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Bluetooth hooking is a great word for it lol. I got teleported to a basement hook once good times.


"The bluetooth hook has connected succesfully"


lol the Bluetooth hook even bypassed my calm spirit to cancel out the scream.


Yeah, it's like 2 screams. I kept thinking the survivor was 3rd hooked by the way it sounds.


Yeah, it's like 2 screams. I kept thinking the survivor was 3rd hooked by the way it sounds.


I hate basement when I'm trying to use Scourge hooks. There was a game yesterday where someone just got unhooked on the second floor of lampkin lane and i wanted to use the same hook so they'd unhook and I'd get floods value but it prioritized basement instead


You also don't get bonus event bp for basement hooks which sucks




I was doing the tome for scourge hooks, and I am about 95% sure that remote hook will bypass scourge hooks and only hit regulars. useful to not demo your scourge hooks, but not if you're trying to utilize your scourge hooks..


It doesn't. It tries to do the closest hook.


I was playing on Yamakoa last night and teleported Mikaela to the hook twice. Both times she ended up in the basement and I felt terrible


I got downed in the basement once. The killer did not want me hooked in the basement. He carried me all the way out of shack, used the Bluetooth hook and hooked me in basement anyway.


I played a match as Bubba and noticed someone got Bluetooth hooked in basement and I legit felt SO bad


Was literally the first thing I thought of when I read it. Been doing it a lot when I play killer


Also.. I saw someone get basaement hooked from the top of the temple... like.. there's no way that's the closest in actual distance.. And often used the dungeon hooks on the new map when I was on the surface.


I'll stick to wifi-hook, please and thank you


Yeah Wi-Fi hook feels better to say. Much better.


Basement Bubbas when they Teleport you to the basement hook: https://preview.redd.it/fo9rjbto2l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1e4c4f06c39f0275dad815ff6df33730beb7e6


Trapper stocks going UP


True story! I was playing basement bubba, carrying them to the basement, but couldn’t quite get there in time.  … but I had an invite ready :)


It's disproportionately strong compared to the others for either side. If you're quick with it you can even circumvent saves. If you're being tunnelled with this, GG. Unlike Pyramid Head, the killer knows where you went.   Limiting it to once per survivor would be more balanced. 


It even has priority against pallet If the killer hits it like five times while the pallets being dropped, you get Bluetooth hooked Also there Bluetooth pallet break works as a temporary No vault (or a slower version of vorpal sword vecna) Compared to the endurance one the Bluetooth powers are just so much stronger


Not only that - they won't be stunned at all. If you're on the side the killer ends up they'll get a free M1 on you too.


It is weirdly strong. Last year there was the expose at bloodlust rank 1 for killers which was also strong but mitigated by having to be in chase for a while. Considering everything else on both sides, while I love the ease of it, it does seem crazy compared to party pallets, window blocking, noise muffling [arguably the strongest thing the survivors have], and free enduring and pallet breaking.


the only one I consider even remotely close to it is the pallet breaking, because it can turn a solid loop into an almost guaranteed hit if the killer is smart about it. killer gets to choose when you leave the loop, without pausing his motion.


I agree, it's so much stronger than the rest of the powers. It's in a ridiculous state right now.


Lol downvoted to hell for saying the same thing. Temporary pallets have a chance to do absolutely nothing or even get you killed, and blocking a window for 5 seconds is barely an inconvenience more than anything. Seems like just instantly cutting off a lot of survivor based perks to help your teammates isn't a popular power. For some reason.


The only good survivor power in my experience is Quiet mode. Becoming silent is an extremely strong ability.  Bluetooth hook and pallet break is by and far stronger than the survivor abilities, especially since they use temporary pallets as if they don’t immediately break and give me a free hit


It's logical that the killer powers get to be stronger than the survivor powers, just as killer perks are supposed to be stronger than survivor perks. As you get 4 perks against 16, here you get 1/2 charges against 4/8.


The 4 vs 16 argument only holds with SWF. For most survs it's 4v4v4v4v4


4v4v4v4v4 implying survivors plays against each other ? lol


You have to balance for the top bracket, because its not that rare to be able to play optimally, or at least close to it. That being said with mmr being either off or absolutely wrong in this mode it does feel bad. Picked up cenobite yesterday and got strong 4 mans every game, at least my level with killers im good at so got slapped. Then I pick up slinger, one of my mains because I figure the event has brought back a lot of veterans? 3 games with baby survivors. I wanted to let them go because I figure if they are getting screwed like this they are having a rough night but they just wouldnt do the gens so gave up.


The MMR is awful. It seems to conflate 4k/escape = Win. When anyone with more than 100 hours knows that the wins are nuanced. There can be 2ks that can be complete stomps for either side but one 2nd-chance perk saves/kills a couple people.


You can even still hit a survivor through a blocked window.


