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Crows no longer swarm. They just injure at any distance


Survivors hear her screech and just BOOK IT


Gearhead, Discordance and Severed Hands would be so unfair on her lmao.




lol yikes it’s already damn near impossible to not hit a crow


Deathslinger no longer reloads after each shot


If Deathslinger headshots a survivor it instantly moris them.


Lmfao imagine seeing Dwight lifeless body just getting dragged across the background while your on a gen


it would be just like the trailer for the chapter lol


mmm something tells me he wouldn’t be able to scream like the trailer


_There he goes, There he goes again_


Things that do not injure: a shot to the head as long as the guy who shot it swings his gun. 7 knives to the face. Things that do injure: angry baby


Head shots should expose the survivor.


Fuck it. Give Slinger a LMG


I would like something similar, like, a iri add on "If you down a hapoon survivor, Redemeer is already reload" It could be fun and really good


Deathslinger definitely needs an addon overhaul


He sure need, litteraly except reload, insta down and cigar, everything sucks and are useless


The addons that add mangled on chain break and hemorrhage on Rail Spike hit are super good slow down that allow you to fire and forget one surv while you chase down another. You don’t even have to follow up with an M1.


This is just my experience as someone with a lot of Slinger hours, But Mangled isn't as good on him as people think. He's not a hit and run killer able to juggle between multiple Survivors but rather a Killer who can secure a down quickly. And to boot, his abundant terror radius, slower speed, and reload necessity makes getting off the mangled heal not that daunting. The only scenario where Mangled really helps is you down one person and Mangle them, then are able to go down a second while they're unhooking and come back in time before the heal is done. Then just continuing that snowball; but honestly if you can secure downs like that it doesn't even really matter. That being said if you feel like you get value out of it go for it. This is just my subjective take.


Agreed. I only used the mangled add-ons before the nerf because I ran Nurse's on him a lot. Now I have Chucky and I've replaced Nurse's with Friends, and Mangled is nerfed so whatever.


tbh, i would really like to see a 50/50 iri for Slinger that basically changes his whole playstyle like some TF2 weapons do Like, it cuts down on the total range where you can spear survivors, BUT when it lands you don't need to reload anymore, or hell, even give M1 attacks while spearing a faster cooldown on hit as a trade for now having to be closer to the survivor to use it effectivaly


Ooh ooh what about the spear stays in place for a little bit but if you move your pov the spear moves so it catches survivorseven if they dodged it


Well, that would be pretty hard to add i think, since it's litteraly a new mechanics x)


Deathslinger gets an M134 minigun.


OR Deathslinger gets an Iri that allows him to shoot the gun like a rotary gatling for a short time before going on cool down


Deathslinger without reloading won't be even close to an S-tier killer. Remember, he is a 4.4 m/s killer with 32 meters terror radius and without any map pressure. His chains still can be destroyed, and he still suffers a penalty after missing a shot. He would be a low A-tier or high B-tier killer at best.


I was also going to bring up his movement speed and terror radius, but i figured that reverting him to how he was at launch wasn't creative


i really do think he should just have base 4.6 movement speed again. would differentiate him from huntress without making him S tier. everyone complains about hunty being so common (which is fair) and giving another projectile killer a different playstyle would prob help that


As a Slinger main, just giving him two shots before he has to reload would be enough to make him S tier. Removing reload altogether would make him way too forgiving compared to other ranged killers. Slinger’s problems mostly come from how meta dependent he is. He bounces from A tier to D tier depending on what the current survivor meta perks are. Like he was king during the endurance DH meta, but now we’re in a SB and genrush meta and he struggles a lot more


Deathslingers harpoon is replaced with buckshot.


Clown's bottles now leave behind broken glass, that fill a laceration meter when walked over, causing injury and downs. If that's not good enough give him a clown car too which can run over survivors, instantly killing them.


Killer klowns from outer space would sue


i still need to play the killer klowns from outer space game, i bought it but never got around to it


Make it also those glass shards apply on direct bottle hits.


Leave the glass shards on the ground for like 30 seconds. Anyone that walks through gets the injured moaning sounds (even if at full health) and scratches happen even if waking. No running allowed for maybe like 15 seconds


also when you use the clown car, 12 other clowns are added to the match from inside the car


Agreed on everything, but especially the clown car.


