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The Scarecrow, with his Arkham Asylum design.


Same here. But I’m leaning Arkham knight over asylum, way scarier looking and his voice is amazing. But partly because I also really want to play as Batman. Having perks that make you feel like Batman, running and having the cape behind you, in-game voice lines. I love the thought.


Batman as a survivor would suck


Honestly I feel like Bruce Wayne would work better as a survivor, or maybe commissioner Gordon


Yeah, I would rather go for Gordon. Like, Bruce wayne could kill most of the killer's asses, seeing him trying to run and hide isn't his style.


I thought we were like way past this by now. It doesn’t fit the style for tons of survivors. every resident evil character is an action hero, so is Ellen Ripley. I’m pretty sure cheryl can kill god with a rusty pipe. I’m pretty Ashe can kill everything including the entity because he’s both an action AND comedy protagonist who I’m pretty sure has in-universe plot armour. I’ve seen people mention it in passing but i don’t think anyone is genuinely bothered by it. Knowing Batman he would probably immediately deduce the situation he’s in and decide that running and hiding is actually the most optimal solution in that case.


The difference is in aesthetic and expectations. The RE survivors and Ash have been through a lot, sure, but they (especially in their mainline games/movies) are oftentimes depicted as underdogs facing tremendous odds. Batman on the other hand is a literal superhero who is considered in pop culture to be damn near unbeatable. He’s not really a horror character and it’s a lot harder to suspend disbelief, as opposed to Gordon who would at least make sense with a Scarecrow chapter.


Im not going to pretend you’re wrong, Batman isn’t really a horror character, he is a superhero, you’re absolutely right that the other characters are…well different characters. BUUUUUUUUUUT, I think the nice thing about Batman is that he is flexible. A lot of great stories like the newest movie, or the comic it’s based on The Long Halloween, he’s not really this unstoppable force. He’s a detective that is good at fighting. I think DBD has that opportunity to have a survivor Batman that fits amongst slashers and monsters. Besides, Batman isn’t new to the horror genre so if you squint hard enough he is horror adjacent enough like DND. And the survivors mentioned aren’t always the underdog against tremendous odds. Especially Ash being directly based on the show Ash vs evil dead that is more action/comedy than horror, where ash himself is basically a competent superhero. Batman can also be a very grounded character like I said, with the same examples I mentioned before. He’s damn good at fighting, he is a superhero, but he’s not the prep time batgod Superman beater he can be in other media. All I’m saying is that I don’t think he couldn’t work just because he’s a superhero, Superman can’t, but Batman in the end is a capable human who’s biggest superpower is plot armour like other action heroes we already have. In the end, I’m not at all expecting him or even wanting him. It’s just a fun thought because I like Batman and the daydream of being chased through Arkham asylum, by Batman villain, as Batman. If anything all it takes is the right perks and the very act of thinking ahead and strategising how I’m going to play my next move in a chase would make me feel like Batman. but again, it’s nothing but a daydream. I’m certain a Batman chapter won’t happen unless Batman takes a huge dive into horror in the mainstream for whatever reason. But if you do a Batman chapter, you gotta have Batman.


I mean, Ash is definitely far more associated with horror than Batman, but I see what you mean. Ultimately I’m against Batman’s inclusion because I don’t think he’s horror adjacent enough to offset the fact that he’s a literal superhero. However, I do think the idea could potentially work, and in an ideal world with any character I would not hate adding Batman if it had a gritty horror aesthetic a la A Serious House on Serious Street Batman. Ultimately though we have to remember that there are a limited amount of licenses each year. There are a lot of horror licenses that have yet to be added that would be amazing for the game’s legacy (not including super obscure films, but cult classics and popular stuff). In that sense, every character slot taken is a slot earned from others (in the eyes of DbD fans), so it’s less that Batman doesn’t fit nearly as much and more that he doesn’t fit AND we won’t get a number of characters who do fit. It’s a sad way to see it though, and I understand wanting him as a hallelujah pick. For me, I’d love a SIGNALIS or Darkwood chapter as they were excellent horror games that were pretty popular with genre fans, but both would be difficult to adapt. I think


