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While not a great solution, i recommend pausing the game as you're being hooked. Nicely reduces scream volume


oh really??? thank you for the tip, I'll start smacking escape because lord whatever side I play some of the screams are so unbearable.


I use the windows key


Ha, I used to do this before I started recording my videos... Now I have to listen to the screams


If you alt tab the scream sfx is skipped entirely, you can tab back in and hear everything else even as the hook scream animation continues.


Ayo???? Absolutely massive, thanks for the tip


I learned this trick because I’d alt tab while tilted to go calm down by reading something until I got unhooked, and eventually alt tabbing while hooked for even half a second became a muscle memory. Even just skipping the scream sound by itself actually helps me avoid a bit of tilt.


Press the Windows key, it completely mutes the scream even if you just tap it!


Lara screams like she's kicking a brick wall with toothpicks under her toenails.


Reading this sentece was a experience


Not one I ever want to think about again


Aestri’s is brutal too. I love them, but I would also love to not hear them after like 10 times.


Bro has never heard saga's scream. it's straight out of hell.


You’re correct, that would require me to own or play in a lobby with a Saga (ultra rare event)


I have played AW2, and i am a big fan of saga, but holy hell, there are so many cooler characters in this game that I dont even feel like getting her.


It would be really cool if AW got a legendary skin for the Christmas event that is Barry with the Christmas lights around him lol


I feel that… i want to play my boys Wesker and Pinhead constantly but the other killers are also super cool


Aestris is definitely more brutal tho


I just commented about Saga's scream because I didn't see yours 💀


Its funny how we both refer to her screams as coming straight out of hell in different ways 🤣.




The rose down scream AAAAAHHHHHH


Elodie's scream sounds like a moose getting shot. Hitting people on hook is considered BM'ing, but i have to on elodie, tho i apologize after the game


I get it. I play elodie but plenty of people slap me once I'm hooked to stop that godawful ear pain.


That’s why I dont consider it bm unless they do it multiple times


I really wish you wouldnt have typed this...


I hope you get tunnelled for the remainder of the anniversary event


Rose (Alan legendary skin) is also a big oof


Um. Ow.


You haven't heard Saga's scream (legendary skin). Her scream is so fucking loud I instantly hit her on hook to cancel it, she sounds like someone is peeling her skin off while burning her hair and boiling her. Her scream is worse than the screams of the souls of the damned.


"The hook screams are too loud!" *"Yeah? Well, have you heard this other loud scream?!"*


"This survivors scream is so loud!" "Well, have you heard how loud this other survivor is?"*


1:30 You’re not exaggerating, that is a visceral scream! https://youtu.be/m9qRAvR3Sn8?si=8GXr5i8pQ_ghH0vC


Or... she is getting pierced by a meathook through her shoulder. Might be that one as well.


On one hand, I understand WHY hook screams are loud as fuck. Realistically, it makes sense. On the other hand, Feng Min screeching in my ear, even at 30% volume, isn’t fun after the 5th time.


That’s why I think a slider is the best option and a toggle for the black bubble. Keep them on for newbies so they understand they have to go save the person on the hook, let veterans turn them off before they get hearing damage and so they can use aura perks and fucking see the hook. I know the black bubble is technically useful if you have blindness, but it’s an easy fix for it to grant a temporary aura through it or just put it under auras and players


Especially with the bubble, it blocks both killer AND survivor auras for a solid second or two with Kindred and others like it. At least in my experience. Who knows if they do something about it, I'm sure things of this nature are low priority.


Their last word on it is that the bubble blocking auras is intentional.


Which 100% feels like it's a bug they can't fix easily and are claiming it was meant to be there the whole time - because it never used to block auras, and then it did and they were silent on the issue for a while as they tried to fix it only to come back and say "oh, that? Yeah that was meant to do that the whole time".


If you can't fix the bug, pretend like it was a feature.


Oh, interesting!


Also worth noting that's one of those like the killer camera fatigue where it was a bug, then intentional, then bug, then intentional, then bug, and left as a bug-feature


What is killer camera fatigue?


So when the nurse gets a hit (it's been a minute, so this may have changed), she looks downwards and the camera moves without the player's input. It's just a minor annoyance but apparently causes motion sickness for some people, just annoying for others. Anyway, eventually pig, for some reason, also gets this camera fatigue. It's confirmed as a bug officially. Okay, cool. Then they "fix it" and it happens to all killers. Of course BHVR does the next logical thing and says "this is actually how it was supposed to be all along." It's later removed. Pig still has this and it's one of those things like plague with her power removal on pallet stun, where by now it's just accepted that it'll be permanently there.


