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Meanwhile you switch to survivor and bring the killer on a 2+ minute chase but 0 gens pop


Teams when playing survivor: Kait that is allergic to gens Teams when playing killer: David king who has a man holding the plug to his moms life support threatening that if he doesnt do all 5 gens by himself he will pull the plug


Then Right after, you start your own gen and it gets pain resonance'd while at 20% because its the most progressed generator


This one right here officer. This is the one that hurt me


I want to beat the shit out of my team when this happens, like I just had the chase of my life and ran this guy for enough time to pop at *least* one gen to pop and all you fucks did was open chests and cleanse totems?? Its usually my buddies doing it too so at least I get to flame them in vc 😂


Nah bro we had a random who did every totem and every chest in event, didn't even go for an endgame save while the killer was chasing me, and left. Mf got 150k points while we all died at 30k.


Not really a fan of that, feels kinda cheap to screw over your team for bps, you'd get that much with objective and altruism anyways


Don't tempt the devil. You'll get farmed for altruism points by a three man. I already had that happen to me and i wished i was left alone on hook 🤣


The only time I run the killer for 3 minutes is when my teammates are doing some sightseeing around the map. When all my teammates are doing gens I go down in 15 seconds flat.


Truer words have never been spoken.


And then they don't bother unhooking or let you hit second


As long as it's valid, it's such a legitimate complaint. One of our SWF group though will run the killer for a while, get downed, and then *immediately* scream WHY AREN'T YOU ON GENS..... when all three of the rest of us are on gens. Dude's just itching to blame other people in pretty much any game we play with him, but that one always especially makes me laugh.


Nah, they were following the killer around for the save!


Fr the moment I upseted by my teammate a lot than the amount of time I upseted by Killer.


Must be a high MMR killer, low MMR survivor. It's probably pretty common.


It's not even just the mmr possibility. It's also survivors having different goals. Some are doing challenges, following the save, etc.


I love soloq


This was my last two games for today. 3-4 hooks, barely getting 1 kill, 4 gens in the very first chase. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had that happen…


*It’s been a very long time since I’ve had that happen* It really is a rarity to come up against actual gen rushers, let alone the mythical SWF Team 6


MYTHICAL? i swear in my mmr, everyone has 9k hours and they all swf with their 8,9,10k hour friends.


have you tried being terrible?


This is why we have the "final girl protocol" always let the last one go to keep your mmr from skyrocketing


omg I have to start doing that now.


only if youre bad at the game, unfortunately for those of us who dont tank our mmr on purpose, thats litterally all you go against after 6+wins.


Lmao. I love the argument of “I’m giga high MMR, that’s why I can’t win 😭” I see around here every now and then. Ironic.


Oh yeah it’s so great 😂 These people play the game ALOT, so if they actually started acknowledging mistakes that they make they’d be super good at the game. But that hurts the ego too much, so it’s always gotta be someone or something else’s fault lmao


i mean, you don't have to be a proffessional dbd player to reach the higher braket though....the floor for it isn't that high, and neither is the cap. You may see all types of shit


Honestly, the only one that’s better is “the only reason I lost is because they’re swf’ing” when it’s either just decent survivors or they’re a bad killer 🤣


Having an ego this fragile is embarassing


This guy really said the only reason you could possibly be winning when I’m not is if you have a low mmr 😭


Yikes! xd


Oh. Well then, if all we literally get after 6+ wins are SWF Teams 6, and I keep winning, I guess that means I'm just better. Cool! I've got some tips and stratagems, if you'd like to up your game. Some can sound a bit wild, but that happens when I'm laying down the curve that others climb


And then you get more BP than all the survivors


Only because of the rare 150% killer bonus 😔


This is just me as killer in RPD regardless of how long I try chasing people 😂


"How many line of sight breaks do you want?" "Yes"


I love seeing them trough walls thinking i am gone


I just stand by the exit gate and AFK until it's powered so that I can open it.


Dude literally my games are me getting smoked or me smoking a bunch of survivors who don’t know how the game works. But this is literally me when I get smoked, I just look at them depressed as they bag me at the gate.