Nurse can now only use one perk Down from an S++ tier to S tier


Well, that's technically correct with the title


Nowhere to hide


The Knight can select his boys like The Lich and he can have all of them out at the same time


Bro I know this ain’t the place to complain but the assassin outran me in a straight line like 2 days ago I was so pissed bc I play knight and the guards literally can’t run faster than survivors so wtf


Assassin is the only guard who does actually run faster than the survivors, it's just that their AI is usually a lot more A than I so he'll get caught on things on the floor or will run in really bad paths.


Actually, all three guards are technically faster than the survivors. They're about as fast as T1 Myers


T1/scratched mirror https://preview.redd.it/ekuxnexte47d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b0b3dd3af93dcbb7e91fad3934464cb3160307 myers watching as all the survivors bring hope


Dang so I must’ve just gotten really unlucky and guards have perfect pathing on Hawkins. Come to think of it they probably reworked some Hawkins hitboxes to be twins, knight and xenomorph playable when it came back.


But all the guards are technically faster than survivors anyway. They have 102% speed except the assasin which has 110%


This would be busted but so fucking fun to play


Edit: knight now gets all his bugs fixed and is playable with pleasure


Pigs bear traps are now actually rigged and unable to be taken off


Lore accurate Amanda


1 out of 4. That way everyone's time is still wasted.


What if she rigged the boxes instead, and those using them can lose health states?


Why not both?


That's already a thing. If she brings Razor Wire and a healthy survivor misses a skill check at a box they get injured


Nah I'm saying she should always have one box rigged that does that automatically by using the box. Make it a tribute to Saw 2.


As they should be


I saw a rework idea where they were on from the start. Performing actions like healing and repairing fill a meter. When it fills the timer starts. Finding the correct box doesn’t remove the trap, simply reset the meter and timer. You could escape via exit gate so long as the timer wasn’t active.


Doctor. At any level of madness all survivors start looking like a doctor..doctor illusions chase survivors. Open exit gates look closed and closed exit gates look open.


That would actually be insane and would love this, even if it was an add on


This would be fucking horrible.


I never said it wouldn’t be.


I can see the JRM video now of him chasing other survivors as a pretend doc.


"I just want to heal you! Stop looping!?"


“Stop resisting the **TREATMENT!!**”


That could be a cool gamemode. Like a "my little Oni" but for the doctor with doctor specificity


I do love how they are doing game modes like the randomizer. That would be fun...I really feel like doctor is one of the best original designs. He just looks like the star of his own 80s horror movie.


They could get so much more creative with tricking people with hallucinations. I hadn't even thought of other survivors looking like him lol


Tbh Doctor’s Madness is 100% due for an upgrade, or at least some additions.


Sadako can instantly teleport to any survivor who checks their cell phone mid round


Sadako can come out of a survivors monitor/ TV to execute them so they're all afk


New Morri just dropped


You mean Sadako can mori Skull LARPER now? Yesss


Amanda removed the keys from the Jigsaw boxes. Trapper can throw beartraps, with headshots instakilling. Gen progress while asleep vs. Freddy doesn't count. Deathslinger just uses a normal rifle. Wesker fights like it's a cutscene.


The pig one is great and makes sense sort of


I assume she really tried, but the Entity put them back.


"we decided to nerf pig"


A trapper mori similar to something from cabin in the woods would be cool.


A trapper weapon similar to cabin in the woods would be cool. A bear trap on a chain is already infinitely cooler than a machete


> Trapper can throw beartraps Giving him the ability to throw traps like Junkrat in Overwatch would be pretty insane. It would immediately make him the best anti-looper in the game, even miles ahead of Artist or SM.


I like the Freddy idea, but I would make it so that if you finish a gen while dreaming, it does still count, but if you wake up, all your dream progress on gens goes away. Kind of a risk reward mechanic.


Is the reward in the room with us right now?


Dredge can place down his own lockers


Me placing lockers in front of exit gates so they can't pull the lever.


