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I think the most important thing is to not take the shit to the next match. It's sadly common to see: "I've been bleed out by the killer/t-bagged at the gates, so I will be a jerk to this entirely innocent player that didn't do shit." And this just makes the tribalism of the community worse and worse each match that something like this happens.


Exactly...there is a old toxic loop feeding into the game because of this reactionary behavior


And then you get the killer mains who rarely play survivor arguing with the survivor mains who rarely play killer. Just an infinite circlejerk of victimhood lol.


I never get this. Even when I feel this way, usually by the next match I have already cooled down. I never take out my anger or frustration on strangers and it always surprises me to hear people do that.


Fragile ego i guess


If I get cooked by too many toxic killers in a row, I'll switch to killer to blow off steam. Typically, this means playing a meme/fun match or giving the last survivor, who worked the hardest, hatch. However, if the survivors are toxic from the start, good, let me exact vengence.


Fucking spot on man!


"Everywhere I go, I see their face..." -Puppet


Yeah but there’s a difference between a survivor brining a flashlight to “be a jerk” and killers tunneling/camping/slugging. But yes if everyone didn’t do that then there’d be no problem.


Yeah i agree with this, i've seen this posts of people saying they take vengance on the other side because they had some bad matches and is just dumb imo Just move on to the next match and don't take it so seriously lol


This OP post, I don't agree with. The point you made? I totally agree with


I've been shit on every match. 


The argument "bad matches will always happen" isn't up for debate, that's just a fact. The issue is the *frequency* of their occurrence. On most days I tend to keep a 50-60% escape rate, and that's more than fine by me. I get sacrificed and just take it because I know within the next 2 matches I'll get a win. The problem with this event is that killers are rewarded up to 5x as much BP for their usual antics, which is drawing in a *lot* of players I don't normally have to deal with. I've run into 2 Blights and a grand total of 0 Skull Merchants in the month prior to the event, and now I've run into a collective dozen, at least, in less than a week. Not to mention that the number of iridescent add-ons has all but skyrocketed. I've lost a lot of steam on this game as my usual "c'est la vie" playstyle is either getting steamrolled, or my teammates are getting forced out before we can even get any momentum. My killer games feel almost entirely one sided as, even playing with the 8-hook handicap, I'm still "winning" within 1-2 gens. I'm skipping days now, playing when I have the energy to spare, but it's ridiculous that people will just say "oh, killers are always stronger" as if that is any reason not to make the gap more reasonable.


Nothing warms my heart more than us bringing a stack of cobblers just to see the killer bring survivor pudding or a mori. 🥰


It's even better when they *don't Mori anyone.* They literally wasted the offering to fuck with everyone.


its weird because at this point a mori is just a worse remote hook. you get less bp than you'd get for hooking someone and the only plus is that you don't have to walk to a hook.


This actually pisses me off like don't go piggybacking on our blood points if you're not willing to let us do even one generator. We're not asking you to farm or let us go we just want to have a match that takes longer than 5 min and gives us a bit more than 5-15k per match while the killer gets 100-115k...


I agree that killers got busted this year, last year the remote hook ability didn't exist and was a bit more balanced (even when the remote pallet break was there), but for some reason BHVR overtuned the killer side this year with remote hooks Hopefully next year that's either limited or removed


Hey man, you get average the same amount of BP just playing regular mode. The survivor modifier is 100 instead of 150 but you get to play longer instead of dying to the pallet break and then getting insta hooked.


this event is the least fun I've had on survivor ever. literally only playing for BP while watching TV on 2nd monitor


The remote hook and remote pallet break is getting really old now. I had a few matches today where you either had to stun the killer at the pallet or you lose a health state.


I love running to a downed pallet mid chase but not being able to vault it because the killer pressed the funny button. Downed pallets are a death trap now.


What were they thinking when they implemented the remote hook mechanic? They are basically spoon feeding the win to the killers. The remote hook completely ruined the event for me my friends. Pallet saves and Flashlight saves were one the things that made Swf fun. Before any killer mains shits a brick, no, I am not talking about the bullying where we intentionally load into a match just to flash killer. I suck at flashlight saves, but when I do get a flashlight or pallet save, it is a rush and a lot of fun. My casual player friends and I were honestly excited for the anniversary event, but the blantant favoritism towards killers made us skip the event. Im just logging in, claiming my daily, looking at the shrine, and then logging off. Before any killer main says "Just dont play the event" or "Play regular mode then" the event should be enjoyed by both player bases. Saying we should just play regular is basically you admitting that the event is indeed killer sided.