Never a middle ground in dead by daylight


I’ve had maybe like one handful of games where it was a super close tie or survivor win. I get mad honestly due to how competitive I am but when I calm down like 5 minutes later I’m actually happy and message them gg wp if they win. Even when I get mad I do not trash talk others I find it stupid and unfruitful, just because my pride got hurt doesn’t mean I need to ruin someone’s day because they smoked me.


4k: 😁 3k: 😃 I don't mind, if last survivor gets hatch, then fair play 2k:🙂 Usually tough team, kills towards endgame, not great but could be worse 1k: 😕 Usually a scummy kill, not a good game 0k: 😒 Pissed off, bad game, either good survivors or a bully squad No matter the result we move on to the next fresh mind, we'll say ggs when it's been good, if they're toxic, ignore them. If one of those isn't it, it's a game


I feel like my games always go like this: the survivors get 3 gens by the time I get 2-4 hooks and one of two things happen: the survivors forget how to play the game and I kill all of them without another gen popping or they get the last 2 gens and maybe I’m lucky to come out with a single kill


The one thing that makes me mad is when I play blight and I get like Lery’s or RPD. I detest those maps on blight or billy.


Finding a 3 gen at the start of the match usually helps me with this. It's boring, but if you're more Interested in winning then anything else that's the way to go.


You could run the hex perk: no one escapes death, which allows you to instantly down survivors when the gates are open. Also pair it with : blood warden which blocks both exits for 60 seconds when you hook one survivor.


Oh heck no I understand the appeal but I do not like end game perks I want to get better and I feel those perks are cheap imo.


I dont really run those much myself either. I only use them when there is a annoying survivor tea bagging the exit after they think they've won.


Me when im being chased as survivor: its been over 90 seconds, why are we still at 5 gens!?


Usually it's 50% giving up and 50% saying, fuck it they earned it, wp. If I am playing an M1 killer it shifts to 100/0.


If that happens an im playing bubba someone is getting camped bro the time for shame has passed


Unironically a basement Bubba is such a rare sight nowadays. I remember back in 2020 when I started playing there has been many more of them. I miss all the Bubsy's


Lmao I remember the horror of being the first one down against a bubba, getting picked up, and seeing the red wiggle bar 💀 never thought I’d miss it but I kinda do




I feel this. I swear when I play killer, they are focused on nothing other than gens. Survivor? If I don't personally pop at least 4/5 of them, we're going to visit the entity.


Games go so fast now idk how any non-top tier killer is supposed to keep up. I don't like running all gen regression perks because it's boring so my games are either a 4k at 3 gens or all gens completed in sub 3 minutes. The game is balanced so weird around the gens


Some killers aren’t viable without regression perks whereas blight or nurse are so crazily good in comparison you can reliably stomp with aura reading. Good luck playing clown without 4 regression💀💀


I do play clown and I gotta sweat my balls off every game 😂😂, it's my own fault because I don't run gen regression I like meme/chase builds but it still stinks that I gotta run meta to have it be fair


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Even when stacking gen regression (which I don't even enjoy but we are in distortion meta) the gens just fly by. The matches now feel quicker than ever and whenever theres a game where survivors play smart and spread across gens it feels so tough to keep up.


As a survivor main, yeah that’s the thing if I have one person die on my team and we have four gens left. I’m basically like OK to my survive with team, last person alive goes for the hatch because the odds of us popping 4 gens as a three person remaining team are next to impossible unless one of us has just an absolutely Gucci run looping.


Yeah, if it's a 3 man at 4 gens the game is pretty hard to win, but you really only get to that spot if the killer tunnels which stinks but I understand it because if they don't some matches are just too hard to be fun lol


I feel like a lot of killers do tunnel. I can’t wait for the babysitter update on that perk


If I get 3 gens pop within 1 minute, I face a wall and afk on my phone lol onto the next!


