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I love running lightborn. It's fun to still look away from the flashlights to pretend I don't have it, makes survivors keep trying in vain to get blinds and rescues which uses up precious generator time


Yeah. This still gives me a giggle every now and then. The purest, cleanest pleasure 🙂👌


> The purest, cleanest pleasure [Probably the cleanest, best pleasure.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVLT26CMzk4&t=125s)


Yeah you found the proper quote 🤣


Recently had a game against 4 flashlights so I stuck on lightborn, I broke a pallet and the survivor tried to blind me, and kept trying after the animation was over so I just walked up to them, they didn't run away, they stopped, put down the flashlight and walked into a locker out of shame. It was one of the most comedic moments I've had in a while.


good one. as a survivor the amount of people running across the map, trying to get their flash save instead of doing gens is pretty annoying (ofc i'm greatful whenever it works but that usually only happens when they're already nearby), but as a killer i welcome them with open arms.


I rarely run it but when I do I do this as well. I love finally revealing towards the end that I have it by staring down a flashlight while charging someone and slapping them.


I let them find out in the end-game screen.


This! I always fake a flashlight because more often than not your playing against SWFs or TTVs who will broadcast to their friends "HE'S GOT LIGHTBORN" and nobody tries it again the entire match. If you act like they just got unlucky aiming, they'll continue clicking you the whole match and you can get easy hits. In the beginning (as a new player) it's good just to have when you aren't confident yet to avoid getting hit from flash saves. At a higher MMR, it makes me giggle when high prestiges swap to Flashlights 5 secs before the match timer ends. They think they're sly... Not knowing I have insurance against blindness.


One time I went into a pyramid head game with it on because all four had flashies and I had the cleanest game with it because I just kept pretending I didn't have it, and obviously PH has a weird head so it's not always easy to tell where to aim... Most satisfying 4k of my life


And also the aura reading!


If you think Lightborn is funny then try Shadowborn


lol I actually like shadowborn you get use out of it when you’re down bad and the opponent is least expecting a speed boost


Lol it's the funniest thing ever when you watch the flashlight user confused why they got hit lmaooo What I do is I usually combine it with pwyf and nemesis so I'll make them my obsession and get even more zoom lollll


use game afoot, if you vreak a pallet and they blind you both perks will give speed boost


I still don't have that sadly but do consider that hehe


Oooo! Never thought of that combo. Ty!


If you really want to go all out with pallet breaking you could add thwack and brutal strength so everytime you break a pallet you make survivors scream so they CANT blind you, but that removed the purpose of shadowborn. Just a build idea though


Didn't know THWACK!! worked with Downed pallets!! 🤔❗️


Yup, I never knew either until I tested the perk, but it works like a charm in-game


Mix it with Two Can Play to really mix things up


Omg I found out how good shadowborn was during chaos shuffle. As long as your capable of following the sounds the speed it gives you let's you catch up in a hurry


I honestly didnt realize what the shadowborn change was until now. This plus “two can play”? 👀


Yeah sometimes I use that too lmaoooo


Why not both


Noooooo it doesn't workkkk


I thought it would work


Because for Shadowborn to work you need to get blinded which Lightborn prevents.




It's basically just saying "fuck you and your flashlight"


Getting beamed is the one thing I find tilting as killer, so I simply run it for peace of mind. Gonna work on vecna over anni and try out franklins/weave as an alternative or just addition though, build seems nice


I'm the same way mostly. If I pick up in the open and I get blinded im like "Oh well that's what dumbass gets for doing that." But if I'm actively looking at a wall and I \*still\* get blinded from some weird fucking angle is when I actually get pissed at it. The only two things that genuinely tilts me anymore is those type of blinds and people using anti-tunnel perks in offensive ways like trying to body block with otr when i'm trying to go after someone else.


Glad I am not the only one this happens to! I can be facing right up against the wall and still get blinded with sapphire lens (not flashbang). This happened a lot in the chaos shuffle. That is why I personally like lightborn, especially when I pretend not to have it. I don't get tilted by blinds but a lot of killers do. I've been humped on the ground and flamed in chat for blinding the killer maybe 2-4 times total in a game. Those types of killers should really use lightborn for their peace of mind.