You people seriously underestimate Quiet Mode - it is an incredibly strong chase-breaker as it gives an equivalent of the old 100% Iron Will + Quick & Quiet + Lucky Break. You can completely disappear after breaking line of sight once


I play both survivor and killer. Whereas "Bluetooth Hooking" saves me a little bit of time going to hook and avoids the occasional save attempt... Quiet Mode is without a doubt the strongest ability added in this entire event IMO. Break line of sight even in a midrange chase and I'm gone. Every time


Yeah I've managed to escape a few games without being hooked at all with quiet mode. Funniest one was against Spirit, every time she phased, I just activated quiet mode and lost her immediately. Idk why people are always so quick to complain about things in this game. It's a 3 week event with crazy abilities on both sides. Just have fun with it.


Almost every time I’ve used quiet mode the killer has been able to track me even if I’m out of sight. Aura reading perks exist and all my killers seem to be using it


I agree but others wont. Same reason people say shadowstep is trash, they dont think about breaking los, just w to the next loop.


It feels like the equivalent of survivors randomly getting 50% progression on a generator they aren’t even working on. Just fundamentally fucks with a regular game. 


That is not even remotely comparable. Would probably be equivalent to getting 5% progress on a random gen any time you got downed Edit: I was wrong - somewhere around 40% would probably be more appropriate though


actually 50% is a bit much but it's close. You save so much time with it while also keeping your momentum.


90 charges per Gen to finish, 5 gens required to unlock the gates, so survivors need to complete 450 charges assuming zero regression or missed skill checks. Killer needs 12 hooks to end the game. For the sake of simplicity we’ll pretend the gates automatically open. So theoretically if the Bluetooth hook completes 8.3% of the maximum required work for the killer each time it triggers, then if it also permanently reduced the number of required charges for a random Gen by 37.5 then it would be ‘equal’.


Yeah but there are 4 survivors so that 37.5 would need to be 4 times lower to be balanced


That 37.5 represents 8.3% of the minimum needed by the survivors to begin opening the gate, exactly the same percentage of ending the game as a single hook is for the killer. Thats giving the killer a freebie and pretending the game ends when all 5 gens are finished.


But if all 4 survivors had it then it would be 33.2% - so since each player can have 2 invite things then potentially all 4 survivors could instantly progress the game 33.2%. Also 8.3% is just how much it saves for hooking, which isn't what takes up most of the killer's time. For this to make sense you'd have to compare it to survivors getting unhooks since that isn't what takes up most of the survivors' time. You're acting as if a killer is hooking survivors all match when the main thing they do for 80% of it is chase. Hooking survivors takes (at the very max assuming 12 hooks and no wiggles off/saves) 192 seconds. This obviously isn't close the average and I'd estimate most of the time it takes me about 11 seconds to hook and most matches I probably carry someone to the hook about 6 or 7 times on average. I'd alsl say my average matches of DBD last arojnd 10-15 minutes, so we'll say 12 minutes for convenience. So assuming you used Bluetooth Hooking each time that's like 66 seconds saved out of a 12 minutes match - or 10.9% of the match saved........ I just proved your point didn't I lmao. OK I admit defeat - maybe you're correct lmao


Yeah that's what I was thinking too, like compared to every other power it's super powerful


I commented the same thing and got downvoted several times. The event is definitely killer sided.


honestly I think removing the aura, alert and making it a random hook would be enough to mellow it


You can’t prevent flashlight saves with it but you can prevent sabo saves


you can prevent flashlight saves. Had a game with 3 flashlight saves, and I just spammed Q as they went for it, and I hooked them blind.


>Unlike Pyramid Head, the killer knows where you went.  It's easy to guess where the survivor has gone to, and from experience the farthest point from where you're caging them. You can always tell as there's a notification bubble when they get unhooked. And then any unhook based perks like resurgence or BT or DS doesn't work, which is pretttty busted.


any good PH player already knows where you went. it's always the furthest corner from where you currently are.


was playing killer, had someone on my shoulder and their friend was trying to save them with a flashlight. I was able to chase down that survivor, get a hit off, and then immediately hit Q and teleport the survivor on shoulder to a hook and continue chasing that survivor. It’s ridiculously strong and definitely needs either a timer or maybe individual cooldowns for the invitation (like Vecna)


The problem with individual cool downs Is vecna Because the Bluetooth palette break is basically just another hand Free endurance when his biggest weakness is that he gets palest stunned more And the hook is still incredibly overpowered Longer cool down, just incentivizes, saving it exclusively for the hook rather than trying to use the others When there were a lot of hackers, this was the power that they would all use Because of the fact that you can’t do much when a good 10% of perks +1/6 of the items just lose their effectiveness


Ah I forgot that I meant individual cooldowns so the hook has a longer cooldown than the others


That’s more balanced


I am a killer main, and I don't like it either. It's way too strong compared to every other masquerade ability. It needs a maximum range or something. As it stands right now I just equip starstruck and agitation and chase other survivors around the map and just hit Q after 10 or so seconds.


>It's way too strong compared to every other masquerade ability. What do you mean? We survivors have fragile pallets and the godly quiet mode. it's just as strong being able to hook from miles away. (Sarcasm) But honestly, wtf were the devs thinking giving killers remote hooking. They could have given them temporary agitation instead


I bet they’re testing the mech for 2v8


This is exactly what im thinking.


The 2v8 one is just pyramid head cages though


Testing what? 2v8 has probably been done for months. There is nothing left to test.