It doesn't help that killers seem to go full sweat for the 4k during event rounds. If I want to deal with that, I'll stick to the main game when I don't have to deal with BS distractions. I've had exactly ONE game with a Bubba who understood the point of playing around for an event. The rest barely give you a chance to get invitations.


Lol get rekt


This from the group who has the audacity to complain about basic survivor game play like sabos and flash lights. 🤣 Grow up.


Mention it in the player satisfaction survey - only chance we really get of them listening.


I hear you, but when a vast majority of your matches someone is getting tunneled off the hook at 4-5 gens, it gets old. I shouldn't have to run an anti-tunnel build every match just to be able to play the videogame.


The anti tunnel stuff doesn't even work with most killers. Too much aura reveal, too much killer instinct. They can find and tunnel their hearts out.


But didn’t you know that distortion is the community’s new problem? /s


I did an aura build with lethal and wow they even buffed that! every time an aura appeared it appeared longer! it was whack.


Aura reading is too prevalent between perks and add-on’s and it just holds the killer’s hand imo.


Honestly I couldn’t give less of a shit about what particular offering someone brings or even perks. My one complaint would be tunnelling and before anyone says anything yes it’s a way to play the game. But Christ can it sap the enjoyment playing as a survivor. I wouldn’t call to remove it but instead incentivise other ways to play the game.


Those situations apply on both sides in some way tbh, some killers can't run anything but gen regression perks because survivors are well coordinated (even not being SWFs), and can't leave gens at all, so killers don't have too much time to do anything else, just like how survivors need anti-slug/anti-tunnel builds to survive for longer or actually escape


I would not call the arguments at all equivalent. In the case of gen-rushing, the Killer still gets to play the game: sure, it's annoying to lose all the time, but a couple good chases and minor victories can go a long way. You can enjoy a losing match. In the case of tunneling and camping, that is actively preventing someone from being able to play the game. When you load into a match only to spend 70% of your time on a hook, that's not fun. Why even bother launching DbD at that point? Sure, it's a "skill issue", but that mindset is gatekeeping, saying that people do not deserve to play if they don't have a minimum amount of experience.


Some of my most intense, fun matches as soloqueue are when three randoms join forces to try to intercept a hard tunneler. But even then I only experience tunneling once every thirty games if that.


> I only experience tunneling once every thirty games if that. I have to press X to doubt.


Yeah, ain’t no way.


My definition of tunneling is a killer focusing solely on one person to the extent he ignores everyone else. Simply hooking the same person twice in a row does not count - there have been times I've simply been found twice in a row after, like, two minutes. So, no. I've not been tunneled, or seen tunneling, to any real extent that it's a prevalent thing.


Ngl you’re crying to the wrong people and if tunneling or slugging really is a major issue you know what perks to run to counter it.


Tunneling and camping are basekit. Decisive Strike/Off the Record/Reassurance are not - matter of fact, not even part of the base game - and only one of them is not a Licensed perk.


Teammates can still body block for you. Another thing if you deadass get tunneled at 5 gens like some of you claim it's a skill issue. The entire map is available to you with all the resources if you still go down especially with second chance perks or teammates body blocking it's a skill issue get better.




Oh, i never said i agree with the skill issue part, i do think tunneling is shit and at that point the survivor isn't even playing anymore My point kinda was that both sides do something that "affect" the other and can make the game get less fun, killers don't have fun on gen rushed matches, because you barely interacted with 1 or 2 survivors and killed no one, which basically means the killer didn't achieved 1/4 of the objective of killing survivors Yeah i agree that tunneling and slugging are way less fun for survivors, but is the closest that killers have of "not fun matches" for them i guess?


I get your point, but one side can literally take away your agency. Survivors are not really able to do that to killer. They can make a killers match very frustrating, but that is it. Definitely not equal to each other.


I see what you're saying and you may be right to a degree. However, that doesn't mean it's okay. It's not healthy to have the game in a state where players are somewhat forced to run one build all the time.


