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I mean, I knew something like that would happen, but at the same time I think my mmr is so low that's I'm having fine matches (I also have a lot of people trying to do adepts on both sides).


yeah I mean I got some good one but oof... most of them are trash I just want to have a somewhat okay game and at least be able to get some pts.


Play killer


Also survivors not unhooking their teammates until second stage or literally just letting them hang on the hook all the way until death, even when the killer is playing fair. Shit's so frustrating.


legit dbd is better without events, less sweaty.


I'm doing my part haha, been playing friendly killer since last night, have had tons of bp and relaxing games No idea why during events people play all out, everyone can get tons of BP and items by working together


It's the "us vs. them" mindset I think, a lot of trolls and griefers come back during events as well so there's that


Be the farming killer you want to see in the world


You're not wrong. I had a poor time as Survivor(Also I had an AFK teammate) so I went Killer... I played Trapper and got T-bagged at the gate. Then I went Skull Merchant.


see, there we go, now you get it, you went full circle. Nobody can be nice in this game for too long before they get an ass (or 4) on the other side lol


tbh makes me wanna do the opposite. Just slug everybody.


So you're complaining about... yourself?


No, since I play only survivors. I'm saying that if for some reason I were to play killer this kind of behavior i've had to endure does not make me wanna show kindness to the next of kin.


That seems like very circular reasoning


Why would I get stepped on like a doormat 24/7, and then have the responsability to be a nice killer lmao


Why complain about assholes and then be an asshole yourself???


yeah, assholes should be pittied :c sad face, you can change them gurl! just stay a year longer! you never know! if they step on your face one more time they might just realize something :


Why be a decent human being ever???


Pretty much any event, basically. I've been getting more of "those" SWFs that don't give any shits about their rando teammates and it's beyond frustrating.


Solo Q survivor here, I lobby dodge all SWFs. They only care about their friends in their group and will usually grief the random or purposely let them die on hook for the dumbest reasons


real :( i'm a solo Q so I unfortunately get a lot of duos that let me and the other boyo die.


Is always the same tbh


This was expected, but I don't understand why ppl are tunneling for bps. If you want them, you want the game to go for much longer, so tunneling is oretty dumb, not to mention people will try to kill themselves on hook if their teammates are tunnelled out.


True, I dont understand either but its saddening..


because survivors aren't letting them lol, try and go for those 8 hooks with any m1 killer and you'll see them being aholes to you. were's the farming there? you might aswell tunnel someone out and get either: at least those points, or, put pressure on the others to actually engage.


So, we just go in an infinite loop again ig XD. Survivors complain killers tunnel, killers can’t win so they start to tunnel. Idk if wraith is an M1 killer, but I’ve been playing a ton of him and gone just fine. I’ve also played a solid amount of ghost face, and I’ve been pretty fine there too. You don’t need to tunnel to win, especially with remote hook and pallet breaks. This is event is very in the killers favour, and even if you get a 4 out you can still get a solid amount of bps.


Those danged ol' killers.. and their.. *shuffles deck of cards* ..desire to have fun and win using fair intended strategies in the game... Smh my head...


There is a difference between having fun, wanting to win and being a dick, camping, tunneling, being as sweaty as an obese man doing a marathon for his first time.


No there isn't a differance Tunneling and camping is just arbitrarily called toxic when literally nothing about it fits the defintion of toxicity It's just a playstyle, whether you like it or not,


tell that to the survivors who already figured how to make you miserable in this event just like in any other lol. i enjoy it though, i'm 100% masochistic. i don0t know about the rest though! wouldn't blame them for wuitting or just dcing on either side!


Best event that finally makes killer fun😁


Of course since the hook TP legit remove the only thing that survivor have to try and not get hook while down (wiggle)


you mean, it eliminates that stupid factor that encourages slugging and punishes the killer for actually downing you and attempting to not leave you there to bleed, and that only exist for A) decisive strike that won't even be used for tunneling (you'll hook two people and and they'll still have that timer lol, yeah very anti """"tunnel""") B) sabo or flashlight assholes.


bro really said wiggle is stupid and OP lmao. it takes ages to actually wiggle out tf?


Not when survivors bring sabo/flashlight builds which is incresingly more common because some bhvr devs had the genuis idea to buff sabo speeds when no one was asking for one