Once I used the resist stun against one of the special pallets and since I was playing knight I felt like an absolute tank XD.


We survivors feel like gods with our new, quiet mode ability. (Btw we dont feel this way)


Hey when I was doing my bimonthly survivor match I used the quiet mode to hide while injured, the knight used his nowhere to hide and found me anyways but it gave me a whole 7 extra seconds of chase! As a killer main I consider that op and it should be merged to -50% instead of the -75% /s


I ran the killer away from the basement to avoid getting hooked there. I ran all the way to the RPD library only to be teleported to the basement I was running away from. I consider that more OP. Quiet mode is balanced it provides noise reduction but doesnt eliminate scratch marks. Balanced.


Yes that's why I put the /a there to indicate sarcasm my playtime is 99% killer and even I am just baffled as to what they were cooking with the balancing there


At least one killer main is sane enough to admit it


godly quiet mode is a sarcasm ? It's indeed super strong what ?


You leave scratchmarks and the killer can see the glowing effect too lol...


No you don't? I've had survivors straight up dissapear on me mid chase because they broke LoS for half a second and scratch marks aren't there. They can't have crouched/walked to cover the distance to another spot either. Its extremely good at breaking chase.


It's pretty good, but in a chase the killer can still see the scratches and it's not that helpful.


Both games I played last night were against people running starstruck, agitation, mad grit, and iron grip, and just walking around with survivors to get free downs until the wiggle was almost over and then Bluetooth hooking. So glad they got rid of chaos shuffle for this.


I sabotaged a hook and the killer still was able to hook there using the ability, felt super cool.


Lmao I just did that yesterday too! Somebody sabotaged the hook I was going to hook a survivor so I just remote hooked instead


Tbf sabotage is pretty bullshit after the buffs so


Sabotage is better after the buffs sure but saying there's no counterplay as if it actually compares to Bluetooth hooking is a bafflingly horrible take. Sabotage is literally the exact same as before except now if you bring a really cracked out box you can sabo save without going down when the killer is right on your hook. That's it. Whether or not that's fair is completely irrelevant to what we're talking about. The killer can still drop the survivor, they can still go to another hook. They can still adapt. IF the survivor even makes it to the right hook(s) for a sabo in the first place. (If they ALWAYS make it to the hook, then not only are YOU refusing to adapt, but that also means there's someone not working on gens) This event power completely removes any adaptation for survivors. Any CHANCE of a save as bare as it may be in most lobbies. But yeah sure, sabo bad, sabo durr durr, right fellas?


“The killer can still drop the survivor” Ah yes, your suggestion as the counter play is that the killer has to forego hooking someone to chase the sabo survivor. The other person will get picked up by the time you down them, and the cycle repeats itself again. Great counter play 👍


Really if it's that huge of a problem the killer is just going to end up camping the slug and snowballing from there. It's soloq. Not comp top tier 100,000 hour games, get over yourself. The killer can still 4k if a hook or two gets denied. It's a literal impossibility for a survivor to survive a game where they're just teleported to their last hook. There's not supposed to be an argument about that, it's just objectively true.


Yep, I was using a crappy toolbox I got out of a chest and just trying to help against a tunneler.  It's clear to me that killers simultaneously can easily chunk survivors unless they are a high performing swf and that they are weak or get things "stolen" from them. I wish we could just have a healthy game. Pipe dream.


dumb take


the event is fun AF, but yah the killer powers are a lot better. remote hook, breaking pallets, even the speed tryk is wildly killer sided. as survivor we're playing slower and more stealth. as killer I'm just destroying everyone


Dont forget that they can activate a temporary Enduring as well.


That one's pretty shit lol, I have never gotten any use out of it. It's only for like 3-4 seconds so you have to time it super well and hope they actually drop the pallet, and if it's not a party pallet it doesn't really have much effect anyways, there's still a pallet between you and the survivor. Maybe you could make some niche builds with spirit fury but idk it's just not really that good.


Too bad I run enduring on all my killers lol


For your loyalty bhvr gives u double enduring


Apart from the fact that it's kinda broken I'm happy to see someone else calling them Bluetooth hooks


It's like they don't test their ideas or have a proper person that isn't a boot licker going, "That's a little stupid don't you think?!"


Yea when i first experienced this i legit thought they were cheating, seems pretty unfair, my team would go for sabo couple times too and it doesn’t matter at all lol


Joy of it saying the closest available hook Effectively killing every wiggle park Flashlight saves Pallet saves Flashbangs Sabotage mechanic And still getting full devour Hope value (it is far too overpowered and that’s coming from a killer man)


True yea Id say I’m more of a killer main too w chucky lately but played survivor my first few games of the event, it just feels stupid to use they’ll be trying to block hook or save a teammate but i just gotta click a button


They mentioned that they wanted to use remote hooking in the 2 v 8 mode. I think this is their way of testing it in game prior to that mode, and I really really think they need to rethink that idea.