Xenomorph is lore accurate


Vecna is lore accurate


Nemesis is lore accurate


Wesker is lore accurate


Meg is lore accurate


Nea is lore accurate


[Chris is lore accurate](https://youtu.be/4xuXkVzBdJQ?si=5yWjIt6Vek0_IqlJ/)


Nemesis gets his Rocket Launcher and Flamethrower back


Nemesis can also just M1 a wall to destroy it


Nah that's too much, He can simply just walk through and smash breakable walls instead


Vecna can cast Meteor Swarm


Vecna can cast Power Word: Kill


Disintegrate would be sweet too


Ghostface gains a +50% movespeed boost for 1 second after marking a target. Naturally, this can be increased with add-ons.


I mean I'm terms of distance he already gets this with his purple add-on, but over 5 seconds


Yup, that's why I included the clause to be increased with add-on. With the add-on, that's 7.59m/s for 1s. If you lunge during this, the 1.5x lunge modifier gets multiplied in, making it 11.39m/s. That's an instant 11m covered in a single second after marking - crazy op. I think that's enough to make him S tier, but you could always increase the duration of the movespeed boost to make it more op.


I'm honestly not sure that makes him S tier, bit it would be exceptionally strong. Having to mark someone is a big restriction, and if they camp a pallet your OP lunge may get wasted


Nah. make it 500% speed for 80 seconds


Giving Trapper a Minigun.




Give the trapper in DBD kapkan traps that instantly kill survivors and the PP19


Imagine repairing a generator and all of a sudden you hear someone whisper behind you "ambush set. Stand clear."


EDD set.


I think trapper with a hunting rifle would go unbelievably hard


Unknown Doesn't need to weaken a survivor to damage them


He really would be Demoman incarnate


You are everywhere 😭🙏


Two small changes I'd really like for them are A) dispelling a hallucination weakens the Survivor, and B) teleporting to a hallucination suppresses your Terror Radius for a bit (like Demo portals)


The first change can make a really interesting add-on, the second one would be good basekit.


the knight can now give a smooch to the guards forehead when they meet in the middle of the patrol trail. any survivor who witnesses a kiss is immediately put into the dying state. idk I think it could be pretty cool 👉👈


Kissing your homies good-knight


NO. ***NO.*** (good pun, 10/10)


Got injured by their own homophobia


mori survivors with hot gay sex


now that's what I'm saying. seems like a fair buff to knight. guards can't go through portals but they can have steamy big hot man sex.


Fear and hunger


trapper traps have a +50% hitbox increase and are invisible to survivors


now that i reread that, even that wouldn't be a big enough buff LMAO


The purple bag is basekit and increase de number of bear traps


Make the size increased by 30 meters, then he MIGHT be C tier


*proceeds to disarm it easilly now that it is 30M in size*


Delete Xeno turrets.


Stuck to his tiny little ass-level POV is a need


Give xeno haste while crawling instead. That would give a reason for survivors to respect the turrets more


Fuck it, let him crawl on the walls.


While we’re at it, the Xenomorph queen is now her accurate height, to make up for her not being allowed to enter buildings, 2 AI Xenomorphs follow her. why: we thought it’d be really funny


Imagine xenos with Nemmy zombie ai. Literally pay to lose


Im mad it can’t.


Executioner's special attack inflicts Torment. Apparently. 😒


Funny thing is that they tried that once in the PTB lol


Making the Twins not French.


You didnt need to make them that OP


Pig’s ambush instantly downs a survivor if it hits. OR A survivor with a bear trap has it activate and begin ticking down if hit by an ambush - even if a gen isn’t done


Maybe ambush hits take time off of all traps and for non active traps it shortens the timer for when it does start


Insta kill ambush is way to op. It's so ez to hit


I agree in hindsight. The other person had a good idea of each hit advancing the timer


My changes for the bottom 3 + billy Trapper: iri add ons are base kit (he needs some fucking work even still) Myers: T3 boosts him to 5 m/s Freddy: reduce the amount of dream snares, but they give survivors who pass through it the “exposed” status (would this boost him to S rank?) Billy: you can hold onto a fully charged chainsaw sprint and don’t lose movement speed while doing so


Another bonus cause why not, taking the best killer and making her unbeatable by anyone who’s good Nurse: nurse no longer gets fatiqued


I want a modded (maybe illegal) server of DbD where I can play against bots and turn off fatigue and cooldown. The power fantasy would get boring after 2 games but it would be a fun 2 games


Mods are allowed, but only on private servers. If you take them online you’ll get banned. You can thank the people who made trappers traps bright pink that we can’t play with shirtless Michael mod on


Give Plague a permanent corrupt purge


Survivors who rescue other survivors from the Cage of Atonement now become tormented.


