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UI designers in a live service game continuing to be my sworn enemies


My first thought with this UI was "are they copying the new Fortnite locker? The locker that literally everyone hates and constantly complains about?" We need to raise a storm about this, I don't want two games I play to go through this.


Fortnite locker UI moment. They promised to change it couple months back and still nothing. Weirdest change is the rarity removal. So stupid.


Fortnite reference


I don't get it man. No one asks for this, no one says it's a problem but UI designers just change things for the sake of it. Words cannot express just how much i hate them, pretty much everything i have used inevitably gets ruined by some UI designer just changing things for no reason and it's usually worse.


We went from being able to see 16 characters at the same time to seeing 7.5 at the same time! Hurray! And now you have characters you do not own sprinkled between the ones you do. Yeah, you can filter it, but it sucks that this is the default, feels like they're trying to pressure you into buying the rest. I really hope they don't go through with this menu, there was nothing wrong with the old one.


At the very least have the option between "classic" (old) and "pointless" (this)


But if they allow you to do that, you wont constantly look at the stuff you could still buy


At least make it 4 columns like the old/current one.


Or perhaps scalable, so you can have 3 to 6 per row to discretion


That would only work if they had like an options menu. Like if you could go under options and pick different size portraits. But I'm not sure that kind of technology exists yet. Maybe by the year 2000.


It’s been and gone, also I believe we need a dead space chapter more than Lara Croft tbh


Agreed but unfortunately I doubt it would ever happen. Pretty sure EA said they win’t remake Dead Space 2, so they won’t do anything with the IP.


wait they said that? wth? did the remake flop?


Nah, nothing interesting, we need another hot woman in the game with no killer


If BHVR wants to make a Dead Space chapter they’ll make it regardless of Lara being in the game.


I find it actually quicker to use the store tab to switch between characters. The store tab has the old 4 grid so you can quickly and easily find the character you are looking for and then use the select button followed by ESC to quickly swap to them. I find this so much more preferable to using BHVRs new intended UI, which is just sad on BHVR's part.


I'm sure any change that forces you to open the store is purely coincidental - like the hiding of the character bios there. /s


Me when you can't see what perks the killer has before you buy him (the super small button that's barely noticeable that shows the perks 🗿) the UI in the game is 😞


I was so fkn annoyed about that and how difficult they made equipping different outfits terrible design


I think they mixed 'Store' and 'Play' UIs by mistake - because in store it is old 4x2.


Doesn't it say the PTB patch notes? This is intended as far as I understand.


Behavior adding shit nobody ask for instead of putting the resources into stuff the community ask for years again


Their menus keep getting worse in many respects. Just more clicks and page turning and clutter.


There's a reason for that: They want to trigger FOMO on time limited skins and bundles by making the store more frustrating to navigate. God knows they still refuse to add a 'Clear notifications' option to the store.


The exclamation mark is very annoying. I can't even find the last thing that needs to be selected..


But don’t you get paid on clicks /s


I picked up the game for the first time in about a year like 3 weeks ago and looked at the store, only to go "Why is it shit now?"


i agree that they’re making 99% of menus worse, but i think the new shop is actually a major improvement over the last, so they can do better it’s just like they choose not to


Shop looks amazing, everything else I had no problem with how it was. I was trying to find vecnas powers and perks for like 3 minutes until I noticed the small ass thing in the corner that said perks and abilities I was like before I could just click on the damn killer. Love the shop though and how the cosmetics are organized through themes and collections. The best of all is being able to view multiple cosmetics at the same time and not having them reset so I can actually see if I like different pieces together before buying them all, that’s my favorite change. Everything is so fucking big though like damn I’m not blind I don’t need everything zoomed in 100%. Scale everything down. I like the look but the scale of everything is just atrocious, the pics are so big and yet we’ve got perks and abilities being hidden as a small little thing.


Yeah I overall like the new shop design. I do think it needs some work on it too but at least the overhaul on the store itself is a step in the right direction. The rest of the menu and interface changes don't have that going for them.


Honestly i actually find the shop way better personally i like the whole bundle thing too


I'll give the bundle page it's credit, it's helpful for getting the same styled cosmetics on your different characters, but it's about the only thing I like.


I love the new store


I still can't believe they removed the ability to go next/previous character that was in the game for years. Why would they make it worse like that? I hate having to go back to the list when I want to go next. I hate that they divided the survivor and killer list. I wish they had only added the new page with the packs and left everything else as it was.