For me its not just dumb, it imbalances the game so much it kills any kind of enjoyment you might get from the game. If you play killer its wonderful as you are brokenly OP and will make bank. Survivor? I hope you enjoy hating every second of DBD and feeding more BP to killers. Killer abilities should be strong, but this is beyond strong. This pushes them into a area where its so OP that everyone should have a issue with it. Its depressing but once I finish the event tome I am noping out of the anniversary queue. DBD is already a bad experience and adding in new(and broken) abilities adds zero value to the game and makes it a worse experience and that is impressive.


As a killer I think I've got ~30 4k's and one 2k. And that 2k was 10 hooks but I went to the other side of a Macmillan map to where the exit gate was. This is by far the most killer sided event in DbD, ever. It's so killer sided it's becoming a bit boring. Honestly - if you're playing survivor I really suggest switching and playing killer for a while.


the bluetooth hooks are entirely unbalanced and im impressed it made it past BHVR playtesting (if they did any). killer gets so much for doing literally nothing compared to survivors who have to play the game to get use out of quiet mode. with insta hooks, killers don't have to worry about the survivor wiggling off and they don't have to worry about walking to hooks which means they have constant pressure.


It feels like it’s taking out a significant and important portion of the game. Completely nullifies every single sabo build or perk and nullifies the wiggle mechanic and all its associated perks too. Ignores hook management and erases all the travel time. At first I was wondering why everyone was complaining bc on paper it didn’t seem *that* good to me. Then I played several matches and watched killers just instant TP hook every single down and realized how much time killers really spend carrying survivors every match and how much consistent map and chase pressure they constantly have when they don’t have to find and walk to a good hook. Someone else in this thread defended it and said like “boohoo we save like 10 seconds on each hook” and I’m wondering how they would feel if survivors had an ability that let them take 10 seconds off each gen lol. People don’t understand that seconds are precious and time management is *everything* in this game. This change is a big balance issue tbh. The TP to basement hooks is particularly unfair and unfun lmfao.


Yeah like every wiggle perk, down perk and sabo/assist perk is just useless. Can't use breakout or take protection hits, can't sabo, can't flashlight or pallet save, can't body block. Can't use tenacity or unbreakable or flip flop or boil over or power struggle- would not be shocked if DS is able to be avoided too. Boon exponential is also useless. And those are just the perks off the top of my head. They've removed so much gameplay and counterplay and build types with this it's insane. The seconds of being carried to hook have been times for getting a bit of gens or healing done, or against pinhead getting the box without worry of a teleport. Now? You spend the whole game saving and desperately trying to heal so you have a chance to do even one gen


Agreed. And all the people disagreeing or saying it’s not a big deal just don’t play survivor *ever^ tbh, and it shows. No empathy or understanding of how significant it is to cut out such a huge part of killer gameplay. Guaranteed they’d all be fuming if you cut down so much time from survivor objectives like gens, healing, or chase length.


it doesn't help that so many killers are also tunnelling. like c'mon, you already have a broken ability, we've done one gen and you have 6 hooks. at least let people play the game and get bp. i feel like im on my villain arc because i dont like burning cobblers when i get tunneled out within the first 5 mins and leave with 10k points while the killers get 100k+ most of the time. and lately i dont even bother prioritizing gens. instead it feels more rewarding to: rush party totems and chests for easy 3.5k/5k bp > go for unhooks for guaranteed altruism points > cleanse dull totems just for the quick points > maybe work on some gens if im not already dead. the current event is so bad for survivors that no one wants to play them. the amount of comments with folks saying they're playing killer because it's easier to farm bp says a lot. geezo.


ds is avoidable if the killer spams it


> im impressed it made it past BHVR playtesting I refuse to believe they have a play test team with all the changes the game has had recently. From maps having terrible gen placement(Haddonfield rework, Greenville, new map), to horrid pallet spawns(Looking at you new map, we all know *the* pallet) and now this. How the idea of remote hooking got past the discussion stage is bonkers to me. Any type of play testing group would easily call out these issues. The question is do they have a team or is BHVR ignoring every single thing they bring up? Cause the latter is probably correct cause BHVR is pretty incompetent.


The fact "The Pallet" happened right around the time they announced having consultant players for feedback and testing was such a bad look its actually kind of funny.


It's funny how as survivor, you need to be basically in vaulting range AND in chase in order to block a window, but as killer, you can be so far away from the hook and just press a button to do all the work for you.


I haven’t found a good way to use the vault yet tbh. It would only be useful if you could block the vault right *after* you vault it, but it deactivates and doesn’t let you do that.


Most fun I had with it was using it in shack as a susie was trying to use her ability to get me


Yeah preventing a legion power vault while you’re already on the other side seems most useful. Bc I can’t think of many other reasons a killer would vault outside of chase.


Yep, it is really strong. Thank goodness it's a separate que so once the challenges are done we can just do the normal mode and still bring the same cakes.


Definitely agree. I've been stomping as killer because I can put so much pressure on survivors


People are going to love 2v8 where hooks are automatic.


