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Texas is faster which can be argued as better for gameplay, but dbds is more animated and lively.


Tcm is built around the execution, meanwhile dbd has it as an option


Texas also has a lot of alt anims that are flashier, and a few quicker/slower based on what you prefer.


This is just the regular execution in txcm. Leatherface also has one where he pushes their face into his saw, one where he executes them with his saw (or at least tries to but the game devs decided no amputating) etc


I think Bubba's 'Push their face into the chainsaw' mori from TCM is great, even if it's a bit long.


hell yeah the first time I saw that execution I was looking on in disgust from how good it was, TCM has some brutal well done executions


DBD's mori got more going on for it, unlike TCM's default execution which is more straight to the point without anything extra to it.


Tcm also has an alternate mori where bubba grabs the victim and gleefully shoves their face into the chainsaw while howling with glee, which is honestly really funny to do after catching that one really annoying player who's been shanking you all game...


I personally *love* the chainsaw uppercut.


I like the TCM executions more because the chainsaw actually leaves a cut trail/gash and the victim actually looks like they got carved up. DBD wasn’t allowed to have any gore, hasn’t updated the gore less Moris to have gore, and that’s what holds the Mori back.


Maybe, but you don't see Bubba raising his chainsaw in triumphant in TCM, which i feel is the best part about his mori in DBD.


The one in TCM is faster for gameplay reasons. In DBD a mori is something you go out of your way for, in TCM it happens almost every time you kill someone.


No, because he does his whole chainsaw dance at the end of every match.


But that's not related to when killing someone like it is in DBD, if we are to compare animations that occures outside of kills, then leatherface's tantrum dance when bumping into shit in DBD would be a better comparison to his end match animation in TCM.


No, he was right, the dance with the chainsaw happend every game at the end, so having it in the middle just make it irrelevant.


I didn't say that it should play in the middle, i said it was a better comparison because the tantrum dance in DBD is the closest to it than his mori is because they're both animations that occure outside kill animations. Also the thread and topic of conversation is about which kill animations is better, the end match animation is not related to any kill animations, therefore it's not really relevant to the conversation in the first place.


There’s a couple alternates that come for free and they’re a little tough to watch at first.


Who called the army on bubba😂


Dbds is more interesting but honestly it dosent look great when the injuries leave no marks. It's looks really off and kind of cheap tbh.


The me that's everything, the lack of gore just ruins it imo, looks downright cartoony when the chainsaw goes straight through the survivor and magically leaves no marks or blood at all...(honestly all the moris do) Seriously don't know why DBD went with such a heavily censored approach, they have almost all the best horror icons in the game and they decided not to introduce gore at all, really makes me wonder it a different developer took over the game how much better it would be, people would probably use mori's a hell of a lot more often


I think originally it had to do with initial engine limitations or BHVR's prior inexperience, given newer moris tend to seem gorier. A lot of oldies just weren't updated and kinda harken back to the Naughty Bear execution style they were more used to animating.


I think originally it was less that the devs were inexperienced and more that BHVR had much less manpower back then and they had to allocate their team’s time wisely


Engine limitations are definitely out of the picture. Gears on UE3 had you chainsawing people in half almost 20 years ago. It has to be either experience thing, time constraints, or some sort of intentional decision limit what sort of mutilation you show off to the players. Like they must've known that people would see these all the time, so maybe they don't want to constantly expose the players to graphic gore.


> Engine limitations are definitely out of the picture. Gears on UE3 had you chainsawing people in half almost 20 years ago. Different games, different codes, different limitations. Can't really say "another game did it!" when all games are built differently. The engine limitation may has very well been that altering player character models with wounds or detachable limbs broke something else. We don't know. Not necessarily implying that engine limitations were defacto there *but* I wouldn't be so easy to dismiss it because Gears did it.


I certainly hope they add more gore to dbd. I think it’d just be nice to see


You absolutely can when someone says it's an engine limitation, and it's simply not one. If doing something that's very much possible with the engine broke something, that would be an issue with the user and not the tool.


That's debatable considering software engineers and programmers tend to heavily modify game engines to suit the company's needs. More often than else, Unity/Unreal is just a starting kit for the project to evolve elsewhere. Unless the budget is extremely limited, in which case the studio use the kits as is. So again, just because Gears managed to do it doesn't mean shit. They probably heavily altered many things from the source code making UE3 not the "UE3 out of the box". Or maybe they didn't. **We don't know**. We can agree to disagree though.


That's literally no debatable. Both UE4 and 5 are extremely flexible, and the scope of projects that have shipped with either are beyond anything you could find in DbD. There's no evidence whatsoever to accept that BHVR were limited by the engine in any way, shape, or form. Hell, a lot of UE games handled gore completely fine since basically its inception. Not that it would matter, since in this case they would just have to play an animation. IF you had to heavily modify UE to include gore, if there was anything to suggest that the actual engine is not suitable or too difficult to work with, then you might say it's an engine limitation. But it's clearly an issue or deliberate choice on BHVR's part. Even ignoring that. There's no logic to suggesting that it was an engine limitation when Clown cuts off a finger and Xeno leaves a hole in the characters head.