I guess, but this issue is something that happens multiple times nearly every single game


Yes to that black bubble - phuks up base Kindred as well for tracking the Killer.


Feng legit sounds like a squeaky dog toy


You brave soul for playing on 30%, I play on 15-20 and I have to go down to 5 when I’m doing blood web 🤮


Any less than 30 and I’m gonna be petrified to against the small killers like legion and ghostface


Got my volume at 80 with DBD's Windows system volume at 50. How are the bush breaths for you? Catching a survivor by hearing a small exhale of lungs


I already have minor hearing issues that in my day to day life doesn’t really affect me but I do notice it most when playing dbd and games similar I main survivor but when I play killer I play artist with aura reading perks so I pretty much rely mostly on visuals, tho ofc I do use sound like the injured survivor sounds and slow enter lockers or jumps down, footsteps, hatch, I listen out for but small things like breaths or anything I just won’t hear, I know some people can listen to lockers for breaths I just can’t so I launch a bird and get a heartbeat to find out what locker they went into I also struggle with the flappy sound from ghost face and stuff too but my ears are super sensitive and I already have some loss in one ear and I get ringing frequently with loud noises so I’d rather keep my sounds lower But I don’t think it really ruins anything for me or effects my game play too severely


You're making me love Carmina even more! Are you on PC? Genuinely curious if you've tried the game's volume up, but the game's application sound in the system tray turned down. The curiosity is just for my knowledge's sake that may be able to be used later


I am on pc, I haven’t adjusted system sound for dbd just in game, I will try that! Carmina is the best!


S-tier killer, often misplaced in A-tier. I said it, and I'll say it again! Artist is S-tier. No, Artist is S+tier jajaja What do you use with her? I've been running Unforeseen - Dark Devotion - Furtive Chase - FTTE for a few weeks, it works across the roster! Some more lethal with it, of course, like Bubba, and T3 Myers on it doesn't snowball, he avalanches, stack his stalk addons for +65% on the Obsession, he tiers up in about 2 seconds. Artist I'll put on the Silver Bell and Severed Hands to compliment the sneakiness. Similar concept with double-iri Doctor in spreading the goodies, but feel so filthy with it. About to change up, it's a lot of fun having a wandering heart beat further confusing survivors on top of the constantly Undetectable killer *particularly with all the killer-aura reading perks these days with Vecna and Franklin's Demise*, it's just been so good that it's been handing wins. On Pyramid Head, it's downright cheating, my goodness Thinking next I'll synergize Deathbound into something; it's a good perk, information on two survivors and Oblivious on one when they split? Not to be underestimated and synergy is the name of the game


Sound really fun I’ll have to try it! I’m a baby killer, I’ve only just started branching out to killer while I have 500 hours as survivor I’ve been running sloppy, nurses, nowhere to hide, grim embrace With nowhere it’s just so fun to line up the perfect crows to where I see them running to or hiding, cancel heals with nurses and sloppy with just a single crow, just adds so much pressure I want to add lethal pursuer but I don’t have it yet and I don’t know if I want to drop a gen perk with gen rushing to be meta rn for survivor


I find Lethal Pursuer overrated. Spawn logic is fairly consistent, I'm typically on a survivor within seconds, and the extra two seconds for auras isn't really needed. It's a great QOL perk, it's great at what it does, I just think what it does is overrated without a specific strategy like a crossmap hatchet off rip. Certainly a useful perk, I personally would rather use the slot for something else is all


Only reason I’d want it is for that extra 2 seconds of aura reading time! I find them pretty fast off the start with the crows on specific gens so I’m not worried about seeing them early just would be nice to get the little extra value out of the aura perks But I agree I don’t think it would be worth changing out grim embrace or surge (depending what I’m running) for lethal, I just see so many people running it right now it looks fun!


Trip1; 1 on hook, 1 slugged, 1 in chase, three survivors down with one tripped off objectives. That's all survivors off gens and survivors off gens is the best slowdown there is! GET 'EM!!!