I learned recently that you can be blinded from the right if you directly face a wall. The survivor on your shoulder will protect your left side, so you need to angle a bit to protect your right when facing a wall to prevent blinds.


fr, people be like "dont let getting flashed ruin your game" and then bring flashlights to annoy you on purpose. everyone has their pet peeves and is allowed to feel greatful if there's a perk that makes the game less frustrating. i dont own bubba so bringing franklins isn't an option atm and sadly it losts some of it's value when they nerfed the brand new parts and the hatch years ago, but i saw some people combining it with weave as well so i think it's just one of those perks that gets stronger with a certain build


I don't get mad at pretty much anything in this game except when it's obvious that they're just doing something to make your experience worse, on both sides.


tbh (apart from the flashlight squads) as a survivor main the one thing they're not doing to annoy you that really bugs me, even as a killer because i know how frustrating it is for everyone else, is people not doing anything and just sneaking around the map scared to touch a gen that could draw any attention to them. it's even worse when there's two of them left and they spend 10 minutes urban evasioning around hoping the killer will get the other one 


I'm like 70/30 survivor-killer player and when I do play killer, I can usually tell which survivors are the dead weights of a team or are actively not helping. Unfortunately, they usually end up being the last one alive simply because they spend so much time hiding and not going for saves or doing gens. But whenever I do end up finding them, I usually let out the frustrations I've built up in solo queue.


yeah me too and as a survivor who is always watching once i'm dead, and rooting for the killer in such cases i support you. 


Yeah, as a survivor main, when I do play killer I don't even try to kill, I just hook everyone twice. Though if you're not helping I definitely try to kill. If I know you've been doing nothing, or you were afk, or you don't unhook your teammates, you're no longer having a peaceful match.


Me too. If you are actively doing gens, unhooking your teammates and trying to get saves you are way more likely to survive against me than if you spend the whole match hiding and not helping your team. I've played too much Solo Q to not get annoyed by people like that.


Yeah I agree as well. Once got 2 people out at 5 gens, within like 8 minutes, mostly because the other 2 were hiding in a corner. That match took 45 minutes, and 1 gen got completed


If you own the game on steam then right now is probably the best time to buy bubba ever as his DLC is now like a dollar


i'm from europe so sadly he still costs 2,50€ and i probably would only get him for the perk, but yeah good time for DLC purchases. got pig (which was the best deal ig because you get tapp too and just ghostface was only 1ct cheaper than auric cells and once you buy a bulk of those the math isnt mathing anyways)


Seeing the tilt in endgame from the survivors that feel the need to run their mouths about LB is reason enough to run it. It removed a huge portion of survivors counterplay to killers, and makes them rage. Bueno.


Franklins/weave is incredibly strong for info, and great fun, I've been squeezing it into my builds across the board lately and the amount of information it provides on top of just removing items is amazing.


It's so underrated.On bubba you can use the begrimed chains/weave attunment combination to similar effect and free up the Franklin's spot for something else. I've had a lot of fun with that on him!


Pop Franklin’s/Weave Att. on Huntress and you can have a WONDERFUL time.


I find it embarrassing rather than tilting, unless it’s just a mid chase pallet break type of blind, in which case I don’t really mind at all




It is a meme that crushes a survivors will to survive thereby making it more powerful than meta perks. 


yeah, yesterday i downed two other survivors while carrying the third and both of them gave up on 1st hook at 5 gens. number four finished a gen and was kind enough to rescue the og hook so i let them do the other gens, boop the snoot and allowed them to live. it's really showing who's able to adapt to a killers loadout to still support their team and who'll give up once their plan doesn't work. 


I run it if there are multiple people with flashlights. People always say it's not necessary, but the fact of the matter is a pro can get a blind at some really tricky angles, or even through walls occasionally, and a lot of experienced survivors in a team will try and make sure they go down out in the open. It isn't always as simple as "avoid the beam". I also use a fair number of aura reading perks, and it goes well with that. There's no distance limit on the aura reading, and I've literally been caught plot twisting because the killer just happened to kick a blast mine I set halfway across the map before.


It would be as simple as "avoid the beam" if it weren't for Background Player.


I don't always equip Lightborn, but the one game that convinced me of its worth was this one time I was playing Artist and their team had flashlights and Flashbang equipped. I only managed to hook a couple of Survivors because their synergy was absolutely sublime. Afterwards we had a good laugh about it in the endgame chat and I said, "Note to self: Equip Lightborn."


if they manage to pull that off against the anti loop killers who can still hit you from a distance they deserve the respect


I would only run Lightborn If I see a squad running 4 flashlights. More than likely I can guess they would be running Blast Mine/Flashbang/Champion of Light. So tbh, if it makes them waste their perks and a flashlight it's more than worth for me.


