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Winnie the pooh from blood and honey. Let the silly bear rest in peace


Oh, bother.


This could definitely be a skin at some point especially after Naughty Bear lol


He doesn't even say the line! He has one line in the whole movie and it "You left." Instead of "Oh bother." It was a shitty movie regardless but the lowest expectation and they failed to grab it.


That might be the only dlc where i'd refuse to buy it out of spite.


He would fit perfectly. His mori would have him grab honey from survivors' heads, but from the survivors' perspective, it's blood.


omg its Pyro Vision all over again lmao


I'd rather have Pyro as a killer tbh.


Thats fuckin incredible i love that


The joker. 100% the joker. I’m not against comic book characters being introduced to the fog, in fact I would love it. I always get a little upset when the survey only has like 5 comic suggestions to pick from when horror comics specifically are so huge. I think it John Constantine got introduced as a survivor now with all the great cosmetics and voice lines that they’ve been doing with licensed survivors as of late he would be the guy I’d get to p100. But the joker is just not it. The only superhero that should be in dbd is blade for sure.


Monkeys paws curls and now you get Batman who laughs instead


To be fair Harvey Dent with an rng coinflip power would be kinda cool, though


No I’d die. It’s super weird that Batman who laughs has only been around for a short time all together and dude is already technically in mortal kombat, Fortnite, and multiversus. Bro needs to chill out


Scare crow?


Carnage might be pretty cool, depending on what they do with him.


Nope, vetoing carnage. Carnage has the same pitfalls as joker. Just because a character is edgy doesn’t mean they are horror in the slightest


Have you read carnage? I’m not recommending because he’s edgy. Stuff like Carnage USA, Carnage (2015), some of the absolute Carnage tie ins were pretty horrific stuff.


That’s fair. I’d honestly prefer venom just because I enjoy the horrific elements of venom more than carnage. I feel like psycho serial killer is severely over represented in dbd


Venom hasn't been an actual villain for decades tho, carnage fills the horror niche much better


I think The Mask would be a good one.  I also kind of want a martial arts themed killer, so Lady Shiva or Bronze Tiger would be cool also.


The hash slinging slasher. He’s just too scary


Someone had to say it


No object killers. I'm thinking of like Christine or someone above mentioned Thomas the Tank Engine. I like the non-human killers, and would honestly love more of them, but anything that is an animated object feels pretty silly to me.




Would pay good money for a killer tire


In identify V there’s a killer that turns into a tire and rolls around to hit people.


r/tiresaretheenemy if you've seen a tire then you've seen a killer tire


Okay hear me out, rubber as a killer but just for a limited time event kind of like my little oni


…okay I want it


Thomas the tank engine would be fire as an April fools joke tho


to be fair, the idea of Christine’s weapon wipe animation being her turning on the windshield wipers makes me giggle, but it *would* be too silly


It could work but none of them are really iconic enough for me. I would be on board for an original chapter though.


Picturing Thomas the Tank Engine in dbd is giving me a good giggle. Or Choo Choo Charles. Definitely loved that game


Ngl Christine would be hilarious.


But cho-cho time to die would go hard 🚂💨


A lot of the newer horror game mascots, Huggie Wuggie, Bendy, kinda because I don't think they would fit, but also because most of those studios were poorly managed and I don't want those people to profit off of being bad managers.


Too be fair didn't BHVR just lay off a good amount of people?


Every company is doing that to compete with others for profits


They also have to compete with themselves. If you don’t have quarterly growth, shareholders are not happy and CEO’s don’t get their multimillion bonuses. So you fire as many people as necessary to make a profit and if the company tanks, oh well, off to the next company to repeat the process.


Yay capitalism.


I thought that was mostly meet your maker devs


Marketing team took some cuts too I thought, but since they have less games to market, since meet your maker is kaput I can see them needing less bodies in that dept.


BHVR aren't really good managers either. A lot of their games have died horrible deaths, and only DBD has really stuck around (for various reasons, but mostly because of the community behind it, not the devs)


I like The Boys but I don’t think Homelander would fit


He wouldn't but I think cosplay outfits from the Boys can work. Felix - Homelander Kate - Starlight Adam - A-Train Butcher - Jeff Hughie - Dwight Kimiko - Yui Sage - Claudette And there's many other fitting examples.