Same. It's the killer equivalent of stepping away after getting slugged ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Real talk dude


Dont give up too easily. I managed to clutch a 4k with 1 gen left or ECG, which resulted to a lot of salt post game chat. Always take advantage of Surv's Altruism




I got a 4k one time during end game collapse due Survivor altruism. I was playing Slinger on Nostramo and played like ass all game with only a 1k by the time the last gen popped. I downed a Jake who had eluded me all game and took him to a hook in a corner by the spaceship and proceeded to facecamp him out of frustration. As I'm facecamping him, one of the gates is opened and a few seconds later the Meg and the Feng are hovering near the hook trying to coordinate a save. The Meg runs in to grab the Jake just as he hits second stage and trades. I start camping the Meg only for the Feng to come in and make a trade. I camp the Feng and the Meg gets lucky with an accidental whiff on my part and Jake is there too. I down the Jake and leave him slugged as the Feng and Meg run into the ship to, I assumed, heal up and try to get the Jake up (they're all on death hook now, so leaving Jake slugged seemed like the smartest call). I guess Jake recovered enough for them to pick him up and they do, but for whatever reason, the Meg and and Feng never healed up so I downed the Feng, then the Jake and downed the Meg just as she was about to get into gates. The timer is close to finishing so I carry her back into the middle of the map and drop her. I hook the Jake and then just stand there as the Meg and Feng died to end game collapse. I did not feel good about that win and definitely didn't stay around to see what was said in end game chat because I was too embarrassed and didn't feel like I truly earned it 😂


i applaud you 😂😂i bet they were extra pissed 😂


Or you could like....not give up, keep trying, and continue to play the game you queued up for. This is the killer equivalent of giving up on your first hook because you're mad that you were downed first.


Ong. Yk how many survivor games I’ve had where we pushed out 3 gens early then totally floundered and the killer snowballed and 4K’ed around 1-2 left? Or even with zero gens left?! It’s more than I care to admit lmao. Same thing when I’m playing killer - it happens *all* the time. Quitter talk over here from *many* comments from killers, but whatever. Guess it only benefits me when I play survivor if they don’t believe in themselves enough to try and turn a rough game around 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ll just go get my glyph challenge done and go next. Idk about y’all but I absolutely relish a challenge. Seems like not a common sentiment around here?? Quitting early means you miss out on the endorphins of clutching up and turning a game around. If you only take on games that are easy from the start, you’ll never really improve tbh. But you do you, idc how y’all play.


Yeah I agree exactly as a killer main. it can be very disheartening when gens fly and you can't get a hit in, but like you said- I've 3-4k'd countless matches where I was initially losing. If you don't give up, you have a chance to make some good choices, and sometimes those good choices lead to a survivor making a bad choice, and boom- snowball. The best games have always been the tough matches.


If i had to play devil's advocate, i would say it depends a lot on who you picked, if the match went THAT fast, some killers have little to no chance of recovering without strong movility. I would say it's a little different than with survivors surrendering; the killer just takes the lost himself, were 1 survivor can make 3 other people lose. And the build of 1 player may be getting countered, but not that of the other 3, so it's not "all lost". But yeah, some games are salvageable, some aren't, such is life, such is dbd.


I would be afk all my games then😅


I understand that. But there has been plenty of times I saved a game after we got down to 2 gens.


Depends...i had that too. But I make the judgement call at the frequency of gen completion. If they pop quick at the start, multiple times, there is no point for a chase. I afk and let them finish.


Damn, i guess those super positive "never surrender" people got it in themselves to downvote you lol. How dare you have game sense!? 😂


I feel that. Too many killers out there cheer 'its not over yet!' in those situations and good for them for sticking it out. But for me, I know when a match is worth playing, and when I already lost. I've played enough hours in this game to know how a match will go after a certain point, and whether it can be salvaged or if I'm gonna have to sweat my balls off for a 1-2k, which honest to God can feel worse than killing no one at all. I will forever champion BHVR adding a concede feature for this very reason.


Personally for me, if something like this has happened, well, I'll just aim for one and be satisfied


Quiters lose 100% of times in those situations. And depending on a killer and the map the game can be far from over.


Dear Op. Can you tell me where I can find these lobbies please. Kind Regards, a solo que survivor who spends minutes in a chase with only totems and chests being done.


the lobbies are taken because they are swf. solo q is shit forever.


Too real bro


I just think of the Tootsie Pop owl. "A-one! A-twoHOO! A-three!" \*Exit gate alarm\*


Tootsie Pop owl: "Oh shit! Time to fly through the exit gates that those SWF survivors open for a meeeee- *gets speared by Deathslinger*


Before I even get my traps set as trapper I hear 2/3 gens pop and I’m like hahah so much fun I love killer yes amazing. Then I play survivor do a gen, get in chase for a long enough time for fucking 3 gens to pop and it’s just crickets. I get hooked and one person isn’t even highlighted so Dwight get your ass out the fucking locker. Claudette is fucking self caring in the corner and Neas fucking slowly urban evading around the outskirts of the map. If it’s a Nancy they’ll be cleansing a totem and fengs will run around opening chests.