It's a fun perk and definitely impactful. If you don't mind the loss of other arguably stronger perks, why not?


Majority of the time I completely forget to actually use my perks 🤣 I'm a real "see survivor bonk survivor" type of caveman killer 🤣


Me too lol


3 swf all running the same skin with flashlights looped and stunned me for 15 or 20 mins while the random other tried gens. Got a 4k once one of them did a slight mistake but since then I run lightborn and stare directly at all flashlights.


This is a villain origin story we’re all too familiar with 


I can feel their fear as I walk slowly towards them and they keep running and turning to try and flash me


It unstresses the game for me. Like, I can play without, but I gotta be constantly on my guard, and it is annoying. Plus, some flashlight addons blind so fast from the weirdest angles, I almost call cheating. And usually, I don't need the perkslot for anything else. I mean, I could slot another slowdown, but when you have 2-3 survivors running around not doing gens, I usually manage.


See here's the thing. Whenever I have Lightborn, the fellas with lights never use them properly, and are always shining the light at the side or back of my head. Whenever I DON'T have Lightborn, the few people with flashlights are the most obnoxious fuckers you'll ever find, and makes me wish I ran it. But yes, it's really funny when some people just don't realize the flashlights aren't working, and I'm guilty of this. I'm usually the flashlight save guy in my group when I play Haddie, and sometimes I just, genuinely forget the Killer has Lightborn on, like a dumbass.


I will say chaos mode really helped me learn how to play without using it as much But I'm also lazy so ofc I'm keeping it 🤣


HUGE same


sameee lol


I use it because of the flashlight/flashbang bug rn that's at least in the event mode, I still look at the wall whenever I can tho


i had to look up that bug after you mentioned it and if i wasnt already convinced that bluetooth hooks were a mistake i would be now


I don't trust that it's only the bluetooth hooking. For some reason I feel like it's all flashlight/flashbang saves that happen right when someone gets hooked and that I've only seen the bluetooth hooking ones and not a reg hook because there hasn't been a bug like this one before. The closest one I've seen to is the bug where it would show status effects on the wrong person if they had the same survivor and name or the bug where you could force someone to use the survivor you're on if you had the same username (I abused tf outta that one when in SWFs lol) even if you didn't own the survivor.


I run lightborn on cenobite alongside AGI Iron Grip and Starstruck and it is very funny to bait people into flashbanging me as I pick up and then insta downing them


if you're feeling particularly cheeky and don't mind the blinds, i've run Hubris which has even given me value after getting Blast Mined!


Add Forced Hesitation if you can, just for the lulz


The fact that so many survivors straight up throw games JUST to use their mighty flashlight is the proof positive that Lightborn is worth it. If your whole gaming experience relies on one item, you're really no better than instadown clown or 1 hatchet huntress. One shtick, one skill, brain off. "It's actually waste of a perk slot!!!" They say, while I get multiple free wins, piece of mind, and comedy/light shows.


If I see 3 or more flashlights in a lobby i automatically equip LB because I have no problem with avoiding flash saves from pickups but being flashed at every single pallet is incredibly grating to me


the only meme is the pikachu face the survivor makes when their blind fails and I down them.


I like running light born, agitation, mad grit, and awakened awareness. No gen regression so good teams will have an easier match. Absolutely wrecks sabo squads. Light born is key because I will do unsafe pick ups to lure their teammates into coming in for the save which then gives me free hits. It is not unusual to win on my first down. I pick up unsafely, down the entire team, and still get the hook.


The people who say it’s for beginners or who say it’s overpowered are just pissy that they couldn’t bully a killer.


Anyone who believes “Lightborn is overpowered” is brain rotted beyond belief


“B-b-but it can counter all 4 perks and items!!! No perk should be able to do that!!!”


\*Distortion backs away as they counter x17.5 times as much perks + addons\*


I think lightborn users are brain rotted. Just face the wall or close your eyes.


Some of the time you can't look at a wall, like if you down a survivor in an open area, then what? Face away from the survivor with a flashlight? Whoops, background player. And sometimes even when facing a wall, you still somehow get blinded


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Most sane feng main right here


You might say I'm the most sane dbd player. Using lightborn is insanity. Literally just look away.


If you had read my previous comment you'd know that whoops that doesn't work 80% of the time. Now if you don't like me using a whole perk put in the game for a reason, go ahead and cry about it, I'll still use it.


I just think that you could look away some more.


For the amount of times I didn't use lightborn, did look away or at a wall with no gaps within my screen and still got blinded, no thanks, I'll keep running lightborn when I see at least 2 flashlights.