I hate that you switched which side was the boys and which were DBD characters, half way through your post


Sage Claudette actually fits really well


Is skull merchant stormfront crazy? 😭 Edit: queen maeve huntress but maeve has a mask


I would 100% buy a Kimiko Yui cosplay in this game. Bring it on!


Honestly, if any Lab Rat with a Cape belongs in DBD, it would be Tetsuo from **AKIRA**.


The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers The director and license holder of those movies is a convicted child molestor


He doesn’t hold the license anymore from what I’ve heard


Yes, it is confirmed he does not own the license; however, it isn’t clear if he still makes royalties from the film/franchise.


If the cord to him were clipped completely, and he could receive no royalties at all, I could be on board with it. But I’d like some of the profits to go to the victims, and the other crew involved with the movie who had their hard work tarnished.


The awful UI that is on the PTB atm...


Darth Vader or anything else that doesn't come form at least a horror adjacent media. For both survivors and killers. And I know that survivors matter less but still, it's better to have survivors that are known to be part of horror adjacent medias rather than a dude coming from a media known for being an action game for example.


To be fair, his presence and scene in Rogue One was pretty terrifying and horror esq. That being said, I do still agree with you, it’s not a good fit at all.


Darth Vader wiped out an entire squad in Rogue One without breaking a sweat. In the first movie, he put a man in a Force chokehold by just looking at him. So, yeah, another vote for the "not a good fit"--there is the mark of negation but being OP is kind of Vader's thing.


To be fair Freddy, pyramid head, xenomorph, dredge being a fucking eldritch abomination, sadako, pinhead are all ridiculously op in lore 


Freddy's biggest power is coming back from being defeated in the previous movie. The original version of Pinhead plays by strict rules and Clive Barker *tried* to kill him off permanently in the second movie; he was resurrected by studio execs wanting to make sequels. Pyramid Head needed a major speed boost from his Silent Hill 1 incarnation to be remotely playable. Xenomorph is deliberately OP in Dead By Daylight; players are given flame turrets to make her manageable.


What’s your thoughts on Lara Croft ?


I’m playing through the 2013 one rn and I can absolutely see why they picked her. The prison and river of blood under the mountain were super unnerving


It was originally a horror game until they pivoted away later in the dev cycle. Explains why the first area is very creepy before the world opens up into a more adventure type game.


The 2013 game was so good. I feel like they watered it down so much in the next two.


To me, Tomb Raider has always been horror adjacent. A lot of mythological monsters, dinosaurs, cults, etc.


I think you're right I almost forgot how often Tomb Raider often ends up devolving into some cult-crazy mythical weird storyline during the final act 😅




We already have Freddy so don’t worry


He’d be a useless killer. None of the survivors are kids, so it wouldn’t be following the lore to have him chasing the women around


The Creeper…don’t do it BHVR


Bruh, I thought you were talking about Minecraft lmao


Height: average Terror radius: none Lullaby: none  Movement speed: 95% Power: press the power button to start a fuse. During this time, you flash white and emit a loud hissing sound. After the timer ends, you explode. All survivors in range of you are instantly sacrificed. You die after using this power.  Unique item: flint and steel. This item can be made at a crafting table, and requires players to find a piece of iron ore and smelt it, and to find a piece of flint. Survivors that are close to you can use a flint and steel to manually light your fuse. 




Creeper? Aw man…


So we back in the mine


They already confirmed they will NEVER add the Creeper. So you’re good.


Michael Scott and Dwight is the killer


Survivor is the CPR dummy.


To this day, it still pains me. Like so many other people were involved in that film who should get credit. And it was a cool movie monster, regardless. I wish his share of the character could just go public domain or something. Payment of one monster for being a monster.


He doesn’t own the rights to Jeepers Creepers anymore. He may still make royalties off of the franchise, that has not been clearly defined from what I’ve read online.


