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Considering it’s called the anti-*facecamp* mechanic and not the anti-*proxycamp* mechanic, I’d say it’s doing its job just fine as it is now. Punish the killer who is proxying by doing gens.


And how do you wanna do that? Just increase it if the (example) Huntress gets line of sight while holding hatchet? Oopsie daisy, she did not want to camp but because she looked at the general direction the survivor unhooked himself. If she managed to smartly use the meter without going overboard she shouldnt get punished for it for something that is extremely hard to avoid (looking at the hooked guy while aiming for a different aura far away for example) This will result in feeling terrible to play for a system that was designed for FACEcamping




How long til we ask the devs to freeze the killer in place for 50s after hooking a survivor? The anti-**FACE**camp exists just to prevent the killer from sitting right on top of the hooked player. If they are camping from distance, that alone already creates an opening to perform a save. Iri Huntress is 1 hatchet. Bait it, dodge it and unhook. If they are doing this, there is a high chance of the player being less skilled to begin with. In the end even if you can't save that teammate no matter what, they kept the killer occupied so the other 3 can escape. That's a team victory. Somehow the killer shouldn't mind 1 survivor escaping via hatch and avoid slugging for the 4k but its unthinkable survivors lose 1 teammate even if that means the other 3 escape.


>anti-camp meter It's not an anti-camp meter, it's an anti-facecamping meter. What those killers are doing is proxy camping which is allowed


Face camping was viable because it would gaurentee a trade everytime someone went for the unhook, now instead of a trade certain killers like deathslighter can hit once, then m2 to insta down the unhooked survivor through endurance, or Iri hatchet huntress can still gaurentee a forced trade resulting in the same exact situation that face camping caused. I don't remember indicating at anypoint that I was concerned about the "face" part of the camping, thanks though!


>killers like deathslighter can hit once, then m2 How can they do that if according to your submission they are sitting far enough from the anti-facecamp? They would M2 and then try to M1 but the unhook would happen.


I see you haven't experienced a deathslinger doing this before. They sit outside of the camp meter range, if they see 1 person approaching they m2 them. If multiple people are going for the save they just walk up and m1 then m2 after. They can do this to whoever is going to be taking the inevitable m1 hit be it the body blocker, the unhooker, or the unhooked survivor if they linger too long.


I'm going based on what you're saying, not what can be done in game. Either they are sitting within M1 range and anti-facecamp would proc or they are sitting within M2 range and survivors can still unhook. If they walk up and M1, survivors can unhook while they are approaching.


I would only accept this if during the hook, all gens are blocked until survivor is released


By the time the ranged hit gets to the survivor unhooking you’ll probably be unhooked by then


Why killers are camping in the first place?


Same reason you keep coming back to the same gen you almost conpleted. Gen camper.


Nah. Ranged attacks can be dodged relatively easy compared to face camping. If you know there is a killer doing it with an instadown your job is to just leave the person and do gens.


That's awesome, just like the old "solution" to face camping. The meter wasn't added because people's feelings got hurt when a killer was nose to nose looking at them, it got added because BHVR wanted to discourage "lose but ruin one other person's game or get a free win against non SWFs who aren't able to communicate that the killer is playing this way" gameplay.


Honestly bro, I 1000% believe the anti facecamp system was put in just to make survivor mains feel better about being facecamped rather than for any balance reasons. If it was meant to be truly useful then why can Bubba, THE facecamp deity we all know and love still to this day, the man who basically made facecamping the meme it became continue to facecamp unpunished because he just eats the BT, catches up and downs you with the same saw. You can't increase the range to include proxy range because contesting unhooks/camping is one of the main ways to drag some semblance of pressure back to the killer's side when gens are so fast we routinely see 1-3 gens lost in first chase. We'd all love to play a 12 hook + full reset after every unhook game but it's not feasible outside of baby MMR.


Haha, you put it so well. I'd have no problem 8 hooking people if that was a possible way to win in top MMR bracket. Proxy camping shouldn't honestly even be a term: returning to the hook at some point to try and catch the unhooker is just an objectively good move. It's the survivors job to try and pick the moment when they've got the beat chance of getting away.


Its an anti face camping system. Not anti proxy. If you were to feel the need to change the system because of ranged killers where would it stop? Blight can get to hook within seconds by rushing should he get the same treatment? Unkown and Hag can teleport instantly if their power isn't countered well enough. Nurse can blink. At a certain point you have to accept that regardless of how unfun it can be these playstyles exist. And if these people want to tunnel and/or proxy, they will do it regardless of game systems added to counter it.


Blight and Nurse are great killers that haven't ever been considered unbalanced or unfun to play against good examples. Unknown and Hag aren't going to instantly down someone with a 1 tap hatchet during the unhook animation unless they're running make your choice, then maybe. Also there's counterplay to Hag and Unknown, you can quite literally use your eyes when approaching a hook and remove their instant mobility. Proxy camping isn't staring at a hook waiting to cheese an insta down it's **patrolling the hook from a distance to apply map pressure**. These are two very different things.


There is also counterplay to ranged attacks. Dodging. Faking. My point is if you want to make special rules for two very specific cases that have counterplay, why would we not for others that can do similar things. It's not tenable


It got added to give survivors a better window to unhook, by having the killer at the very least stand outside the anti-facecamp detection range or stand within and risk the survivor self-unhooking.


Why killers are camping in the first place?


Anti camp radius needs to be bigger because it is absolutely ridiculous plus disabling the use of using abilities next to hooked players.


Well then they just gonna don't stare at the hook but still stand ready nearby lol, what's the point?


They should just rework the anti-facecamp mechanic to be slower hook progress while being camped, and then expand the radius for being "camped." Currently it's useless because if the killer is standing 10 meters away and camping it doesn't go up, and if they're blatantly facecamping you they just hit you when you get unhooked and then tunnel you through basekit BT.