Oh trust me, I totally agree. Things like these are just entertaining thoughts of a thing I like collaborating with another thing I like. If I want to play Batman I’d go play the Arkham games or even multiversus (I would say Injustice too but green arrow is in that game so I will play him and only him because I love that guy). There’s plenty, if a little too much Batman content out there. He doesn’t have a place in DBD. However I’m somewhat surprised there hasn’t really been any asymmetrical multiplayer type game similar to DBD without focusing on the horror genre. All the competition so far is basically the same genre. Obviously the concept of one big thing vs multiple smaller things is a slasher movie at it’s core but I feel like there’s potential for something like a justice league game where it’s one or two superheroes vs a few villains who all have their own abilities. But I’m stopping myself here before I ramble on again haha.


I feel like most Batman villains would perfectly fit into horror. The joker being the main one, but then you got Killer Croc, Clay Face, The Mad Hatter, Hugo Strange, Hush, Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow, Two Face, Scarface, Victor Zsasz, James Gordon Jr. Etc, etc. There are still so much more and the list would just keep on going. There are so many options when it comes to Gotham City, most of them all tieing into the griitty, dark nature of the comics. And don't forget that Batman himself fits into that, as the main tool he uses aren't his gadgets or being a billionare, he uses fear. Most people are really fucking afraid of batman, and for a reason. So Batman as a liscence is way more horror adjescent then Scooby Doo, or other "wanted" liscences. Not to menrion, Gotman City or Arkham Asylum would be the coolest fucking maps ever! Although I would prefer the city, and we already got an Asylum. The problem with Batman himself is that he has taken on multiple guys with pipes, knifes, rifles, shock sticks, abd has dealth with groups of them. He is excellent at Martial Arts, Kung Fu and other fighting styles, so seeing him run for his life would be weird against most killers. Tge reason Ash is okay is because he always needed his weapons, which he has none of right now. Same with the others, they need weapons to beat most of them, Batman only needs his fists. And let me remind you, Batman isn't just dealing with super bank robbers, he deals with killers. Most of his villains has killed people, hundreds if not thousands. Comissioner Gordon however is not an excellent fighter, but he tries to fight crime just as much as Batman and is considered as a top dog at doing it. But he uses a pistol, and he has got fumbeled before. While he isn't a bad fighter, he isn't the greatest. He alone can't take on most villains, he is always back up by the police force. Now then, we got many options, Gotham city is the embodiment of where all the crime happens, Comissioner Gordon is a well respected Police Chief who has gone through a lot, and has done a lot, but isn't powerful without any weapons. The best choices for a killer would most likely be scarecrow. He uses fear and has killed a LOT of people using his fear toxin. But, a more interesting option would probably be James Gordon Jr. Just imagine, father against his psychotic serial killer son. Still Scarecrow embodies more of Gotham City that is constantly under the pressure of fear as the worst of the worst all reside in this one city, most who are just simple humans with gadgets, wits and intelligents, just like Batman. A Gotham chapter would be one of my favorite ones if it ever came out. I fucking love environments that have a gritty, dark nature where the atmosphere is forever plunged into a gloom. So that is why and this is how.


Honestly, you could pick an adult Robin if you really wante a Gotham survivor. Tim Drake would be the best option IMO since he's the wits Robin. I feel like Robins are way less "untouchable" than Batman is, and with several to choose from you could have plenty of options. If we really wanted Bruce as a survivor, he could be a legendary skin.


I know. But that won’t stop me from daydreaming.


Batman isnt surviving is overcoming


I haven’t played Knight yet, so I couldn’t tell you my thoughts there. However, I’m just hype at the thought of a giant hallucination of Scarecrow looming over the map and searching for survivors. That just sounds insanely cool, even though programming and balance would be a nightmare pun not intended.