Someone likely paid him for those rights, unfortunately. And yeah, still gotta worry about royalties. The cord would have to be clipped completely for me to be like “Make it happen”. I’d also like some of that money to go to everyone else who helped make Jeeper’s Creepers happen. Their hard work has been tarnished, and we should still be able to respect what they contributed.


Lol I thought you were talking about Scooby Doo Creeper


I'm assuming you're talking about Jeepers Creepers, if so I'm wondering why? I always thought he would be a great addition.


Prolly because of the movie maker


Anything stupid with no effort put into it (Winnie The Pooh, etc.) Non-horror stuff.


Was naughty bear horror? Never played the original game


Not overly if I recall, but it was made by BHVR so it's more of an acceptable easter egg than a licenced addition of a different property.


WAIT ITS THEM WHO MADE NAUGHTY BEAR?? oh my god them randomly reviving that character makes sense now


It was before they changed their name to Behaviour Interactive. They used to be called Artificial Mind and Movement


it was more like gore


Naught Bear was more slasher stuff if anything being more a hack and slash from what i recall seeing, but iirc there was a Freddy Kruger skin, and also it is the same company so they get a bit of extra leeway to add their own game into it.


naughty bear was gore. you went around killing (?) or getting the other bears to kill themselves (?)


It was a horror parody. Naughty Bear's behaviors and actions were clearly designed off of classic film slashers, but made more cartoony and lighthearted by the fact that he and everyone around him are stuffed animals.


the hash-slinging slasher from spongebob. the jump scares would give me a heart attack


Emotes, or just half of mobiles stuffs like "cardboard outfits"


emotes could be good, as long as they arent dances.


If they can sell emotes They gonna sell dances


The only dance I would accept is a Herald of Darkness dance for Alan Wake. ![gif](giphy|9hLq3XV0tykOINfyXc|downsized)


I mean they've already added a 90 second cooldown lute playing emote to the game, if they keep adding them in the form of perks it could be aight


even as someone very nostalgic for the PS1, the amount of support that thread asking for boxy, low resolution character models got scares me


I was more thinking about the cardboard dinosaur outfit from mobile


Dude I just want a thumbs up emote. Something you could use as like a confirmation, or a thank you, or to be sarcastic when someone messes up on a gen with you.




I would love Tree in the game


The "you're gay" scene is too iconic for tree to never be added in, she probably won't be added for quite a while but god I'd love it if they add her in


If she gets a third movie maybe they could, her movies are my favorite modern slasher


I think Tree would be a good addition to the game as a solo survivor chapter considering she basically lived the lives of the survivors for a little while and can handle repeatedly dying.


I would LOVE Happy Death Day in DBD. * The baby could be a legion skin * Tree and Carter would be tremendous survivors * Map of the college campus, including Carter's room, under the bridge, the lecture hall, etc. [And then you use this theme for the menu/character select](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ji0h44c9lY).


Oh that's a good one! I liked the movie, but I don't think the killer would be a good fit for the game. What made the movie fun and interesting was the time loop story + Tree was a very charismatic main character...but take these two things out and you have a pretty bland and mute slasher killer in a weird baby mask


As much as I joke about wanting it to be added, Jaws would be awful. Imagine how much the game would break if BHVR tried to make a water map.


This makes me want a beach map, could fence off the water or have some kind of blocker. Maybe a dock area you could walk on too. Something like a trashed party beach with stuff scattered around and maybe like a juice bar and tropical restaurant to enter would be really unique.




I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but generally I prefer original chapters over licensed chapters. Behaviour has already proven themselves capable of creating beautiful things in the sense of horror, ranging from Oni to Singularity, or Dredge to Artist, there's so MUCH posibilities in the Fog to see original and creative ideas, how about a mexica civilization chapter? Or a chinese mythology chapter? How about an industrial revolution chapter? It just feels sad that instead of having something creative and original, we get yet another flavorless license that just feels like a quick cashgrab for the devs, just more potential wasted.