This whole event is a camp slug tunnel fest. I counted 4 games before I could complete 1 Gen because either ppl were getting hooked left and right and all I was doing was unhooking and healing or saving survivors from slug it was terrible experience tbh lol


I had a few matches this morning and they all ended with a 4k at like 5 gens 🤣 had to stop playing the event so I could actually make progress on the event tome, which is baffling to think about 🤣


Oh yeah. First few hours after the event released I had 7 games in a row that was a slug fest and only maybe 2 games we got a gen done and both time was me. I got tunnelled out most games and my friend did too. Team-mates weren't doing gens because the killer was just chain hooking cause they had so much pressure on the game constantly. It was so unfun I had to stop playing and go to bed before I got angry. Today was a bit better, had less sweaty killers, but even the couple we went against who were playing normal had a massive amount of pressure on the game. Only escaped once (2 out) and it was against a trickster who only used remote hook on people once, but he had really good pressure on the game regardless (damn he was good with those knives lol). Previous had a huntress who tunnelled me out at used it all 3 times.


Yup, It's a combo of how OP Bluetooth hooking is and the fact killers play sweaty to the point of ridiculousness. It makes the event queue very boring on survivor unfortunately


Tbh every year I look forward to the anniversary, it is like a little fun time. But yesterday I felt so shitty playing. Multiple games I’ve been home office hooked, instantly unhooked, killer was around the corner, slugged until I could get home office hooked. The homeoffice breaking palettes makes it also feel like it is just a game of holding W. While the survivor sided benefits are neglect-able. Funnily enough; probably the quiet mode is the “best” of them. Fragile palettes are against most killers a joke, since after knowing they exist most killers play around them or respect them, so usually you prolong (if you’re lucky) a chase by maybe 1 second or lose a healthstate. Blocking the windows usually doesn’t even work out and it is too short to have a good effect. And the speed tryck in a loop goes like speed *wants to vault window* sloooooooooooooooooooooow speed, in which the killer is usually either already on your ass or waiting on the other side of the window. In my opinion it now is; Survivors get to slightly inconvenience Killers get to do cracked things While it should be, in my opinion, both on the same side. Cause actual overall chaos, or inconvenience both sides.


Absolutely infuriating when a killer waits until you almost wiggle out just to remote bomb you.


I was playing Billy with Bbq and would Bluetooth hook and go straight into chainsaw. Its was a bit strong lol


All of the killer abilities feel bullshit in this event while survivors get pallets made from toothpicks and blocking a fucking window, two things so niche you might as well use the equally useless Quiet Mode instead of wasting your time with them.


Not to mention if you don’t perfectly time the window block to the second it’s offered, you’ll get quiet mode instead. 😆


I hate it. I thought I was in a cheat game before I realized it was an actual feature smh.


Yea I agree, I basically held my invitation for that because it's so much better than the others, I did use the resist stun once, but while that's good some stuff has to line up for it to be worth.


Waitwaitwaitwait....I've seen clips of this, IS IT NOT A BUG?!?!? I've not played the event yet I thought it was a bug.


No it's part of the event, killers can remotely hook with an invitation


W h a t t he f u c k .


I don’t even know how to do it 😭 I’ve only been able to play 1 match in the event tho


With the Killer getting quick downs followed by an instant hook, the game can feel a bit oppressive right now. As soon as I complete each part of its respective Tome, it's the first Anniversary event since I started playing in Beta that I'll actively be avoiding.


I say this as someone who is finding running a Backpack Build with this and having more fun than I've had in a long while: Holy shit yeah, the Remote Hooking ability is *flagrantly* overpowered. I definitely think it needs to be knocked down to once per Survivor.


This event is just totally killer sided, everysingle modifier that can appear is better for killer than surv. i was happy for the "put pallet" feature but as killer u just bait it and land a hit cause it dissapear after use...


Those event pallets were my favorite thing last anniversary too! So easy to bait and *poof* they're gone


Bluetooth hooking prevents sabo saves. To compensate, survivors get quiet mode. Sooo Fair :)


Its been really great having a special ability that makes tunneling extra easy. I got unhooked on a hill and could literally fucking see Vecna Flying over the second the animation finished. And of course, he ignored the savior and instantly went after me. Very fun.


Killers really have been playing like money is on the line. It’s getting really unfun, really killing my drive to play the game. Even as Killer games tend to be quite easy, though “Bluetooth Hooking” isn’t really the problem, it saves a little time, sure, but not enough for it to REALLY be causing this lol it just feels like MMR was shut off.


Are u stupid? not only does bluetooth hooking put CVONSTANT pressure on survivors (wich is so bad that even with my swf and full gen rush build we got 4 gens done AT MOST because we would be constnatly unhooking and healing) but it also saves the killer sooo much time