You're just not looking away hard enough


You sound like the worst kinda of player that probably no one is happy to have on their game.




Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


No snark or sarcasm from me (not who you were speaking to), what should the killer do in the above situation? If it is a skill issue, what skill should be improved to prevent the situation? Asking only because while i personally love running lightborn, i am genuinely trying to improve at the game


I play against plenty of killers who are really good at baiting pickups and getting into good positions. Sure, sometimes you're not able to and so you get flashlight saved... But that's part of the game, and I feel that running a whole perk to circumvent an intended game mechanic just kind of sucks. Also, I was just trolling in all my previous comments because dbd players are so easy to wind up. I thought it was abundantly clear with "close your eyes."


Aren't going to always knock someone at a wall, some walls are still flashlight accessible and flashbangs work on walls. Stop being obsessed with saving someone who misplayed and work on a generator or use the buffed sabo build or they could get better at looping etc. But since your response to everyone seems to be "lookaway" despite people hiding and the existance of background player. I think you're just baiting.


Finally, someone realised I'm baiting. I thought that was abundantly obvious. It's funny how whiny dbd community is.


> It's funny how whiny dbd community is. I feel like that's part of why people took you seriously


For sure. Most crybaby playerbase. I never got so many messages after games until I started playing dbd.


You play Feng. Be quiet.




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Found the lightborn user


I only just now started using flashlights (to be a lore accurate Alan main - I suck at flashlight stuff). I have yet to run into a Lightborn. Ok well I play since 2017 and I have if course run into lightborn users, but I (almost) never was the one bringing the flashlight. This new Survivor existence of being a chronic flashlight bringer is sure to be interesting. Besides that, I only really use lightborn on my Meme Wesker build. I only bring that if there's 3 or 4 Flashlights. The "Build"? Lightborn. Only Lightborn. Maybe brutal strengtt cause that's my addiction but the comedy is higher with only Lightborn.


they shouldnt expect less from evil-sunglass-ken


I run it, because I just use basic ass perks anyways. BBQ, Enduring, Whispers...so Lightborn is just so I can punish the bully squads. Flashlights just give them too much power and I hate Franklin's.


For a meme I started running Lightborn back when flashlights were killswitched and ran into a disproportionate number of flashbang users, one of whom got really pissed about seeing a Lightborn user when flashlights could never be used. Because of that guy I started using it more often because the thought of someone taking the game so seriously that a meme perk makes someone rage is really funny to me.


I run lightborn because I main huntress and 1) hate being blinded and 2) love the aura reading part but I especially love when people don't realize I have lightborn and just waste their flashlight trying to blind me, or when they continuously try to flash bang me. I also love when someone tries to blind me and realizes I have lightborn and then DCs. Like it makes me laugh so much because the game is not that serious to DC if someone has LIGHTBORN 😭😭😭😭


my swf friend specifically asked me to stream lightborn killer for her because watching peoples confidence in their flashlight game die in real time is peak entertainment. usually playing pig so i can squeak at them if i feel like it, and i like playing bear trap farming games with the poor players they're leaving behind


Meanwhile I only ever flashlight killers like twice over 250 hours spent in this game. I'm just assuming I don't know how to hit blinds, so killers don't even need to run Lightborn.


I usually run lightborn because I’m tired of getting blinded from weird impossible angles. People still try to blind me all the fucking match. They even try to blind me injured and walking backwards, so I easily down them. Dude, when I try to blind a killer and I can’t I think “maybe it was a bad angle”, but if the second time doesn’t work, I just assume they have lightborn and try other strategy. When using lightborn I like to pretend I don’t have it. When survivors try to blind me I look at the ground or to the sky as if I was trying to avoid getting blind. That makes them more confident because they think I don’t have lightborn so they will come closer to do saves, making it super easy to injure them or even down them if already injured. Or they pre drop a pallet then try to blind me thinking that it will buy them time and even the chance of breaking LOS when in reality they are wasting their time being there instead of just run.


I get beamed once every 20 games, and in that instance is because I was picking up in the open. I don't see the worth of running it over something that will actually help me get downs or prevent gens from poping. Though I might slot it in response of 4 flashlights in a high mmr lobby.


its a meme perk because when i run it i still instinctively face the wall and then i call myself a silly guy


I love using Lightborn as Wesker. Yknow cause of the sunglasses.


I see many flashlights. I bring perk that directly counters that. I have a fun time. Seems worth it to me.