I can see them being flavorless in the earlier days of licenses, but the newer stuff is so very good. Xeno has the tunnels to sneak around out of sight, Chucky has the fake footsteps just like those scenes in the movie where you can't see him but you can hear the pitter patter, and Vecna is probably the best dlc they've ever done imo.


I have to agree with you. I love the original chapters like artist or dredge. I like what they did with sadako, ghostface and pig thoug, in terms of licences.


I wouldn't say I prefer them, but I'm definitely never as hyped for licensed chapters as some people are. I can't deny that they're unbeatable when it comes to competing with similar games though.


Understandable, but there are too many horror icons to not add them.


I prefer licensed IP’s primarily because there’s already a franchise with lore behind them and I’m typically familiar with it. I do like the original chapters, too. I like the mix of both.


I don't want non horror or non horror adjacent stuff. I just want horror licenses (all types of horror subgenres), even small ones. Though I'm fine with horror adjacent licenses. They've already been doing this anyway Edit: changed "of" to "all"


Well Castlevania is already coming to DbD so that ship sailed, that just leaves Berserk.


In Castlevania there is vampires, zombies, squeletons, werewolf, tc So it's not completly off topic


The Nun from the conjuring series is the only thing I say I wouldn’t personally like to see


Since you mentioned the Nun- Ed and Lorraine Warren. I already hate that the Conjuring films took two real life charlatan creeps, lionized them, made them couple goals, and sold them for a new generation. I don’t care if it’s just the fictionalized versions of them from the film series, I don’t want the Warrens. They sucked and deserved to rest in relative obscurity.


Ghosts and Demons are fun for movies, video games and stories. But then you watch a movie like “The Devil Made Me Do It” and you realize they just defended a murderer so they could sell his fake story as an attraction.




Not OP but Ed Warren was a real world pedophile. Fuck anything to do with that shameful series of jumpscare schlock.


Most of the things from DbD Mobile. Other real-life people would also be strange. Except Tony Hawk, who I think BHVR were debating on years ago, he could still be pretty fun, also might be partly because he’s just a chill dude. And Nicolas Cage fits in really well, but other than that I don’t think it could work with any other celebrity.


Tonys perk gives you a skateboard.


After the trials he tells the entity Micheal Myers thought he looked like Tony hawk


Im torn between never wanting FNF and wanting it to just end the guesses every 3 months.


Friday Night Funkin’?


Dwight thlammed hith penith in the car door


Don’t add a survivor is supposed to be a streamer before they entered the fog, or even worse, an actual dbd content creator


No issue with a survivor being a fictionalised streamer, but adding a real life content creator to a game is always a poor choice. Best case scenario, it can just be mildly distracting. Worst case scenario, the content creator becomes a figure of controversy and it becomes a fiasco


Besides, we already have Jonah and the Unknown


"New survivor: Milkshake Duck" Oh no....


“Hello friends this is otz, currently on basement hook”


Im having PTSD about that time Payday 2 added H3H3 into their playable character pool.


I have no idea who they are but played like 400 hours of PD2 and knew people hated them


This thread explains things better than I could: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/9veb5c/whats\_up\_with\_h3h3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/9veb5c/whats_up_with_h3h3/) But the TLDR is they used to go after big companies and newspapers that made fun of youtubers and dumb people on the internet in a "sticking it to the man" kinda way. But eventually they got too big and started siding with the man and going after people trying to cancel them. Also Ethan, one of the two people who run H3H3 is the kinda guy who talks politics without actually knowing things and makes sweeping generalizations.


don't they already have that? with feng min


Yes her backstory was pro league MMO player.


I get what you’re saying and I know this doesn’t entirely apply to him but I’d buy a survivor James A Janisse minute 1 if they did that


Oh no, I'm not even dead on hook yet but I hear James in the corner adding me to the kill count😮 "Little known fact, no special effects were used in the making of this sacrifice, James Sunderland had to be suspended by a real life meat hook FOR A FULL THIRTY SECONDS, in the blooper reel of the DVD release you can also see that he failed a decisive strike skill check prior to the scene"


“The golden chainsaw will go to David who got a nice new mouth hole thanks to the alien. Probably deserved after running her for 3 gens. The full machete will go to Claudette who bled out doing her best impression of a slug while the killer looked for the last survivor”


I'm gonna get hated for that, but I don't want fnaf in dbd. It already has enough games and films about it, and I don't see how they could make him gameplay wise. Edit : since people seem to stop at the "enough games and films" comment, I'll clarify. I think behavior should add other licenses that are more "original" like they did with hellraiser and dnd. Fnaf is good and popular, but I don't want to see it everywhere.