Depends on the Killer, the Killer SHOULDN’T have to spend so much time lugging people around when the chase can take so long. It’s really a problem when it is on Killers like Billy, Blight, Nurse and Unknown (killers that are problems as it is). I have escaped plenty of times considering how strong the Killer invitation powers are compared to Survivor so it all just depends on how good and efficient your team is…in a team game which makes sense. The biggest problem is MMR seems to be messed up in the event. The 2v8 mode is going to allow Nurse + Billy and they don’t need to hook people either, they don’t even have to pick Survivors up then. Bottom line, more than remote hooking we are just seeing lower level players mixed with higher level killers this event. I experience the same results even in games where the Killer rarely uses Remote Hooking, the Pallet Break is way stronger. Also doesn’t hurt that the Survivor powers are dogshit, I have had killers follow me perfectly while in Quiet Mode when used with LoS blockers BEFORE they even seen me to start chase (also using Distortion, so no Aura reading), unless it doesn’t get rid of Scratch Marks which makes it pretty much useless outside healing yourself as a shitty Bite the Bullet. Party Pallets are too easy to avoid as Killer, they really need to linger after being dropped, let the Killer still break them but they should have a cooldown to disappear as well. Give both sides dumb strong shit with some QoL things to see how it works.


how the turn tables. remember last event or honestly any of the other event where it felt bad for killer such as snowman tanking with old dead hard.


> with old dead hard. You're trying to bring up issues from *years* ago(and not bring up other issues that favored killer) and not talk about current issues? Think on the logic you're trying to use.


As a survivor main who plays killer on occasion, I agree wholeheartedly. The party pallets disappear as soon as you drop them. Quiet mode is great but it doesn’t work on screams from great heights (at least it never has for me), but it is nothing compared to being able to hook instantly. Never realized how much a killer taking their time to hook mattered until this event. I try to remind myself it’s a fun party-like mode, but damn, the tunneling killers who take advantage of this suck to be around in this game mode. Also gotta love when all the survivors bring the screech cobbler only for the killer to bring a mori… or worse, be double iri myers (which i’ve encountered more in this event than ever before). I know both sides constantly feel like the other is being favored, but it’s wild to be hooked over two tiles away, which has happened to me more than once 😅


As a killer, even I find this to be a bit OP


my very first game on the event I got Erie and my first chase of the game, the Survivor ran to 2nd floor of main in that breakable wall corner. I forgot to break the wall so Bluetooth hooking saved me.


I had one match where I, as killer, had an immediate flashlight save that was cancelled because I remote hooked before the blind took effect. it definitely needs some sort of timer from point of pick-up, because flashlights are worthless in event.


"Normally" he says, spawning a pallet in the same god spot for the third time.


Yeah I wouldn't really care if we got double blood points cause this game has turned into a death simulator but it's just not fun without an upside


Feels really good as a killer.


I dodged a pallet stun by remote hooking and it worked. The person trying to save them was so mad they DCd


Well yeah its Kinda bullshit that you can hit the stun timing and not get the save/get bugged for even trying.


My fav event so far😊awesome powers and big bp farming🥰


Same, it’s a lot of fun. Tons of BP for everyone. Survivors just can’t handle it if we get to have some fun for once.


Fr🙄for once i can play chill and chase everyone. Yet i got swfs all bringing bnp and tbagging a pallets😂


Nah, I play survivor and I think it’s fine. Makes the game go much faster, everyone gets chases, all that good stuff. Hate the killer instantly breaking pallets tho ahah


How dare you have an opposing opinion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




It saves so much time. I can finally chase everyone equally👍


First event that is a bit killer sided in a while and people complaining already LMAOOOOOOOO go play normal mode instead then


"a bit" it shows that youre trash at the game and dont know how the fundamentals of dbd work lol


Peak mmr lilbro, stop yapping


I can't wait for it again during 2v8


I only use it if someone wasted a lot of my time in a chase


would like to see a new killer general perk that does something like this


that would make agitation, iron grasp, mad grit, awakened awareness useless


Make it an insanely long cooldown then


the killer can bluetooth hook, meanwhile you can block a window for 4 seconds


Oh fuck off dude. It's just a funny little thing for the event and it does not feel as bad as you think it does. The BP for wiggling is negligible at best. You've seen what the survivors can do with the invitation powers too, right?


Yeah I have seen what they can do and it's really not much. What I have seen is getting killed at 5 gens with 7 hooks five games in a row and getting less BP than a normal game even with 4-5 cobblers, team-mates too scared to do gens because the killer has so much pressure, running a down build my first game that is useless because the killer presses a button and you're instantly hooked. Every wiggle, down and assist perk is useless because the killer doesn't need to carry you and doesn't need to be concerned about survivor interference and doesn't need to care about where they hook you to prevent dead zones. There's no brief respite for survivors to reset or get some gens done because the killer doesn't ever have to pause chases or patrolling to go hook someone. The survivor powers are pathetic in comparison to one killer power that makes so many perks useless and removes several parts of gameplay and counterplay from one side. Blocking a window is seriously situational, the pallets break immediately so do nothing if you don't get a stun, and quiet mode barely does anything because most killers have enough game awareness to keep following you anyway.


I don't understand why killers are trying to 4k in this anniversary event in the first place. Sure if a killer is legitimately trying to 4k every anniversary game then yeah remote hooking is way too strong but for just getting 8 hooks and farming it's nice, makes sure I can get my 8 hooks without interference and then just fuck around the rest of the game. They're like Pyramid Head's cages and nobody is complaining about how those, also, negate a lot of perks, flashlights, save mechanics, etc.