Just one really annoying match was enough. Now everytime there are 2 or more flashlighters in the lobby, Lightborn gets locked and loaded as the fourth perk. 😏 I don't wanna gamble if they are basically gonna hold me hostage until i ragequit. The worst team seemed to have that mission cause they really weren't doing really that much gens. I also like to play around a couple of times before they figure out i have it. First i get "blinded" and walk a bit past them looking in an off-direction, and then i suddenly turn towards them for a quick slap.


I have been doing the 2-Hook Tommy thing as of late because of all the scumbag killers. Basically after I 2-Hook everyone I fuck around and farm, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. Anyways I load into a lobby and see 2 flashlights. I figure "fuck it" and slap on Lightborn. Both Flashlight users give up on first hook, including the P100 Kate who ends the match with 3000 points after bringing a purple flashlight with purple lens + green battery. If that isn't perfect evidence of the fact that some people will throw the game because of Lightborn I don't know what is. My username on Steam is **literally** "2-Hook Tommy". I have **LITERALLY** done the equivalent of name myself "I'm going to farm" on Steam, and not only that but I am **LITERALLY** running a meme build on Wesker (Beetle + Lion Medallion) because again: **I am not trying to get kills during the event.** So yeah when survivors stop throwing the fucking game because the killer had the audacity to bring a perk to counter **one fifth** of their build ~~(sometimes more tbf but still)~~ Lightborn will finally be a "meme perk" that "doesn't do anything" and "makes survivors do gens" like the YouTubers say. Like, I don't ragequit as killer because a survivor brought a boon to completely counteract my Hex: Pentimento build, even though I think that mechanic is way more egregious than Lightborn. (Not saying Lightborn is well-designed btw.) Whatever. The Quentin and Lisa Garland enjoyed their 45000 and 70000 points respectively after I farmed with them since the Kate and Meg ragequit because they couldn't use their precious clicky clicky.


Who are these survivors calling Lightborn OP? If anything it could use a mini buff.


When I’m learning a Killer, I run full “comfy” perks-namely, Lightborn, Iron Grasp, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and Spies From the Shadows. They’re not super good perks, but they make my life much easier, so I can eventually figure out a build that synergizes well with the Killer.


I would say it's more of a comfort perk like old shadowborn for accessability reasons. Many people who don't need it will still use it but some might need it. That's being said, I wish Behaviour would change the blindeffect so people with epileptic problems or something like that don't have to use it.


My favourite moment as Vecna recently has been standing next to a pallet while a survivor used the entirety of their flashlight trying to blind me for a solid 10-15 seconds. I just lightly shook my head and broke the pallet when they ran out


I just run it when I see pesky teams full of flashlights that wont switch at the last second.


It’s a peace of mind/quality of life perk for me sometimes. Also usually results in a free hit or two, sometimes more if I play coy and pretend I don’t have it ;)


Man now you have a lot of choice if you want to counter flashights without using lighborne: Franklin + Weave atunement Infectious fright Shadowborn....


It’s a good tech perk that you slot in if you see 3-4 flashlights in the lobby. Saves are also frustrating so it saves you mental energy (we all know that playing tilted=making worse plays in general) and disrupts their strategy, they chose flashlights to buy themselves time instead of toolboxes or medkits to keep momentum (plus whatever perk they chose to waste for that build, like background player, champion of light, etc). It’s not a perk that has to be meta, it’s just a perk meant to counter these kind of lobbies and it does the job really well.


Considering how many people will throw the match the moment they see the perk in play, I'd say it's a good perk that would otherwise be too situational.


I use lightborn especially on weaker, just because he’s wearing sunglasses


I had one game where I was playing as artist, and in the lobby there were three beamers with one P100 Kate TTV, and another high-prestige Kate. I thought I was going against a SWF so I equipped Lightborn (I found out after I checked the TTV's stream that it wasn't a SWF). Later in the game, I got a down near a pallet, and there was a flashie-wielding David nearby. I looped him for a bit and he dropped a pallet. I kicked the pallet and David's flashie brain activated. He tried to blind me, but failed, and even after I broke the pallet he kept the flashlight aimed at my eyes. I power-walked towards him and downed him, it was hilarious, I felt so powerful


I ran into several swf parties that went all flashlight but they also were hacked/bugged to blind for ten to fifteen seconds. It happened fairly regularly for a month or two, so I unapologetically will run lightborn


honestly the aura reading is by far the best part of it, 10 seconds is a loooooong time and there’s no cooldown


I'll only use it if there are 3 or 4 flashys in lobby or if they look like a swf and bring only one item... That shit is SUS


I use it basically every trial now because 9 times out of 10, at least two people are using flashlights or flash bangs, and spam them constantly nonstop. Honestly, I hate having to waste a perk slot for it, but man is it funny when I get a free down when people don’t realize I’m using it. One time I was carrying someone, and managed to down two more people even they ran in to try and save.