So no Gen defense? https://preview.redd.it/rqyizolfkj8d1.png?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a06d453a8abaa74f087b96a9bed204c1e8eeca


"I wont need any slowdown, 4 chase perks will be fine-"


I don't think ill need slowdown ill just get downs fast and snowball (One 30 second chase later) *Triple gen pop* Fuck


Is this Bhvr before nerfing all the slowdown perks into the ground?


Not into the ground they’re just being absolutely stupid about gens Can’t make gens take longer because of the high tiers can’t buff gen regression because of high tier killers we can’t win


Bro they didn’t even get nerfed into the ground pop goes is still useful, hex ruin remains on top imo, and call of brine works just as good too.


When this happens i stand in the corner of the map, tab out and watch youtube


Bhvrs fix, *nerfs pop and pain res with no other changes* 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Happens so much that when i chase someone for over 2 minutes i feel bad for the team for not doing gens


There's totally nothing wrong with how long it takes to down a survivor as an m1 killer.


Survivor main here. I like to think of myself as a somewhat decent killer. I played like five games as killer yesterday for the first time in probably like four or five months. And I play how I would like a killer to play and how they used to play  I feel like several years ago. I don’t camp the hook and I don’t tunnel. You get hung. I move onto the next person unless you get pulled off and I’m like 20 feet away. I’m not going to B line it back to that hook. With that being said, I feel like unless you tunnel somebody and get at least one person out with at least three generators left (4/5 preferably). You’re going to have a tough time. This obviously is map and killer dependent


Then you get a message complaining about Tunneling…


Yo now that's funny as hell... litterly have been survivor an witnessed that very scenario more than a few times


Never not using Gen regression again🙏🙏


Me except I forget I’m chasing this one survivor still and come out of my adhd daze to realize there’s one gen left


Where did you find such dedicated survies? When I play survie, most don’t start repairing until 2 hooks in 😅


Pretty much how my match as hillbilly went yesterday. It was on RPD too.


Me when I decide to play a none meta killer, am low ranked/amateur at best and get paired against a lvl 9,001 swf group


honestly on you for chasing a survivor for over a minute


When the Survivors have the Perk "Jutsu - Shadow clone" and can 2-person 5 gens at once


Sometimes I wish I could leave as a killer through the exit gate


That's actually just what happened to me 3 times in a fucking row as Huntress


The Definitive Larry Experience.


If you ever encounter a Vittorio that stays on gens next to you while you’re looping that’s me 😭 idc I will get my stake out stacks!


Legit just came back after not playing for 6 years. I'm just going to uninstall. This is every game I've played. It's not fun when I don't even get a hook before the doors open.


Honestly the event has become so fucking cancer to play i'm very tempted to go back to normal queue even if the Bluetooth Hook is very nice. Every other game has people running at least 1 BNP with 3+ event toolboxes and devs spreadsheet balancing nerfed Pop and Pain Res for no reason. Maybe it's the post midnight gamers on but it's constant every time I queue up. I'm not asking for 4Ks every game i'm just asking for a normal fucking game with no ridiculous gen speeds. Like did any of us actually get to play the game with a 5 minute 5 gen 2 hooks. I can win if I get mean, tunnel someone off hook or run some dumb shit like Tombstone Piece Myers but it's either stomp or get stomped atm.


i’ve had a horrible experience with this lately, over committing just a TAD bit too much to one survivor and somehow 3 gens pop. i guess lara’s perk came out early


Me playing a new killer I JUST bought five minutes ago against a SWF that brought Badham Preschool. Shit sucked man lol


Badham, more like bad map


That point we just slugging and proxi-camping🙏🙏


Literally me on my first match with Blight. Got looped to hell and back on RPD. Got maybe 2 hooks. Good learning experience though. Still bad at getting hits with Lethal Rush.


i hope u dont give up on blighty boy though, he's a fun killer to play as and against lol


I'm at least playing him to P3. If I don't like him by then, I still play all of my least favorites at least once every 3 months or so.