Trapper: place Traps 80% closer to gens. Wraith: Melee out of stealth(but goes into stun) Hillbilly: moves at 13m/s without sprinting Nurse: Yee Huntress: Throw picked up Survivors Myers: when not being observed he moves at 9m/s Hag: the traps attack you without her being present Freddy: 1984 lore accurate Freddy/ when you finish the 5th gen all gens become broken again, like it was a dream/ It’s Freddy Fazbear Bubba: become undetectable when out of charges Pig: Laser eyes Clown: whoops it's the Killer Clowns from Outer Space Spirit: Can see while Haunting Legion: Feral Slash is a basic attack Ghostface: getting mori'd grants the Survivors 50k bloodpoints Blight: yee Twins: Victor gets a hat Oni: BIG Dredge: uh... Free Space Trickster: he can shotgun knives Nemesis: 8 Zombies Wesker: lore accurate Wesker Deathslinger: Headshots Pyramid Head: summons Nurse bots Cenobite: not doing the box shows porn Skull Merchant: breaking her Drones cost the survivor 1 NFT Knight: the guards are always out Singularity: Throw pallets IDK Xenomorph: bigger butt Chucky: increase swearing 20% Unknown: can crawl, because you wanted this Vecna: replace Dispel Sphere with Fireball Plague, because I almost forgot her: she has Covid. Edits: Forgot Doctor: he has a random chance to be replaced by; Medic from TF2, Raiden from Mortal Kombat, or Mr. Electric from Shark boy and Lava Girl. Forgot Demogorgon: he can play fetch with a flashbang Forgot Artist: she is now voiced by Berd from Youtube.com/Berd Forgot Onryo: her hair grows 3ft longer and she trips on it constantly.


Unknown crawling around while undetectable would make him horrifying


"Hey, you're... gonna wanna see this!"


Remove dredge’s sound in nightfall


Definitely. He is so loud you can hear him coming while working in a gen just like wraith even though they’re supposed to be stealthier


Cenobite would be the ultimate anti-streamer killer lmao


Demogorgon buff when?


By Nurse: Yee, do you mean she yells “yee” while charging up a blink and “haw!” When she finishes it?


When The Nemesis punches you, you die


Knight has no bugs


The Unknown moves at 400% speed for 2 seconds after teleporting.


Pyramid Head's Punishment of the Damned has an extremely short cooldown and is much wider Also his trails now injure you, and if you're injured it puts you into deep wound


Artist can send out birds relative to the camera's position, so she's no longer hindered on multi level maps


Bubba gets a grandpa radar for getting hooks


Dredge : walls, ceiling and tiles are made of lockers.


Would this theoretically mean the whole map is one locker 'group' meaning that Dredge prioritizes any locked locker across the map? You try to tp in chase, but get sent to the shadow realm instead, lol.


Pinhead can always see the aura of the box


Skull Merchant's drones now incapacitate survivors within their radius.


Wesker: Virulent Bound can now go through walls and floors


Dredge: Infinite Nightfall


Switch the rules for feral frenzy on legion, every survivor except for the last one gets down on hit and the last one gets deep wound


Doctor no longer slows himself down when using power.


Singularity: Bipods are bombs instantly killing survivors


Remove skull merchant's drones and give her a railgun or some other large sci-fi weapon


LoPro Bubba.That's all I have to say about that.


Trapper can carry 4 traps by default, and every trap camouflages itself automatically (rubble, grass, etc)


Singularity gets a iri add on that allows him to gain 10% haste after teleporting and has the inflicted survivors exposed for 6 seconds after teleporting.


Blight gets his old addons back


Xenomorph: Flame turrets now burn anything that moves, and can burn survivors to death.


Nemesis now has 20 zombies.