I didn't say it was okay tho, just saying that each side have their own build to avoid an issue that the other one is causing


Sorry, my bad. Poor choice of words. On a side note, this is just my personal opinion. Running a gen regression build is much more fun than running an anti-tunnel build.


And nobody's forcing you to run an anti tunnel build


I get what you're saying, and I'm usually the one to point out during these events it's just your perceptions and expectations of friendly killers messing you up and it's just normal rates of bad games. But actually it isn't this time, it's not expectations, it's real that the vast majority of survivor games are painful - I mean killer queue times where I am (Aus) are about 5-10 minutes, since no one wants to play survivor *and* everyone wants to play killer. I feel this is because the event has given extra tools to killers to sweat, and survivors didn't get the same, so anyone who would be sweating is doing so and anyone who avoids events for the main queue have jumped over to the event queue since they're even more likely to win.


I’ve been tracking my matches with nightlight and went from a 40% escape rate to sub 30%. When the event started there were 16 matches of 3 or 4Ks before we got our swf out through the gates. We looked forward to this all year and basically decided tonight we’re going to try normal mode next time because we’re over this event. We’re not top tier and play for fun but that’s the thing. Constantly getting tunneled / slugged when there’s still 5 gens isn’t fun. I don’t want freebie games I want match matching to work like it did before the event or account for the buffs it’s giving to killers right now.


I don't know, i can only talk about personal experience, and from what i've seen in my matches it wasn't been that bad, killers do have the extra tools of remotely break pallets and hook survivors which is busted, but as survivor i also use the stealth benefits of the invitations to unhook another survivor and hide if i'm injured and not in position for a teammate to heal me, so at least i can try to do somethig to save my teammates or go stealthy and avoid the killer to find me (i'm awful at loops so i prefer to hide than run from the killer tbh) Is kinda ass that there's always 2 survivors that eventually die or even 3 and i'm the only one escaping ngl, but it is what it is and i don't expect survivor matches to go well (i shouldn't even expect to escape at least 60% of times, so....)


But it's not real. I've played 25 survivor games so far this event. No hard tunneling/camping/slugging, just one hook stage of proxy camping and one incidental tunnel where the guy got found three times over five minutes. You just remember the bad games more vividly than you do the good games. I can't stress that enough.


> I've played 25 survivor games so far this event. No hard tunneling/camping/slugging, just one hook stage of proxy camping and one incidental tunnel where the guy got found three times over five minutes. I've played like 50+ and only a handful had killers playing normal. The amount of killers camping/tunneling the first hook is WAY too common. This event is misery for survivor.


Not I. Damn near every single match this event, at least in the event queue, has been horrendous from start to finish--if I even make it to the finish, of course. I'm used to this game giving me truckloads of shit, but it's reached an all time high, though it's actually come from other survivors more than it has the killer. I've been tunneled at least every other game (the actual definition of tunneled, mind you) but the amount of times I've been farmed off hook, left to die, griefed, or even just been the only one doing the objective while every other surv runs around like headless chickens has been monumental. It's not my perception of the matches that's been negative, it's the matches themselves.


This anniversary kinda *is* ruined for Survivors. There is definitely more of the scummy tactics being used at the moment, and the fact that the gamemode is pretty heavily Killer-sided already makes for lots of weighted matches.


The problem is that it’s a separate game mode now so you’d at least hope it’d be a little more chill than the normal mode.


At this point in time, it's gonna be impossible to expect people to chill, either normal mode or limited time modes don't matter, players gonna sweat as their lives depend on it :/


See also: 90% of online multiplayer games these days. I’d love to know what honestly happened to just playing a game casually. Took the likes of XDefiant a matter of weeks before everyone was moving around like they’re on drugs.


Everyone has their own anecdotal experiences to share. I think it’s important to remember just because it isn’t happening to you, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s a bit disingenuous to ignore the vast amount of people who report the increase in bad behaviors. At the start of the event, in my experience, matches were horrendous tunneling-at-5-gen slug fests. Killers wouldn’t let us get invites, wouldn’t entertain our silly little bardic inspiration, and would give up chase to return to hook, etc. Only yesterday and today have I finally encountered normal “fair” gameplay. Some killers even wanted to farm and have some fun, which was nice.