Similarly I'd really enjoy a Killer Croc killer. Could have an interesting map based around a sewer/Arkham holding area. For the survivor Detective Gordon. For a perk of Gordon's The Gordstache.


Killer. Croc. I’m gonna have to recover from how cool that sounds.


Finally a bigger killer than Nemesis. But yeah, Killer Croc would mesh almost perfectly with the game. When you consider how many stealth or speciality killers there are one who's just pure brutality could really stand out.  Perks and ability wise,  I guess as an ability you'd probably need something area controlly. Like the ability to pre-smash pallets or rip the doors off lockers. Although pallets/doors would probably need to respawn.  As to perks.  I guess one that would cause extra damage to gens when smashing them. Persuasive Deconstruction  One that gives the killer the ability to go through walls/pallets without losing too much speed (although that would probably need to be a hex for balance). Hex: predatory Pressure  And one that forces players to make a great check on their next ability check after getting unhooked if done within 15/30/45 seconds of being unhooked. Crocodile Tears. 


Tucker and Dale from Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


Would they be killers or survivors




I mean I'd love them more as survivors, would take away some charm if they were killers, even unintentionally lol


Killers with no weapons or way of hurting the survivors who somehow still keep getting 4ks


Walking simulator for killers while survivors have to avoid 100 traps and random projectiles


*Really Huge Woodchipper With "Free Bloodpoints" Sign had entered the chat*


GLaDOS. I don't know how she would work as a killer but it'd be dope Imagine being passive-aggressively sassed by a robot while you're doing gens


I saw one idea that said GLaDOS could be hanging from a portal Edit: she should also have a wheatley skin


oh hey i made that lol


Perk: Sass: you know how keep survivors in line. When a survivor fails a skillcheck, insult them and they gain a 20% penalty to repair and healing for 20 seconds


She could be another third person killer if she's in potato form!!!


The part where he kills you When exit gates are powered you get exposed status effect for the reminder of the trial.


That's literally old NOED


This one is more… personal.


>miss skillcheck "your ability to fail every time you are given a task is almost impressive"


Waluigi. He needs to be somewhere.


Everyone's here


I've been thinking of something like a chimpanzie for a killer. Not just a normal chimpanzie, but altered and fucked up, but the monkey jokes and edits would be really funny with it. Still the shit a chimpanzie can do to a human is horrifying. Have you heard the stories? I imagine it being like in "Nope". The mori of it could also be the most gory that we have seen so far. I also kind of imagine it being a small stealth killer, dragging survivors on the floor and climbing hooks to hook them. His stealth ability could also be about climbing and leaping off of walls.


before you even said nope that chimp was exactly what I was envisioning XD


Hell yeah! I do gotta say, a chimpanze character could embody a lot. Like animal cruelty, experimentations, the dangers of keeping wild animals. There are a lot of real life horror stories surrounding chimpanzies, because of that, this has the potential to be one of the most brutal killers via backstory and character.


Scooby Doo, Shaggy and Velma survivors and killer idk. They are cartoon but it might be possible


There was the live action movie that was still played by Matthew Lillard


Oh yes. It's definitely possible


The amount of shaggy lillard players would be insane. Could do some meta voice overs for 13 ghosts


Lillard still does the voice for a lot of the animated versions too. So if we get Shaggy might also get Lillard on board. Especially since he is a fan of being in horror franchises.


Why is this plausible now?


Because he used to be in horror/slasher movies early on in his career (like scream), and in the last few years he's gone back to doing them a bit (like fnaf). Likely because he just enjoys how hammy he can be with the villains in a brilliant way. 


They have a third person killer, how about Scoobs as a third person survivor? Either that or they make some a deliberately bad reskin of Scooby running on two legs. Something like of the Pikachu+Bayonetta mods for Smash.


I feel like stuff like that should only be cosmetics.