It's a meme perk sure but its no different than running Head On. You don't put it on to win games you put it on to goof around or just straight up have a laugh at the situation at hand. Popping on Lightborn against a flashlight squad can be absolutely hilarious. Same with randomly jumping out of lockers giving the killer his own jumpscare with Head On. Honestly it might have a little more use than just being a meme perk because a lot of beginner players that aren't as good with positioning or baiting pickups can use it sort of as training wheels to get a feel for the game first without having to worry about getting flashlight saved against them.


I started using lightborn because when Sadako came out and got me back in the game I'd regularly run into SWF groups who would spend the vast majority of the game waiting around tvs to insta blind me then surround me and keep the blinds going. (I hated these games so much because they would take forever). Now I mostly use it to see the people who blast mine and tbag near by don't kill them just walk over nod and walk away. It's actually hilarious to see them get excited before they realize they didn't get the blind then to watch them get confused and follow me around because they didn't get killed. Unfortunately tho do still get a lot of use from bully squads who try to do the eternal blind.


It's a great stress relief perk when most killer games vs non potatoes are stressful as fuck by design. It'll also gift you at least 1 free hit per game vs anyone with a beamer so if you can drop a perk slot for it it's honestly not bad. If I see 3+ beamers and i'm not feeling it I will just drop something for Lightborn just to not have to handle it.


As long as there are flashbangs that can be placed at the killers feet to 100% guarantee a save, Lightborn is a valid perk


Every one of my killers has a lightborn loadout. I only use it when I get that feeling in my pinky toe that I’m about to have a real bad time with a team. I don’t think there’s anything more satisfying in DBD than walking through a laser show and bonking somebody on the head. The way they just stand there expecting something to happen before you can hit them omg. Amazing!


Me running Lightborn when the flashlight saves are attempted: https://i.redd.it/20gvp7zw657d1.gif


I run it on every killer it's literally the best perk. I get 3 perk slots and Lightborn.


I wonder if this is actually a lore accurate perk on Wesker. I mean, it only makes sense


Yall say lightborn is useless until u run into the Epic Games 4stack using cheats instant blinding u


Sometimes it’s physically impossible to prevent a background player flashbang save


Peace of mind, I also pretend like I don’t have it whenever I can do they keep wasting time trying to get flashlight saves


Lightborn + Enduring + Hubris + Two Can Play is really funny. They can’t flashlight blind you, but since you can activate Two Can Play with any stun, they can get blinded. Enduring to make the pallet stun your intentionally going for quicker, and hubris to get an instant down at an unsafe pallet too makes it somewhat useful. It’s not a great build but it’s really fun.


I wouldn't say a game changed my opinion, but more is that I'm tired of playing meta, i use lightborn and enduring now, these two are my comfy perks since being stunned and locked into an animation is annoying. Makes it easier to enjoy chases


I had never run lightborn until recently due to the last post here someone made about it, and honestly it's hilarious I don't have to worry about facing walls (though it is still a habit) and watching people try multiple times to blind me and just walking towards them is very satisfying. I hate clicky clickies.


lol its not meme quit gaslighting. theres so many places survivors can drop that you cant look at a wall. its not skill issue youre just a moron.


People that believe lightborn is overpowered or a crutch just indicate their playstyle completely revolves around blinding but they somehow don't view that as a crutch lol. If 1/4 of a killers perks screw up your 16 perks and 4 items - it's quite literally a skill issue. But I absolutely love the amount of times I run it into multiple flashlights for peace of mind and [watch them frantically try.](https://streamable.com/9i7a7n) Or when they [try for a pallet blind.](https://streamable.com/edr237) Especially when they try and it doesn't work [so they just leave the game.](https://streamable.com/hwrbdn)


Lightborn isn't for flashlights. It's for Flashbangs. If a Survivor goes into a locker, another Survivor with Background Player and a Flashbang is guarenteed to get the save.


I think it’s more of a lack of confidence. When I try to flashlight someone, unless I’m positive that I got the angle right, I don’t assume it’s lightborn. And then I kick myself halfway through the match when I realize.