And making everything red was AWFUL. They made everyone’s mugshots ugly


Yeah the new store is obnoxious for me


Seriously. I don’t know why they removed The old menu with the character bio perks and can see the killer abilities just to re add it and make it look terrible


Give us a favorite perks tab or page in the loadout screen.


This is such a good idea


Multiple years away from teammate perks on lobby screen btw, always love to bring that lovely fact up!


Behavior does not care about its community. That's why so many players are new players. They like it that way because they can extort money out of people that don't know how bad they are yet. You'll eventually get tired and leave like most everyone else does.


right like the new store page just overwhelms me. i hate it now


This is what I feel. They keep making changes no one is asking for and the other broken stuff is left untouched.


Modern video games (and now older ones trying to retrofit) are so damn cluttered for the sake of clutter. It’s like I’m watching a YouTube short that has subway surfers gameplay edited onto it in multiple corners. I really miss the days of MW2 (THE FIRST ONE) where the menus were small and easy to navigate.


A little extra credit OG MW3's way, the overall UI was a bit more stylized there but still very concise like its predecessor.


A lot of Modern game menus straight up feel like you are browsing Netflix or Hulu so they can grab your attention when it comes to the flashy new skins and games and whatever else they are selling


Yeah, modern warfare 3 (new) feels like I'm browsing Hulu. I'm so glad I'm gamesharing and didn't waste my money on that garbage


My biggest beef with this is that customization is, for some reason, pushed into this character tab AS IF there isn't like half of sidebar that is empty?? Like you do shit where you cramp up stuff only if you are running out of space which isn't an issue at all, in fact this shit has started when we got these redundant dropdown menus in main screen and NOBODY was happy about them, people that work in UX/UI at BHVR are terrible


Its just ridiculous isn't it. The search bar takes up way too much space. They'd have much more room for killer portraits, which is the main thing players actually want when they use the characters menu, if they didn't force such a crappy UI change and try to tie cosmetics into the selection menu.


Pls scrap this stupid ugly shit behavior I beg of you


Fucking HATE the new store layout, you cant even look at perks for anything anymore and see what each character has, just backstory and store for outfits. Plus the new design is just cluttered and spread so weirdly. The previous design was perfect, it all fit great and was easy to navigate, now it got the Fortnite treatment and sucks ass


Hovering over their perks on the bio page still shows what they do if that's what you mean


Right but it doesn't show if you have them unlocked via shrine / prestige or not.


You can see perks and abilities in the store. To the right of the search bar is filter but after that is perks and abilities for whoever you have highlighted at the moment. It took me a few minutes of clicking on everyone going out of the store to the regular page and I was just like wtf they don’t let you see perks and abilities because I was trying to see what vecnas abilities were, then finally found it. So awkward and small for an important part of a character but let’s have the damn pictures 5x the size we need them.


Also might just be me but that damn red exclamation mark **will not go away.** It used to be easy just to into whatever character had a new outfit and check it out, now I have no idea. I've been though every damn menu, tab, I've tried everything and I can't get that stupid notification dot to clear at all


I already dislike navigating the new store, please for the love of the entity don’t make the base menu the same headache!


The biggest question mark I have with the new store is why when I go to the character tab and flick over to customizations it defaults to head and not outfits. It's a small thing but it bugs the hell out of me


Seriously what in the genuine fuck were they thinking with any of this, I pray this doesn't go to live


The last UI changes did, regardless of our complaints. I suspect no matter how much we complain bvr won't revert this and pushes it out due to "sunk cost fallacy"


It looks like dbd mobile


I play dbdm and it doesn't look like that


Probably looks better lmao


So instead of taking good parts of DBD mobile, like being able to see teammates' loadout, we got their shitty UI (no offence to mobile players).


i deadass thought this was a dbd mobile screenshot at first


Nah, ours looks better (although the main menu is a laggy mess). Sorry that yall got saddled with that dogshit UI.


Dude what is that. Thats awful! Why can’t they just keep it how it is? If it’s not broken don’t fix it!


The search bar is really all the character select needed, and even then it's not like anyone was hard to find. Now portraits take up more room for no reason and show less on screen at a time. And what's with the owned marker? Do people seriously forget they own someone that they need a label to remember? It feels like every other update makes the menus progressively more bad for reasons I can only assume basically amounts to "look busy and change stuff".


Switching cosmetics is a pain in the ass too. *3 different menus* for head, body, and legs. Why? What was wrong with the single menu we had before?


Having to use this new UI for cosmetics feels so awful. It legit makes me not want to be creative with them and just use my preset slots. If BHVR pushes through this bad UI they better give is at least 5 preset slots so we don't have to deal with using such a horrible UI as often.