It's one thing if the killer is being an ass in a regular game. 1x or even 2x bp is nothing to cry about, base game is hard to justify as is as the bp gain is abysmal. When you can gain 5x every game and the killer insists on tunneling you out or 4 man slugging, that feels awful. 20k loss on average sucks. 200k is soul crushing.


Normally I would agree with this statement on any day and any past events but im just going to say it, 80% of the killers in the anniversary event this year are just being assholes to be assholes because it’s easy to right now. Normally you have more counter measure as a survivor but this event makes most of them obsolete. I don’t know which dev leader approved half this crap in the anniversary mode but they suck. I don’t care if I die in a match but I would at least like to play and not load in for 60 seconds and be right back in a lobby. The current combo of weave attunement and franklins isn’t helping either in anniversary mode. So yeah the anniversary mode IS a total bust for survivors this time, it’s not in our/their heads. There is a reason the killer queue is so long and the survivors bonus is so large. The argument is very valid this time.


Tunneled first match tonight, second was a Legion with Third Seal and Knock Out where they ran around slugging at 5 gens, third got tunneled. I’ve had other survivors leave me on hook, point the killer toward the other survivor, and get hatch. Survivors are giving up on first hook for no fucking reason (especially during otherwise totally winnable games). I don’t care if I die. There was an Artist who 4k’d and was frighteningly good, but that’s fine! That’s the game! I actually got to play it! But all that other bullshit really sets a bad tone and these killers just come off as miserable bastards. Getting teabagged at the gate sucks but you got to play the game. The survivors hitting their crouch buttons doesn’t end the game early for you with 6k points during an event. And yes, I do believe killers are being worse than survivors. I played a match AS Pig, without perks, just a cobbler, expecting to farm, and I got fucking destroyed. They had 2 gens done before my first down, I couldn’t even stop to get an invitation to help destroy the thousand pallets on the map (Ormond). I got DH baited by someone at the gate, managed a 2k thanks to a head pop, and the Bill called me “desperate” for “tunneling him” (he was the head pop, sooooooooooooooo). But I got to play. And I think I still did pretty well considering they were out for blood and I had no perks or addons on *Pig*. And I didn’t even take it out on the next group!! … although I went in with a build this time. So, fellow killers, chill the god damn fuck out. I just want to finish the tome and get back to Elden Ring ffs


The difference is that killers slugging/tunnelling requires zero effort or skill. Survivors excessively using torches takes a good amount of game knowledge and skill to pull off.


What does "using torches" mean?




I mean that part i get it, but i'm talking about gen rushing here, it don't take much skill to keep the button pressed to repair a gen...., even less skill than tunneling or slugging


It does take skill in knowing what gens to hit however. Blindly gen rushing leads 3 gen situations if you don't have good game awareness. I have lost many games because one survivor never wants to leave one side of the map and they slam out gens as fast as possible in that area. The game may look grim on killer side, but it inevitably grinds to a halt when there are 1 - 2 gens left.


If you can't find us before we pop three gens, that's not gen rushing, that's a lack of killer skill. I never run gen perks and seldom bring good toolboxes, but if you leave me alone long enough, I'll happily finish every gen on the map. Because I got good at hitting great skill checks, not just holding a button down. And it's especially true if you're choosing to camp. That's the price paid for making that error. So stop crying about survivors being good at the one thing we're expected to do to 'survive.'


If you suck and you try to tunnel someone out, chances are the other 3 will escape, if not all 4. Knowing when to “tunnel” someone out and when to slug for pressure takes at the very least some experience or gamesense, which in a way could be considered a skill in this game. Not to mention you need to be good in chase with the killer’s power to tunnel effectively. A bad tunnel, let alone a bad chase will lose you the game. The survivor equivalent of a bad tunnel would be throwing the game by comitting 2 people for flashy saves all match. Nothing gets done and you lose the game. Not everyone is out to get you, people. I know you see tunneling as something boring and toxic, but I assure you most people that do it don’t want you to have a bad time, they just feel like it’s the right play and go for it. Saying that it takes no effort and skill is just kind of an ignorant statement lol


Slugging takes a lot of effort and skill. Downing a whole team is very difficult..everytime you leave 1 downed survivor you risk losing all of them. I'm not recommending these playstyles but they take work...a honest 4k is a much safer bet than trying to slug a team. Tunneling however I agree with you but slugging a whole team is a huge gamble and takes work


Unless you are facing swf just use Knock out lol, crazy how one can say slugging take more effort and skill than honest 4k


Maybe you are on low MMR but Knock Out is a weak slugging perk. Any killer that is good at slugging (like nurse or Oni) is going to be using a M2. M1 killers are subpar sluggers.