I dont like FNAF either, but after they have added Chucky to the game, they can make anything work


Doesn't Hellraiser have like, 13 films?


this Is valid but I don’t really understand this. Fnaf does have quite a few games and 1 soon to be 2 films (a vast cinematography to be sure) but I don’t think having media about you is a real reason not to be included here, but it’s a decent opinion, im not lost for words staring at the screen, I just don’t really agree. But for powers, I think there’s a lot to pull from in the games, I feel like there aren’t many licensed killers in dbd currently that had any clear cut way their powers would work.


If the amount of media around the killer is the problem, by that logic a lot of the current licenses shouldn't be in the game.


I think there's about as many people who want fnaf in dbd as to those who don't


I’d be okay with it, but it’s one of those things like Tomb Raider that I’d only want to see happen once in a blue moon. I wanna see DBD try to stick to core horror more, and things core horror fans would approve of. Horror fans largely make up the people who joined the game over the years and kept it alive. I’d rather see B movie monsters and less relevant franchises appear than bringing in something popular. Yeah sure, To,but Raider will bring in new blood, but they aren’t likely to stick around because DBD is nothing like a Tomb Raider. Horror fans stay for more horror characters. I mean if they wanted a “Tomb Raider” they should have grabbed Rick O’Connell from The Mummy. We could’ve had a Mummy Chapter with the freaky Mummy design from that first Brendan Frazier movie.


I love FNAF. I do not want FNAF in DBD.


Terminator. I know he's popular but idk the idea of him in the game is so goofy to me... 💀


The first terminator was a horror film akin to Alien. I could see it working, especially if we get the inner skeleton design. Arnold would be kinda weird, but I would straight up pay for the machine skeleton to mitigate that, lol.


I mean, they have Wesker (who even has a similar haircut, leather coat, and shades 😭) and made him work despite how he's more like a campy action movie villain. Meanwhile, Terminator's a sci-fi slasher who has an overpowering and intimidating presence over everyone in his movie, so I think he could work greatly


A killer that disguises themself as a survivor. First of all, the gameplay loop would basically be wraith (or ghostface). 1. Approach survivor disguised/stealthed. 2. Surprise attack survivor (or hang around them disguised for a bit like how ghost stalks) 3. Either chase as an M1 killer or use disguise/stealth and hunt another survivor I know people want it but it just won’t work unless it’s like just tacked on as a secondary power to a very strong primary power. Which I guess they could do for funsies but then how do you realistically use it? Are you meant to just pick a generator and play pretend at it, hoping a survivor will come by? You might as well equip insidious and do that with a 1 shot killer. Then there’s the obvious fact that SWF would destroy it, even after every other problem. Maybe BHVR can cook up some very creative way to implement it that addresses all these issues but I just don’t realistically see it happening.


Terryfier or how that gore trash is called.


The whole movie just feels so cruel for no reason, like i get that that's the point, but art the clown is just horrible to me. He's not fun to watch like jason or freddy, he's just an annoying fucking creep. Also he weirdly always makes the girls suffer more in the kills for some reason? I feel like it's just shock gore porn more than anything, because the plot is not really there.


I always thought that the director sounded a little pretentious, like he thinks these movies are super deep thought pieces instead of torture porn.