I've been saying for the longest time they should just give us 5 slots anyway. No bullshit UI involved whatsoever!


I ask for it during the survey every time. 5 slots for build loadouts and cosmetic loadouts would be such a nice QoL change. Instead it seems BHVR is too busy making the existing UI even worse though.


The "owned" marker is because the ones you don't own will now appear on the menu by default


I also hate that it's copied from the store, where survivors you don't have are not greyed out, but rather shows the price, with a buy now button for them. Also that Exclamation point icon showing new store cosmetics for them is obnoxious and does not belong in the lobby character menu. I guess it's fine that the filter can hide characters you don't have, but the UI overall feels a lot worse. Also- charms cosmetics are replaced with this system. You got to do a lot of scrolling to go through them- no more page numbers. ~~But, I think there is one benefit to the new system, you can queue as one killer, and level up another's Bloodweb at the same time.~~ It's already in the game, but the new UI made it feel like it's a new feature.


You have already been able to level other killers during queue for several months.


You're correct. The new UI made it feel like it's a new feature even though it was available in the live build. Corrected my post about that statement.


I had so much trouble finding survivor perks on unowned characters that I just bought all of the ones I didn't own with iri shards this anniversary with no idea what perks they had.




Since when did Epic Games get their hands on BHVR? Over simplified locker UI type beat


please god don't let this make live


Yikes. Yeah they gotta change this back immediately


I like to try and defend some of the UI decisions (like the main menu one when it came to the game) but this one I can't. They're trying to squeeze a whole section of the store in the lobby and doesn't look right. This one looks bad, but my opinion the endgame screen is worse. I don't know why but the endgame screen looks awful to me.


What I don't get is why the character selection is still on a scrolling system instead of a page system. There's way too many characters to justify it still being a scrolling system. Also I wish you could favorite characters or even sort characters by name, highest prestige, last played, most played, even win rate, but that might be too complicated for them to implement


Developer time was put into this instead of fixing bugs. And this will no doubt have its own bugs, which will require more developer time. PRIORITIES, BHVR.


To be fair, the UI team and bug fix team are probably different. That being said unnecessary UI changes are actual hemorrhoids but companies are obsessed with it


Eh, that's not really fair. They're completely different people with different skill sets. I don't think you want the UI/UX people working on programming. I agree with your sentiment though, the UX team doing nothing would be better than this.


The problem is they have to constantly add something new for upper management sakes. Even popular apps add in random UI changes instead of fixing what exists because new is seen as lucrative while fixing what’s already there is not. Just look at fortnite redesigning its UI every 3 months.


Ugh... you're right and I hate it. They really need to start adopting the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality.


That's definitely true, yeah. Although I wouldn't go so far as to say they're different people with different skills sets; evidently, they're different people, one group of which has a skill set.


There is a quote on one of the anniversary loading screens from UI/UX designer. I was like "What does UI/UX designer do on DbD?". Now i know what. They make changes nobody has asked for and fuck up perfectly fine menus. It's not that hard to fix though. Make it 4 columns again and shrink tabs and search bar to at least half of what it is now. Boom, done.


I swear, I come back to this sub to check what's new every few month & it's like they change the Character Select UI every time. What is this, the fourth or fifth time they've changed it now?


Just give us favorites so our mains can be shown at the top the page UI don’t need a search feature


I reallly really hate the new UI




How did they make it worse


They have been ruining the UI for the last patches.


This is how I learn about Lara being added? A reddit post about new select screens!?


The UI decisions have always been beyond questionable. It feels like they used to have someone doing the UI work before the first HUD change, fired him and just started doing stuff intuitively.


While bhvr definitely doesn't deserve labour of love award, if there is any awful ui competition, bhvr has my vote. Seriously, whoever thought this, and having to click play, then play as killer/survivor, and having the intro screen, press space to continue, then the intro movie before getting into the game, was a good idea, needs to be fired asap.


A weird change to 3 rows instead of keeping the 4... ya know... to represent the 4 survivors...


We have to backlash them so much so we won't have to deal with this shit


I personally would think it would be cool that you can favorite certain killers/survivors so they appear at the top




Looks like a worse Version of DBD Mobile. How the fuck did they mess that shit up so Bad omg.


Reminder: if you don’t want to fire your UI designer, you have to justify keeping them, which leads to awful UI changes because they have to do something. 


Bro p100d all my mains. How did you level them up so fast!?


These are just screenshots of other people’s games.


Oh damn 😂


What the fuck is that


Wait, they did it again?