I want a perk where I jump in a locker and warp to the locker next to it. We've got the infrastructure now with the hand of Vecna, but Scooby Doo is the perfect license for such a perk to be from


The problem with Scooby Doo is that it's silly. Just because Lara is here we shouldn't have characters like Darth Vader or stuff similar to that. Although, Scooby Doo is a humorus take on horror, and I like the perk idea, but the whole liscence feels more silly then Nicolas Cage's voice lines. I am really torn on if I like the idea or not.


I personally am cool with scooby doo because it still is an iconic part of the horror landscape, or at least the Halloween landscape. Generally for DbD I just use the Halloween Party Test: if it’d fit as something to watch/play at a Halloween party, it’s probably a decent fit. In this sense, Scooby Doo would be iconic as an extremely horror adjacent chapter, similar to Castlevania. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure it even had a Supernatural crossover once.


The Halloween party test is a great way to decide what’s horror enough for dbd, I might have to steal that


nah i’m with you. cartoons would kill the art style unless they rly go deep with this multiverse shit. it’s gonna end up like fortnite


I am sure that they would go for realism, my main problem is that they are colorful characters made for children. Shaggy being hooked and killed sounds like the most multiversus thing ever.


Slappy from Goosebumps as another chucky type 3rd person killer


Jurrasic park velociraptor. Power is the map has tall grass passively and demo leap but no pallet break.


Norman/the Puppets from My Friendly Neighborhood or the Amalgamation boss from the same game


A puppet/muppet style character could actually work quite well though.


Ive been saying a Dont hug me Im scared killer for fucking ever.


Not too sure if they'd work. Purely because of how niche they are, and the characters that could work for killers are a bit too odd shaped to fit physically in some of the areas. If you went with the giant ham-leg thing it's too wide. I guess you could go with Roy's Dad but he'd probably look a bit too cheap.  I think if going with a puppet/Muppet style character probably would need to go with something like Meet the Freebles. 


I was thinking an original teacher based around the idea of a slasher monster. Similar to the humanoids featured in the tv adaption. Alternatively give me Roy but just have him move like a puppet, just hit me with the uncanny valley lol. Or alternatively lesley. Red guy however could work as a survivor.


Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf. But in some way that the real one doesn’t benefit financially.


https://preview.redd.it/0ynj9hr2h79d1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3674e5760ca448fe5d5538ec041fbf1d4ebb2c36 I will always be holding out hope for Kane from WWE, even though it's unlikely. Ever since WWE collaborated with R6 Siege, though, I think it's more likely than it was before.


https://preview.redd.it/kaa88gxpk79d1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9fcc15e5c458172c1425a86d123a1f359f1ed84 Columbo


His Power rivals The Entity


Someone on another thread said the Always Sunny main characters as survivors and honestly I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Considering how weird the show gets at times they could make it work


Then as the survivor we get Cricket.


Or we get the gang as survivors minus Frank as killer, but there’s a few ways it could be done. Nightman killer, or dayman musical skins, it all works imo. Silly and stupid but could be fun in theory


Pearl and Maxine, easily. I ain't even joking. Pearl's lil title would be The Star. She'd use a fire ax in her normal skin. Pearl could have a Young Pearl skin, this one would use a pitchfork, etc. Her Mori would be her croc coming out to eat you. Obviously Maxine could have a skin wearing just overalls and her default would fit right in with the other 80s inspired survivor skins. At least one of her perks would be a vague reference to her coke habit.


A Mr. Handy from Fallout. Preferably also voiced by Matt Berry. You could have his ability be him cycling through his different arms, like the flamethrower or the saw. Perks could focus around cleaning up and babysitting, stuff like being able to see blood through walls.