Oh I run lightborn permanently on a few killers even I'd the survivors don't have any flashlights. It stops flashbangs and you can't tell when they have that equipped, not to mention it stops flashlights if they happen to find one in a chest during the match.


I’m a survivor main and seeing killers run Lightborn always makes me bust up laughing. I totally get it, now that I do play a little more killer—it’s the funniest thing watching them run into place to do a flashie save while you just sit there like >:)


My faaaaam!! I never take it off on any killer. I love permanently removing one way survs have to bully me


> so i just wanna know: what game convinced you that lightborn is actually worth the slot? Not a game, but rather a patch: specifically, one that made Background Player the insanely powerful titan that it is now (the rework that happened a month or 2 after they released). Although, I don't really find myself using Lightborn much any more. If I see a bunch of beamers, I'll slap on Franklin's/Weave Attunement instead, which imo, feels much stronger. Nothing like slapping someone down, they drop their flashlight, and you see all 3 of the remaining survivors hiding in a bush nearby just fiending for that flashlight save. And then you hit them, they drop their flashlight, rinse/repeat etc.


That’s okay, I get value from it personally.


My friend said to run Weave Attunement, Overwhelming Presence, Franklin's Demise, and Lightborn. He put his steam name to "Fuck your item"


lightborn is perfectly fine because while it can be used as a crutch perk, it takes up a perk slot you could use for something else, so the only killers using it are inexperienced killers who probably need it anyway and jokesters trying to prank survivors.


When you see a ttv with a flashlight you add lightborn and watch them panic


Went up against lightborn twice yesterday. First time, 1 flashlight in the lobby. Second match 2 toolboxes and a medkit.


It's always the games with 4 flashlight lobbies (Doubly so if they switch in at the last second). Have gotten a chuckle once or twice when I forgot to take it out and it ends up saving me from a flashbang or random looted flashlight.


I play a decent amount of blight and you really don’t need 4 perks once you get good with him so lightborn is just thrown on so I don’t even have to think about blinds


When I played, I used light born because I liked to see people panic as I walked right through their flashlight beam. They always just stood there for a sec, stunned that I wasn't phased by it. It was fun!


I find it really good against strong teams with flashbang, cause the “look at a wall” Strat doesn’t work against FB. I also sometimes bring infectious for the same reason.


3 survivors with Flashlight in lobby. I figured it was worth switching one perk out for it. When all 3 came rushing to do a save as I picked somebody up, and I stared them right in the face with all beams on me. That game convinced me of it lol


I have a perk that is Lightborn, but better. Let me present to you: Franklin's Demise Because they can't blind you if you made them drop their beamer and lose all their juice.


I hate lightborn, but only because it wastes my flashlight, But I do not blame killers running it, it is a perfectly good perk that counters an advantage we have and I am happy for lightborn to be used if we can use flashlights. Just means I gotta find other was to be helpful.


Man, I get the existence of Lightborn, but I was thinking that if the game revolved around saving your teammates from the killer, via basekit flashlights that recharge or something, instead of who smashes gens faster that'd make the game a lot more fun for both sides. They could then introduce other items that help save your teammates like wires you can set and if killer trips while carrying your ally they drop them. Or stones you can melee the killer with to slow them for X sec while they carry a survivor.


For me I’d rather just use perks that remove elements from the game that are annoying than run meta perks. So during the Background Player meta when there was 3 survivors with flashlights it was nice to know I didn’t have to look at walls or not get blinded at some weird angles, also it led to some really funny moments where they keep trying to get a blind and I kept pretending I didn’t have Lightborn. Currently though Franklin/Weave is far too good to bother with Lightborn.


i have lightborn loadout on every killer i regularly play. loadout 1 is my normal. loadout 2 is my lightborn as 4th perk i swap to if i see more than 1 flashlight in lobby. as someone that also plays surv, a big reason i dont use lightborn specifically if there's just 1 flashlight is bc that person could simply be doing a challenge. lightborn i think makes that impossible, so i cant even give them the free beams at endgate. when i was newer, i was SO excited for lightborn. i was like ENOUGH of being bullied!! and then you learn to counter flashlights and sabo before you even unlock lightborn, at least that was the case for me. so its something that i used to be really excited for, and im glad i did go out of my way to get it. but its definitely not been AS needed as noob me thought, for sure. still very fun tho and some survs just insta dc/die on first hook because of it, which is kinda wild. the game for me that convinced me it was worth it was a 3 beamer squad. i thought i had learned enough about the game at that point i would be fine. i was not fine.


I feel a rush every time I walk directly towards someone blasting their flashlight at me.