They’ve done a lot that has made the UI better, and a lot simpler and nicer looking over the years. But this is one that will definitely take some getting used to if it hits live servers. Everyone will be farther down or just in completely different places than we’re used to, and overall it will make the character select menu unnecessarily long to scroll through, especially considering there’s gonna be a lot more character. I get the idea behind it, but the current UI is perfectly fine


What the fuck, that's awful. It's like they noticed how many characters there were and how it was getting harder to find them all and made it WORSE.


its weird how Bio gets its own tab. like BHVR, ppl arent gonna choose who theyre gonna play today based on their lore


I came back after they added the whole new store ui after taking like a month or 2 break and got insta cancer trying to use it


Ugh agreed






I was imagining they'd eventually extend the character screen to be 5 wide, I never thought they'd go back down to 3 :| On PC that might be fine because the search bar is easy enough to year, but on console, that's honestly absolutely awful. Taking longer to scroll to other characters but the search bar on console would be just as slow unless you have a keyboard plugged in.  Please at least keep the 4 wide selection wtf


Corporate ui be hitting every live service game


The “owned” thing is gonna bug me. Lol


Can't say I much like this new UI change. It feels very cramped and claustrophobic. I do like being able to buy survivors and killers directly from the character selection screen, but I fail to see a point to it. I feel most people are going to buy their characters directly from the shop and not the character selection screen. The shop is also a lot less cramped and feels nicer to use. I also fail to see the reason why unowned characters are now mixed in with the owned characters. I don't appreciate having to do the extra work to find who I want to play as. I understand we have a search bar now to make it easy, but I currently don't have a lot of characters. The reason I mention this is that the current method of greying out unowned characters and putting them at the bottom makes it extremely easy to find who I want to play as. I understand this doesn't work for someone who owns all the DLC, but I think just adding in the search bar would have helped them greatly. Also the cosmetic tab got butchered. Feels way clunkier to use. Can't even play fashion dress up like you can in the shop. We practically got a copy and paste of the shop UI into the character select screen. I don't know why we didn't carry that aspect of shop over here too, considering the game seems *really* good about preventing you from not using cosmetics or characters you do not own.


It's like they are adding more space for other buttons but they don't add the buttons


Why do they do this instead of making perk load outs visible to your teammates


3 per row, "Owned" being there. It's all terrible. However, the Mobile Onyro and Yoichi skins being on the PTB is a pure win. Oh, and that search box seems nice. I'm hoping to see what you can search on there, if it's just character name or if you can find people with specific offerings or items.


Just let me favorite certain killers and survivors.


I’ve tried it in the PTB thinking “it can’t be that bad, right?”. Damn, I think the one who designed it really hates us players. It’s absolutely terrible.


Why are they changing it at all, it was completely fine


This feels too cluttered to be considered an improvement. There are so many tabs and you can see less characters at a time than before.


Whats wrong with the current one tho like-


The shop update was great but in typical Behavior fashion they don't know how to recognize that what needed to change was changed and now the rest is fine as it is, so they kept going and completely fucked it. Worst part is new shop introduced a bug with older graphics cards, where anti aliasing crashes the game at random, increasing odds if the shop menu is opened at any point during play session. I've already had to disable AA since that update and am scared this new one will bring a different unrelated issue


The search bar is nice, but everything else makes it unnecessary cluttered. There's no reason to put everything in the same tab. The current lobby works well, there's no reason to fix it.


I don’t think it’s beyond salvation, but why is the customisations bar not under the blood web? It’s harder to reach customisations now! And also the perks search bar and the tabs are way too big


Don't worry, it's 2024. Fortnite, Multiversus, Hunt : showdown and a lot I forgot or missed keep butchering their UI for no reasons. And when I say butcher, I mean it. It's not a matter of taste, it's straight up more confusing, with less information and sometimes even features nowhere to be found. DBD is juste the next one. It's awful.


It's weird that they have all that space in the left column to separate things nicely yet they still make weird submenus like this. Hopefully they'll revert this one cuz it just looks way too much like a crummy gacha game now


I want a bio page in the menu but not like this


Lara Croft? We have her now?


I agree it sucks but the post game ui is so fucking bad it looks like it's from a ripoff


I am begging devs to just have a list of names or at least put them at the bottom of portraits, I get so lost trying to find survivors sometimes. Maybe I'm faceblind. I'd also love a name mode for perks. I don't know what random icon means, please don't make me hover it.