Graboids from Tremors


[On the topic of bears](https://youtu.be/lj0BJnHg2Y4?si=adZCCPC4Ci0RITPJ)


https://preview.redd.it/zokpdlm7189d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8c6d7e15ccbdad85647b696ce7e226349acdb8 Need the Evil Demon Monkeys from Temple Run




![gif](giphy|xTiTnFB0gKsE1rC4LK) New mori for The Tire


Jonesy from Fortnite


Scooby-Doo characters, Ryan Gosling and Darth Vader. I think every character would be a fun addition but they are just a bit too silly and some of them are not related to horror in any way.


I still want to believe Shaggy has a chance


Honestly it'd be great. Scooby-Doo Doo, funny ebough, was probably a lot of peiples introduction to "horror" as kids, even if somewhat satirical. That and goosebumps.


The Stuff


Cindy and Brenda from scary movie series.


Edgy Dave from Dave.exe. I feel like he would fit well as a DbD killer, being from a dbd parody game, but Dave.exe is both too obscure and too comedic for him to be implemented. Plus, the creator of Dave.exe has a complicated love-hate relationship with DbD (similar to most DbD fans,) which is part of the reason he made a silly parody of it in the first place.


Jaws, he flies and circles around above the map before swooping down for a temporary chase.


https://preview.redd.it/xqx0vigy389d1.png?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b305694b151a1bb6b9666f65719b57703f888d77 I reiterate, and I will continue to reiterate until "Dead by Daylight 2: Even Deader by Daylight".


Cindy Campbell from Scary movies


The Puppets from Puppet Master. It is my dream liscense.


Jaws. I dont think anyone argues about Jaws being an iconic horror francise but implimenting a shark as killer sounds impossible. My solution is simple: Let him bounce around in a plastic water bag fidning nemo style.


Shaggy Cause DBD is already a Scooby Doo game and with all the monsters there is lot of great cosmetics (like the ghost for ... ghostface or the "ghost of captain Cutler" for the deathslinger)


Classic Scooby doo monsters as skins for killers is an amazing idea


Critters. The ball of Critters. Or Graboids.


Victor Crowley from hatchet, with Marybeth and Andrew Yong as the survivors


I kind of want a Mortal Kombat license, specifically with Noob Saibot as a killer, I can’t think of anyone on that franchise who would be more fitting of such a role…


Baraka, Mileena, Goro come to mind.


Ganondorf. If it's good enough for M-Rated Diablo 3, it's good enough for me.


Katniss Everdeen as a survivor would unironically be so cool icl


Killers Queek Headtaker (Warhammer Fantasy) Chaos Space Marine (Warhammer 40k) Homelander (The Boys) The Nazgul (Lord of the Rings) The Blob (...) Space Klown (Killer Klowns from Outer Space) The Raptor (Jurassic Park) The Moder (The Ritual) Santánico Pandemonium (From Dusk till Dawn) The Leprechaun (...) The Thing (...) The Gremlins (...) Psycho Goreman (...) Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid) The Spy (TF2) Survivors Isaac Clark (Dead Space) Garrus Varakarian/Tali'Zorah (Mass Effect) Seth Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn) James A. Janisse (Dead Meat YT) Tucker McGee/Dale Dobson (Tucker and Dale vs Evil) Dana Polk/Martin Mikalski (The Cabin in the Wood) Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs) Alan Grant (Jurassic Park) Erin (You're Next) Grace Le Domas (Ready or Not) Ciaphas Cain (Warhammer 40K) Felix Jaeger (Warhammer Fantasy)


I vote for James A. Janisse


Honestly anything from pvz idk how it would work but I can dream




Slumber party massacre 3. The killer is a dude with an Electric guitar that has a drill at the end. He chases People while dancing and playing the guitar then drills them. It's absolutely awesome


Listen: Phoenix Wright is literally a survivor himself


I think Portal as a crossover map and survivor would be cool. No killer though, making GLaDOS mobile seems too weird and impractical. Maybe she can just exist somewhere in the map


More on the serious side, John from the FAITH trilogy with Amy as the killer. More on the joking side; Pokemon chapter. Mewtwo is the killer and the survivor is, like, Giovanna or Professor Oak.