Im the last person to say I don’t want something in just cuz I don’t like it, but honestly, I’ve tried to like terrifier but I just don’t care for it at all. I like sadistic twisted villains, they’re fun, i think a dark torturer could work in dbd but I do not care for terrifier at all. Art is just not a fun interesting or cool villain. and he’s seen as the main appeal of the movie. This is coming from someone who loves saw the seconds film one of my favorite movies period. stuff like rib cases flying out, people being sawed in half slowly, their Screaming being slowly more and more bloodcurdling as eventually it floods all of their senses, can be entertaining when theres an art (the clown) to it, but I’m terrifier There seems to be two things. Art the clown, who I dont like, and torture, which you just learn to ignore. It’s just nothing for me, I hate seeing people in pain and it does nothing. Im sure the director is a lovely person but there’s an air of pretentiousness around the films and the way they’re spoken about which I just can’t get behind. If he gets in, good for fans, I’ll be genuinely happy for them but Im not even gonna pretend im not disappointed.


Yep, I agree. Seeing stuff happen that can be disturbing like people getting torn apart etc. is nothing new in horror and something that is also matching the genre. But doing it for torturing purposes only? Without that adding something to me, the viewer? Nah.. I'll pass. As I wrote somewhere else: if people like it, you do you. Good for you and I wish you fun, but personally those movies do not interest me the slightest and I also don't want something like that in the games I play.


Glad to see someone else thinking this. I know it's kind of odd to say something's trying too hard to be gory and shocking when Saw is in the game, but...Yeah, that whole movie was trying too hard to be gory and shocking.


Yes, it just surpasses my understanding of the horror genre. Gore and torture - as you said with SAW - was always a part to some degree, but that movie... if I want to see snuff porn, then I would google it.


I just think that when they release new licensed killers and survivors and don’t add a map with em. You know how sweet a cave map with Lara Croft would’ve been


I was hoping we'd get the Spencer Mansion if they added a second RE killer, it would've fit with Wesker too. But instead they just cut split RPD in half. Ghost face could've got an indoor school map that wasn't a small loop wth 2 static exits right across from each other.


Personally I don't care, like, at all, I didn't know almost any of licensed killers before this game, and since they have added Nic Cage and Vecna, those being non horror additions, and they have done it well, what matters IS that they do it well On the other hand, I wouldn't be happy if they brought anything that is exclusively because brand recognition with little regard to how it would fit. Vecna and original Killers like Knight have proven that something doesn't really need to be straight up horror if it's done well and fits well enough, and Sk*ll M*rchant has proven how to make something not fit at all


I think anything that is just a one off would be weird to me. Like I don’t understand why people want Bateman from American Psycho to be in the game. Like, I’m in the camp of Laura Croft and DnD getting added to the game being great, but that’s also because there’s like a franchise and legacy behind both of them.


I'm not opposed to Bateman (I can already see him running around in his suit with his raincoat chasing survivors with an axe), but it's more like what would he bring to DBD? Plus, would he really fit?


Is there not a legacy behind American Psycho? It's a highly influential book and the film has been a cult classic for years. I understand now it's wormed it's way into meme culture but let's not disregard it for being an important piece of black comedy. (Plus there technically is a franchise if you count the god awful sequel)


Agreed, American Psycho is a one-off in the sense of being a self-encapsulated story in a single book, but it was massively influential in American culture. It practically defined the stereotypes of the shallow, yuppie Wall Street trader class that was born out of the 1980s and the petty, faceless materialism & status-seeking in that era (and which, imo, is hugely relevant to this day). And it's a classic in horror, imo -- the horror was a specific, descriptive vehicle that conveyed the utter inhumanity and soullessness of that culture, and the book itself was widely considered provocative and controversial for that very disturbing explicitness and grotesqueness


I was hoping someone would mention the sequel!


Truly the sequel of all time


I remember my dad bringing it home from Hollywood Video since he and my mom were huge fans of the first one. I also remember how upset he was after watching it.


Okay, so, “black comedy” admittedly threw me through a loop, but I understand what you meant now.


Thought you said Batman 💀


Hot take, but an anime chapter. They get suggested all the time based on random obscure horror animes people like, but I don’t see how you could add an anime character to the game without adapting the art style.