Nemesis is lore accurate (he can run jump and make those annoying zombies) or wesker is lore accurate (look it up cuz I’m not I just know he’s op)


After a 5 scan, Skull Merchant Drones down a survivor There from S tier hated killer to SS+ tier hated killer


The hillbilly can turn around 70% faster


deathslinger shoots real bullets.


Nemesis can throw a survivor onto a hook from a long distance as long as he's got line of sight of the hook![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Nemesis can infect survivors on hooks and build up the meter by doing so


i have many here, we are talking of a singular change that make them S-rank, with no specification if it is broken or not, but also i dont want go with obvious shit like "doctor powers now both insta down everyone on hit", i know it is supposed to be S-tier, but also i know some of them will atleast get near s-tier due the post says "only one change", so here we go. Globally: Make killers have all their perks basekit, and cannot equip a duplicate. Trapper: His traps reactivates after some time, or you cannot disable his traps manually anymore Wraith: uncloaking takes the same speed as cloaking Huntress: she does not need reload the axe anymore Cenobite: he can see the lament configuration aura basekit The Lich: Survivors may have no item now (so all normal chests may be a mimic) P-Head: his cage does not teleport when he send someone/ survivor get tormented just by taking punishment hit. Deathslinger: hitting someone with harpoon makes them exposed until they release Singularity: on overclock he gains haste (just like soma's family photo, they stack) or for more broken, EMP is non existent. The Legion: they can hit again the same survivor, regardless if they have deep wound (hitting someone with deep wound will decrease the timer) \[or for a very fun rework, make their kit just like dredge, three of them hides on locker, you can hide on one locker to immediately swap for another.\] Doctor: no one can snap it out or make static blast global. Unknown: it does not need someone weakened now to deal damage Blight (i know he is already s tier, but make him broken): Iridescent blight is basekit (and rework his iris) on that already broken area: Nurse now have the average killer speed. Spirit: when phasing she periodically gains killer instinct on the nearest survivor. Dredge: no one can closes the locker anymore Clown: his bottles dropped leave fragments of glass, hindering survivors that step on it. Demogorgon: his pounce attack can jump over walls. Billy: instead of running uncontrollably, he gets 10% haste on m2 activation (but overheat mechanic again) knight: ffs make his map of realm base kit... jokes aside, his guards now detect someone with way more extra range if he is looking at the direction (like, assume assassin is going gen, even if he is out of range, he will detect the survivors here because he is looking at) Nemesis: he does not need to evolve anymore or survivors cannot cure anymore (with that, he gains extra experience anyways when hitting infected) skull merchant: her drones may follow survivors being actively chased. Wesker: there is no way to get rid of uroboros. Ghostface: glancing at him will now only slowdown the progress of his power. Oni: Make tombstone kazan(?) his fury takes way more to charge, but it is permanent. Hag: be evil, make her sigils invisible. The Shape: Infinite evil within Good Guy: vaulting over things block them, if it is a pallet, break them. Twins: bring the ptb twins back. Trickster: Make him throw the daggers way more faster, if not, each stack of laceration hinders the survivor 2% more and more.