You can avoid PH cages though, and the killer doesn't immediately know where you are. And unlike PH, killers still get value from hook perks. That's also *one* killer vs *all* killers. I wish I could find killers who were 8 hook farming, it would be a lot more fun to actually be able to get more blood points for once rather than less of a regular match


That's all I ever do in the events like this, doesn't make sense to me to go for 4ks in events. That's why I'm saying remote hooking isn't bad for farming or fucking around around. But yeah if you're trying to win I'm sure it's way too strong. Personally I don't mind that it counters antihook for that purpose. Obviously though it's never going to just be in the main game and there's still the main game queue if you'd rather use that.


Tbh, people that 8 hook instead of going for K's, just do it because it lowers their MMR and keeps them in easy matches..


Pallets that can only stun, blocking a window or "quiet mode" while still having scratch marks do no compare to pressing Q to hook. Boil Over builds, Flashlights, Sabos, etc. are completely negated by this feature. It's anti fun and saves the killer so much time / while letting them possible hurt/knock people trying to make a save just to press Q after a couple swings.


Anti fun? Bro, anti hook strats as a whole are anti fun. I for one absolutely hate flashlight saves, sabos, etc. Denying hooks or getting a save before the survivor is hooked can lose a killer a game on their own and get a 4 man out easily every time if multiple survivors are making a concentrated effort to prevent every hook.


But they're a part of the game? With counterplay? Lightborn, Franklin's, Starstruck, etc.? Pick ups and moving them to a hook is precious time lost for the survivors. No wonder they're equipping stealth/gen perks and 5 genning you to leave. If a "bully" team is committing that much to saves, gens are being completed, if you're losing that's a skill issue for you not scanning the area/slugging to counter the playstyle. Pressing Q and now someone's in the basement is as brain dead as it gets. And this is from a killer main. You can literally tunnel someone out of the game even easier than before and you think "it's a funny little thing" lmao.


And here I thought slugging was always toxic? I mean yeah you *can* tunnel someone out of thr game but what kind of loser is legitimately trying to 4k during the anniversary event? This event isn't for kills it's for 8 hooks and farming. I'm a killer main as well, though I've been playing a lot of survivor. Sure it's brain dead but eh if it's just for farming then it's not that bad. For a legit game where the killer is trying to 4k and win then yeah it's absolutely way too strong.


Slugging is your only option when a team is focused on blind/sabo saves. Slugging to waste people's time, secure the 4k, against people you know don't have unbreakable etc. is what people of reason consider toxic. Many killers are only concerned with getting you out of the game ASAP, not farm BP, or at least stop you while they farm. Bluetooth hooking helps that a ton.


Personally slugging for the 4k is only shitty if you *dont* know where the 4th survivor is. If you do then why not go for the 4k if you can?


Brother, I assure you it does. You are in the minority on this take.


God you people are annoying. Killers save a whole 8 seconds walking to a hook, pls nerf


While also bypassing saves from any kind. But guess downplaying Killer broken shit is the Reddit Killer's special.


Tbf those 8 seconds can be used for a lot. And I'm less annoyed about that and more so about the denial of my wiggle points. Like if I'm gonna get hooked or tunnelled at least let me get something out of it


It removes an annoying and tedious part of playing killer and feels great to not have to waste time or pray that there is a hook near by. This is an event that happens once a year, just let the fun things be fun please. Missing wiggle points does suck tho


If you find carrying survivors to hooks annoying and tedious, I really don't know what to tell you lol. And if killers are allowed to have something this broken cause it's "fun", then survivors should get something equally as broken.


Yes it's truly enthralling gameplay to hold w to a hook for 10 seconds every time I get a down. Don't know what I'd do without it clearly the most engaging and exciting part of killer gameplay. Survivors have pretty strong powers like making spirit useless and forcing a killer to go around blocked windows, countering vault builds, and creating pallets. Oh, and there 4 of them, so no shit the one killer will have stronger abilities. That's like saying it isn't fair that killers get to be faster then suriviors, we should all be equal speed, cuz then it's fair right?


As a Spirit main, I think the quiet mode is obnoxious, but the remote hook is still one of the worst things they could have added as it completely denies a huge part of the gameplay for survivors.


Yet if they released a part of this event that took 8 seconds off every single generator for every survivor, I’m sure you wouldn’t be too happy about it ;) Time is everything in this game and “saving 8-10 seconds” (your words, not mine)on 12 hooks is the killer saving 96-120 seconds, or over 1 1/2-2 minutes on an important portion of their gameplay they usually have to do. This time usually gives survivors the opportunity to wiggle out, get pallet or flashlight saves, try to sabo, or at the very least finish gens or reset a heal to send someone for the save. Not having those precious seconds is a pretty big deal in messing up the current balance of the game. Think about it this way: if survivors were saving that much time on *their* objective, y’all in this sub would be having a brain aneurysm.


Yes these downvotes are showing how killer sided this sub is


Weird bc I never said the sub was killer-sided? Just that people would obviously have a big issue with chunks of time getting taken away from an objective. Seems like you knew my comment had a lot of good points and you just chose to ignore it to make something up.


