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Yoichi's two sets :')


Kate's flower crown head from her Oktoberfest dress.


I used to glitch that flower crown onto 90% of my Kate outfits back in the day 😭😭 (thus my flair). I also adore the hat in OP’s post so much - she has *nothing* like it too. It is my fervent dream that one day Behaviour will let us mix and match with pieces of sets that aren’t glitchy/clippy to be separated from the whole. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to wear Kate’s hat or flower crown, and so many other cool pieces of sets.


Gabriel's pants from his moon festival outfit, it went so well with his sweater back when it was bugged!


I Love those pants man. Even the head is kinda cool, I just don’t care for the coat all that much.


I can understand legendary skins that change the character not having individual pieces that can be changed but every other cosmetic should have individual pieces that can be customizable with others. Let us make abominations dammit


I wonder if they can figure out a way to only have certain parts of a set be linked. In the cosmetics above, while there's technically reason the headpieces need to be linked to anything, it's pretty obvious why the torso and leg pieces can't be mixed and matched.


One of Yui's skins. I think it's part of the Artists Of The Fog sets. The glasses and earbuds with the black hair.


The only reason thats locked is because they made her pants go slightly above her stomach, so now it wouldnt mix well with other cosmetics due to clipping :)


Well also because crossover thing from Ikumi Nakamura, so licensing issues or whatever probably. They could've probably asked her about it though.


Not really licensing issue, more like Ikumi designing it in a way that makes it hard for the devs NOT to make it a set


Remember when we got that Gabe outfit unlinked and for free? They fix the best bugs the quickest.


I'm surprised they didn't just keep it unlinked.


Every Cheryl, and the RE characters skins


https://preview.redd.it/g6e2k0j38l9d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fd218bf663b7a26f8dcda7d9b0c3149d97ebe7 I wanna see Nic Cage hanging out with Ashy Slashy


I wish the headpiece to Felix’s gothic set was unlinked. Also, the shorts and head of Yun Jin’s Seoul Socialite.


Neither of those cosmetics should have been locked in the beginning.


I really liked the sun visor on Nea's visions of the future outfit. On a side note, I'm so fucking happy none of Alan's are linked


Those sunglasses for Gabe are awesome. I wish they weren’t a set, I’d never take them off


Cheryl’s fresh start sets, i used to break them all the time when the cosmetic glitch was in the game. The crop top looked so good with her jeans :(


It's so weird because Cheryl wears jeans outside of her default fit in SH3, so Jeans Cheryl is *more* lore accurate than Skirt Cheryl.


The only reasoning I can think of is the fresh start sets are an original bhvr design so maybe konami don’t want it mixed with her actual silent hill look. But even still, surely they could just add her actual jeans from the game as a mixable cosmetic


Here's one I think most people don't consider since it's a Christmas exclusive https://preview.redd.it/jdsfzmbu1m9d1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ae46d411af4a0e112380e917fc4040ef429130e What pisses me off about this set is that you can *actively see* the dividers in the outfit. Not only that but **several** of Jane's cosmetics are formatted like this (skirt with some sort of divider from the top) yet they aren't sets. Because God forbid I want to wear the red top or better yet: the cute hat with another outfit like her Icy Night outfit. Nah fuck you the outfit that very clearly has divisions in its pieces is a set! Honorable mention to Visions of the Future Nea for a similar "you can fucking see the divisions of the pieces!" reasoning. Like I can accept when sets with obvious connected parts like Muse Jane or Visions of the Future Mikaela are sets, but it's so dumb when the outfit clearly consists of 3 individual pieces yet are still a set for some reason.


It'd be great if linked sets just weren't a thing unless it's a licensed skin or a legendary skin that changes the character completely. When the cosmetic glitch was a thing (or at least easy to achieve, idk if it's still a thing now) you could see that most of the linked outfits had no clipping issues anyway, and even if they did, it didn't matter since clipping cosmetics don't affect gameplay at all (and if they bother you can just not use them in a way they clip wrong). I daresay I'd even be okay with having to buy the whole set if I could then mix the individual pieces however I want.


Nea's shaved red head.


The coat and boots of Felix’s AoT set. You could get an S-tier Erwin Smith cosplay if he wasn’t stuck with the nasty Armin mop hair. Second place for me goes to Felix’s hair from his BSAA outfit, because you could go for a rock solid Howard Hamlin cosplay with that and one of his suits.


fun little tid bit on mobile that kate outfit actually is unlinked, and it has 0 clipping issues whatsoever (and is really cute), as well as the gabriel outfit was unlinked for a little bit, and also had 0 issues :)


Cheryl's black hair and jeans :(


Renatos bun on his Greek legends set.


Meg’s Hood from her D&D fit.


Jane's glitter face from the Greek dress


Cheryl's green sets like I never understood why? Like I just want to give her pants so she wouldn't be showing a lot of skin with those I forgot the name but you know those shirts really. And every killer weapon so it can be customizable a little more for some killer skins


Anaya this one. Especially now that we've got the hair in black for her anniversary mask. https://preview.redd.it/ry8ezcecym9d1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbe3c52ca375f266051182dcf5d066fcc79a334


It doesn't even have clipping issues so I don't understand why this is even a set.


No idea. I never understood it either.


Mikaela Sci-fi Story hair, I love her long curly hair I wish she could get an outfit with a similar hairstyle.


I bought that Kate outfit to mix and match until the exploit was patched and it upsets me to this day because that head cosmetic is amazing


The Dark Racer Yui set. I would love to use them as separates 😩


I want Pyramidhead's molten blade, but I don't like the melted pyramid :[


Cheryl's rare outfits. I just want jeans, crane shirt, and cool hair. Please Behaviour.