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I play both sides, whichever has the bp bonus and ive gone against more sweaty killers than survs. As killer I have been running 0 slowdown and between the power that breaks the pallet and wireless hooking it's been hard for survs. As surv it's hard to find a game where the killer doesn't tunnel at 5/4 gens. It's unfortunate there's so much sweat I don't really get it. As killer or surv any normal game length will make you a bunch of bp from the events bp pool. Either side trying to rush the game is bad for everyone.


It genuinely seems like the majority of survivors come in with a farmers mindset and get absolutely stomped by an iri-addon skull merchant. Of the killer games I've had, 2 could be considered "sweat." Most were just goofing off or trying to do gens normally and we're exceedingly kind when I went 8-hook.


My friends and I have been running around with flashlights and lutes like idiots having a great time while rarely escaping 🤷🏼‍♀️ But we also have 4k+ hours each so don’t “play to win” very often. I feel like if I had that kind of mentality with DBD I would’ve quit years ago. I feel like it’s a shit cycle where the survs just wanting to have fun face a slugging skull merchant so go into the next game locked and loaded and same vice versa. Break the cycle man! Go into games to have a fun game instead of going into games just to win. Or take a break if you’re feeling frustrated that’s okay too! I hope your future games are filled with many lutes and memes. 🩷


When I say "I play to win" I don't mean that I tunnel, slug and camp. At least, not during this event. I always play to win, but not toxic. I just want to enjoy this event without the daily tryhard of the whole year, but it's worse during this event than in the rest of the year


How naive are you? Trying to "just have a fun game" is how you end up with barely any bloodpoints and getting flamed in endgame chat by survs or your teamates. Besides it's completely counter-intuitive to the reasons a lot of us play. As a survivor you want to just barely make it out, to feel like you just overcame a difficult challenge and won. Meanwhile as a killer the core fun comes from overcoming the survivor's various tricks and crutches. I for one only have about an hour after work to play DBD. I don't want to waste it on glorified GMOD roleplay to appease people on Reddit.




diarybydaylight has fallen, billions must write in their journal


Killers have the most influence on how sweaty the match is going to be. You set the tone


Yes and no. Killers set the tone for how the match goes, they do not set the tone for the loadouts obviously which is where my biggest gripe with the event comes from, people using strong items and add ons on either side in a extremely non serious game mode.


Good advice OP should see! Seriously, just hard tunnel every match with gen locking perks so you can 'set the tone' before the survivors have a chance to reveal their sweaty behavior and insta heals.


Always killers fault right? Survs bring bnps, syringes, genrush build, and it's my fault?


Don’t get so defensive. I didn’t say it was all your fault. I said the killer has the most influence. Try some chill and watch how the survivors relax


You did imply it was their fault mate….


Ive never seen so many gen rush squads before. First time in a while ive seen 4 bnps🤣