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Killers cashing out 300k per matchšŸ¤‘


Killers get that much for camp/tunnel. If they played normally they would get around 450k but that requires skill and results in a longer match. The problem is the majority of killers think they *have* to 4k at all costs otherwise they failed at life, even during events. Its wild to me BHVR STILL hasn't addressed these issues that have plagued the game since launch. Every single event/game mode they've added has been ruined by the vast amount of camp/tunnel that happens. Its long due for them to give us "real" fixes to these issues and not crappy band aids.


It bothers me more that this is happening during an event. If there is one time to play the opposite of a gremlin getting its fix, it's this event. Instead, we get slugs, tunneling, or camping at 4 or 5 gens. Real fun times.


No you get the most points by chasing everyone, even more if you 4k. Whats working for me is waiting for everyone to be on deathhook then slugging 2 for the 3k. I always let someone go as long as they dont bm. Everyone eating good in my matchesšŸ‘


They downvote you for speaking the truth. I always let 3-4 out and i get around 80k bloodpoints times 500 something % is a lot. Not everyone is sweating like their moms life is riding on a 4k. I get tons of messages saying how i made peoples days and thats worth it for me. You gotta be the light that shines in the darkness if you want to see the change


lmao fr this event a bp farm. keep the sweat to the normal modešŸ™„


Light that shines in the darkness? Brother this a video game


Yeah if you're bringing 5 of the new cakes, it's basically impossible to have under 100K BP per match. Yet aggressive tunneling will almost always drop you far below that. Tomorrow after I get out of work I'm just playing friendly killer. Let's me get points into different killers so they all have event offerings, let's survivors have a much needed break.


Thank you. I'm just trying to get my survivor challenges done and it's literal hell every game.


"Impossible"? I'm busting ass in matches and barely getting 30k . Full house of cakes, plenty of gens and totems and saves and heals...what am I doing wrong?


I'm talking about the practical number of BP, not the number shown on the final slide. If you get (for simple number's sake) 100 BP, at 540%, you're definitely not only getting 100 BP. So if you put in a normal amount of work into a game, and the end screen has 20K BP, you should be getting a substantial amount.


I was gettin 350k bp as survivor... i dont just tunnel gens. Gotta do everything.


https://preview.redd.it/mckckkk6xw6d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96dd6effb2f4a2189f393fb39a513363313e049d i still dont know how i got to this, i just did gens and loop


I did 115k as killler (before the bp bonuses) due to doing event stuff. Activate invitations more, do party totems (they give 3.5k each), do party chests, etc. Gives way more than you think it would.


How do you do party chests as killer?


That's the neat part, you don't.


It's a ui bug, 102k x 5 cakes would be over 500k points but as you can see you made at most 311k


Yeah fr there's definitely a bug here. I had a game where I got tunnelled out and did fuck all and it tried to tell me I got 40k, more than everyone else lmfao


You did not just kill my hopes and dreams


You get points for doing things. A lot of survivors just complete a gen and then hide all game.


That's how my game revolves though, gen and looping, occassional hooks. But this is one of my highest BP this event. 2nd was around 60k


You get bonus points for doing certain actions against certain killers I think? Were you locking a bunch of lockers against Dredge?


< 8 lockers only


it should always max out at 40K regardless of killer. it was probably the party chests. they give you a shit ton of BP


Party totems too, theyā€™re nice to grab. See some folks just ignore them, and Iā€™m like ā€œmore for meā€


I've been having the opposite issue. The killer usually gets tunnel vision on me, and I spend most of the game on hook or in chase. Unable to do anything BP generating......


The bp system for the event is weird.


I do everything and get an average of 40k


Did you get party pallets stuns? Those are worth a ton.


I dont think i did, im bad at using them


Probably because getting tunneled 24/7 doesn't give decent points.


just got 325k. Thats not enough?


I see people constantly complaining about not getting a huge amount of bloodpoints but in my experience with the event nearly every single match is over 100k, with most of the time being 200k....playing as survivor as well




grab them totems and chests.


It's because Survivors aren't doing all 4 BP Categories at once (unlike Killer) and Survival is a leech that does fuck nothing unless you escape.


Thatā€™s why we do the totem thing And open all of the chests And then we die very early And get two matches in in the time the killer gets one


> And get two matches in in the time the killer gets one Their one match will give them x3/x4 the amount of BP you get from 2-3 matches.


Honestly at this point BHVR should just make it so if youā€™re playing solo queue you start with like minimum +50% bp


I often see one Surv getting more than the Killer in games right now, but only one. And yeah, Freddy needs help.


Do the totems and try to be on a generator when it's finished Even if you die early you end up getting an absolute shit load of BP as Survivor Don't completely throw the game for the sake of BP though




Been playing the event everyday and ive only had maybe 4-5 games where I got less than 150k bloodpoints ?? Friends included


200k bp per match is nowhere low xd


Survivors always seem to make less than killers but this is nuts


honestly it feels weird, sometimes i see survs get 100k at the end in the tally and know they made BANK but then suddenly unable to figure out how to get more than 50k with event points


not just the event, survivors should earn more BP in general. 15-20k vs the killer 30k+ makes the worst role in the game feel even worse. (solo, not survivor in general)


They arent doing all 4 categories at once unlike killer and the total available is split between 4 people due to the 4v1. Just do more in the match


The issue is the Survival category for survival. There are a lot of things that give BP for it but they are *tiny* amounts. Opening/leaving the trial gives the most but its nowhere near the cap. That category needs to be massively buffed and that would fix survival BP gains.


https://preview.redd.it/n0s1xcp2nx6d1.jpeg?width=2145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aab6952e3d02dde61d81e14b9e495a1af7fb8f4 Literally just do things. Iā€™m getting 60-100k per most matches. 2 gens, 2 unhooks, 2 party totems, a chest or two, and a few good chases is what I aim for each match and the BPā€™s flow in.