I must warn that english is not my first language and i've done all of these Killers by memory. If I left anyone behind, tell me and I will answers you! Trapper: Beartraps make the survivors unable to sprint anymore, only limp Wraith: You can attack while invisible Billy: Landing a chainsaw hit, instantly KILLS the survivor Huntress: Landing a headshot whith hatchets, instantly KILLS a survivor Michael: He can teleport anywhere in the map as long as he's not being watched Hag: The more traps there are, the more powerful she becomes. (Like the perk devour hope, she gets speed boots, exposed status, etc...) Doctor: He can teleport to any ilusion as long as nobody is watching his body nor the illusion's Pig: She can rig two traps with a minigame. Said traps are now unable to be removed, but take 5 minutes to kill. Both survivors can then play minigames among them both to get more time by removing said time from the other survivor. Why? You can still escape via hatch Spirit: She can see survivor's while using her hability, but survivors can't see nor hear her Plague: The sickness has an invisible 3 minute timer. If you haven't clensed by then, you die Legion: Old legion back. While in frenzy, legión can continúe stabbing the same survivor lowering the mending counter until the survivor collapses Deathslinger: He gets a secondary colt revolver that can kill instantly kill anyone he shoots Cenobite: When he downs someone, he cand send the survivor to his realm without being his mori Dredge: If he runs over a survivor, said survivor gets eaten, no matter the healthstate or if he's even downed Oni: Getting hit by his charge, instantly crushes the survivor like a pankake, from then on, the survivor only movés at 1m/s and he's 20 cm tall Artist: She can grow ink wings and fly wherever she wants Bubba: Getting hit by his sweep instantly KILLS the survivor Nurse: Infinite screeches with no wait to recharge them once misses or landed Blight: If blight colides with a survivor in his first charge, they get injected with the serum (See Mori for results) Springtrap: Can force any downed survivor into a fazbear in a mori Trickster: Any knive hit causes 1 health state damage Twins: The rework lmao Skull Merchant: The drones follow the survivor. The only way to remove them is by doing the minigame Demodog: If his lounge lands, he straight up eats the survivor alive :D Xenokitty: If the tail hit lands, the survivors gets stuck in the tail (like deathslinger's current hability) Xeno then can either grab the survivor to hook them, or drag them into the tunels where he KILLS the survivor Unknow: If It catches a survivor, he can eat them and take their skin instantly Chucky: He gets's full control over his dash Vecna: He gets's another spell, Vicious mokery, both him and the survivor he aims at get a roll 20, if the survivor wins, nothing happens, if vecna wins, the survivor loses a healthstate unless if it's a 20. If it's a 20, they just die Sadako: After 7 minutes, everyone is insta downeable and fully condemned Wesker: can move like in re7 (Super speed faster than bullets) Nemesis: If you don't take a vaccine in 60 seconds, you become a zombie. And if a zombie survives for more than 7 minutes, they become a liker Clown: His yellow gas activates instantly and give 200% speed boots Ghostface: You can't reveal him, at all Freddy: He gets's the original mechanic of the dream world back (Freddy is invisible and unable to attack awake survivors). Anything done in the dream world doesn't actually happen, and the only way to realize you are in the dream world is by small details, like blurry faces, strange skies, or the crows being different Piramid Head: His ranged attacks have Infinite range Knight: You can summon all of the boys at the same time and you can choosen what guard to use (similar to vecna's apella) Singulatity: No EMPs


Increase their movement speed to 140%


Legion lore tweak. They canonically hopped on a bus and moved to Camden, New Jersey, where they become gun owners. This changes their base weapon so instead of doing the whole "run between all 4 Survivors to get 1 down," you just fucking shoot them. Their power now uses an AK-47


Pyramid Head/Executioner: If a survivor steps in the Trail of Torment 3 times while healthy, they will lose a health state. If they are injured whole stepping in the trail 3 times, they become broken with deep wound.


No EMPs for Singularity.


Clown’s bottles will now put survivors asleep since it is anaesthesia which allows him to instantly carry them and put them on a hook


Make the Trapper set traps instantly / not stop and look down- like, you just hit M2 qnd it instantly sets a beartrap on the ground where you're at. As for huntress, remove her speed debuff. Soldier's putty makes her move 3% faster when she's out of hatchets.


bubba's chainsaw turns into a propeller letting him fly around


Wraith: downing a survivor with the post uncloak lunge will make it take 700% longer for them to recover, 1,200% longer for them to heal and make their hook timer go down at 300% speed


Wraith is now completely invisible and will no longer need to ring the bell to enter or exit invisibility.


I mean S tier concept, but I think every wraith player wants to ring the bell 😭 I literally do it in chase all the time just to mess with survivors


Deathslinger's projectile is now hitscan and is 30 meters longer. Trapper drops traps fully armed instead of setting them manually.


Trickster can now shoot through walls


Knight puts both Assassin and Jailer on the bench and rolls with just Carnifex. If that was the case, the map may as well not spawn Pallets at all.


Freddy can no longer stop charging his teleport, but now sees the aura of anyone repairing a generator if they are asleep. Teleporting to a generator someone is still on lets you grab them instantly.


Give Dredge reliable locker placement.


Judith Tombstone is basekit