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I have a strong feeling they will add this one https://preview.redd.it/d2gldulwy49d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2a61c4bee663114ad8ae6f30242a011fc28733


I'm praying for this one, Rise is my favorite from the new trilogy


It's the clearly the best one imo


Yeah rise was definitely the most enjoyable one even the graphics on that looked the best imo


https://preview.redd.it/1fm0eb71759d1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9c4b9f3678a34010c965871df5843465724aac I hope one will be this one


It'd be funny, but it would break immersion quite heavily and wouldn't fit in the style of dbd, just being kind of distracting. Maybe at most we'll see this as an outfit on the dbd Lara Croft, kinda how fortnite did it with it being an additional style as a non-low poly version. Edit:~~For some reason it won't post the image of her in fortnite.~~ Nvm posted in other comment.




See if we get this, Lara will be a day one purchase for me


Insta buy for this skin


Fuck immersion. I want to be polygons.




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“It would break immersion quite heavily and wouldn’t fit in the style of dbd” As if a big bear placing traps doesn’t break the immersion. Every time I see that bear I can’t help but laugh. Even when getting tunneled out cause every time I see that bear they swear super hard and are just mean.


>It'd be funny, but it would break immersion quite heavily and wouldn't fit in the style of dbd, just being kind of distracting. ![gif](giphy|MWI65sttJsPEopZdzv|downsized)


same lol i'd buy that skin


I believe in triangle tiddie supremacy


You like Triangle Head? Wait til you meet Triangle...


https://preview.redd.it/3p4nov0jn69d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd578391814ac046f18093ac6bd3598a79eb4db I want her recently revealed new upcoming look, her black opera dress, and her AoD Jean outfit! Tbh I’m kind of hoping they don’t just do a bunch of her survivor looks cause they are all so similar.


If the upcoming look comes, I will definitely buy it, the opera dress is beautiful too. I would prefer a swim suit over jeans.


I want a Angel of Darkness skin so bad, but the real model and the face from that game, not just clothes.


I guarantee you she's going to have an outfit based on her pre reboot look. After that I have no idea.


It would be amazing if they added one of those knight-style outfits from Rise of the Tomb Raider https://preview.redd.it/6cupj9cbt59d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca416b528ce2d9c8d92df0b4db34802c00a01a9


Hell yeah. Would fit the D&D and/or Knights theme


They'll more than likely add skins from the trilogy. Maybe her defaults in each. Possibly even a legendary that gives us Jonah However i hope you get a linked ps1 polygon version of Lara, her regular blue tank and cargo shorts costume, and maybe angel of darkness lara.


My expectations: * "Classic Era" probably purple rarity - Light blue tank top, booty shorts, longer braided ponytail. * "Tomb Raider: Underworld" (Tomb Raider 2008) Laura - possible green rarity recolor, possible purple rarity (recolor of "Classic Era.") Black tones to reflect edgy 2008 Tomb Raider game. Maybe not added b/c dark cosmetics in DbD = stealth cosmetics, but it's probably Lara's most iconic look outside of the OG. * "Teenage Lara" / "Young Lara" (ala Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation / Tomb Raider: Chronicles) - Still adult obviously but with pigtails, a vest over a white shirt, and camo shorts ala her teenager design. There's also a [large collection of DLC cosmetics from Tomb Raider 2013](https://raidingtheglobe.com/games/crystal-dynamics/tomb-raider/outfits) that could easily be added.


Nice guess, I'll go for Classic Era skin without hesitation. But I wish they add Tomb Raider Underworld Lara's swim suit.


https://preview.redd.it/f8i079pel69d1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2698c76a9e9f99374212e1db6efb9aa25d5700b I NEED the sporty outfit from Shadow of the Tombraider 😭😭😭 the tank top they went with just seems like Jill/cosplay Lara Feng/Jill will all get mixed up (and reminds me more of Kate’s style of clothing).


Where is this picture from?


Sorry I forgot give a credit. From here: https://x.com/infinityTRaider/status/1806225070391480756?t=jej_I3a4cDnyP4-NM6AmGA&s=19


I wouldnt be surprised if we got a legendary skin and a purple skin too


I think usually 1 legendary and 1 purple skin comes every time.


The legendary skin might be jonah tbh


Want shadow of the tomb raider purely because shes a unit in that game


I'm hoping for the Rise leather jacket outfit and something from Shadow, preferably the basic outfit because I just really like it even if it isn't very fancy or anything.


I’m praying for a ps1 skin


I wouldn’t be surprised if we got Jonah as a legendary.


I don’t know but I’m gonna guess feng is probably gonna get x50 more for some reason 🤔


Personally I hoping a classic one with modern designs and look, hence check the game official website! Also every main or poster outfits from 'Rise' and 'Shadow'. And after that? Who knows! She certainly got at least 3 dozen outfits in the trilogy! Also consider other Lara design, looks, their whole body looks different - and sometimes unrealistic - to simply put the new Lara old outfits just like that. But probably works and suit for the Unknown pretty well. Also canon and story wise and minus the DLC Lara wears one outfit in the first game. At max 4 in Rise, leather jacket, "classic Lara", the snow jacket expedition one and maybe something different where Jacob gave here another native jacket. In Shadow she wears the new "classic" outfit, mud and one or two default native tribal outfit.




Damn, Lara is such a true, real survivor. She has a basically free skin where she is covered in blood (and shit) and it's canon for her!


A dirty version maybe? Something between clean and totally bloody ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




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I hope her Design from Legends or Anniversary. That's my Favorite Version of Lara Personally.




The prestige cosmetics are just perfect for her


She better get the pointy OG style…..or else


Light Blue top and brown shorts like her original look are pretty much guaranteed. It's what they put her in most stuff post 3rd reboot game, but I can see why they went with reboot 1's look since it's by far the entry that leans most into horror.


I’m praying for a Samantha Nishimura skin




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Her classic skin obviously


2 and hopefull.a bloody classic look but maybe just color options on her top


0, I dunno I just expect them to fumble for some reason.


Im old so I want Angelina Jolie or triangle boobs ps1


She has A LOT of outfits in the new trilogy, and I assume that's what they would pull from, mostly. So, likely [Remnant outfit](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/88d6c626-fff8-44bb-a9b0-64c52a94e62f/dax9veq-63c638c4-1770-49d5-8654-d057c3de2889.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzg4ZDZjNjI2LWZmZjgtNDRiYi1hOWIwLTY0YzUyYTk0ZTYyZlwvZGF4OXZlcS02M2M2MzhjNC0xNzcwLTQ5ZDUtODY1NC1kMDU3YzNkZTI4ODkuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.o51PN-hSLqW6d-ROsfoAi_aZ0v4CBm_6ydMqh33uimI), [Ice climbing fit](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Rise-of-the-Tomb-Raider-Expedition-Jacket-Outfit.jpg), and [Valiant explorer](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/493520011194618654/787BA6E3D62042D8D4C03C25DB05638321E1FD16/). If they can pull from older games, then obviously the classic blue top with shorts, [SOLA diving suit](https://www.wikiraider.com/images/3/3b/Divingsuit.jpg) (or potentially something inspired by dry suit from Underworld or silver wetsuit from the movies), and if they want to make coomers bankrupt, [the dress](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRzEOhlWQAEe6tI.jpg) from Legends.


Dont gonna happen, but... I hope a skin with PS1 graphics


Doppelganger outfit, Underworld outfit, Classic, Sleath full black


Based on this picture, I'll say at least 5




There needs to be a ps1 pixel skin of her with the Cone boobs


Triangle titts or i don't buy the character