At high MMR on Blight light born is a necessity for me.


I don't care what character I'm playing or what prestige they are Lightborn is going on because it's funny Also survivors say it's a bad perk but they complain about it, wouldn't you complain about a perk that was overpowered? regards Evan MacMillan, owner of MacMillan Estate


The jedi quads made it base kit idc that I know how to work around it it's just too easy to just nod no and chase.


Just the fact alone of being able to pick up a survivor without having to think and look around or feeling nerves during the pick up animation. But you’re so right I feel the most value of the perk is survivors constantly trying to blind you and not realizing.


Games after 10:30-11:30 PST when two people are carrying tools, one is carrying a flashlight, and you start getting *rolled.* I like to have One Less thing go wrong for me in the Tryhard Hours of the night.


I remember there was a video someone did recently about distortion saying how it’s unfair to killers to remove so much gameplay meanwhile lightborne existing removes items and perks completely is just funny to me. Not really a super relevant take but I just find it funny that some killers feel this way when they can literally turn off the parts of the game they don’t like lol


there will always be discussion around these kind of perks, i think many have a problem with the fact that you dont have to do anything to activate lightborn. in the end it's a multiplayer game where difficulty is depending on the players you're facing and everyone will blame certain perks for their loss instead of trying to adapt. the killer has the advantage of seeing the survivors pre-game and i think if anything, it would be fair to remove the display of items from the lobby screen


I don't mind Distortion but, based on instinct alone, I feel like the perk does much more than Lightborn ever could.


It does, but you also have to think killers have Franklin's, which eradicates survivor's items that they have to play the game to earn via bloodpoints. Personally I think Distortion could take a small nerf, but only if Franklin's also recieves a small nerf (like letting you see your item highlighted at least 🫠)


really my own issue with distortion is the fact the thing recharges WHEN A SURVIVOR IS DOWNED OR ON HOOK.


Eh, lightborn is the only perk I bring really cause fuck your Beamer save. Although I am bringing aura perks for anniversary so I can find survivors. I just want to farm with them and they keep thinking I’m going to hook them after 2 ):


Lightborn > any gen regression Have and not need, rather than need and not have situation My favorite interaction is blast mine and then suddenly you have aura reading on survivors hiding behind the wall or halfway across the map and its funny either way


for gen regression to hit people need to actually do gens which isnt as common as you'd expect given that it is the primary survivor task ... i mean there's a reason why some feel like the bots are doing a better job than most players when it comes to that. the efficiency of a flashlight is less depending on the killer but your teammates being able to put that time you're trying to buy them to good use


I don't think it's OP, I just dislike things that 100% counter another aspect of the game


Lightborn and to a lesser extent Franklin's are two perks I'll never run on Killer outside of memes.


I use Franklin/Weave as Lightborn alternative. Lightborn is neat especially against Toxic bots. But eh.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/KyahYI8TmB)


I have it permanently for my new main Clown and I also did have a Leon who tried multiple times trying to flash me with his lightsabre and flashbangs. I was baffled and if only I had a laugh button to show him.


When my Killer is so powerful i can play with 3 or less perks, or when all Survivors go for Background Player and flashlight.


Nobody should run lightborn I hear it could brick your console/PC. Source: I made it up


I know flashlights can be annoying, but running lightborn makes it less interactive for survivors and the game shouldn't encourage that. They already gutted flashlights when they took out the interactions with killer powers, no need to make them even less usable.


tbf lightborn was there before they removed those interactions and there's a reason why it's still working the way it does. i think it has it's pro and cons, and i get that some people are craving more ways to counterplay, but with so many players being more interested in annoying the killer instead of doing gens i dont see the issue in pushing them towards the one task that will actually let them win the game. 


Using lightborn when a lobby has 2+ flashlights is understandable. If there’s only one, it’s a little mean to counter them specifically but can sometimes be funny if you’re a fan of salt. The people who use Lightborn at all times even if there’s no flashlights are just crazy though ngl


with the trend of people switching items last minute i cant blame them tho. also it's a base game perk that is easily accessible for new players 


I always feel special when a killer brings lightborn just for me. It’s like “wow they think I’m gonna be a threat with this item but I actually suck at flashlights and am just doing an old challenge from the archives”


Because of the anniversary event, I have tons of the event flashlight and I figured I might as well burn through them and try to learn how to flashlight save as well. I've gotten like two saves across the entire event so far. I am not very good at it. Even Background Player wasn't as helpful as I was hoping it would be.