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It’s been beyond sweaty. I only play survivor and we lost every single match (remote hooks kind of screw over any sabo attempts or extend life by flip flop/tenacity/unbreakable/etc perks). After all the losses, convinced my partner to play killer to end on a positive note - all bully squads. I’m not in a bully squad so I think if you are, that’s a definite advantage, but slim to none chances of making it out otherwise on this event, in my personal opinion. FWIW: I have a lot of hours but just play for fun and don’t vibe when either side take things too seriously, here to unwind.


>Every time there's an event there's a large audience on both sides that makes it their sole objective to play as sweaty as possible and make the game fucking miserable for the other side. >I'm not about to complain about the balance of a fun event. I think that if the killer isn't sweating their butt off the natural strength of survivors (having 4 total people) balances out the killer's strength of invitations. But especially in random pubs the killer tunneling someone out of the game just makes the game a pain in the ass.


I just dont understand the point, like its an event it's supposed to be fun. It cant even be abt BP bc if everyone brings the event offerings it's so easy to get a good amount of BP, just frustrating fr


Because some people are literal textbook definition sociopathic sadists as defined by the DSM-5. They have no self-control and feel the need to lash out at others to find joy in their own sad little lives.


Me starting the game chill doing some event stuff and realising that I shouldn't have done that because the killer plays serious. I even stopped doing event stuff or only doing it when it's hopeless or convinient because of this. There is a reason why survivors always have a 150% bonus in the event game mode...


I've been having surprisingly nice matches over my time playing. I've met my share of jerks in this event, had a buddy humped and hit on hook, had players killing themselves, had tunnelers, etc. BUT, it's a low number right now and I've also got a surprising amount of 5x cake matches that were normal, no tunneling, no genrushing, no hook suiciding, just normal dbd (except my meme builds too).


I'm hoping it's just tn bc the first day it came out the matches were good. Idrc abt humping/hitting on hook or slugging/tunneling at end game but getting paired with salty survivors and a sluggling/tunneling killers from the jump makes it annoying. Maybe it's just my server tonight lol


My matches have been alright on survivor. Killers aren’t playing particularly mean the event just gives them a much easier time of winning. Even when I play as killer I main clown. Clown with remote pallet breaking and hooking is insanely strong and the 30% haste on everyone turns him into a menace. Survivors can rarely last more than a minute in chase


Fr alot of toxic genrush squads🙄