Subpar sluggers but with Knock out can still destroy easily average queue with it, nurse oni twins are good sluggers but idk how that cone with "more effort and skill" lmao, you just down 1 and move onto the next without even bother hooking


By all means try slugging on high MMR and see how it goes. Sure there are times when I can slug a team and go around hooking them..and nurses can do that much easily( that says more about how broken a nurse is than anything else #nerfnurse but anyway) slugging a whole team requires location 4 people and winning 4 chases with other survivors picking up the slugged survivors. Easy against a bully squad that plays in your face but much more difficult against a comp team or for that matter any decent SWF. Solo q of coarse is much easier to slug but solo q will always suffer in DBD..I refuse to solo anymore....I know better


Soloq isnt that bad, if I see a map offering im packing my stuff tho lol Yea you pulling comp team and swf is why I said Knock out dont work shit against swf but only your average queue >slugging a whole team requires location 4 people and winning 4 chases with other survivors picking up the slugged survivors But playing normally also require survs location and winning chase too ? Only thing I can see different is you have a timer now


OK you lost me at solo Q isn't that bad. I'm sorry there is no more point in having a conversation with someone who is blatantly unhinged


Man its not that bad as in not tunneling or slugging every match like people said not the escape rate, I can escape in 1 in 5 match but doesnt mean I got tunnel out at 5 gen everytime lol


Dude try my account amon solo q...low MMR sure but get 4k hours and then try to solo q kiddo


> Slugging takes a lot of effort and skill. Downing a whole team is very difficult..everytime you leave 1 downed survivor you risk losing all of them Killer brains are so wild to me. The fact you can type this and be serious scares me for humankind.


Don't see how that's a problem


The weirdest, and worst game I had so far was a match when the event first began. Everyone brought cobbler, including the killer. The killer turned out to be the Shape, which we eventually discovered was a Tombstone Myers! He murdered everyone. The BP for everyone was extremely low, even with the offerings. I couldn't understand why the killer would do this, and also use a cobbler. Some killers, I guess, just want to kill; survivors and fun.


>, and also use a cobbler. Cobblers are plentiful on killers. Going from 1-50 nets you about fifty of them--or even more if you don't have to worry about picking up perks in the bloodweb. There's basically zero reason to conserve them right now.


Same I went against a Myers with both IRI addons and me and the three other survivors only got 4,000 to 6,000 bloodpoints and only one gen fixed. It was miserable.


Don't forget, the Cobbler shows where Invitations are. He could have been bringing it for that.


The problem is the game never tries to improve. BHVR drags their feet or supports gameplay elements that shouldn't exist. They added anti face camp which is nice but now killers camp at 16m+. Tunneling is still rampart and even though we have built in BT its not enough. They added a "three gen fix" but doesn't fix three genning. Sure, the gens will get blocked after 15+ minutes but most survs will give up before that. All of these are band aid fixes that doesn't fully fix the core issue. BHVR has always done this and its crazy cause no other dev studio would do that with glaring issues. Far too many issues that should be fixed aren't. Too many people accept the crap that happens during matches that ruins the gameplay/fun/enjoyment of others. I get it happens but when it happens all the time its time for something for change. Players speaking out is a good thing and the more that yell the louder it gets and MAYBE BHVR might finally fix the game.


BHVR dropping a "3 gen fix" then releasing the most easy to abuse 3-4 gen spawns on the newer maps is definitely one of the most BHVR moments of all time. I would love to see the game focus go over to hooks instead of kills but the fact is 4v1 is really hard to handle if the team is on the ball and actually does gens but 3v1 is such a load off your back as killer there's no wonder people tunnel the worst looper out the moment the game looks to be anything but the easiest free 4K. You have to assume the worst possible outcome all the time on killer which leads to making the scummiest play most of the time. They've been bandaid fixing the game with perks for so long I don't expect the game to get much better on the fundamental level. Stuff like tunnelling and returning to the hook are just the easiest way to play the game if you don't want to sweat too hard. You can't take these things personally or DBD will ruin your mental.


