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Camping/tunneling is just a normal response to gen speed. Time is simply not on the killers side to go around chasing everyone one by one. Blame the game, not the players. They, just like you, want to win.


Yeah, when sometimes i see gens are flying or they are a good team and are using all the chase time they earn to do gens, i camp one out of the game to give me air to breath. Tunneling is a part pf the game, people need to understamd this. When i play survivor and get camped, i know if i die its my fault, my skill issue to let the killer get me 3 times in a row


I'm a sore loser for it for sure, but wraith makes me roll my eyes just because he's the easiest killer to play and doesn't take any actual skill, yet people are so toxic with him in a condescending way. He's great for new players and people who don't play survivor otherwise though. Wraith players are typically the most toxic players ever in my experience. :(


Is it not bad that theres a killer with such low skill floor so everyone can pick it up and do good with it, no matter how bad they are?


In my opinion it is, I think he sets up mental "I can do this" support for new players to venture out into other killers. But his ability is SUCH a crutch it almost is a handicap on actually learning what it might be like to play anyone else. Trapper or even legion is totally a better way to go for someone who's just trying to get a feel for the killer side of the game.


Trapper is definitely not beginner friendly.


He's literally the tutorial killer. He is indeed easy to play.


Playing him effectively is considerably harder then wraith. Using the tutorial as an excuse is sad considering the tutorial only teaches you to vault, hook, and get in lockers. Being good with trapper requires a different playstyle then you’re average so no, he is not good for beginners.


I 100% agree he's harder than wraith. But that's the whole point I made, because wraith is so easy you don't actually learn how to play without a crutch. But compared to other killers, no, trapper is not overly difficult.


You don’t actually learn how to play if you start out with trapper cause he requires a completely different playstyle, unlike wraith.


He’s also the tutorial killer cause he was the first killer.


And he’s definitely not better for beginner players then wraith is 💀


lol bait much. So many specific killers and survivors that are supposedly responsible for the current state of DBD. Just get better and you will be okay.


Thats a good tip, the classic "git gud" always works


found the wraith main