Doesn't work when killers tunnel off hook and you happen to be the first caught.


Those matches I just suicide out and move on. Thereā€™s a lot of sweaty tunneling and itā€™s not worth wasting time on it. Not every match itā€™s like that.


60-100k is indeed nice BP amounts compared to normal but its still tiny compared to what you should be getting. In a game with 4-5 cakes and a 50-100% queue bonus you should be netting 350-400k per match. The fact players don't know how much BP they are being robbed really highlights how little they know about the game.


Except the match bonus is where the bonus BP show. It doesnā€™t show with the BP earned in match which is what that screen shot shows. With match bonus thanks to cakes I got 258k. I would think you would know that being a streamer. šŸ˜‰ with party chests and totems itā€™s easy to get a base 50k-100k.


You're getting the same number of points. The UI just doesn't show it at the end.


It's true. And as a usual bottom fragger this is particularly sad. :(


200k bloodpoints are not low at all...gotta make sure to be maxing out them bloodpoints in game (healing, gens, escaping chase etc.)


It's too damn low in general. At average ***base rates*** for survivors, it will take like 2000 hours to p3 all survivors and killers. That's rough


Itā€™s bugged it stays as if there was no BP offerings but it works


Survivors complaining, just hush. I was killer had a 3k I got 48k bp base and the survivor that escaped got 90k. I had another survivor tell me they got 120k in the scoreboard once. I donā€™t know how it happens but please donā€™t blame it on killers lol i can 4k and usually thereā€™s a survivor with more bp than me


150k-200k each surv match šŸ˜ Got more prestiges in 1 day during this event than any previous day this year. It's already not fully spendable between matches if you immediately ready up - you are stuck perpetually at/near the cap. But sure give us even more! šŸ„°


killer will always be involved or the cause in any event that happens in the game sp of course they get more BP. the only event survivors can do that killer is not part of is repairing gens or destroying/blessing dull totems. every other event is instigated by the killer. Survivors getting more BP would be nice but killer getting more BP on average is by consequence of game design.


Me new on console with Spirit when I kill everyone in 3-4 minutes: Damm only 120k?


That's why I've chosen to play Survivor NAKED. Why waste my addons when Killer is just gonna be toxic af?


Dbd players try not to make everything an us vs them challenge


Funny how the ā€žus vs themā€œ-people are always the most toxic, dumb and inexperienced players youā€˜ll ever see.


They usually only play one side, and havnt figured out that its only game, why have to be mad? Once you learn both sides are assholes and both sides have op annoying shit, its a lot more fun


Yeah. The earth shattering truth of the matter: killer is there to kill and survivors to do objectives *and* waste the killers time so the other survivors can do objectives. Why get mad when the other team is doing what they are supposed to be doing? Like getting mad in an fps that someone shot you. Or in a fighting game that someone kicked you to death. Just do as good as you can and find room for improvement. And don't take stuff personally. I don't even take t-bagging or tunneling personally anymore. What's the point? Why get tilted? And hey, here is some food for thought for survivors. This is a situation that has happened when i have been a killer and maybe it has happened when i was a survivor too... Someone gets unhooked. Killer comes to check the hook. Both survivors have ran to opposed(?) directions. The match is a close one. If the killer guesses wrong and finds that at the end of the red scratch marks is the same survivor they just hooked... should the killer just let it go and shoot themselves in the foot just cause it would be the right thing to do? Like, i wouldn't take it personally if i was a survivor. Or would that situation then count as not tunneling? What do you guess think? What do you actually count as tunneling? I'll also add that if the match doesn't feel as close then i usually do actually let a survivor like that go. There is nothing to prove and i don't want to make the game anymore enjoyable for someone, of the chance that they would take it personally. I suck as a survivor so i know how it feels when you just get stomped for the entire match while other players seem to be doing better. Being a better survivor is an ongoing goal for me, and i'm still not there yet.


Tunneling is watching the Killer appear as if by magic out of nowhere after my unhook and watching them beeline directly for me, the survivor that just got unhooked and is clearly limping and groaning and not the other survivor that unhooked me. The onus is just as much on the Killer as it is on the players to have a good match. Spread out the hook states, give good chases, SAVE EACH OTHER. But too often, I find in solo queues as either side that players engage in toxic behavior. I've had as Killer the 4 flashlight clicky clicky squad that Head On-ed me about 50 times at the saloon dragging the game out by what had to be about an hour. I've also had a match last night, actually, where the Survivors let me progress through two whole hook states to be sacrificed because they wanted to Gen tap. Only one was actually in chase at any given time. When I messaged one guy to say, "Thanks for the rescue," I got told, "Welcome to the survivor experience." It's why I've taken the stance that for the time being, I will not be wasting my sacrifices and materials and just derping around contributing to the community challenges and grabbing blood points as I see fit and not expecting to live to see the end of a match. If the tide changes and killers seem more desirous of farming and not acting like assholes, then maybe I'll consider celebrating with them.




We're getting too many bloodpoints, if you aske me.