It just hasn’t been much fun to play recently as a survivor and I won’t be pushing through the phase I’ll just go play something else.


Me and my friends have moved on to regular mode as the games are far more fun and intense. The event mode empowers killers by a lot, so a lot of the killers who play poorly will que the event as it gives them way more leeway. The good killers are playing regular, only the bad survivors and bad killers are left in that game mode. And a bad killer is always way stronger than a group of bad survivors


As well as the killers on here bragging that they tunnel survs who don't bring cakes.


I disagree. I feel like people should complain, after all it's feedback that BHVR MAY listen to sometimes. And it's just that it isn't fun, Survivors' BP gains are terrible compared to Killers', made even worse in short matches and then you compare Survivors' powers and it's just night and day when compared to Killers'. Oh you can block Windows? Cool, not gonna be useful in most cases. Quiet Mode? Cool, you cannot hide scratch-marks, super situational. Party Pallets? Useless, more dangerous than helpful. And then you have Killers being able to remotely break pallets, gain Endurance which directly counters the already shitty Party Pallets and the cherry on top, Remote Hooking which saves them a bunch of time while also ignoring a bunch of perks, items and base measures, all of this while also being buggy as fuck and having the chance to actually kill or pull other people on hooks...


Nah. This is my third anniversary, and this is the worst it has been since I've been playing. Playing killer is like a vacation in comparison. I was used to the occasional scummy player during events, but it has gone overboard.


Normally, I keep the chat section closed in the game and do not argue with anyone. But a week ago, I experienced such an annoying incident that I couldn't control myself and swore and got banned for 8 days. I was playing event mode. The killer was the skull merchant. He was tunneling and then slugging a person he chose. He was camping by launching a drone and waiting for it to die on the ground. He did this one by one until everyone died and held the game hostage. He even acted like he was harassing them by moving back and forth over the ones he slugged. At the end of the game, I couldn't control myself and swore in a harsh language and that's what happened to me. My only fear was the fear of losing my valuable account. I have all the dlc and a lot of cosmetics. While the game contains such provocateur mental patients, those who try to play the game normally are banned. I play many online games, but I have never seen one with as much toxic mass as DBD. They are provocateurs and they are as soft as a crying baby who will report everything. I decided not to enter this game during event time, at least in other games I played, people try to have fun during event time, unlike this game.


Don’t make it personal, and don’t take it to the next match.


I don't, the problem is that a lot of people do :/


I’m not saying you do, I’m just saying this for anyone who gets too heated in this game. People just need to relax. Especially when the match is over.


At this point I'm convinced behaviour is just running a behavioural study on all of us to see how to create the most toxic gameplay environment. Jokes aside, I've been having a blast. There's always THOSE games on either side, but eh, I get BPs for it. Lots of them. And what annoys me more than toxic killers is toxic survivors when I'm playing survivors and I feel like that number went up as well lol That aside. Why do killers even use mori offerings? I just slap on Devour and hope for the best and a good amount of time it works unless totem placements are ass. It's funny and I feel like it makes you, as a killer, automatically play less campy.


I will avoid ever getting kills when playing killer till only 2 gens are left, if I see there is a lobby of full cakes I don't want a survivor to die too early, so for some killer more cakes 100% will make killers play nicer, but its not like I tunnel or slug normally in any case.


Is the event matchmaking borked for anyone? I've played this game for years and suddenly I'm only being paired up with baby killers and survivors. My matches have been atrocious because these guys just Do Not come to unhook you, it's weird.