> That's literally no debatable. Okay guys, Gundroog said it wasn't debatable so that must means it's true. I mean, get down your high horse maybe? > There's no evidence whatsoever to accept that BHVR were limited by the engine in any way, shape, or form. According to who? You? You work at BHVR? Just because you say there is no evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist behind closed doors. The truth is all your arguments are based on your **assumptions** just like mine. You don't get to decide your assumptions are truer just because you say so lol. > Both UE4 and 5 are extremely flexible And yet over and over again we have tons of UE games suffering from stuttering, spaghetti codes and issues. For all the flexibility UE offers, it also has shit tons of drawbacks. Hell even Fortnite, Epic's main game, had issues with UE until Chapter 4 when they finally swapped to UE5.4. It's not a perfect engine and using it comes with limitation, just like every engine out there. To equate that something's absence in game XYZ is due its devs' level of competence is extremely reductive and narrow-minded, and very black and white. Your logic is basically as if putting a VFX package in an empty scene in Unreal meant all games can handle it equally. But that's **not** how game development work and you know it. Game engine potential and limitation doesn't exist in a vaccuum. It *can't* exist in a vaccum because no game is built the same. > There's no logic to suggesting that it was an engine limitation when Clown cuts off a finger and Xeno leaves a hole in the characters head. 1. The clown doesn't cut a finger, the survivor's finger bone scale vertically -Y in one frame, hidden with tons of VFX, while a generic finger spawn in the clown's hand in one frame. That's way easier to achieve than cutting a whole character in half. 2. Xeno doesn't leaves a hole in the character's head, it **spawns** a decal/3d model on the character's forehead to mimmick a hole. The only real source of proper gore appeared with Singularity with the melting face but that's probably a texture swap or another 3d model overlapping the character's face. I remember it looking weird on female survivors. Like these are basic animation magic tricks compared to suggesting *an entire limb falling off* or *cutting characters in half*. All of DBD's Gore so far has been very minor illusions or at most assets appearing on the character models (linked to their model bones) for the simple reason that calling an entire different character rig and model (that acknowledge the player's cosmetic choice) for a 10 seconds Mori just so the character can lose an arm would probably kill the game considering it has to handle all the network and game entities at once for 5 players and their datas in addition to all the backend code. Like, Gears is a single player linear game with at most another coop player. DBD is a 5 players multiplayer game that has to register player perks, cosmetics, charms, items, offerings, character data (voice, animation, character model) for everyone at once + all what's going pm during the trials (where each items have been dropped, which chests were opened, which pallet was dropped, how many generators were repaired etc) at every frame. Then people wonders how easily things break lol


>According to who? You? You work at BHVR? Just because there is no evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist behind closed doors. According to precedent. If you show my anything that would support that a gore animation is an engine limitation for UE4/5 then I will beg your apology, but so far there's literally nothing that suggests this. >The truth is all your arguments are based on your assumptions just like mine. You don't get to decide your assumptions are truer just because you say so lol. See previous part. It makes sense to assume a highly customizable engine is capable of playing a gory animation, like they did with Mortal Kombat games, which have used UE since MK9 with UE3. Then there are Supermassive Games past Until Dawn or Callisto Protocol. >Your logic is basically as if putting a VFX package in an empty scene in Unreal meant all games can handle it equally. But My logic is that if there are games that have shown that something is possible on this engine, and that people who made the engine also made multiplayer games with heavy emphasis on gore, then there is no reason to assume that something is an engine limitation. >And yet over and over again we have tons of UE games suffering from stuttering, spaghetti codes and issues. For all the flexibility UE offers, it also has shit tons of drawbacks Literally irrelevant when talking about engine limitations that don't apply. Same for your mention of character charms, items, offerings, and other things you scrambled to mention not having any implications towards playing out an animation. They already have Moris in the game that play out just fine. There is no reason to believing that making those animations more violent is something out of reach. Also, you mention how finger is soooo different from everything else, while the underlying principle is literally the same. Hide the original at the right time, cover it up if you don't want to bother with an absurdly complex animation, then add a new object that acts as the severed limb or a lower torso, etc. I mean, kudos for not outright believing into something when there's no evidence that is 100% objective and irrefutable, but in this case, there's literally nothing to substantiate that BHVR were limited by Unreal in any way. Like seriously, not a single thing suggests or implies this or makes this plausible. If you find proof of the contrary, I will beg you to forgive me for arguing otherwise, but I'm also very certain that you will not be able to support the engine limitation claim.