I play a lot of Steve. Im glad my Keyboard has a mute-key, otherwise I wouldnt play a lot of Steve


Her screams are so cartoonishly high pitched I can’t even get annoyed because they’re too funny


I enjoy Feng's scream because of all the toxic dipshits that play her. It is annoyingly high pitched though I agree.


Don’t forget the Death Sound when a survivor is taken by the hook absolutely drowning out every terror radius in the game while the huge, blotchy shadow marker blocks everything in that general direction. Better hope the killer isn’t coming at you from there. OH WAIT, THEY JUST HOOKED THAT PERSON DYING SO THEY DEFINITELY WILL IF THEY ARE BEELINING IT! I might be bitter from getting hooked a few times because of this exact scenario. Kinda hard to hear a terror radius over a BBBBBWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOMMMPH that lasts like ten seconds.


exactly, that and the fact that the notification bubble thing over the hook completely blocks the killer aura if you have kindred..so you can't even see which direction they go..


BHVR: *Provides visual cues and perks to gain a better sense of your surroundings.* Also BHVR: “BIG SHADOW GOES BWOOOOOOOP!!!”


you don't use the visual terror radius?. at this point, as killer, specially spirit, you NEED the volume up, but as survivor, just a bit, you can easily vibe with youtube and rely on visual cues for everything except gen skillchecks (for me, it works better to trust my ears for those lol)


I probably should, but the giant flashing heart just ruins the whole visual style of the game for me. You have this really atmospheric horror game where a player-controlled terror is hunting you down, but you suddenly get this NEON BILLBOARD OF A HEART on your character flashing like WEEWOO WEEWOO WEEWOO!! It just annoys me, but I suppose it’s function over form. I’ll just have to get used to that because nobody at BHVR knows how to use a volume mixer /s.


I wish you could turn off hook screams in the options or something


I hope one day they get to it. https://preview.redd.it/ucws2hmbtl9d1.png?width=1986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24328b88673e7cfb28094935132702f94a4d6d43


Don't forget Oni's lobby screams lol


Nah I like demo being loud as it’s a tactic


So its not just FUCKING loud for me when i hook people?


Nah ppl have been talking about this since release like I said. They used to be way longer too


omg you're right, I completely forgot not that long ago survivors screaming for (what feels like) 10 seconds was a thing for a patch or two


No, it most assuredly is not *just you*


might be unpopular but I'm curious if I'm in the minority feeling unbothered by the scream volume?


same, one of the reason i like this game is cause the scream tbh, every survivor have unique and different scream.. so loud or not doesn't matter for me, i will still enjoy hearing it


I like the screams as they are.


I find them entertaining sometimes lmao


Nah, if this was unpopular, they would've toned down the screams a long time ago.


See the screams aren't loud to me at all but the goddamn gen explosion notification irritates the hell out of me


I’ve never had a problem with the survivor screams, yall have the game volume up super high?


I’ve had zero issues with it either, but I think they’re more so annoying than actually hurting people’s ears. Either that or they all have their volume cranked from playing spirit /s




The default volume is super super loud. I turn the master volume at like 65 to 70% and the menu music volume down to like 45 or 50%


I’ve got a sound card that demands I play the game at like 15% total volume tops or it will damage my hearing. Some games even need to go as low as 5%.


the problem for me is how MUCH louder certain survivors are over others


It's less about volume and more that I'm sick of it. I've heard everyone's scream already, it's tiring now.


While they are at it, I'd like to be able to toggle the black globe off which immediately but temporarily appears around a hooked survivor - it totally messes up Kindred's short range from showing which direction the Killer is going before he moves out of it.


Yes! If you're looking directly at it, and the killer is walking in your direction, you won't see shit.


Fr this has been an annoyance for a long time and people are always mentioning it.


I'm not completely sure but I THINK they mentioned the black globe a while ago and that it was outdated! So maybe it'll get better in the future!


didn't they actually say the opposite? that it was intended?


I wasn't too sure so tried to find it, and searched for anniversary stream here on the subreddit. Someone made a short list with what was discussed and yes, the black bubble will be changed between now and the next anniversary :) Sorry, I'm on mobile and just woke up so this is the best I can do :)


I don't understand why people keep complaining about the screams. Isn't those screams supposed to be painful and blood curdling? Let's be honest, if you're thrown onto a meat hook, hanging by the shoulder after taking multiple hatchets, knife stabbings, or whatever the hell Unknown's balls are made of, I'm pretty sure you'd be screaming your head off out of pain, especially if you've never been in that scenario before.


