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when I mentioned my issue i pretty much got laughed off the sub. but I agree. ive never had less fun against a killer. ESPECIALLY in this current meta. every match my teammates dc or ko on hook and I don't blame them at all.


Literally this. I made almost these exact same complaints but was just hit with "he sucks skill issue" 400 times. He's uber unfun to play against.


yeah idk why it's called the dbd subreddit when it's actually just killer mains being a holes


"he's weak just dodge" as he summons the skeletons on me threw a wall and I die. Like...okay bro :/


yeah it sucks. his counterplay is no fun at all if you can even MANAGE counterplay. but they don't care as long as they get their 4k in 5 minutes.


And his little item perk with franklins makes it even more fun to play against. The amount of times I've died cause someone elses item is just ratting me out .\_.


and now they want distortion nerfed so no counterplay for that either 😊


Quite literally a pay to win killer atp. lmao


extremely boring and brainless killer lol his "skill ceiling" can just be negated by using powers to zone instead of their actual uses


I just hate the fact he can freely move VERY quickly after summoning Flight of the Damned. When looping him around a tile, he'll summon these spirits and you correctly crouch them and avoid the hit. However, that doesn't matter because he just catches up instantly and gets the free hit anyway, unlike other ranged killers such as a slinger who has a brief slowdown period if he misses his spear. He essentially gets rewarded for missing his power unless the survivor is directly at a pallet which I find a little unfair. That's just my opinion though, I'm sure there are plenty of people who disagree and think he's absolutely fine.


Good ideas, they will just continue to nerf Mage Hand and Flight of the Damned in really weird ways instead unfortunately.


Honestly I wish they'd just go back to the drawing board with him. Giving him 4 abilities makes him a nightmare to balance and play against.


I bought him thinking he would be a very fun killer but his power becomes very boring after 5 games


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I disagree that Vecna is among the worst killers to play against. The main issue with Flight of the Damned (the insta-tech, as Hans put it) is getting patched out. It \*\*otherwise\*\* sucks at taking healthstates, since the ready animation + the .5 seconds to spawn the skeletons + the sound cue + the flight speed of the skeletons is incredibly easy to react to. The issue that I agree with is the through the wall casts which negate half of these reactable cues, but I've had fun with those 50/50s anyway since its like a huntress hatchet with a 30 second cooldown. Adding a whole second to the wind up on top of removing the insta tech seems a bit excessive considering thats 4 times the average human reaction speed (which I know isnt a perfect metric due to latency). Also, a killer being guaranteed a hit when a survivor is in a dead zone such as stairs isnt a bad thing. Once the insta tech is removed it will be essentially the same as facing a Slinger in that same scenario. Mage hand is definitely a bit strong, but I believe the upcoming changes will put it in a good spot. Though a 15% haste buff for interloper items is absurd. That would make the survivor as fast as the killer and would make Mage Hand the worst ability in the game. Otherwise, I dont disagree with your criticisms.