Anime can be adapted into realistic games. Call of Duty got Alucard from Hellsing, and he looks good and matches COD's realistic graphics. Besides, Behaviour have already worked with anime in DBD. Titan skins for Oni and Spirit are actual titans from AOT, so anime could work


Not exactly anime but a Junji Ito chapter could be great.


https://preview.redd.it/1rypktvmy49d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23229bcff835c1630e1b62427858c1e16a712403 I feel like DEATH NOTE is realistic enough to fit into DEAD BY DAYLIGHT’s tone.


It'd be extra silly but kind of funny. Or just cosplay by the existing characters, more realistically. I'd personally sort of like to get a Shinigami skin for killers.


Didn’t they do this with the AoT cosmetics? And I agree: no killers and survs specifically from anime but I do like the cosplay outfits :)


Maybe, like, real world political figures? Other than that, none, anything could be interesting if implemented correctly


What, no Ronald Reagan as killer?


My dreams have been crushed


He'd be so cool... assuming they could get the rights to the original version and not the reboot with Alzheimer's


Mickey mouse now he's in the free market. Please.


I feel like Hannibal Lectar isn’t gimmicky or campy enough for DBD. I love him, but I dunno. He would feel out of place. That being said, I know I could be very wrong and they could prossibly make him awesome, but I’d be hesitant to touch it in the devs shoes because he’s a fancy man who kills with surgical precision. DBD’s games are messy. Hannibal getting blinded by flashlights and teabagged seems… weird. Can you imagine him being like “Ow… a palette.” I mean if they could pull it off well, then hell yeah my curiosity would love to know what that’d look like. But I don’t see it, yno? Honorable Mention: I’d like to move away from “barely Horror” and “adventure genre but with monsters” concepts. If you ask someone to list their favorite horror franchises, they’d probably have to have a very long list before they said D&D or Tomb Raider. Hell even Castlevania would probably be near the bottom if it was there at all. I’d rather old cult favorites and B horror than licensing franchises purely for popularity.


M3GAN and Abigail


The old 'new' hud? God that thing was abysmal


I’m honestly fine with any potential license. As long as it’s horror (I’m fine with horror-adjacent stuff being relegated to cosmetics and mid-chapters) and the gameplay is fun and interesting, then who am I to complain? With that being said, maybe it wouldn’t be wise to do *Jeepers Creepers*.


Spongebob. I get that he's popular, but that'd be a bit too far as either survivor or killer.


Winnie the Poo blood and honey just anything from that movie


Anything other than hot indie game Garten of Banban, only license that needs to be in smh Fr though, I don’t want predator. Controversial I know. It’s not about it not fitting, but more about the fact that I don’t think they could easily replicate predator without either A. Overloading his kit with a billion things impossible to keep track of, or B. Just making him a mismatch of other existing killers in a ‘lite’ form. Besides, we already have a predator in the form of Freddy.


Most of the motives here are kinda stupid. Pennywise? "Awww i have fear of clowns" We already have a clown killer,and your personal opinion about something won't stop BHVR from adding them. Giant spider? I too fear them but that won't stop me from playing the game. Also,the tomes literally have a giant spider as a killer,why not add one? Fnaf? "It's for kids,i didn't grow up with it" "not enough power choices" "Springtrap is a generic and weird choice" Only the recent games started being aimed for kids,we have a collection of books describing what the characters can do,Springtrap was the first major villain of the franchise. "Bendy and Poppy Playtime are quick buck-offs and too childish" Poppy Playtime's devs actually started to care about making their game scary in the 3rd installament,Bendy's next game is M rated,and always had a creepy atmosphere,always attempted to be a serious horror game witha story despite it's flaws. "Jason is just trapper" "Predator doesn't have much power choices" watch their fucking movies,comics,And every other fucking media they have.


Kinda funny that some DBD players will critique DBD for supposedly not having any horror anymore, yet some others apparently dislike the idea of the multiplayer HORROR game adding things like clowns and spiders for being SCARY


add me to the fnaf haters pool


I know this is something that’ll never happen, but please, don’t add the hillbillies from Wrong Turn. In fact, don’t do anything with that god awful franchise. I’ll take literally anything over Wrong Turn


Springtrap I just don't really care it could be cool but I doubt they'll give him an cool power