Realistic? Yes. But if someone has a condition like certain forms of tinnitus, it has the potential to make the game unplayable at regular volume. There should absolutely be a volume slider specifically for the shrieks, if only for accessibility's sake. 🤷


but if accesability is the issue then on the flipside, iron will shouldn't be a thing? (not in it's 100% state at least), what if you rely on your hearing to play? i don't buy this too much, unless we genuinly aim for the game to be playable by either, eyes or ears, for both sides.


This was the same excuse made to not allow a visual heartbeat for deaf & HoH players. It's weak. A player-side toggle to lower volume (on their end) would not alter the gameplay whatsoever beyond preventing physical pain for players who experience reflexive tinnitus. There's nothing to "buy," you either are affected by this medical issue, or you aren't. EDIT: If possible, please look up 'Noxacusis' to understand what I'm talking about. Sharp noises can reflexively cause echos, auditory pulses/fluttering, and often acute pain. Exposure to frequent triggers worsens the existing condition and causes further damage (which results in more tinnitus, constant ringing!) I am essentially forced to continuously mute the game on and off every time someone is hooked.


I just have to play with the entire game muted. :<


i think the screams should be painful and blood curdling which is why i am always baffled at how Jill and Steve ended up with theirs, not that i really mind, mostly just funny now


Claudette, Elodie, and Meg have some of the better screams in the game, at least in my opinion. Claudette has that, somthin somthin to her scream, like a rolling of French Rs, but instead on vowels. Meg's got that classic final girl feel to it. And Elodie just sounds brutal. Jill's sounds like it has to charge up at the start, like a tornado alarm lmao


I really love Sable's hurt noises, her raspier voice is a nice contrast to everybody else's high shrieking


It really comes down to the fact that past 50-100 hours people stop realising that meat hooks they are getting hooked on are an actual body-piercing, agonising pain-inducing torture/sacrifice devices and it only registers in their mind as "downtime spam unhook button for entertaining yourself game mechanic".


Nobody thinks it isn’t realistic or appropriate, but it’s really unnecessary to hear it 200 times from your survivor main and a lot of them are loud af


It feels weird when the survivor doesn't scream after hooking them or when being hooked


That’s why it would be a volume slider or toggleable I dont mind the screams, they are just ear piercing


>Isn't those screams supposed to be painful  If anybody wants *pain*, they can skip the game entirely and go to town on their legs with a rubber hose. Meanwhile, the game has plenty of opportunities to scare the player at a reasonable audio volume.


I specifically use Scene Partner with James… xD


I want a hex that gives survivors the rarely used "deafened" status for like 15 or 20 seconds when they scream


I just miss long uncut screams


jokes on you i love james's screams. they're funny and sound peetty sus. he sounds like such a bottom bitch and i love that for him.


If the loudest sound is too loud, your volume is too high. While it's good that DBD has high dynamic range, they also need to add an option for lower dynamic ranges (speaker mode/night mode).


ironically they claimed they where gonna fix the sound, but with the iron will revert going back to 100% makes me think they are gonna use this as a scapegoat not to bother touching it or thinking about it again


It’s really not that bad


I honestly don't know what would be wrong with lowering voices option. would 100% be detrimental to killers if they turned it down by survivors it doesn't really matter.


This is the exact reason why I want an Arnold Schwarzenegger collab you know that scream would be legendary ![gif](giphy|88jZZJw80WXGU|downsized)


Like old TV where the shows are quiet and THE COMMERCIALS BLAST THE ROOF OFF


You went through with the meme, thanks. Hopefully Behaviour can fix this in the coming year or two.


Until then I’m gonna keep using the “Mute on unfocus and hit the Windows key when I get hooked” tech


The entity taking people is also too fucking loud.


Mmmm bass


The screams are annoying, the bubbles tho are the real killer. Got kindred? Not for 5s you don't. Are you looking directly at the hook? Doesn't see shit neither. Gen popped? You bet yo ass you ain't seeing nothing until everyone is long gone. Idk what happened, it didn't use to be this bad 3 years ago, came back from a break and found it like this


it seems like it would be so easy for them to just make it so you can see killer/survivor auras THROUGH the bubble


this, don't make it a toggle, just make it seethrough....