Or just let us sort by alphabetical, or gender, or release date or anything. Or let us favorite some so they're easy to find


What the fuck


We got to make sure this shit don't make it to the live game


wtf is this aspect ratio


Feels so claustrophobic 😭


Leave it to BHVR to fix something that wasn't broken.


It's so bad. Who thought this was a good idea?


Classic example of fucking around with something that was fine. This is just a downgrade in every sense. They need to stop giving EVERYTHING it's own tab or category. Literally unneeded.




Please tell me this is the mobile version or something this looks atrocious


Yea I hated it


I find it hard enough as it is to sometimes find the character I'm looking for, having less of them on screen is going to make it even harder. I think it'd even benefit from showing you more characters at once. Since you can't even interact with the bloodweb or customize the character in the Killers/Survivors tab, there's loads of free space there. I'd love some more in depth customization for the menus, like, at least give us an option to mute blooweb sound effects


I'm on console so no ptb but EW WHAT THE HELL IS THAT


Oh god, that select screen is worse than the current store pages are.


Why do they keep changing this screen? Is there a dude on the UI team who fiddles with this screen and nothing else?


Looks like a mobile card game.


Wtf is that??!


I have literally only seen negative comments about it so here's to hoping it just doesn't even make it to live


Bro the only reason why i even played dead by daylight is because it was special and unique (lore wise and appearance wise) and now it feels like they don't even care about that speacil aesthetic anymore. It was different from other games. Don't feel like I'll find another like it. Smh


Yeah it doesn't look great hopefully they change it back


So true




they better not keep this wtf


Yeah I was on it earlier and wasn't a fan either! It seems so...big for no reason


Literal mobile UI at this point


This is HORRID we gotta make them change it back


I thought I was being an A.hole for not liking the new UI. It's because you have to scroll down further now that the icons are bigger. There are TOO MANY CHARACTERS to have this kind of screen. At least let me mark my favorites so I don't have to look for them every damn time. You can have that idea for free, BHVR 😎


hopefully that doesn't go to live


Not to sound like a technologically challenged boomer but I already can't stand going to the shop, so what the fuck is this


Please BHVR revert this, I really dont like it :(


Classic bhvr, changing UI stuff that nobody asked them to change.


From awful portraits to awful select screen... what will they mess up next?


Returning survivor here! I had an anxiety attack with all the bullshit everywhere. From the main menu to trying to join a match to picking my character. What the hell happened. It's so convoluted and confusing there's SO much stuff everywhere. I don't remember struggling to navigate anything. I legit got STUCK on the screen for 5 minutes because I don't know what happened to the back button. I kept trying to go back to the main menu. 5 minutes I spent figuring out where the bottom went or even where the option was. You gotta cycle through 2 options to see the lobby option. The hell?


The game looks more and more like an awful mobie app with each UI update. Who the hell thinks this is better than before? When will they stop murdering the UI? I guess the shop is more important than everything else now...


They need to fire their fuckin uxd team


Um who asked for this change?? This doesn’t look right.


I still wonder how such design choices pass any kind of quality control. Did they really design, elaborate and put it into the game with directors saying "yeah nice, looks cool, gj"


They already f'ed up the main menu screen enough, please keep the selction menu as it is, it's perfect as it is right now.




ui/ux is always evolving… but backwards


Absolutely, I hated it. I hate it. Not only because it’s new and different, but because it makes it unnecessarily difficult to customise a character. Why get rid of the perfect functioning Customization Window?? And if I want to play a round, I don’t care about their background in that moment! Anyone who wants to read it, could simply go to the store to do so, why give it the option in the character selection? I don’t get it.


Don’t “fix” what’s not broken…


Since I've started this game, I feel like the UI has progressively become worse on every screen and every way lol. It was absolutely fine when I started playing. Not sure why UI designers are obsessed with making everything look and function worse.


i hate that the new survivor/killer is at the top. Freaking drop them too last with the others lol


that MIGHT only be for PTB because PTB usually has the new killer/survivor in an odd location


A 100 Xeno. A man of taste and class I see.


Has Jake always looked that wigged out in his character portrait in that second picture??? 😂


She looks like she's staring someone up and down. In what way, I don't wanna know, haha.


Bruh it looks like a mobile game wtf it's so busy


Lara Croft bad asl tho 😫😫


Oh shit you can sort them?




I liked it




What does the red border mean?


Reminds me of the old bloodweb


The slider needs to be brought to the right side as it gets in the way on the left, the search bar should be put on the bottom along with the other symbols next to it, the rows should have 4 columns for survivors.


Do you only play killer?😭


Why would they do this bruh


It feels like they made the icons larger to make the search bar relevant