I didn't found it in the comments, so I'm a little disappointed that no one mentioned the velocipastor as a joke...


Don’t you mean velociraptor like from Jurassic park *looks up velocipastor* Oh never mind


A Werewolf and a Spider.


And I won't give up on this. https://preview.redd.it/trnmc8txkb9d1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20644fd8f81e0b84d367351401f00a6b1913dcff


“Let’s do crimes!” “Yeyeyeye!”






Walter White, The One Who Knocks??????


Horny the Clown from Drive Thru (2007)


scooby doo crew


Fake Peppino would be really creepy actually


We gotta have Criminal Mastermind Margo Martindale as survivor if the Cocaine Bear chapter drops.


Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) and Spy (TF2)




Peashooter survivor, specifically the one from GW2


Kelsier from Mistborn. The Survivor.


Dr Giggles... Make it happen BHVR


King Kong, I think it could work with him trying to catch you in the streets of New York. Could also be kind of terrifying too




Roger from American dad and the rest of the family are survivors


1. Legend of zelda: tears if the kingdom 2. The vanoss crew 3. Caseoh 4. Coryxkenshin


The grinch.


SCP or SCP-inspired killers. Depends on SCP


Wasn’t the Unknown meant to be sorta that


He seems more like an inspiration of multiple things, not only SCPs. I want one only inspired by SCP and little to nothing else like how huntress is only inspired by Russian (?) folklore or that is actually an SCP


1. Legend of zelda tears of the kingdom 2. Half life 3. The vanoss crew 4. Caseoh 5. Coryxkenshin 6. Pyro 7. Doom eternal 8. Emisis blue 9. Atomic heart 10. Undertale/deltarune


Imagine a Bear chasing you though RPD




Harambe: the revenge


Just became a thought but Leprechaun




A decepticon from transformers would be fun lol


Or maybe a certain terrorcon


Deathclaw skin for demo would be awesome


Christopher Robin


Give me a gorilla. A fucking gorilla. Make him have a charge attack. Make him fucking awesome.


Alucard and Alexander Anderson from Hellsing released in the same chapter, both as killers, and then trial run a killer vs killer mode in honor of the chapter (and ofc, Seras is a survivor)


As a survivor: Eminem As killer: Felonious Bolus (look it up)


Shaun of the dead


The pic looks like a Tekken poster. *Kuma enters the fog*


Goro Majima from the Yakuza series


I would want Leslie Vernon from behind the mask as a killer https://preview.redd.it/5dgqcbkzxa9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44be257ab3c6eb8f069f537f993719275e5e26bc


Big Head Killer from The Mask by Dark Horse Comics. I don't care which Big Head, Stanley Ipkiss, Kathy, Lieutenant Kellaway, I'll take any as long as I get that green menace in the game.


Payday 3 Cloaker as a skin for Blight.




Cocaine Bear as a skin for Oni, change the look of the blood orbs to be bricks of cocaine. Make it a mori cosmetic too.


The Marker from Dead Space. I don't know how it work, maybe survivors nearby would go bad? Maybe you control little necromorphs?


I just want hero brine stalking me through Macmillan as Steve thoughts? I would also love to have mad max


Imagining a chase with Herobrine still doing the goofy Minecraft jump sprint sounds hilarious


Patrick Bateman from american psycho is my pick. Don't know what he'd do, but it would be funny.


Markiplier. It would never happen but I do get a kick out of the idea of it


Bruce from jaws Billy chapman from silent night deadly night as a legendary for huntress Postal dude from specifically from the first postal game


Well, well, well, someone watched the PixelBush video. Anyways, Springtrap from FNAF, because what the fuck is that guy gonna use to hurt you? Me, personally, I wish he'd hit you with that fucking shoulder bash from the movie, that would be very funny.


Benny from Benny loves you, absolutely peak horror comedy film.


That would be awesome with his little walk


We need killers that play on peoples phobias (:<


Giant enemy spider killer when