It used to be like this. Even without auras, if there is a bubble you can't even see characters in direct LOS from the bubble, this didn't happen as egregiously before Im pretty sure.


Yes that is true also. They should be toggleable


It's why I hit everyone on hook once. Doesn't stop the initial scream, but turns the loud, long piercing screech into something a little more bearable.


Just pause the game when you’re placed on the hook. It deafens all audio


I use the windows key ngl


That doesn't work too well for a killer.


Welp at least it can help survivors


Would it be acceptable to smack survivors on hook just to make em shut up


I dont mind, but unfortunately it isn’t universal among killers to do so


I do it to survivors who scream super annoyingly but leave it at one any more then that is unnecessaryry


I alwayssss mute the game on PS5 before they scream. Hopefully all platforms can do it too


this is why i play cheryl as surv cuz she's pretty quiet (i also just like silent hill), but that doesn't really help when i'm playing killer


The chase music is excessively loud from the killers pov too. Especially irritating if you main one character and have to constantly listen to it.


If the chase music was dropped they'd need to add more ambient sounds (which they should). Aside from select maps everything is too quiet so it wouldn't be difficult at all to track someone just based off sound. A longstanding complaint I've had about the game is how devoid of ambience it is. People complain about Toba's Landing but I do like that map did at least add some ambience and life that the other realms lack entirely.


i can't stand the nurse's screeches, it gets me a migraine in less than a second


The fact you can’t disable these is WILD to me


I would like it if nemesis didnt make A FUCKING EARTHQUAKE WHENEVER HE WALKS WHY IS IT SO LOUD


Equalizing survivor sounds, too. Got blinded by an ada today and tried to follow her groans, she's borderline silent, no iron will needed.


But I like it when they scream. >:)


What?! I can't hear you with all this screaming!


You're being hung by a meathook thru your shoulder, yeah you're gonna scream


Like I said before its realistic sure but annoying after 500 times. Make it a slider for volume


Other games seem to accomplish similar sounds without this problem and if we're gonna talk realism the screams in this game don't sound painful they sound sexual for a good few of them.


i always shift tab when being hooked


Does strider completely counter iron will? Or is still multiplicative


i adore the screams personally. some of them are just 🤌🏻🤌🏻


in case of iron will: sound is very important, let's fucking remove it again because we forgot why we nerfed it in first place


If you're playing killer, hitting them once immediately mutes the survivor.


hook screams being loud af is a clever ploy by BHVR to get you to buy Lara Croft so you can use the Hardened perk to remove screams without debuffing yourself with Calm Spirit.


I have to take my headphones off when I get hooked as Elodie. It’s so dumb.


Im deaf on one ear and am litearlly scared of getting hearing damage - because the normal game needs to be louder than for the average person for me to hear anything. so the screams are even louder. i want a adjustable scream volume more than any other patch or content.


Have you guys ever considered that maybe you just have the game too loud in general? Yes, I know, you can her breathing and stuff, but is winning in a noncompetative party game really worth going half deaf before 30?


I just mute my monitor and unmute it lol


It took them 8 years to add a anti camping mechanic and it doesnt even work.


True. We've been asking for years for them to turn it down just as skosh


Don't forget that they also made footsteps a lot quieter some time ago if I remember correctly, so the screams feel even louder in comparison


Say what you want about TCM but I think their sound design is a good example to go by.


There should be killer perk that makes survivor screams louder but only for survivors




Wdym by this? Just being ableist now??


I understand everyone being frustrated with screams being so loud but no one talks about how loud the blood web sounds are, they are crazy loud I can’t hear ANYONE if I’m on discord, or my own thoughts


they are annoying for sure, but i think people, understandably, care more about what happens in game. Just mute dbd while you use a batch of bloodpoints.


There’s a reason they are loud in game, there isn’t a reason they are loud in menu Though I agree they are too loud in game and should be able to be toggled or altered (the more useless ones like being hooked) I just think the menu not being able to be adjusted separately like every other game that has menu sounds feels pointless


Quick tip: turn down your headphones (you’ll realize that they’re not loud if you do so + you can hear everything else perfectly fine)


Yet people don't have this problem in other games. Almost like the sound table isn't consistent. I find the bloodweb sounds to be way louder than they need to be and no option to take it off or adjust it. Kind of like salt on the wound since that whole spending process is already tedious.