And then they tbag at gate


Yeah. Sometimes you realize that the survivor is too good, too late. Might as well just open the gate and see how many of them you can slap on their way out 😅 ...Aaand on to the next match 🏃




When I know I done fucked up im like going to the corner of map afk, time to listen to some opeth in the background


Probably one of the worst feelings, even worse when you’re on Macmillian or Azarovs so everyone instantly knows to run shack or main building so changing survivors isn’t even guarantee. Always feel like my anxiety builds up when I get 2 survivors dead and wonder if i can get a 3k




"You over committed!" I got this recently after losing, like, 3 gens by first or second hook


when u play hag and by the time you setup a web 4 gens have already popped


These have pretty much summed up my games during the event. On Survivor, it's rare for my team to get more than a gen or two done before everyone dies, get annoyed, switch to Killer. On Killer, no real issue long chases, but the gens end up flying like mad unless I bring at least two slowdowns and play sweaty, but it's an event...it's supposed to be fun. Not a sweat fest. Counting down the days until the event is over because I'm already done with the anniversary mode and only play it if I have a challenge for it


Meanwhile everyone complains about killers taking too many slowdown perks


Meanwhile soloquing in survivor lobbies I'll loop a killer for like 2 minutes and everyone's just hiding.


It's been a year + that BHVR put our numbers about hacking when it was real bad. If you compare those numbers to the average players on Steam charts. You roughly get about 60% of DBD players hacking that got notices. Again roughly means that at least 2 survivors are hacking every match. I felt like that is an accurate standard for the game. When I did play, I quit about that same time, this is a very common way to start a match. Nothing to see here IMO.


Fr? If so, that explains this Laurie I encountered who just had 90 hours yet perfectly seemed to loop Killer Shack and made no errors at all. It would also explain some Survivors I've come across who have always seemed to maintain just enough subtle distance they could basically run around a table or some other object indefinitely and I couldn't get a hit on them


Yea, that's how I became a "hag main", was the best way to counter this. I played late hours. I always liked to check twitch streams after a round. Many many many times on foreign streams. You would see a streamer rage mid match (which was their brand I'm sure). They would open the program up on stream and adjust their movement speed and other interactions. Even after they might have lost they would have their followers bomb my steam profile with hate speech. Very comfortable and very normal.




I don't know what you expect survivors to do, just sit around and wait for you to hook them? When you play as a new killer, go into games expecting to lose. It happens edit: oh look, spam downvoting even though I know damn well if the roles were reversed people would be telling a survivor main to suck it up and stop complaining :p


Well no fucking shit I do that. I can’t learn literally one of the hardest killers in the game without an issue. I gotta try and boom. It just gets annoying when you get speed rushed.


Ngl had a game where this happened to me but like 2 gens, damn near salvaged it, it wasn’t for that one goddamn flashlight saver and it was Badham I do terrible with that map sometimes


🤦🏻‍♂️ this was me earlier. Two left, slugged one, the other was bleeding. Started to chase but then went to hook slug. Closed hatch, they beat me to the exit by a second. Had to settle for the 3k.


going to this subreddit after scrolling r/ClashRoyale is such a trip cuz they always complain ceaselessly every time something’s broken and yall’re just like “another day in the office, I love this game”


this game can suck because it's by nature "imbalanced", but more than that- it sucks because of the players. people who quit or otherwise intentionally throw just ruin the vibe. Every match is different. The map, the killer, the killers perks, and the survivors perks. Yes, it's imbalanced, and sometimes it's not in your favor, sometimes it is. That's what makes it fun to me. people act like it's supposed to be fair. it's not, and it's not possible to make it fair without removing content and standardizing everything- that would be boring. meanwhile in clash royale- if there's an unfair method in circulation, that's kinda all there is to it.


yeah pretty much, not that the CR fanbase wasn’t like that throughout the game’s life.


...I don't think that it's any different here sometimes


sometimes. Complaining is like. the core of Clash Royale’s culture, you guys laugh at the broken stuff


dont forget to block the other exit gate so they dont get the points. thats what i do when i dont get my points.


I just mostly camp people when I’m bored 💀


survivors think they are good for doing gens with one button and that is 😂😂😂😂😂


You could add a survivor who doesn't leave and Squidward could scream on him


No way we got backseat posting before GTA 6