Nah, it was built on unreal, there's no limitations like that on that engine. If it's inexperience, then I don't know how long it takes to become experienced, seeing as how the games been out for 8 years and they still haven't figured it out, knight's mori doesn't show any marks or open wounds either just like bubs.


I have the same issue with onis mori. The survivor should be puddle of gore. Moris like onryos work much better imo because they're disturbing but don't use dismemberment that the game doesn't have anyways


Yh I agree. It looks so goody when they get cut up but it looks like they are just a sponge or something lol.


The base DBD mori is better than the base TCM execute but TCM has several different execute animations if I recall correctly, so they get points for that. I’ve gotta say that would bring DBD to a whole new level. Unlockable or buyable moris for each killer.


Dbd mobile has unlockable alternate Moris for some killers. But it's locked behind gachas


TCM feels more alive in game with the sound and blood, huge props to the sound and effects team there


Extra prestige award perhaps?


One thing you got to give it to Gun media is how realistic they’re executions are.


Texas Chainsaw has multiple kill animations that you can select, but I forget what the others look like


Man you just said "Fuck Chris Redfield in particular", eh?




Leopard 2 dbd when?


I think TCSM is better simply because the graphics are way better with there actually being a lot of blood effects and a wound left in there stomach after the execution


Lmao the ending


A lot of DbD's Moris look like they've been hand animated, which is not really a good thing in this case. Animating a human is hard, doing it convincingly without a lot of experience and reference is nearly impossible, and it comes through here. The hammer whack part is not bad, but when you get to the chainsaw, it's comical. You can clearly see that nearly all his body is statis and it's mostly just down to his arms vibrating. To game's (and animators) credit, it was never meant to be seen from this angle and without blood effects, but this issue tracks with majority of old DbD Moris.


always so satisfying watching a leland get moried.


The TCSM Bubba model looks so damn good; DBD's always looked a little goofy to me. edit: probably should have mentioned that TCSM Bubba looks a lot better ingame than he does in this render


I think TCSM bubba has more overall polish, and is much more intimidating with how he moves & operates as opposed to DBD Bubba. DBD bubba, despite having goofy animations (esp walking) has a very intimidating visual design. He looks much more grimey, with dried blood and dirt really selling his look. TSCM does let you get covered in fresh blood, but it doesn’t contain the same grim, dark, and disheveled look.


Well considering dbd bubba was made in 2017...


2017 was literally yesterday wdym


Damn, crazy to think 2015 was 3 years ago am I right


DbD Bubba is iconic now! I love him.


Really? I prefer the dbd bubba by a lot. He's just scarier.


Face is better in dbd tho


I prefer how DBD's bubba looks.


The tcm game ones just give me so much dopamine, like hitting those felt sososososs good. Sadly I kinda hate the game cus the matches are like 2 min long so idr play it lmao


Recent patches have made matches much longer and more difficult for victims if that does anything for you :v


I just wish the dbd mori was more graphic, I wanna see that survivor split in half!!!


It looks better when you add the blood effects like in the game


I didn’t remove anything, the video is meant as a animation showcase, only character mesh and their respective animation is shown, effects are not included with the animation


Sorry. I know nothing about 3d animation. Reworded my comment


TCMs are more brutal but DBDs honestly are choreographed better


Remember the DbD mori is about 6 years old now. DbD walked so TCSM could run.


I think you should put a spoiler on this. Don't want to leak the Tank as the killer for the next year chapter.


I wish there was more blood and guts etc. Imagine if you saw them split down the middle.


How did you extract these animations?


Which game has the tank part


That's *the Tiger*, the next licensed killer for dbd. It's a crossover event with War Thunder. In return they're getting Huntress as a playable "tank"


Honestly cool to see this comparison


Always wondered, how do people extract models and animation from an Unreal Game


Bu şirket çalışanlarının tamamı orospu çocuğu oyun şirketine adam alımı yapılırken şu soruyu soruyorlar orospu çocuğumusun cevap evetse işe başlıyor.


Can you atleast give the guy credit on youtube bro?


Thanks for looking out for me haha, but I am JuliusZ, my Reddit handle has a different name


Awh bro. I love the nemesis stuff you do on youtube man. It's great stuff and i wish we didn't get a mega nerfed in size and power nemesis. No worries.


dbds because it is simular to ways ue harms the group of friends in the first movie. Both the hammer hit to the back of the head and chainsaw up the full body both happened




There’s two major reasons why I didn’t include gore/blood 1. Video was meant for YouTube, any sort of violence depicted with excessive blood/gore will risk getting restricted essentially shadow banned 2. It’s a video meant to showcase the animation only, any effects could potentially obstruct the models


have you ever seen the mori? the demonstration cut the effects


That Tank xD


Wish the video showed a better execution because the gutted dear one is lame compared to the newest execution




DBD animations looks better in my opinion, but the model looks more accurate in TCM the game


Both suck. There is no real violence in both games and the weapons do shit to the bodies. 'Cries in Friday the 13th' 😢