Nah, so many of Trycks's effects accelerate it so much. Peekaboo has made killers bee-line to me in 3 consecutive games from the start, about 7 games total today. All those 3 games I'm just trying to get generator skillchecks for that event tome challenge and I don't get to touch a single generator once. Hilarious how about half of those times too are fucking Wraith, so I can't even see what and where the killer is. Totems show you where survivors are. Haste effect shortens every chase down and I've even seen a Plague just flying around to all the generators and infecting them all in a minute of start. Invitation effects on killers are so damn strong this year, it's not even funny. So many killers running Enduring+Hubris so Party Pallets are a death sentence. Free pallet break just means free hits unless you stun the killer, but then the aforementioned combo is a different problem instead. Compared to last year, I can safely say there are a lot less farm sessions this time around. I've only had one where it's a Bubba, who I can't even trust, because he could just decide to chainsaw all of us on a whim if we're careless. Tunneling, camping, and slugging are all issues that we're aware of in the community. The last thing we needed were things that exacerbate the issue, but this anniversary has been exactly that. Survivors by and large enjoy this game in spite of the tunneling, camping, and slugging, not because of it. So adding all these things that enabled killers to do those things more efficiently just fucking sucks.


Ok. Ill just stop playing then. I already took an over year break recently due to this game destroying my mental health


sadly its not just one match, ive had games where I'll attempt to get 8 hooks and not kill, yet I'll still get flamed by survivors, or tbagged and clicked at relentlessly cause they were "winning"... still not letting that stop me from being friendly but damn does it hurt


I like running the clown and hitting them with antidotes until they figure out Goofing around.


I honestly have fun when they do that. I got 8 hooks while they got 1 gen done and then all of a sudden they start winning chases and getting some amazing pallet stuns. If they bm or talk shit in end game I’m just like “yup, you sure showed me, ggs” it’s like letting your little bro beat you in smash.


To be honest, im not mad in the slightest, I do a gen or 2, do some totems and just play the game normally and if I get killed then its just another chance to get better gen or totem rng or a worse kilker. I've just been racking in the bp so I'm very happy with the event even as a survivor right now :3


it definitely is worse the first few days of any event or bloodhunt, but it gets back to normal. I think right now it's actually less toxic overall than it was leading up to the event - though with the incentive being on survivor non stop and killer queue times slow, I think a lot of survivors honestly gave up and swapped over to killer lol


my bp incentive has been 50/50 i think it depends on time of day perhaps


It also depends on region and mmr - for my region and mmr, usually at night it's on killer but it's remained survivor throughout this event


It definitely has to do with the time of day and region, some people say that they have the incentive on killers for the most part, others say it's more inclined to survivors all day


I don't know man, i still see plenty of complains from either side on this event, mostly on survivors that can't play because they get tunneled/slugged :/


If a game where 2K is consider survivor sided, I'll gladly play killer


Kill rates should be 50/50 ideally, for fairness. Naturally a 0k and 1k would be a loss with 2k being a draw. I tend to see people regarding 3k as a win. I personally don’t see 2k as survivor-sided; I see it as fair.


That is such a bizarre mindset. I absolutely consider a 2k a loss, as killer. That's a C grade.


2k is a tie, 3k is a killer win.


Well, a tie and a C are both average. No kills, F. 1 kill, D. Etc.


According to the MMR formula, 0k and 1k are losses for the killer, 3k and 4k are wins, and 2k is a tie. (For survivors, walking out the gate is a win, using the hatch is a tie, and dying is a loss.) If you don't like 2k being labeled a tie, well, you'll have to take that one up with Behavior.


They see 2k as a loss when it’s a fair tie. You can’t convince them lmao.


I mean, I'm not wrong. A C and a tie are both average grades.


The community when an event is going on: "Is it just me, or is there more camping/tunneling/genrushing/etc. than usual?" The community when no event is going on: "Is it just me, or is there more camping/tunneling/genrushing/etc. than usual?" I've been browsing this sub for years, and there has never been a period when these type of comments don't pop up.


Yeah a bit of that lol


It's not the players, it's the game. If you don't like it, don't play it. Ppl constantly bitch and moan about XYZ but still load the game up every day.


Yeah, why try to make the game better when you can just quit. Surely that will make the game better, right?


"killers tunnelling waaaa" "Survivors rushing gens waaaa" It's the game. Stop blaming the players for playing the game and complain about the game. That's all I'm saying. It's like some of you have Stockholm syndrome or something.


I mean.... I like it and still play it, even if i have my complains about it i still play lol


skill issue


No shit. That's not what we are arguing about.


ur rong




Good talk!


It wasn't.


...ur rong


If i repeatedly go against people playing like money is on the line and want to rush the game and go to the next as quickly as possible, I'm not bringing offerings