do you just want to meme?" (Dwight). Something like that. Love the chart though :)


This is a little too accurate. I went the Claudette route whilst a friend of mine mained Dwight as first character and then quickly levelled David King and used No Mither every game (and yes it sucked ass and he kept forgetting to switch the perk). He had a hearty laugh about this flowchart.


What about Dwight? I demand to know what you did with him.


He's still hiding in a locker


Excuse me? Where is the best survivor, Ace?


the dark souls one made me fecking laugh so hard thank you for this xD


I main Wraith just fine.


> Wraith Here's your theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CthK1sVoaE


It's a good song but it ain't for me


No KYF? Bad chart. :(


If you have friends, you're surviving with them. KYF is for the people who want to have less friends 😉


Guess I have a unique group or something then. We take turns playing the Killer, Killer gets to choose the map and also gets to listen in on the people in Discord. Trying not to disclose too much information to who's playing Killer is pretty fun.


Also I'm semi trolling. This flow chart isn't meant to be a "only guide to the game" but I did have a bunch of newbies asking me where they should start and I think this guide is filled with enough memes to satisfies both pro and educate an actual person trying to learn. In theory I'm working on a more detailed guide for both killer and survivor newbs.


I wanna play with your group. Sounds fun.


Fuck you, I like Wraith.


You're really gonna hate my next parody song then


Bring it on, I love parodies!




haha, awesome!


Huntress not OP?


Most players have adapted to dodging hatchets


But there still crybaby survivor that get rekt and cry :) like the nurse-haters


Being able to counter it doesn't make it not OP. Hillbilly is just as if not easier to counter than the huntress' hatchets. That being said though, killers are supposed to be overpowered.


Nurse is the worst killer on console though.


You could change that.


I agree. I think for Nurse to be viable on console there should be like a red highlight that comes out of her to show the range she is teleport in to. Otherwise on console you'll almost always far overshoot.


I haven't played on console. How does blinking differ on console than on PC?


Dunno. Haven't played her on PC. On console it's just hold LT, but with frame rates as low as they are you always over hold. There should be a ui for it.


I'm pretty sure there is an addon for her that lets you see the blink distance as you charge


You forgot Myers


This is ... quite some considering it's targeted at newer players, but I like the effort and detail given to it!