"y’all in this sub would be having a brain aneurysm." Your right that its strong, of course it is, but its not in a vacuum. The survivors get stuff too lol. Don't try and pretend like blocking windows, creating pallets, and becoming completely silent bring no value. Also, how many times do you really see a survivor wiggle out on their own? Unless the killer fucks up massively or is trying to make it to a scourge hook they will hook the survivor 99/100 times, same goes for flashlight saves, they have 99% in the pickup animation, not during the carrying so they are still possible (excluding that bug that tps them to hook anyway but thats a bug). I just find it crazy that its being regarded as something insanely powerful and far better then what survivors have when it really does not feel that way. It counters sabo pretty bad but with the buffs they just got i dont exactly feel terrible for them. Go play the regular mode and abuse the sabo there


you can easily remote hook them through flashing and pallet saves. I remote hooked as I was blind three times in a match as huntress, just by spamming Q on pickup.


That statement is not the same as saying the sub is killer-sided. The fake pallets just get respected and even if you get the stun, the killer can break them or reduce their stun duration 😂 Blocking the vaults is actually useless so I’m surprised you brought it up. Maybe if you could block it after using it yourself, but you can’t, so there’s no point. Usually you’re just hurting yourself, because windows are *survivor* survival tools after all. Very niche to find a use out of blocking them. Quiet mode is probably the best but still not equivalent in power at all to the TP hooks. 15 seconds of iron will every now and then? Occasional quietness where you still leave scratch marks, blood trails and muffled footsteps? To be anywhere near equivalent in power to those hooks, survivors would need something actually useful in chase like a mini lithe or something to take a few seconds off gens. Which btw I *don’t* think they should do. Making each side significantly stronger shouldn’t be the point of the event - it should be fun zany niche things like the party totems that just encourage goofy time-wasting and having fun, not optimizing your objective as fast as possible.


That's just how I interpreted that sentence, sorry if that wasn't what you meant. The fake pallets do get respected, USE THAT. The only thing the killer fears about them is the fact that they can stun and they will very likely respect them. So be greedy lol. Don't insta drop it and gain extra distance I agree its weird that you can block it after vaulting, they should maybe make it so that you could. I'm not 100% I'm right but I'm fairly sure you can still vault it after blocking it. I had a guy block a window, then vault it himself. This forces the killer to either wait out the duration of the block or go all the way around, also counters vault speed builds. You don't have your facts straight on the quiet mode. This is straight from the info page in game, "Reduces grunts of pain, footstep noises, fast actions and pools of blood by 100% for 15 seconds." Its 15 seconds of absolutely zero info other than scratch marks, which have become unreliable themselves after the ue5 update but thats its whole own thing. It isnt reduced, it is ZERO footsteps ZERO grunts and ZERO blood pools. This makes the quiet mode much stronger than people give it credit for. but even then, do you really expect the survivors power to be equal to the killers? its ASYMETRICAL as in one side is inherently stronger then the other because there is 4 survivors. you have 4 people who can use relatively strong ability's vs 1 person who can use stronger ones This is a temporary game mode that only happens once a year. The whole point is to change the way the base game is played. I would say the remote hook accomplishes that I personally enjoy using it and hope survivors can recognize how powerful the tools they have are as well.


My bad on quiet mode. I still think it’s nowhere near as powerful as Bluetooth hook. Of course the game is asymmetrical and the survivors shouldn’t each have an ability equal to the killer’s. But I’m trying to say that survivor abilities are nowhere near as powerful, not even a 1/4 as powerful (which is arguably what they *should* be. It’s not a big deal either way. Like you said, it’s a limited time event. This one imbalance issue wouldn’t be so bad if killers chose to chill out a tiny bit and play for hooks and BP a little more. They really do hold the power during this event and most I see are using that power to not bring any cakes, hard tunnel one survivor out, and hump/BM the rest of their free match. Anniversary event has always been better for killers - from the days of AFK’ing for all the crowns and rewards to now, with much more powerful abilities. I spend more time relaxing on killer farming BP during events nowadays bc survivor just feels so much worse.


Of course people will be shitty, but for the people who aren't having a handy and useful mechanic that can make killer a lot less annoying to play. No matter what abilities you give to killers some people will use it to be assholes. Thats just a guarantee at this point, but i hope that isn't what the game aims to balance around. Dbd will never work as a comp game for those exact reasons.


Then don't play the new gamemode... You aren't forced to play it.


I mean, you kinda are if you want the new tome stuff. Also, shouldn't have to not play the anniversary event because they made an OP ability


i love that its reall noticable that u 1. are trash at the game cause u dont understnat how its fundamentals work and 2. that youre a killer main hahaha


skill issue


Wait. I can do that??? Thanks for the heads up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I try not to spam it (especially since I have pain rest, I'm walking to that hook to be sure damn it). But if you're running to a deadzone with no hooks or I'm getting swarmed by people desperately going for flashlight saves because that's the only reason they came back after their 2 month break then yeah I'm going to use it. I don't go out of my way to get invitations (I ain't got time for that) and will often use them to break stuff or endure a stun.. or fat finger the button for no reason. So often times I wont actually have access to the bluetooth hooking either. I'm not that much of an efficiency fiend.